Monday 22nd of July 2024
Law in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Weighing of the Human Deeds

The Weighing of the Human Deeds
Every sect has interpreted the meaning of Meezan according to their own views. Some opine that the deeds shall literally be weighed. While some say that the deeds shall be given a physical form and then weighed. The good deeds shall be given a beautiful face, while the evil deeds an ugly one. Allamah Ne'matullah Jazaeri in "Anwar-i No'maniyah" says, that according to trustworthy and consecutively transmitted reports it clearly proves that the ...

A Criticism of the Idea of Arab Nationalism

A Criticism of the Idea of Arab Nationalism
This article was presented as a paper at the World Seminar on "The Impact of Nationalism on the Ummah," London, Dhu al-Qi'dah 13 -- 16, 1405 (July 31 -- August 3, 1985), held by the Muslim Institute. The author is a scholar from Cairo, Egypt. The Arab nationalist propaganda has been increasingly voiced in recent months from many organs in several Arab countries, particularly Egypt. It was quite evident to observers of the Islamic movement that ...

The Sovereignty of the Spirit

The Sovereignty of the Spirit
We are aware of two realities in our being: one the external compound that is our body, fully accessible to empirical science, and the other, consisting of thought and perception, love and affection, hatred, and conscience. These cannot be considered as a mere series of sensory needs or bodily reactions; they are beyond the scope of empirical science and cannot be measured by material criteria. They represent realities that are both different ...

Rational Thought in Shi'ism

Rational Thought in Shi'ism
Philosophical and Theological Thought in Shi'ismIt has been mentioned before that Islam has legitimized and approved rational thought, which it considers a part of religious thought. Rational thought in its Islamic sense, after confirming the prophecy of the Prophet, provides intellectual demonstrations of the validity of the external aspect of the Quran, which is a divine revelation, as well as of the definitely established sayings of the ...

Government in Islam

Government in Islam
  In many cases it is the duty of every individual to support what is right and to see that law is enforced in an equitable manner. But there are cases in which this duty requires more energy, more specialized knowledge and more power­ful machinery than an individual can possess. The vital duty of `exhorting to good and restraining from evil' demands that in such cases all people should co‑operate to set up a powerful social organization ...

Exclusive: Latest news on Iranian embassy explosions

 Exclusive: Latest news on Iranian embassy explosions
The Iranian embassy in Beirut issued a statement following the explosions on Tuesday 19 November 2013. Parts of the statement said following the 2 explosions in front of the embassy by the terrorists, the Cultural Attaché Hojjatul Islam Ansari, the wife of a diplomat and 4 security staffs of the embassy, Hajj Rezvan Fars, Seyyed Mohammad Hashim, Hajj Belal Zeraqat and Hajj Ahmad Zeraqat were martyred. In addition a number of embassy ...

Irresponsible Attitudes of the Companions

Irresponsible Attitudes of the Companions


Should we track man's daily conduct and his activities and attitudes, we will find it most difficult to count them. Every man produces hundreds of quotes and does hundreds of deeds. Within himself countless thoughts, ideas and feelings flow. For instance, he can eat, drink, sleep, marry, steal, commit adultery, kill, cheat, tell lies, pray, worship, monopolize, be kind to the destitute and orphans, laugh, become desperate, be pessimistic ...

Islamic Morals

Islamic Morals
RESPECT TO PARENTSRespect to parents is a topic taught to many classes in the Madressa. By now you must have studied it many times, but in this note, an attempt is going to be to make you understand just how vital and important their role is in bringing up you the individual, and the society as a whole Allah has mentioned kindness to parents at 7 places in the Qur'an.Allah tells us in Qur'an (Surah 17, Ayat 23)"Your lord has commanded that you ...

Sources of Legislation in Islam

Sources of Legislation in Islam
Sources of Legislation for the Shi'ahAnyone who follows up the Imamiyyah Shi'ah fiqh,will verily see them devoted absolutely, in (taking) all fiqhi rules -except the recently originated ones110 to the Prophet (S) through the Twelve Imams of Ahl al-Bayt (A). They follow only two sources of legislation: The Book and the Sunnah, with which I mean the first source i.e. the Holy Qur'an, and the second one being the Prophetic Sunnah, upon its bearer ...

