Saturday 6th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Entering the realm of sin is not rational

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Entering the realm of sin is not rational

Entering the realm of sin is not rational; if someone dies while sinning, since he is not capable of repenting, God Almighty doesn't forgive him.

Ali (AS) is a door that God Almighty has opened for his servants

Ali (AS) is a door that God Almighty has opened for his servants

Imam Baqir (AS) states: Ali (AS) is a door that God Almighty has opened for his servants. Whoever enters it is a believer, and whoever turns away from it is a disbeliever.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Halal (lawful) food

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Halal (lawful) food

The Halal (lawful) food is the cure for diseases. Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS) says: Keep a morsel of Halal (lawful) food; when you are afflicted by an incurable disease, eat a piece of it, you will be well.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: AhlulBayt (AS) are a comprehensive Statue of purity and cleanliness

Professor Hussein Ansarian: AhlulBayt (AS) are a comprehensive Statue of purity and cleanliness
Professor Hussein Ansarian who is also the professor of ethics in seminary schools considered AhlulBayt (A.S) the statue of purity and the roots of all goodness and said: the lord of the universe has introduced AhlulBayt (A.S) a comprehensive statue of purity and cleanliness- inward and outer purity, purity of intellect and reasoning, purity of soul, purity of action and morality. If AhlulBayt (A.S) did not introduce themselves, we would be ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Visiting Imam Hussein (a.s) remotely doesn't suffice.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Visiting Imam Hussein (a.s) remotely doesn't suffice.

Visiting Imam Hussein (a.s) remotely doesn't suffice. What is recommended is going on to pilgrimage to Karbala and visit the Holy Shrine of the Master of the Martyrs; because commemorating this tragic event in this way brings about a revolution in the society and a step forward.

Professor Ansarian: the worldly life of human beings

Professor Ansarian: the worldly life of human beings

The worldly life of human beings is between the two darkness (uterus, grave). Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) says: Do not be surprised by the arrogant and snob person because he used to be a sperm and will be a dirty corpse in the future.

Al-Kafi: 382/2

Professor Ansarian:

Professor Ansarian:

One of the examples of Kowsar, is the plurality and dispersion of the generations and the offspring of Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her), that this pure Kowsar has spread all over the world even after centuries. Interestingly, the Sunnis commentators and exegetes like Fakhr Razi also reiterates on this issue.

 Tafseer e Kabeer:124/32

Professor Ansarian: The ultimate humanity and apex of Allah's worship

Professor Ansarian: The ultimate humanity and apex of Allah's worship

The ultimate humanity and the apex of Allah's worships have been summed up in the heavenly existence of Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her). Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him says): the secret and philosophy behind her name which is Fatima, is that the creatures are deprived of understanding her knowledge and wisdom.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Almighty Allah has granted the Master of the Martyrs, Imam Hussein (as) innumerable virtues

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Almighty Allah has granted the Master of the Martyrs, Imam Hussein (as) innumerable virtues

The Almighty Allah has granted the Master of the Martyrs, Imam Hussein (as) innumerable virtues like healing in his soil, acceptance of prayer near his grave which are unique among the other infallibles Imams (as) in exchange for his martyrdom and servitude.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Hazrat Abu Talib has never left the Messenger of Allah (saw)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Hazrat Abu Talib has never left the Messenger of Allah (saw)

Hazrat Abu Talib has never left the Messenger of Allah (saw) alone in any events or battles and the Holy Prophet (saw) mourning him said: O my Uncle! You raised me as a child, helped me as an orphan, and helped and assisted me as an adult. May God reward you well for helping me.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: three complaints about the nation of Prophet of Islam on the day of resurrection.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: three complaints about the nation of Prophet of Islam on the day of resurrection.

Professor Hussein Ansarian referred to a narration from the Messenger of Allah who has said: on the day of resurrection, there are three things that complain about some people and the lord of the universe listens to their complaints and decide about those people. the Holy Quran is the first thing that complains and says: O God!

Professor Ansarian: I am poor..

Professor Ansarian: I am poor..

Once Imam Sadiq(peace be upon him) told:

O my master, I am poor,

The Imam said: no, you are not poor,

The man said: I am,

Imam said: Are you ready to take everything in the world, and abandon your love and affection for us?

The man replied: no,

Then Imam said: you see, you are well-off than everything in the world and you are not poor.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The building of faith and action

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The building of faith and action

The building of faith and action is preserved with morality, if morality falls down, faith and action too will collapse.

Professor Hossein Ansarian: The Price of Paradise and Hell

Professor Hossein Ansarian: The Price of Paradise and Hell

Obstacles to Marriage

Obstacles to Marriage
Obstacles to Marriage God intends every facility for you ; He does not want to put you to difficulties. [Holy Quran: Baqara 2:185] Strictness in Marriage Young men and women's need to marry is natural and intrinsic. It seems hard for them to resist sexual instincts for a very long time. Delaying marriage has at times led to corruption and sin. Preventing marriage has at times made young men and women ill. The need to marry and obstacles to ...

The position of you (O Ali) to me is like Haroun (Aaron) to Moses

The position of you (O Ali) to me is like Haroun (Aaron) to Moses

انتَ (یاعلیُّ) مِنّی بِمَنزِلَةِ هارونَ مِن موسی اِلّا اَنَّهُ لانَبیَّ بعدی


The Holy Prophet of Islam (saw) states: The position of you (O Ali) to me is like Haroun (Aaron) to Moses, except that there will be no prophet after me.

Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, p. 44

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) willingly sacrificed his life

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) willingly sacrificed his life

The armies of Yazid did not know that Hussein ibn Ali (AS) would never have the slightest negligence in the presence of God Almighty in the face of their sedition, cunning and deceit, but he would willingly sacrifice his life, properties and everything he had for the sake of God.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the blessings of Allah in Ramadhan Month

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the blessings of Allah in Ramadhan Month

When I sit around the breakfast tablecloth in Ramadhan month, I need to pay attention to what is in the tablecloth; it is the blessing of Allah, I have made nothing, so, don't become arrogant for these blessings. I am a complete beggar beside this tablecloth, and the lord of the universe is so kind that no beggar is left hungry, thirsty, without clothes, without family or roadster.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: ask the people of the Remembrance, if you do not know

Professor Hussein Ansarian: ask the people of the Remembrance, if you do not know

How great it would be if all people act according to this verse of the holy Quran: " ask the people of the Remembrance, if you do not know" (AN-NAHL, 43), If you do not know how to repent, if you are unaware of an issue, if you do not know whether something is Halal or Haram, correct or incorrect, ask those who know.

Vices and bad deeds

Vices and bad deeds
Vices and bad deeds Vices, bad deeds, major sins and minor sins are so many that these few pages are not enough to show them all as they have been mentioned in the Qur'an and the traditions. In this chapter, we are going to explain the matters concerning these things as examples in the same way as we have talked about the good deeds and morals in the previous chapters and we refer the readers to the famous books of tafsir and Hadith. Adorning ...