Saturday 6th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: try not to fall in the category of those who are subjected to God's wrath and those who have gone astray

Professor Hussein Ansarian: try not to fall in the category of those who are subjected to God's wrath and those who have gone astray
Professor Hussein Ansarian pointed out in one of his lectures that the Surah Al-Hamd is repeated in our prayers ten times during the day and night and condemns the sin and the sinner and says: " those who are neither subject to Your anger nor have gone astray", it addresses those servants of the Allah Almighty that be careful not fall in the category of those who are subjected to God's anger and those who have gone ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Sadiq (AS) advises us not to take hard on people when it comes to religion

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Sadiq (AS) advises us not to take hard on people when it comes to religion

Imam Sadiq (AS) advises us not to take hard on people when it comes to religion; the religion of God is an easy and simple one and has programs based on everyone's ability.

Professor Ansarian: The actions of your religious brother

Professor Ansarian: The actions of your religious brother
Our most important task with our religious brothers is to interpret and justify their behaviors as best we can. The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says: try to interpret and justify the actions and deeds of your religious brother in the best way possible.   Al-Kafi: Al-Kafi: Vol. 2, p. ...

The Principles of Spirituality in the Family

The Principles of Spirituality in the Family
The Principles of Spirituality in the Family   Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancour: Fear God: [Holy Quran: Maida 5:3] Spiritual Blessings Many blessings have been bestowed upon man by God to live a pure life, and only God knows the value of these blessings. Some of these blessings left for us are the intellect, the Quran, Prophethood, Imamat, religious scholars and the literature on ...

Professor Ansarian: The importance of Iʿtikāf

Professor Ansarian: The importance of  Iʿtikāf

There is a prophetic Hadith which reveals the virtue and importance of Iʿtikāf; the one who practices Iʿtikāf will stop the sin and will be granted the rewards of the doers of all good and virtuous deeds 

Professor Hussein Ansarian: "I have abandoned myself to you

Professor Hussein Ansarian: "I have abandoned myself to you

It is desirable that one says to his lord in Ramadan Month that:

"I have abandoned myself to you, I am your servant only and I seek refuge only in you, O, Allah! Dear and merciful! I don't like to be parted from you"

The Holy prophet peace be upon him and his pure progeny forgave the murderer of Hamza.

The Holy prophet peace be upon him and his pure progeny forgave the murderer of Hamza.

When Vahshi who was the murderer of Hamza the master of martyrs and the dear uncle of the prophet, came to the Prophet (PBUH & HP) after committing the crime of killing his uncle, repented and embraced Islam. Despite the fact that he loved his uncle, the holy prophet peace and blessing of Almighty Allah be upon him and his pure perfect progeny forgave him and said: stay away from the sight of eyes.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: reviving the spirit of being open to advice i

Professor Hussein Ansarian: reviving the spirit of being open to advice i
One of the most important things the Messenger of Allah (pbuh&hp) did was reviving the spirit of being open to advice in people; people who were at the peak of arrogance and were inflicted by a variety of moral vices. When the spirit of being open to advice was revived, men and women frequently referred to Prophet and asked him for advice and preach. If all advice of the Holy Prophet to individuals are accumulated and are explained, it is a ...

Be cautious at the time of anger

Be cautious at the time of anger
Satan came to Abdullah bin Hanzaleh and said:  I am eager to teach you something, Abdullah said: I have no tendency to learn from you. The Satan said: O Abdullah! Listen to me, if what I say is to your benefit accept it, otherwise stay away from me.  O son of Hanzaleh! Do not ask except from Allah Almighty and at the time of anger be careful where you are ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God cannot be seen with the naked eye

Professor Hussein Ansarian: God cannot be seen with the naked eye

God cannot be seen with the naked eye, because the capacity of our eyes is very limited and the Lord of the universe is of infinite existence. The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) says: If you want to see God, look at the holy Qur'an.

Be careful about your speech and behavior, swear to Allah the grave and resurrection day are real…

 Be careful about your speech and behavior, swear to Allah the grave and resurrection day are real…
Ahlul Bayt (AS) never used to swear to Allah Almighty over small matters and in dealing and business and they considered swearing detestable and abominable and they extremely avoided swearing. But there are some narrations regarding the subject of resurrection day. These narrations showed the belief in resurrection day by swearing to Allah. AhlulBayt (AS) also invited people to think about the resurrection day. Source: lecture by professor ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Make sure who is right

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Make sure who is right

Make sure who is right and try to pave the way for them to achieve it

Professor Hussein Ansarian:

Professor Hussein Ansarian:
Imam Khomeini wanted to spread the voice of Quranic guidance and the true path of salvation among the Iranians and the people of the world since 1963 through his speeches and his valuable announcements. He relied upon monotheism and the guidance of the Holy Quran as well as the Ahlulbayt (as) to save the mankind and this undeniable fact vividly shines among all his works and ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Lady Fatimeh Zahra (as) was the spring of the Divine wisdom

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Lady Fatimeh Zahra (as) was the spring of the Divine wisdom

Lady Fatimeh Zahra (as) was the spring of the Divine wisdom pouring out knowledge from all her heart.


Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mankind must try to gain Halal property and sustenance

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mankind must try to gain Halal property and sustenance

Mankind must try to gain Halal property and sustenance and there is no Haram sustenance among the livelihood of Allah Almighty. Usury, bribery and embezzlement are not among the sustenance of Allah Almighty.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Believer is of Allah's attributes

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Believer is of Allah's attributes

Believer is of Allah's attributes and it means the Granter of Security. Prayer is for Allah and what has been ordered by Allah Almighty for us to perform, will give us security and peace.

The bad results of sins

The bad results of sins
The bad results of sins There are many bad results of sins in this life and the afterlife as mentioned by the Qur’anic verses and the traditions of Ahlul Bayt (s), that if a sinner does not repent of his sins, he will, definitely, be involved in these bad effects. Allah has said, “Yea, whoever earns evil and his sins beset him on every side, those are the inmates of the fire; in it they shall abide.” Qur'an, 2:81 “Say: Shall We ...

The nearest and fastest prayer

The nearest and fastest prayer

Imam Bagher (as) says:

The nearest and fastest prayer to be accepted is the prayer of a believer for his believer brother.

Al- Kafi, V 2, page 507

Professor Hussein Ansarian: your victory is certain

Professor Hussein Ansarian: your victory is certain

The infallible Imams (AS) asks us to debate with the enemies with the help of the Holy Quran since it is both science and mercy and your victory is certain in doing so.

Repentance of the Magus

Repentance of the Magus
Repentance of the Magus The great jurisprudent and famous philosopher Mulla Ahmad an-Naraqi says in his book Taq Dees, ‘One day Prophet Moses (s) went to Mount Toor and on his way he saw an old man from the Magi who worshipped the fire. The Magus, who had been polluted with disbelief and deviation, said to Prophet Moses (s), ‘Where do you want to go and with whom you want to talk?’ Prophet Moses (s) said, ‘I want to go to Mount Toor in ...