Thursday 4th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: the destruction of the Holy graves of Ahlulbayt

Professor Ansarian: the destruction of the Holy graves of Ahlulbayt

The enemies of Shias must be aware of this important fact that the destruction of the Holy graves of Ahlulbayt will not only decrease the love of Ahlulbayt in Shia's hearts but it will greatly increase it and also this action will pave the way for collapse of Salafism and Wahhabism and Islamic extremists (ISIS).

Professor Hussein Ansarian: I am the God who buys, I buy the soul of the believer

Professor Hussein Ansarian: I am the God who buys, I buy the soul of the believer
"God has purchased the souls and property of the believers" (Sura AL-TAWBA, verse, 111) I am the God who buys, I buy the soul of the believer, because the believer has faith in God, the day of resurrection, the divine prophets, the angels and the Holy Quran, so do not deal with your carnal desires. I buy the believer's money too, and I don't care about the quantity either, if you cannot feed the needy in Ramadhan month, I will buy that one date ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Love for Imam Hussein (as) is derived from heart

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Love for Imam Hussein (as) is derived from heart

Love for Imam Hussein (as) is derived from heart, and this is the heart which applies the other organs in the very direction

Professor Hussein Ansarian: keeping silent

Professor Hussein Ansarian: keeping silent

According to Imam Reza (as): silence brings about affection and is the best guidance toward every goodness, so the best way to subjugate the tongue is keep silent.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the religion of Islam is simple

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the religion of Islam is simple
Some people claim that they love God, but they don't follow and obey the messenger of Allah (pbuh&hp) and don't listen to his sayings, such people lie about their love of God, because the requirement of loving God is following and obeying his Apostle; if human don't follow the Messenger of Allah (pbuh&hp), not only their world is ruined but they will suffer from an unpleasant death, purgatory and resurrection day as well. Doing a series of ...

Do what I have ordered you to do.

Do what I have ordered you to do.
The Almighty Allah ordered two angels to destroy one town with all its residents, when they reached the end of the town and the destruction was about to be finished, they saw a man while he was praying and weeping, one of those angels said: look at this man, the other one said: I don’t care about his praying and weeping, what I do care about is the command of Almighty Allah, again the other angel said: I do nothing until I ask Allah ...

Professor Ansarian: A wise man does think that...

Professor Ansarian: A wise man does think that...
  A wise man does think that eating is not just for eating, this eating must be transferred to worship of Allah Almighty, serving the people and being kind toward them. When it is transferred, Allah Almighty seals a persistence on it and says: this worship, this service, this devotion, this kindness and beneficence which you had, is permanent, and this permanence is manifested in the verse of the holy Quran which says:" the gardens wherein ...

Professor Ansarian: the duties of Muslims regarding the Divine book

Professor Ansarian: the duties of Muslims regarding the Divine book
The responsibility of every single Muslim, and the duty of every single believer regarding the book of Allah, and their responsibility toward the book of Allah is of great importance and is massively heavy. Undoubtedly, on the day of resurrection will be brought to the divine court and will be questioned, as the verses of the Holy Quran and the narrations have explicitly implied about this issue. There are three important duties for Muslims ...

The reward looking at Allah’s house(Mecca)

The reward looking at Allah’s house(Mecca)

I shall tell you the reward of Hajj (an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca). As soon as you enter the  Sacred Mosque, Do nothing, just sit down, neither pray nor do Tawaf, look at The House of Kaba. With every look, hundreds of thousands of good deeds are written in his action letter and one hundred thousand sins will be erased. And only Allah Almighty knows the rewards of Mashar, Safa, Marwa and throwing pebbles.

There is a distance of four fingers between truth and falsehood

There is a distance of four fingers between truth and falsehood
بيْنَ الْحَقِّ وَالْباطِلِ أرْبَعُ أصابِع، ما رَأَيْتَ بَعَيْنِکَ فَهُوَ الْحَقُّ وَ قَدْ تَسْمَعُ بِأُذُنَيْکَ باطِلاً کَثيرا Imam Mojtaba (AS): There is a distance of four fingers between truth and falsehood, what you see with your own eyes is truth; and what you have heard or what has been narrated to you may be false. Tuhaf ...

Imam Hussein’s (AS) awesome modesty

Imam Hussein’s (AS) awesome modesty
Source: the heavenly Ahlulbayt settles the earth / written by Professor Hussein ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The commanding soul

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The commanding soul

The commanding soul invites mankind to evil. The one who is afflicted by carnal desires must be certain that the soul's desire for sins is unquenchable. The most beloved servant is the one who has been helped by Allah Almighty to stand against all illegitimate desires.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Sadiq (A.S) likens his Culture and Teachings to plumb line

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Sadiq (A.S) likens his Culture and Teachings to plumb line

Imam Sadiq (A.S) likens his Culture and Teachings to plumb line and advises us that if you want to have a life devoid of deviation, adjust yourself with the teachings of Ahlulbayt (A.S)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Shiites resort to the light of the Infallible Imams (AS)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Shiites resort to the light of the Infallible Imams (AS)

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH &HP) said to the Commander of the faithful (AS) that the Shiites resort to the light of the Infallible Imams (AS), and the light of Imam Hussein (AS) is of certain radiance compared to the lights of other Imams.

Security in Life

Security in Life
Security in Life   Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from God; But whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul. [Holy Quran: Nisaa 4:79] The Good and the Bad Man is a creature consisting of the intellect, the heart, the soul and the body. Good and bad aspects exist for each part of man's being; all the good ones originate in God and all the bad ones originate in man himself. Nothing but benefits, goodness, mercy and ...

amiability eradicates rancor and hatred from the heart

amiability eradicates rancor and hatred from the heart

 عنْ أَبِي الْحَسَنِ مُوسى (ع) قَالَ : حُسْنُ الْبِشْرِ يَذْهَبُ بِالسَّخِيمَةِ

 Imam Kazim (as) said: amiability eradicates rancor and hatred from the heart

Professor Ansarian: Beauty must not be the best standard and criteria in marriage

Professor Ansarian: Beauty must not be the best standard and criteria in marriage

Beauty must not be the best standard and criteria in marriage. The commander of faithful, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says: love is blinding the eyes of wisdom and deafening the ears of heart (NahjulBalagheh, sermon 109). The marriage must the marriage of values with values because the beautiful face is transient and will never remain. The duty of the youths is to choose a spouse who has relation with Allah Almighty.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: dong something good with Haram wealth

Professor Hussein Ansarian: dong something good with Haram wealth

The one who does something good, like building a mosque or a hospital, with Haram (unlawful) wealth, he will be thrown to hell with that good deeds on the day of resurrection.

You alone We do worship

You alone We do worship

إيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ

(Lord), You alone We do worship and from You alone we do seek assistance 


Repenting in the battlefield

Repenting in the battlefield
Repenting in the battlefield Nasr bin Muzahim mentions in his book Waq’at (battle of) Siffeen that Hashim al-Mirqal has gone with a group of the Qur'an reciters to support Ameerul Mo’mineen (Imam Ali) (s) in the battle of Siffeen when he saw a young man from the army of Mo’awiya reciting some verses of poetry and challenging that someone might fight him. He abused Imam Ali (s), cursed him and dispraised him too much. Hashim al-Mirqal said ...