Sunday 7th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The third night of Power (Laylatul Ghadr)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The third night of Power (Laylatul Ghadr)

The infallible Imams paid more attention to third night of Power (Laylatul Ghadr), be certain that one's sins will certainly be forgiven if a really repentance happens at this night.

Professor Hussein Ansrian: the mother of the believers "Khadijah"

Professor Hussein Ansrian: the mother of the believers "Khadijah"

The Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh&hp) says about the mother of the believers "Khadijah" that Paradise is avid to welcome her: زوجتی فی الدنیا و الاخره""- namely, his relationship with Khadijah will be eternal and never cut off.

Ambition in life

Ambition in life
Sheikh Muhammad Hasan Najafi, known as “Saheb Jawaher” [the author of the prominent book “Jawaher al-Kalam” (The jewel of speech) ] is one of the greatest Shiite scholars who began to write the book at the age of twenty and finished it at the age of seventy because the book was so detailed, complicated and in terms of Ijtihad (Understanding religious issues of the Qur'an, hadith, and news.) was so perfect and ...

Good Mothers and Fathers

Good Mothers and Fathers
In a part of his book “ The Islamic structure of Family” Professor Hossein Ansarian has described the qualities of a good mother and a good father. This text is a cut. A wife and husband who are adorned with goodness and cleansed of vices are a source of peace and security for each other. They are a source of development, perfection and peace and quiet for their children. They are never indifferent to their offsprings’ needs: the parents ...

professor Ansarian: Sponging off others and being lazy is forbidden in the Religion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&H)

professor Ansarian:  Sponging off others and being lazy is forbidden in the Religion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&H)
Professor Ansarian said: the infallible Imams (PBUT) and the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP) hated the otiose and work-shy people. The holy prophet (PBUH&HP) forbade indolence and sponging off others. One day the holy prophet (PBUH&HP) was sitting in the mosque with his companions when someone entered the mosque and said: help me! The holy prophet (PBUH&HP) said to the companions present in the mosque that do not give him even a ...

God's protection as a stronghold:

God's protection as a stronghold:
  The fact that God,The Almighty, never let men go astray  and never let them stay alone is a apart of every  single believer. This fact is well-established by Professor  Hossein  Ansarian  in his geat work “ the land of lovers” which is an exposition on Sahifeh Sajadieh. From his birth in this world until his departure, man is constantly confronted with all sorts of dangers and hazards which could easily destroy man if he is not ...

Professor Ansarian: The tree of religion

Professor Ansarian: The tree of religion

The great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH & HP) said: "My friend Gabriel said: the example of religion is like a firm and fixed tree. Faith is its roots, saying prayers is its veins, paying Zakat is its water, fasting is its branches, good morals is its leaf, avoiding sins is its fruits and a tree without fruit is not a tree so as religion without avoiding sins is not faith.

Impatience in worship is the effects of ill-gotten gains

Impatience in worship is the effects of ill-gotten gains
The ill-gotten gains are really obstacles. When people are used to gaining ill-gotten things they become unwilling to worship. There are so many jobless people in the streets. And at the time of prayers when the call «Come to the prayer», (حىّ على الصلاة), «Hurry to the best work», (حىّ على خيرالعمل) are heard from the mosques few people are willing to attend the congregational prayers, and when ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: paying attention to the Lord of the universe in his prayers

Professor Hussein Ansarian: paying attention to the Lord of the universe in his prayers

It is of great importance that one pays very close attention to the Lord of the universe in his prayers, and when he says " in the name of God" he imagines himself before an infinite ocean of perfections.

Read your book

Read your book

اقْرَأْ كِتَابَكَ كَفَىٰ بِنَفْسِكَ الْيَوْمَ عَلَيْكَ حَسِيبًا

Read your book; your own self is sufficient as a reckoner against you this day

Surah AL-ISRA (ISRA')- verse 14

looking at the face of Ali (as) is an act of worship

looking at the face of Ali (as) is an act of worship

النَّظَرُ اِلی وَجهِ عَلیٍّ عِبادَةٌ.

The messenger of Islam (saw): looking at the face of Ali (as) is an act of worship

The Mustadrak: Vol. 3, p. 142.

A part of Lady Fatima Zahra's speech

A part of Lady Fatima Zahra's speech

A part of Lady Fatima Zahra's speech in defense of her rights and the guardianship (welayat) of Imam Ali (as)

Should my inheritance be trampled upon, and you can witness, hear, and do nothing? Even though you have enough people, equipment, and a large force ...

Turn me over

Turn me over

Jesus (PBUH) said: I saw a stone which was written on it: turn me over, in the inner part of the stone it was written: whoever doesn’t act upon what he knows, begging what he doesn’t know is ominous for him and seeking the knowledge has no benefit for him for the trouble of gaining knowledge without acting upon what you learned is void and without reward or benefit.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Arbaeen walk is a universal wave

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Arbaeen walk is a universal wave

Arbaeen walk is a universal wave which paves the way for the coming of the Imam of the Age, and it is a strong blow against the Wahhabism and against the culture of Judaism.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: We fall in love with worship, only if we know the purpose

Professor Hussein Ansarian: We fall in love with worship, only if we know the purpose

We fall in love with worship, only if we know the purpose, the result and the philosophy behind it. Human beings will not understand the sweetness of worshiping unless they love worshiping.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Respecting the Holy Quran

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Respecting the Holy Quran

Respect the Holy Quran as much as you respect the Almighty God; because respecting the Holy Quran is like acting upon the holy Quran.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: One of the conditions for the acceptance of human's deeds

Professor Hussein Ansarian: One of the conditions for the acceptance of human's deeds

One of the conditions for the acceptance of human's deeds in Ramadan month is that our intention and motivation must be for the satisfaction of God not people.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The God who is more compassionate than a mother and more sympathetic than a father

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The God who is more compassionate than a mother and more sympathetic than a father

The God who is more compassionate than a mother and more sympathetic than a father, has as many rights upon us as the blessings he has bestowed us with, and all these rights are summed up in his obedience and servitude

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam al-Asr (as) grace for us

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam al-Asr (as) grace for us

If we are pious and love saying prayers and mourn and love Imam Hussein (as), It is all due to the blessing and grace of the blessed existence of Imam al-Asr (as) that if he ignores us, we will go astray.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The reason why the night of power (laylatul Ghadr) is confidential

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The reason why the night of power (laylatul Ghadr) is confidential

The reason why the night of power (laylatul Ghadr) is confidential among these three nights is that people care about these nights, as God has hidden acceptance among the prayers so that people turn to all prayers