Thursday 4th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

may Allah curse those who slew you

may Allah curse those who slew you
فلَعَنَ اللّٰهُ مَنْ قَتَلَكَ، وَلَعَنَ اللّٰهُ مَنْ ظَلَمَكَ، وَلَعَنَ اللّٰهُ أُمَّةً سَمِعَتْ بِذٰلِكَ فَرَضِيَتْ بِهِ So, may Allah curse those who slew you. May Allah curse those who wronged you. May Allah curse the people who, when informed about that, were pleased with ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: who are the guided ones

Professor Hussein Ansarian: who are the guided ones

People will certainly go astray if they only sick to the Holy Quran and don't follow Ahlulbayt (as), the guided are those who believe wholeheartedly in Ahlulbayt (as) as well as the Holy Quran.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: All Hudud Allah (The Limits of Punishment) means love

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  All Hudud Allah (The Limits of Punishment) means love
The fact that Almighty God provides all creatures with sustenance and doesn't punish the sinners soon and has mentioned "in the name of God the most compassionate and the most merciful" 114 times in the Holy Quran all indicate the flame of divine love. All Hudud Allah (The Limits of Punishment) means love and Almighty God doesn't want anybody to be punished on the day of resurrection and then go to Hell. Human beings are innately prone to ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian The difference between the knowledge and teachings of the Infallible Imams (as) and the people of the world

Professor Hussein Ansarian The difference between the knowledge and teachings of the Infallible Imams (as) and the people of the world

The difference between the knowledge and teachings of the Infallible Imams (as) and the people of the world is that the scientists say something today but the same things will be strongly rejected a few days later, however, the knowledge and teachings of the Infallible Imams never change since it has been granted to them by God Almighty.

Professor Hussein Ansarian:

Professor Hussein Ansarian:

I urge all young people to think twice while taking an action, and then they have to consider God Almighty that on the day of resurrection all our deeds, no matter how small they are, will be evaluated.

kindness and decent behavior

kindness and decent behavior

قالَ أَبُو جَعْفَر(ع): مَنْ قُسِمَ لَهُ الرِّفْقُ قُسِمَ لَهُ الاِْيمَانُ.

Imam Baqir (AS) said: whoever is granted kindness and decent behavior, indeed, he is bestowed faith.  

Proclaim the bounties of your Lord

Proclaim the bounties of your Lord

وأَمَّا بِنِعْمَةِ رَبِّكَ فَحَدِّثْ

and proclaim the bounties of your Lord (to your families and people).  

Adh-dhuha(the morning hours)/11

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The sins of the tongue are self-destructive

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The sins of the tongue are self-destructive

The sins of the tongue are self-destructive, since they damage the human dignity, ruin his personality and in case they are repeated, the relationship between mankind and the Almighty God will be disconnected

Professor Hussein Ansarian: How to understand the sweetness of worshiping?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: How to understand the sweetness of worshiping?

We love worshiping, only if we know the purpose, the result and the philosophy behind it. Human beings will not understand the sweetness of worshiping unless they love worshiping.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: A prayer without the Surah al-Hamd is not a prayer

Professor Hussein Ansarian: A prayer without the Surah al-Hamd is not a prayer
Professor Hussein Ansarian mentioned in one of his lectures that: The first chapter of the holy Quran is Surah al-Hamad; it is incumbent upon us to recite the Surah al-Hamd in all prayers. There is no problem with whatever Surah we choose to recite after Surah al-Hamad, but if Surah al-Hamad is not recited, then prayer is void. The following narration has been quoted from the Prophet of Islam (pbuh &hp): «لا صلاة الا بفاتحة ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God said to Jesus (AS) come to me with tearful eyes

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God said to Jesus (AS) come to me with tearful eyes

 God said to Jesus (AS): whenever you wanted to come to me, come with tearful eyes, a humble heart and a curved neck, then I will erase your life-time sins.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The divine teachings and facts are the food of intellect

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The divine teachings and facts are the food of intellect

The divine teachings and facts are the food of intellect, we must not ignore feeding our intellect and heart more than a week, a good book or a good lecture is human's soul-reviving things

abandoning sin

abandoning sin

قالَ أَمِيرُالْمُؤْمِنِينَ(ع): تَرْكُ الْخَطِيئَةِ أَيْسَرُ مِنْ طَلَبِ التَّوْبَةِ

The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (as) said: abandoning sin is easier than seeking for repentance

What should be the purpose of human life in order to be as perfect as the Imam Ali (as) and to be successful at all stages of life?

What should be the purpose of human life in order to be as perfect as the Imam Ali (as) and to be successful at all stages of life?
1-Based on religious teachings and Quranic teachings and Islamic hadiths, the most important goal of human creation is worshiping servitude. By servitude, mankind can achieve the highest peaks of perfection and the best role model to follow in this way is adhering to Holy Prophet (pbuh&hp) and the Infallible Imams (as), because the Holy Quran has introduced the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hp) as the best and perfect role model for life and servitude and ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The result of striving for carnal desires

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The result of striving for carnal desires

if all one does is to achieve worldly stuff and strives for carnal desires, his/her heart will be the abode of Devil (Satan) and a source of corruption

Professor Hussein Ansarian: This world is the mosque of the lovers of God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: This world is the mosque of the lovers of God

This world is the mosque of the lovers of God and no one lives in it forever. We must be content with God's material and spiritual commandments and decrees

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Finding fault and magnifying the weakness of others

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Finding fault and magnifying the weakness of others

Finding fault and magnifying the weakness of others is a sin that in addition to the punishment of the Hereafter, others will also accuse them, in this world, of a defect that is not in them.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the capacity of t he heart of the Holy Prophet

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the capacity of t he heart of the Holy Prophet

The capacity of the heart of the prophet is so vast that the Lord of the universe has placed the whole Holy Quran, which is pure science and knowledge, in Prophet's heart, and his heart is changed to the container of the Holy Quran. 

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Faultfinding and magnifying the defects and weaknesses of others

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Faultfinding and magnifying the defects and weaknesses of others
Faultfinding and magnifying the defects and weaknesses of others, is among the many sins which, in addition to the punishment of the hereafter, will have a worldly punishment as well, there is a narration from Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) that says: the one who keeps faultfinding and reproaches people with these defects and faults, he will be accused with the defects which don’t exist in ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Holy Quran is like the Staff of Moses ibn Imran

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Holy Quran is like the Staff of Moses ibn Imran

The Holy Quran is like the Staff of Moses ibn Imran which used to turn into snake only in Moses's hand because it was connected to the divine power and will and no one could take possession of it