Wednesday 4th of December 2024
Law in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Philosophical Foundations of Happiness

Philosophical Foundations of Happiness

The Weighing of the Human Deeds

The Weighing of the Human Deeds
Every sect has interpreted the meaning of Meezan according to their own views. Some opine that the deeds shall literally be weighed. While some say that the deeds shall be given a physical form and then weighed. The good deeds shall be given a beautiful face, while the evil deeds an ugly one. Allamah Ne'matullah Jazaeri in "Anwar-i No'maniyah" says, that according to trustworthy and consecutively transmitted reports it clearly proves that the ...

Social Duties in Islam

Social Duties in Islam
These duties can be described as follows: THE DUTY OF MAN TOWARDS HIS PARENTSParents are the means of the creation of a child and the imparters of his initial education and training; therefore, the holy religion of Islam has placed a great deal of emphasis on children's obeying to them and on their respect to an extent that the Almighty Allah has commanded the people to be kind and generous to their parents right after mentioning Tawhid (the ...

Spirituality in Modern Philosophy

Spirituality in Modern Philosophy
The Crisis of Reason and Religion During the Enlightenment period in the 18th century, many of the structures that had previously dominated European life were rapidly being eroded by the pressures resulting from the mercantilism that took hold during the previous century. With trade and colonialism came an often distorted awareness of other ways of life that inspired many to question what had been considered absolute truths of morality, ...

Science and Medicine in the Light of the Seerah

Science and Medicine in the Light of the Seerah
Since the importance of leadership of the ulama is demonstrated in the Islamic resistance movements throughout the history of colonization, lately by Imam Khomeini and currently by many, including Sheikh Ahmad Yaseen and Sayyed Hasan Nasrullah, the project of undermining traditional and committed ulama has become a necessity in the Western agenda. Because they will continue to be the real challenge to the West, the aim is to delegitimize them. ...

Superiority of Islamic Laws

Superiority of Islamic Laws
Undoubtedly, the above two interpretations of justice - which are cited as an example - are in total conflict and disharmony with each other in practice. They seem to be intolerant, inconsistent and discordant with the divine laws and monotheistic beliefs. For example, we have a set of laws in Islam which, according to our ideological principles, are the best and most beneficial laws for society and certainly concordant with justice. However, ...

What Does Tayammum Mean?

What Does Tayammum Mean?
What Does Tayammum Mean?   Tayammum is the Islamic term for "dry ablution". This is the type of ablution performed when clean water is not readily available, or it is not feasible for a person to perform regular ghusl or wudhu because of medical reasons or similar issues. In such circumstances, instead of water, the person wipes a small amount of sand, dust or dry earth on his/her face and ...

Socialism and Communism

Socialism and Communism
By: Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir as-SadrIn socialism, there are many creeds the most famous of which is the socialist creed, whichis based on the Marxist theory, and argumentative materialism, which is a certain philosophy of life and a materialistic comprehension of it according to the dialectical method. Dialectical materialists have applied this dialectical materialism to history, sociol­ogy and economy. So, it has become a philosophical ...

The Role of Women in the Victory of the Islamic Revolution

The Role of Women in the Victory of the Islamic Revolution
By: Ayatullah al-Uzma Khomeini The transformation undergone by women during the Islamic revolution A spiritual transformation took place, a change in attitude. With tenacious resolve, all segments of the population, from small children to older men, from small girls to older women, rose up together obeying the call to “rise up for God, it may be in pairs or it may be singly” (Qur’an 34:46), and stood fast. (252) 11 May 1979 (21 ...

Sources of Islamic Law

Sources of Islamic Law
  Law is a body of definite rules and regulations which have the force and authority recognized socially, and which determine the rights, obligations, limits and responsibilities of everyone living in a particular territory. All, whether high or low, have to abide by these rules and regulations and to accept the consequences of violating them. Sources of LawWho fixes these rights, obligations and limits?In this respect all the laws of the ...

Jesus' Prophecy About Muhammad

Jesus' Prophecy About Muhammad
"And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Surely I am the apostle of Allah to you, verifying that which was (revealed) before me of the Torah, and giving the good tidings of an Apostle who will come after me, whose name is Ahmad... ” Holy Qur’an (61:6)"Those who follow the Apostle - Prophet the Ummi whom they find ordained for them in the Torah and the Gospel, he enjoins them good and forbids them evil...” Holy ...


