Sunday 7th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Respect your children and raise them well

Respect your children and raise them well

أکْرِمُوا أوْلادَکُم وَأحْسِنُوا آدابَهُم یُغْفَرْ لَکُمْ.


Prophet (PBUH): Respect your children and raise them well so that you may be forgiven by God.

Bihar al-Anwar: Volume 104; 95.

You lie, you are not the lover of Ahlulbayt

You lie, you are not the lover of Ahlulbayt
Excerpted from the one the books of Professor ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (AS) the light of guidance and divine extensive mercy

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (AS) the light of guidance and divine extensive mercy
Professor Hussein Ansarian who is the author of the precious book "Sayyid al-Shohada (AS) the manifestation of worship and devotion" stated that Imam Hussein (AS) is a light of divine guidance and mercy, adding: God's door of mercy is not only dedicated to Muslims and its borders go beyond religion and school of thoughts, thus, whoever can build a profound relationship with Imam Hussein will certainly get great ...

The affluent man

The affluent man

Repentance due to a meaningful sentence

Repentance due to a meaningful sentence
Repentance due to a meaningful sentence One day one of the students of Allama Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi said to allama al-Majlisi, ‘I have a neighbor polluted with sins. Most nights he holds meetings of amusement and diversion with his friends in his house which bother me and the other neighbors. He is proud and conceited and I fear to enjoin him to do the right and to forbid him from the wrong and I cannot change my house with ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Pilgrimage

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage means your morality, belief, and worship unite with the infallible Imam.   

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The value of intellect according to Imam Sadiq (as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The value of intellect according to Imam Sadiq (as)

In the words of Imam Sadiq (as), human intellect is so precious that when the Lord of the universe created the intellect, he revealed about a thousand verses in the Holy Quran about it.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Ali (A.S) is alone all the divine prophets

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Ali (A.S) is alone all the divine prophets

One day, on the pulpit, the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) said to the people: whoever wants to see Adam with his science, Noah with his resolution, Ibrahim with his patience, Moses with his grandeur and awe and Jesus with his asceticism, then look at Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him)- namely, this one person is alone all the divine prophets. 

Being at war with Imam Ali (as)

Being at war with Imam Ali (as)
یا علی! ما کنتُ أُبـالی مَنْ ماتَ مِن أُمَّتی وَ هُوَ یُبْغِضُکَ ماتَ یَهُودیّاً او نَصرانیّاً! The Messenger of Islam (saw) states: O Ali! Whoever is at war against you from among my nation will not be important for me how they die- that is whether they die Jewish or Christian Managheb ibn Mghazeli, page ...

Professor Ansarian: Imam Ali (AS) as a role model

Professor Ansarian: Imam Ali (AS) as a role model

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The value of the soil of the ruins of the graves of Imams of the Baqi

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The value of the soil of the ruins of the graves of Imams of the Baqi

For Shiites, the soil of the ruins of the graves of Imams of the Baqi is of equal value compared to the golden dome of Imam Reza (as) Holy Shrine. What matters is their proximity to God Almighty and resorting to them 

Professor Hussein Ansarian: A believer is immersed in joy and happiness by the time the Ramadan month s begun

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  A believer is immersed in joy and happiness by the time the Ramadan month s begun

A believer is immersed in joy and happiness by the time the Ramadan month s begun, and becomes depressed and distressed as it comes to a close and regretfully bids farewell to this month

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Our Shiites can't see our sorrows and griefs

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Our Shiites can't see our sorrows and griefs

Our Shiites can't see our sorrows and griefs unless they themselves are grieved. From the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hp) to the Imam of the time (ajtf) have been grieved and in sorrow for Imam Hussein (as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: gain the prosperity both in this world and hereafter through being and accompanying the truthful people (the infallible Imams)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: gain the prosperity both in this world and hereafter through being and accompanying the truthful people (the infallible Imams)
The Holy Quran in Surah At-Tawbah (repentance), which was revealed in Medina, has invited the believers to two truths: the first one is the piety and the second one is a command to be with the truthful people (يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَكُونُوا مَعَ الصَّادِقِينَ- At-Tawbah). According to the noble narratives and prominent figures of Shi'i, such as ...

professor Ansarian: The best physical and psychological treatment can be done by the Holy Quran and the narrations

professor Ansarian: The best physical and psychological treatment can be done by the Holy Quran and the narrations
A sick heart changes the stomach into a usurper, a stomach is nothing on its own. This is an accurate psychoanalysis and psychology. Now, if someone,s heart is sick and he is zealous to treat it, he must act according to the prescription of the Allah Almighty which is the Holy Quran, he must act based on the traditions and theculture of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) since they are the treatment for All ...

Stories of repentant people

Stories of repentant people
Stories of repentant people “In their histories there is certainly a lesson for men of understanding.” Qur'an,12:111. The ideal woman Asiya was the wife of the Pharaoh who was arrogant, wicked and malicious besides his bad beliefs and reprobate doings. The Holy Qur'an describes the Pharaoh that he was unjust, proud, criminal, bloodshedder and tyrant. Asiya sat on the throne beside the Pharaoh as the queen of that great country where ...

Two great qualities

Two great qualities

خصْلَتانِ لَیْسَ فَوْقَهُما شَیءٌ: الاْیمانُ بِاللهِ، وَنَفْعُ الاْخْوانِ

Imam Hassan Askari (AS): Two qualities and states that no other qualities are higher than those two  are: faith and belief in God, benefiting friends and acquaintances.

Tuhaf al-uqul: 489.

Professor Ansarian:The Saints of Allah Almighty have likened the world to a carcass

Professor Ansarian:The Saints of Allah Almighty have likened the world to a carcass

The Saints of Allah Almighty have likened the world to a carcass; that is to say, we must utilize it as much as we need, it is like a carcass which is religiously allowed to be used at times of dire requirement. Islam hasn’t ordered to abandon the world but we have to take it as much as we need.

My dears, attachment and dependence to the world is the biggest mistake.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Shias prosperity is in accepting the guardianship (Wilayat)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Shias prosperity is in accepting the guardianship (Wilayat)

The Shias prosperity is in accepting the guardianship (Wilayat)-namely, falling within the headship and guidance of Ahlulbayt (AS) and acting upon their commands.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: monotheism means to belief in oneness of God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: monotheism means to belief in oneness of God

In one part of his lecture, professor Hussein Ansarian said: monotheism means to believe in oneness of the God Almighty, namely, I accept no one for worship and obedience but one person who is the  lord of the universe; in fact, I have wholeheartedly rejected all other gods and I have chosen the right God, I obey him and I worship him, I live with him and I stay with him.