Ayatollah Dorri Najafabadi: Government of Pakistan must be the guardian of people’s rights / Hunger strikers call for justice

Ayatollah Dorri Najafabadi: Government of Pakistan must be the guardian of people’s rights / Hunger strikers call for justice
A group of followers of Ahluhbayt (a) in Pakistan led by Allameh Raje Nasir Abbas Jafari, have resisted food for almost 20 days to show their disapproval of the perceived unfair and unjust treatment of Shias in Pakistan. On June 1 following our interview with Hujjat al-Islam Ghulam Hurr Shabbiri on the issue of hunger strikers, the vice-chairman of the Supreme Council of the Ahlulbayt World Assembly in Qom issued a statement and asked Pakistani ...

Human rights group urges UK PM to search roots for ISIS' rise at home

Human rights group urges UK PM to search roots for ISIS' rise at home
A human rights body in Britain urged the UK Prime Minister David Cameron to search for the roots of the ISIS rise at home. The Islamic Human Rights Commission said in a statement here that “the PM would be better served by looking at Britain's own and wider western policy in the region which gave birth to ISIS.” The statement comes as an answer to the Prime Minister who recently accused some Islamic groups of supporting the ...

All Prophets and Messengers Warned People

All Prophets and Messengers Warned People
All Prophets and Messengers Warned PeopleBy Shaheed DastghaibAfter understanding this logical problem, now we say that one lakh twenty-four thousand (1,24,000) Messengers and Prophets came to the world and all of them unanimously warned the human world of a danger saying: “O People! All of your words and deeds are being constantly and instantly being recorded. God has appointed two angels for every person. Whatever good or bad you do, they ...

Celebration and Mourning according to the Shi`ah and the Wahhabis

Celebration and Mourning according to the Shi`ah and the Wahhabis
By: Muhammad Husayn Ibrahimi Celebrations and festivals The Wahhabis regard any kind of gathering for the passing away or birth of the awliya' as a sort of worship of the saints of God, equating it to the worship of idols: هِيَ نَوْعٌ مِنَ العِبَادَةِ لَهُمْ وَتَعْظِيمِهِمْ . It is a kind of worship and reverence to them.[1][102] In confirming their contention, they have pointed to the practice ...

Just Social System in Islam

Just Social System in Islam
We have made you (the true Muslims) a balanced nation, so that you could be an example for mankind(Surah al‑Baqarah, 2:142).What the Qur'an expressly desires is that the Islamic society should be a model for all those who want to lead a healthy and happy life. It should be a living testimony for the exalted principle that the way to live a healthy life and secure justice and fair‑play is not closed to human beings. It is they themselves who ...

The Threat of Nihilism: New Educational Opportunities?

The Threat of Nihilism: New Educational Opportunities?
ABSTRACT: If the educator is characterized by a willingness to stand for something and simultaneously willing to care for someone, then the philosophy of authenticity should help the educator out of the problems that the Enlightenment project and some of its critics have created. While our integrative authenticity should rescue us from despair, it should also correct the possible immobilism occasioned by the interpretation of some postmodernist ...

Social Duties in Islam

Social Duties in Islam
These duties can be described as follows: THE DUTY OF MAN TOWARDS HIS PARENTSParents are the means of the creation of a child and the imparters of his initial education and training; therefore, the holy religion of Islam has placed a great deal of emphasis on children's obeying to them and on their respect to an extent that the Almighty Allah has commanded the people to be kind and generous to their parents right after mentioning Tawhid (the ...

Socialism and Communism

Socialism and Communism
By: Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir as-SadrIn socialism, there are many creeds the most famous of which is the socialist creed, whichis based on the Marxist theory, and argumentative materialism, which is a certain philosophy of life and a materialistic comprehension of it according to the dialectical method. Dialectical materialists have applied this dialectical materialism to history, sociol­ogy and economy. So, it has become a philosophical ...

The Ruler and Society

The Ruler and Society
Professing God's Unity and accepting Muhammad as His prophet bring in their wake innumerable consequences. If the Quran is God's Word and Muhammad His chosen messenger who "speaks out not of caprice" (LIII, 3), their instructions concerning all things must be obeyed. Faced with these facts of their faith, the Muslims soon developed a complicated science of the Shari'ah or Divine Law, a science which embraces every dimension of human conduct, ...

The Subject Matter: Ill Nature

The Subject Matter: Ill Nature
THE PROPHET OF ISLAM:"THE PERFECT EXEMPLAR"We all know that one of the most important factors of Islam's advancement was the perfect conduct of the Prophet of Islam (SAW). This fact is stated in the Glorious Qur'an where Allah Says:"And had you been rough, hard-hearted, they would certainly have dispersed from around you." (3:159)The Prophet of Allah (SAW) treated all people equally. His deep and indescribable love for humanity was perfectly ...