Should we track man's daily conduct and his activities and attitudes, we will find it most difficult to count them. Every man produces hundreds of quotes and does hundreds of deeds. Within himself countless thoughts, ideas and feelings flow. For instance, he can eat, drink, sleep, marry, steal, commit adultery, kill, cheat, tell lies, pray, worship, monopolize, be kind to the destitute and orphans, laugh, become desperate, be pessimistic ...

Bayt al-Mal and the Distribution of Zakat

Bayt al-Mal and the Distribution of Zakat
Ghulam Husayn AdeelDivine justice and the problem of evil is a fundamental question and one of the most discussed topics among theologians and philosophers in the last two thousand years. The most important reason for this attention given to the subject is that human beings have always been faced with natural and moral tragedies.Consequently, some philosophers have doubted God’s justice; others have denied the existence of God or believed ...

Sources of Legislation in Islam

Sources of Legislation in Islam
Sources of Legislation for the Shi'ahAnyone who follows up the Imamiyyah Shi'ah fiqh,will verily see them devoted absolutely, in (taking) all fiqhi rules -except the recently originated ones110 to the Prophet (S) through the Twelve Imams of Ahl al-Bayt (A). They follow only two sources of legislation: The Book and the Sunnah, with which I mean the first source i.e. the Holy Qur'an, and the second one being the Prophetic Sunnah, upon its bearer ...

Shunning Good Food and Mystic Seclusion is contrary to the dictates of Allah

Shunning Good Food and Mystic Seclusion is contrary to the dictates of Allah
Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) narrates from the Prophet of Allah (S), This is a firm and decisive Faith! Scale its heights, but calmly! Don't put excessive weight of prayer on your bodies! Don't be like a rider who tires his animal by travelling more than it possibly can! It may fail to reach you to your destination! Satan has misguided some of our people and made them abstain from meat and other delicacies. Such abstention is against the ...

Tragedies of Shiite in Saudi prisons

Tragedies of Shiite in Saudi prisons
Aman Center for Human Rights WatchThe Families of prisoners of conscience reveal their suffering… Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Human rights violations are not restricted to prisoners but they reach even their families. They share suffering of deprivation, anxiety, and the unknown fate in remote prisons built in distant places.The families of prisoners of conscience go through illegal human rights violations that degenerate human dignity and ...

Exclusive: Latest news on Iranian embassy explosions

 Exclusive: Latest news on Iranian embassy explosions
The Iranian embassy in Beirut issued a statement following the explosions on Tuesday 19 November 2013. Parts of the statement said following the 2 explosions in front of the embassy by the terrorists, the Cultural Attaché Hojjatul Islam Ansari, the wife of a diplomat and 4 security staffs of the embassy, Hajj Rezvan Fars, Seyyed Mohammad Hashim, Hajj Belal Zeraqat and Hajj Ahmad Zeraqat were martyred. In addition a number of embassy ...

Those Whose Prayer Is Not Answered

Those Whose Prayer Is Not Answered
It has come in the traditions that the Prophet (S) has said. In my Ummat there are some people whose prayers are not accepted. Among them are those who pray for harm to their own parents. Then,, there are those who give loans and don't take a witness for these transaction. The third category is of such men who, when in disagreement with their spouses, reproach them continuously, instead of giving them divorce (Talaq) which is allowed to them by ...

The Afterlife and the Reality of our Ephemeral Existence

The Afterlife and the Reality of our Ephemeral Existence
The general decline of religious belief in modern man has resulted in the abandonment of the belief in the Afterlife. Most contemporary cultures only see as valid the reality accessible to the senses or to the instruments that supplement them, and ridicule the unseen as mere fantasy and myth. As such, death is seen as the final fall of the curtain, bringing an end to the meaningless cosmic anomaly called ‘intelligent life’.  The ...

The Social Islamic Laws

The Social Islamic Laws
THE BAY' (SELLING)What is bay'? The bay' (selling) means the sale and exchange of a property with another property in a way that the owner, who is ,called "the seller" of the merchandise transfers the ownership of his property to the other party in exchange for money, and the other party called "the buyer" pays the money to the seller in exchange for the merchandise.As is evident, the bay' is considered as one of the 'uqud (contracts) and ...