Saturday 6th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

there is a healing and cure in the soil of Imam Hussein's grave

there is a healing and cure in the soil of Imam Hussein's grave
في طِينِ قَبْرِ الْحُسَيْنِ عليه‏السلام الشِّفَاءُ مِنْ كُلِّ دَاءٍ، وَهُوَ الدَّوَاءُ الْأَكْبَرُ. Imam Sadiq (as): there is a healing and cure in the soil of Imam Hussein's grave for all ailments and diseases and it is the greatest medicine                              Kamil ...

resembling of the human being to tree

resembling of the human being to tree
One of the interpretations the Holy Quran has about human is resembling him to tree. The Allah Almighty has resembled and likened human to two trees. One resemblance and interpretation that is used in Quran about human being is the pure tree and another tree is interpreted as the impure tree. The pure tree according to what Allah almighty said is a very fruitful tree which its products is not bound to time like other trees that produce fruit a ...

Professor Ansarian: Doing good to parents

Professor Ansarian: Doing good to parents

Doing good to parents is a story that you write it and your children narrate it, so write well.

The faithful men and women do the divine duties constantly and on time

The faithful men and women do the divine duties constantly and on time
O the son of the messenger of Allah! You did and Estekhare a few months ago and it was not good. Imam said: yes, I even now say that Estekhare is not good. The man said: o the son of the messenger of Allah! I did an Estekhare for a business trip and you said it was bad, but I did not listen to what you said and went to this trip, I had a lot of profit due to the trade and dealing I had during this trip. Why your Estekhare for this trip was not ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the one who has known the world and is a believer

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the one who has known the world and is a believer

From the viewpoint of Imam Mujtaba (as), the one who has known the world and is a believer will set out with necessary provisions and enter the presence of Almighty God respected and honorable


when Imam Ali (as) was in charge of the affairs of the vast Islamic country, he said to Qanbar: we two need shirts, because they have become old and they are not suitable to be worn. So, they both headed toward the store so as to buy some clothes for themselves, Imam Ali (AS) bought two shirts; one shirt two dirham and the second one about three dirham, Imam Ali (AS) gave the more expensive shirt to Qanbar and said: wear this shirt, Qanbar said: ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The light of Imam Hussein (as) is of Divine lights

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The light of Imam Hussein (as) is of Divine lights
The light of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), which is of Divine lights, will not only be extinguished, but every moment will add to the heat and ardor existing in the hearts of the believers due to this great tragedy; namely the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (as). Imam Hussein is everlasting, those who weep for him are remembered and are permanent, his flag stays and remembered forever, those who wear black because of his martyrdom will be ...

Turning to Allah

Turning to Allah
Turning to Allah  “And most surely I am most Forgiving to him who repents and believes and does good, then continues to follow the right direction.” Qur'an, 20:82. Sins and the ability to repent Mothers do not give birth to sinful children, and children do not come to this world defiled with sins. When a baby comes to this life for the first time, his mind is empty of any knowledge, intellect and information. He is completely ignorant ...

Knowing Imam Ali (as)

Knowing Imam Ali (as)
يا عَلِيُّ مَا عَرَفَ اللَّهَ حَقَّ مَعْرِفَتِهِ غَيْرِي وَ غَيْرُكَ وَ مَا عَرَفَكَ حَقَّ مَعْرِفَتِكَ غَيْرُ اللَّهِ وَ غَيْرِي The Holy Prophet (saw): O Ali, no one has ever known God the way he deserves to be known except for you and me, and no one has ever known you as you deserve to be known except for God and me. Manaqib Ibn ...

The Aspects of Virtue in the Family

The Aspects of Virtue in the Family
The Aspects of Virtue in the Family   The Prophet (Pbuh) said: Whoever marries and visits his relatives for the sake of God, God shall attend to him by placing a crown like that of the angels on his head. [Vasa'il, v.20, p.51, Al-i-Bayt Press] The Sincerity of One's Intentions These wise and important words have been reported on the authority of the Prophet (Pbuh): Whoever marries to please Allah and establish a family, God will adorn his ...

Wasting and squandering

Wasting and squandering
Wasting and squandering Every wasting in foods, drinks and cloths and also in love and relations with the others is a result of loving the worldly life. Even excessive liberality in giving is a kind of squandering. Squandering is a bad and ugly deed according to the Qur'an and the traditions. Allah declares in the Qur'an that He does not love the wasters and the squanderers; “…and eat and drink and be not extravagant; surely He does not ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: whining to Almighty God for their worldly life problems

Professor Hussein Ansarian: whining to Almighty God for their worldly life problems

some people keep whining to Almighty God for their worldly life problems while these problems have nothing to do with Almighty God, they are the result of the actions of the wrongdoers and the embezzlers. Accept the call of Almighty God and his Prophet because they give you a very strong soul with which you can nullify the voracious and greedy ego within.

Impermissible lusts

Impermissible lusts
Impermissible lusts Impermissible lusts include the pleasures of the abdomen and the private parts, bodily and mental pleasures which are contrary to the will of Allah and opposite to His contentment. Man has to remember Allah, the afterlife and the severe punishment he will face on the Day of Resurrection if he satisfies his lusts and desires in unlawful way and against the orders of the Sharia. But if man refrains from unlawful lusts and ...

professor Ansarian:The most precious existential dimension of Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her)

professor Ansarian:The most precious existential dimension of Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her)

Professor Ansarian: The holy Quran guides people out of ignorance, negligence and stupidity

Professor Ansarian: The holy Quran guides people out of ignorance, negligence and stupidity
 Professor Ansarian by referring to the issue that the Holy Quran is a guidance and enlightenment from its very first verse to its last one for all mankind. He also scrutinized and interpreted the meaning of enlightenment and said: the enlightenment of the holy Quran means it guides people out of ignorance, negligence and stupidity and elucidate the truths and facts which are hidden for them and they don’t know or understand. The Holy ...

Professor Ansarian: The only way to avoid divisions in the Muslim world

Professor Ansarian: The only way to avoid divisions in the Muslim world

The only way to avoid divisions in the Muslim world is to act on the advice of the Prophet (Peace be upon him and his progeny) in the Hadith of Thaqalain, namely, scrabbling the holy Qur'an and Ahl-al-Bayt.

Professor Ansarian: Praising the blessings

Professor Ansarian: Praising the blessings

how beautifully and greatly Imam Hasan Mojtaba (as) has said that if he had no other statements but this, we, clerics, believe that he had completed the whole statements and then was martyred.

Imam Hasan Mojtaba (as) has said:” the benevolence and goodness which has no harm and will stay unharmed and healthy is thanking and praising the blessing.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The true spring

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The true spring

The true spring is the existence of a master whose coming and reappearance bring about joy and exultation to the servants and rejuvenates the time.

I am afraid of two modes

I am afraid of two modes
Imam Ali (A.S) said : O Harith! Glad news for you that I won’t leave my lovers alone in such situations, at that time I will get to them and I will know them and so will they.  And I will be their intercessor and I will order the hellfire to leave them and I will take them to their destination which is the ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: remembering the infallible Imams (AS) is like remembering God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: remembering the infallible Imams (AS) is like remembering God

The infallible Imams are among the shining example of remembering God that remembering them and resorting to them leads one to the truth of monotheism.