Sunday 7th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: The angels and the sins of the repentant

Professor Ansarian: The angels and the sins of the repentant
Ruhul beyan: ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Avoid the heart diseases such as hypocrisy, jealousy and arrogance

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Avoid the heart diseases such as hypocrisy, jealousy and arrogance

Avoid the heart diseases such as hypocrisy, jealousy and arrogance because according to the words of the Commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (as) each of them deprives mankind of the bounties of God in this world and the hereafter.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Ramadan month is a unique banquet

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  Ramadan month is a unique  banquet

During the eleven month of the year, the whole universe utilizes the divine public tablecloth, but Ramadan month is a unique  banquet with special hosting which the invitation letter is only for the believers

Professor Ansarian:Thinking a lot is more valuable than much worship

Professor Ansarian:Thinking a lot is more valuable than much worship

Thinking a lot is more valuable than much worship. In the hadith of Imam Hasan Asgari: Worshiping is not about a lot of prayers and more fasting, but it is about reflecting a lot upon Allah’s work.

The Traditions and the matter of Repentance

The Traditions and the matter of Repentance
The Traditions and the matter of Repentance Imam Abu Ja’far Muhammad al-Baqir (s) has said, ‘Adam has said, ‘O my Lord, You have empowered the Satan over me and made him as the flow of the blood in me. O my Lord, do me something!’ Allah said, ‘O Adam, I have granted you that whoever of your progeny intends to do an evil, it will not be written against him but if he commits it, it will be written as one evil and whoever intends to do ...

Generosity is a moral attribute

Generosity is a moral attribute

Professor Ansarian:

Generosity is a moral attribute which is more about spiritual magnitude than financial power. Imam Sajad peace be upon him says: “the chief and master of the people in the world are the generous one.”

Bihar al-Anwar: 78/50 Hadith 77

Professor Ansarian: the danger of elimination of Sanctities threaten the young generation

Professor Ansarian: the danger of elimination of Sanctities threaten the young generation

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mankind, the wealthiest creature of Almighty God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mankind, the wealthiest creature of Almighty God

If Mankind, who is the wealthiest creature of Almighty God, is led astray in utilizing their body, soul and intellect, his entire asset is doomed to be lost and will be caught in the trap of damage.

Professor Ansarian:Controlling Anger

Professor Ansarian:Controlling Anger

Anger is the key to all evil and the eternal order of the Prophet of Mercy towards his nation has been controlling anger. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH & HP) says: The wrath is of Satan and Satan has been created from the fire, and the fire is turned off with water, so if one of you gets angry, he can perform Wuḍū (ablution).

professor Ansarian:the world is referred to as a place where human beings should practice

professor Ansarian:the world is referred to as a place where human beings should practice

the best role model for the youth

the best role model for the youth

Professor Ansarian: Hazrat Ali Akbar who is the most similar person to the most perfect role model of humanity, the benevolent messenger of Islam, in terms of morality, behavior and speech is also the best and perfect role model for our beloved youth.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The one who loves God does not disobey the order of the Imam of his time

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The one who loves God does not disobey the order of the Imam of his time

The one who loves God does not disobey the order of the Imam of his time. Muslim ibn Aqeel knew that he was encountering a sea of sufferings and calamities, but he resisted and didn't give up on his Imam's order

Professor Hussein Ansarian: it is recommended to visit Imam Hussein's (as) despite the probable danger

Professor Hussein Ansarian: it is recommended to visit Imam Hussein's (as) despite the probable danger

On the way of going on to pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (as), if there is a possible danger, it is recommended to visit Imam Hussein's (as) despite the probable danger, but this visitation isn't recommended about the other Infallible Imams (as) and Mecca

Professor Ansarian: the things that Hazrat Zahra (AS) liked the most.

Professor Ansarian: the things that Hazrat Zahra (AS) liked the most.

Reciting the Holy Quran and getting familiar with it have been one of the most liked acts of Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her).

Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her) says: I like three things in this world: first, reciting the Holy Quran, second, looking at the messenger of Allah, and third, giving charity and donating on the way of Allah.

Nahj al-Hayat: 164

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God has given you the positive blessings

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God has given you the positive blessings

God has given you the positive blessings so that you solve the people's problems, if you don’t do so, try not to pour this blessing in the ill-suited and ill-gotten well otherwise you have to wait for the divine punishment both in this world and hereafter.

Professor Hussein Ansarain: According to Holy Quran, Knowledge is of two parts:

Professor Hussein Ansarain: According to Holy Quran, Knowledge is of two parts:

According to Holy Quran, Knowledge is of two parts: one is material knowledge which is about how to do business; this type of knowledge will only work for us in this world. The second knowledge is known as spiritual one, namely, conscientiousness which is found in the book of divine prophets. The Lord refers to this book as light and guidance  

A part of Dua’a-ul-A’sharaat - Translation of Professor Hossein Ansarian

 A part of Dua’a-ul-A’sharaat - Translation of Professor Hossein Ansarian

O Allah, to you be praise the first of which ascends while its end is infinite. O Allah, to you be praise due to which the heavens humbles itself to you, and the earth as well as all those on it glorify you. O Allah, to you be praise—eternal, endless, having neither cessation nor exhaustion,

Imam Hussein-"the one who was made to weep before being killed" (QATEEL AL ABARAT).

 Imam Hussein-"the one who was made to weep before being killed" (QATEEL AL ABARAT).

Professor Ansarian: Imam Hussein is "the one who was made to weep before being killed" (QATEEL AL ABARAT). ABARAT is a kind of tear passing beneath the eye and flows on one’s cheek, chin and face and falls down on one’s clothes due to its abundance.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mankind is in dire need of God's help

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mankind is in dire need of God's help

Mankind is constantly in dire need of God's help, he can pave the way for God's help by avoiding sin, dong righteous deeds and applying the moral virtues in his life

Professor Ansarian: Based on the Quranic verses there is no reduction in the punishment of the one who doesn’t say prayers.

Professor Ansarian: Based on the Quranic verses there is no reduction in the punishment of the one who doesn’t say prayers.
Professor Ansarian said: the verse of the holy Quran says the punishment of the one who doesn’t say prayer is not going to be reduced or lessened. Professor Ansarian during Ayyame Fatemiyeh-Days of mourning for Fatema(s.a.) in the Mosque of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: the worshipers or those who say prayers are in harmony with all creatures in the universe, so they are not alone and strange.   He also added: All the trees and ...