Tuesday 30th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Mourning and tear for Imam Hussein

Mourning and tear for Imam Hussein

Professor Ansarian: mourning and tear for Imam Hussein is the highest asset for the Shias. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “O dear Fatimah! On the Day of Resurrection, all eyes are crying except for the eye that has wept for the tragedy of Imam Hussein (AS) and that eye is smiling on the Day of Resurrection.

Bihar al-Anwar: 293/44

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) alone is the whole existence

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) alone is the whole existence

In spiritual interpretation, Imam Hussein (as) alone is the whole existence, and what all good people and the saints of God Almighty have altogether, he has them on his own. In other words, Imam Hussein (as) is an individual he is plural though.

Prof Hussein Ansarian’s Messaage to the Muslims of Yemen

Prof Hussein Ansarian’s Messaage to the Muslims of Yemen
It is more than three hundred years that the Islamic world is dealing with the colonizing wolves who plunder their overflowing mines and kill thousands of men, women and children in cold blood and unfortunately instead of evicting the colonizers and paying attention to their own, the governments of the Islamic regions are slaves and agents of the colonialism helping the process of plundering of nations and killing the innocent. According to ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The enemies of the Shias must know...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The enemies of the Shias must know...

The enemies of the Shias must know that by ruining their graves and Shrines of Ahlulbayt (A.S), their love of will grow in our heart and it brings about the fall of Wahhabism and ISIS.

Eighth of month of Shawal: Demolition anniversary of Baqee Graves

Professor Ansarian: weeping for the tragedy of Imam Hussein (AS)- part two

Professor Ansarian: weeping for the tragedy of Imam Hussein (AS)- part two
One might say that:” one can easily go to paradise by doing the obligatory deeds (Wajebat) and avoiding the prohibited deeds (Moharramat)”, in response we must say:” the paradise has seven floors, Allah Almighty will place the one who has done obligatory deeds (Wajebat) and avoided the prohibited deeds in the first floors of the paradise, but the one who has added weeping for Imam Hussein peace be upon him to his good deeds ...

What position does Eid Ghorban hold in Islam?

What position does Eid Ghorban hold in Islam?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: calmness is one of the results of quitting sins

Professor Hussein Ansarian: calmness is one of the results of quitting sins

Worship the Lord of the universe and avoid entering the realm of sins. God Almighty has introduced about twelve benefits for abandoning sin that one of which is calmness. The one who doesn't commit sin, and avoid stealing, embezzling and oppressing deserves calmness; but the one who is the other way around has no calmness.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remembrance of God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remembrance of God

"Remembrance of God", "Remembrance of Death" and "Recitation of the holy Qur'an" are three important orders of Imam Hassan Asgari (AS). If these three truths are intertwined with men, it is a unique event, and both worlds will be full of beauty for him.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the most profitable spiritual trade

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the most profitable spiritual trade

The best and most profitable spiritual trade is knowing the kind Lord who is the source of everyone's hope.

Man’s and Woman’s Independence in Islam

Man’s and Woman’s Independence in Islam
Man’s and Woman’s Independence in Islam Don't be anyone's slave since God created you to be free." [Bihar al-Anwar, v.77, p.214] Human Freedom and Independence Mankind's creation is based upon his freedom in life, independence in carrying out daily affairs and in control over choices. No one has the right to make another his slave imprisoning that individual to serve his own needs. To deprive others of freedom and free will is a mortal ...

Professor Ansarian:

Professor Ansarian:

Mahmud al-Alusi, a Sunni scholar, writes: Imam Ali's (AS) birthplace in Ka'ba purified and cleansed the house of Allah from the existence of the idols. According to some Hadiths narrations, the house of Allah once complained before Allah and said: O Allah! How long these idols are supposed to be worshiped around me, and Allah Almighty promised to purify Ka'ba

 Ruh al-Ma'ani: 60/37

it is clear that he is free...

it is clear that he is free...

Repentance is an ethical obligation

Repentance is an ethical obligation
Repentance is an ethical obligation The ulama and scholars have written many books about ethics. They have divided morals into two parts: virtues and vices. They have classified pride, haughtiness, selfishness and the like under vices, and they have put humbleness under the virtues. They have discussed this subject in detail. Sin is a result of man’s haughtiness before Allah, whereas repentance is the delicious fruit of humbleness. ...

Virtues of Ghadir Day: Trimming and adornment

Virtues of Ghadir Day: Trimming and adornment

Imam Reza (as) said: Ghadir day is the day of adornment and embellishment, the one who beautifies and adorns himself on this day, God will forgive all his minor and major sins, will send angels toward him to jot down his good deeds and will increase his ranks until the next Ghadir Eid.  

Professor Hussein Ansarian: remembering God Almighty

Professor Hussein Ansarian: remembering God Almighty

"remembering God Almighty", "remembering death" and " reciting the Holy Quran" are three vital truths that if they are intertwined with mankind's soul and body, a unique event will come to pass and this world and hereafter will be replete with beauty for human beings.

Learn knowledge, for learning brings about reward

Learn knowledge, for learning brings about reward

Imam Baqir (as) states: "Learn knowledge, for learning brings about reward and seeking knowledge is worship, studying it is glorification (of Allah), looking for it is jihad, teaching it (to others) is alms, and giving it to those who are appropriate for it is proximity (to Allah).

It is Ali (AS) and his Shiites who will be successful on the Day of Judgment

It is Ali (AS) and his Shiites who will be successful on the Day of Judgment

إنَّ هذا (علیّاً) و شیعتَه هُمُ الفائزونَ یَومَ القِیامة.

The Prophet of Islam (PBUH): It is Ali (AS) and his Shiites who will be successful on the Day of Judgment.

Tafsir al-Dar al-Manthur, Surah Al-Baynah, verse 1

Professor Hussein Ansarian: chivalry is about not exchanging one’s religion

Professor Hussein Ansarian: chivalry is about not exchanging one’s religion

From the viewpoint of Imam Mujtaba (as), chivalry is about not exchanging one’s religion with anything else. In the Divine scale, no gem is of the same value as religion. Whatsoever religion is traded with will be all loss and forfeit. A chivalrous person never trades his religion.

The benefit of consulting with one another

The benefit of consulting with one another

ما تَشاوَرَ قَوْمٌ إلاّ هُدُوا إلي رُشْدِهِم

Imam Mojtaba (AS): No group has consulted with each other in their work unless they have reached intellectual and practical growth.

Five things are signs of a believer`s

Five things are signs of a believer`s
عَلاماتُ المُؤمِنِ خَمسٌ: صَلاةُ إحْدَی وخَمسِینَ، وزِیارَةُ الأربَعِینَ، والتَّخَتُّمُ فی الیَمِینِ وتَعفِیرُ الجَبِینِ، والجَهرُ بِبِسمِ اللهِ الرَّحمنِ الرَّحیمِ.Five things are signs of a believer`s: 51 rak`ahs of prayer (obligatory and recommended in night and day), Zīāratu `Arba`īn, wearing ...