Saturday 6th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Speaking the truth

Speaking the truth

قالَ أَبُو عَبْدِاللهِ(ع): مَنْ صَدَقَ لِسَانُهُ زَكَا عَمَلُهُ

Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said: whoever speaks the truth, his deeds will accordingly be cleansed
Usul-Al KAfi


Professor Hussein Ansarian: it's not wise not value the commandments of the Lord of the universe

Professor Hussein Ansarian: it's not wise not value the commandments of the Lord of the universe
By referring to one narration from the Messenger of God (pbuh&hp) and the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (A.S), Professor Hussein Ansarian said: the paradise is tied with worship. When you worship, indeed, you are splitting the mine; from this mine God's mercy, forgiveness, favors, and satisfaction are manifested and God's paradise rise accordingly. It is not wise and logical not to value the orders and commandments of the Lord of the ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian:the last day of Ramadhan

Professor Hussein Ansarian:the last day of Ramadhan

On the last day of Ramadan, the angels call: Good news for the servants of God! God has already forgiven your past sins, so be careful what you do from now on!

Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure

Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure
Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure The Prophet (Pbuh) said: I recommend you to have good morality, since verily this will take you to heaven, and you should not be foul tempered since that will undoubtedly take you to Hell. [Vasa'il, v.16, p.29, Al-i-Bayt Press] The Value of Good Morality It is necessary for parents to consider a few things which are repeatedly stressed in the Holy Quran for the sake of themselves and their children. It ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: one of the signs of Shiite men and women

Professor Hussein Ansarian: one of the signs of Shiite men and women

 One of the signs of Shiites men and women is saying daily prayers, according to Imam Reza (as), Shiites prayer is permanent and will never let it to be missed or skipped.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: there is loss and harm in all the forbidden acts (Haram things)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: there is loss and harm in all the forbidden acts (Haram things)

According to Imam Sadiq (AS), there is loss and harm in all the forbidden acts (Haram things), because the creator (God Almighty) will have mercy upon all his servants

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The main criterion for marriage

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The main criterion for marriage

The main criterion for marriage is not face and body, but marriage must be within the framework of values so that worthy and befitting children are trained.

Belittling a friend of God

Belittling a friend of God

قالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ(ص): قَالَ اللهُ تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالى: مَنْ أَهَانَ لِي وَلِيّاً فَقَدْ أَرْصَدَ لِمُحَارَبَتِي

The messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: God has said: whoever belittles a friend of mine, has prepared themselves to fight with me.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remember God Almighty all the time

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Remember God Almighty all the time

Remember God Almighty all the time; live your whole life by recalling God Almighty at all time. When mankind's life is coupled with remembering God, he is connected to the source of all goodness.  

Professor Hussein Ansarian: part of the faith includes tying the heart to God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: part of the faith includes tying the heart to God

According to a saying of the eighth Imam of Shiites, part of the faith includes tying the heart to God, the day of resurrection, the Holy Qur'an and the divine prophets.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God Almighty has a great deal of messages for his servants in the Holy Quran

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God Almighty has a great deal of messages for his servants in the Holy Quran

God Almighty has a great deal of messages for his servants in the Holy Quran, if one has a cursory but careful and accurate reflection upon these messages, his soul and internal state and his attitude will certainly change, of course a fair and just servant, according to the Lord of universe himself.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Only speaking about Imam Sadiq (as) doesn’t make us Shia

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Only speaking about Imam Sadiq (as) doesn’t make us Shia

Only speaking about Imam Sadiq (as) doesn’t make us Shia, but it's living like him that makes us a true Shia.

Serving Iftari on Ghadir day

Serving Iftari on Ghadir day

Imam Ali (AS) says: Whoever serves a believer Iftari (break of a fast) while he is fasting on Eid al-Ghadir, it is as if he has served iftari (break of a fast) for hundred thousand prophets, the truthful and the martyrs.

the dowry (Mahr) of Hazrat Fatimah (as)

the dowry (Mahr) of Hazrat Fatimah (as)

The messenger of Allah (saw) states: the dowry (Mahr) of Hazrat Fatimah (as) has been specified to be one fifth the earth, so those who have been holding grudges against Fatimah and her children walk on the earth until the day of resurrection have committed a Haram act.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the wonders of the creation

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the wonders of the creation

How one can ignore the greatness of the merciful Lord by seeing the wonders of the creation and the eye-catching beauties of the creation?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: being devoid of moral virtues

Professor Hussein Ansarian: being devoid of moral virtues

If people are strong and steadfast enough in their faith and actions but they are devoid of moral virtues, they will face difficulties both in this world and especially in the hereafter.

Imam Sadiq (AS) said: advising a believer

Imam Sadiq (AS) said: advising a believer

عنْ أَبِي عَبْدِاللهِ(ع) قَالَ: «مَنِ اسْتَشَارَ أَخَاهُ فَلَمْ يَمْحَضْهُ مَحْضَ الرَّأْيِ، سَلَبَهُ اللهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ رَأْيَهُ».

Imam Sadiq (AS) said: Whoever asks his religious brother for advice and he does not give him a sincere opinion, may Allah take his tact and thoughtfulness.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: prayer can save mankind from all wickedness and evils

Professor Hussein Ansarian: prayer can save mankind from all wickedness and evils
The author of the precious book by the name of "the complexion of prayer" pointed to a verse about the prayer and said: if people act upon this verse, all the judicatures and courts will be devoid of people, all prisons will be devoid of prisoners and there will be less and less oppressions in the societies. This is the verse: "prayer keeps one away from indecency and evil" (AL-ANKABOOT(THE SPIDER)- Verse 45)", the verse doesn't say that if you ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Saints of Allah have likened the world to a carcass

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Saints of Allah have likened the world to a carcass

The Saints of Allah have likened the world to a carcass; that is to say, we must utilize it as much as we need, it is like a carcass which is religiously allowed to be used at times of dire requirement.

Islam hasn't ordered to abandon the world but we have to take it as much as we need

Peace be upon you, O oppressed and usurped

Peace be upon you, O oppressed and usurped
Professor ...