Friday 5th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: The serenity and adornment of the tongue

Professor Ansarian: The serenity and adornment of the tongue

The serenity and adornment of the tongue is to imprison it in the jail of silence.

Imam al-Kadhim (peace be upon him) says: reticence is a great wisdom, because it is a good way that brings about the lightness of sins and committing less sins.

Bihar al-Anwar: 78/321

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mankind's love must be directed in the divine way

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Mankind's love must be directed in the divine way
Mankind's love must be directed in the divine way, otherwise he will be trapped in the world and will be in the path of worldly love, jealousy and envy. In the Holy Qur'an, a group is condemned by Almighty God for four wrongdoing acts, which are rooted in wrong love, and the love of wealth is one of the instances of this wrong love. Love per se is a great wealth and the one who ties this love with God will pioneer in good deeds. Man must ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: When mankind turns to God during the month of Ramadan

Professor Hussein Ansarian: When mankind turns to God during the month of Ramadan

When mankind turns to God during the month of Ramadan and enjoys worship, fasting, and praying, and is adorned with good deeds and morals by hearing the divine teachings, then he will be out of the reach of the devil (Satan).

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the Holy Prophet of Islam is a symbol of God's infinite mercy

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the Holy Prophet of Islam is a symbol of God's infinite mercy

In the Holy Quran, God Almighty describes the Holy and dignified Prophet of Islam a symbol of his infinite mercy for all creatures and an ocean of kindness and affection. Miserable is the one who is deprived of this mine of mercy.

Professor Ansarian: the greedy is never pleased with the Halal things

Professor Ansarian: the greedy is never pleased with the Halal things
according to holy Quran this is the very beastlike soul of them which is known as Nafse Amare in the holy Quran and it motivates the human beings to impurity, corruption and sins. The Shia must purify his soul and inner self; if the inner self is kept pure the appearance abides by ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian:Try not to be arrogant.

Professor Hussein Ansarian:Try not to be arrogant.

Not obeying the orders of Allah Almighty is arrogance. Try not to be arrogant before Allah Almighty, because Allah has ordered Satan to prostrate and he was arrogant and did not accept. He rejected the command of Allah Almighty, so he turned into an outsider, cursed and hellish.

Professor Ansarian:the goal of divine tests and examinations

Professor Ansarian:the goal of divine tests and examinations
Thus, by studying the various verses of the Holy Quran about the divine tests and examinations, we find out that Allah Almighty has decreed the divine test as a general law and a permanent tradition and its goal is to flourish and develop the latent talents of human beings and taking them the extreme development. Yes, the mankind should be as firm and persistent as steel so as to become pure after being under huge worldly diseases. Then he would ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: a part of me will be buried in the land of Tus

Professor Hussein Ansarian: a part of me will be buried in the land of Tus

The commander of the faithful (a.s) says: a part of me will be buried in the land of Tus and whoever visits him from wherever he lives- namely, they consider him as Imam and believes in his Imamate, their body will be forbidden to Hellfire.

O Aisha! This (Ali) is the most beloved and most esteemed man among all others for me

O Aisha! This (Ali) is the most beloved and most esteemed man among all others for me
یا عائشه! إنَّ هذا (علیّاً) اَحبُّ الرّجالِ اِلَیَّ و أکرَمُهُم عَلیَّ فَاعْرِفی حَقَّهُ وَ اَکرِمی مَثواهُ. Prophet of Islam (PBUH): O Aisha! This (Ali) is the most beloved and most esteemed man among all others for me. You know his truthfulness and respect his position and dignity.   Asad al-Ghaba, vol. 1, ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: attending the Imam Hussein's mourning ceremonies

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  attending the Imam Hussein's mourning ceremonies

Don't forget to revive and also attend the Imam Hussein's mourning ceremonies, since The worldly problems and hardships of the hereafter are all made easy with tears and pilgrimage of the Master of the Martyrs, Imam Hussein (A.S).

Professor Ansarian: The ultimate humanity and apex of Allah's worship

Professor Ansarian: The ultimate humanity and apex of Allah's worship

The ultimate humanity and the apex of Allah's worships have been summed up in the heavenly existence of Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her). Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him says): the secret and philosophy behind her name which is Fatima, is that the creatures are deprived of understanding her knowledge and wisdom.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What is the greatest blessing?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What is the greatest blessing?

The greatest of blessings and the most important of them is the blessing of lifetime, which is granted to mankind only once, and the petition of living one's life again will not be accepted neither in this world nor in the hereafter.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: When I was studying in Qom...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: When I was studying in Qom...

When I was studying in Qom and I was so determined to visit the Holy Shrine of Hazrat Masoumeh (as) every day, I used to see Imam Khomeini (r) in a unique state of praying and visitation that after many years I still wish I could have that state in myself.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: We love worshiping when we get to know its purpose

Professor Hussein Ansarian: We love worshiping when we get to know its purpose

We love worshiping when we get to know its purpose, consequence and the philosophy behind it. Mankind will never realize its sweetness unless he loves worshiping.

Professor Ansarian: Modesty and humility before the truth is a sign of rationality.

Professor Ansarian: Modesty and humility before the truth is a sign of rationality.
Professor Ansarian mentioned: the weight of intellect is not less, let,s be aware of the benefits or interest of intellect and also its function. When Allah thinks about human beings, he would undoubtedly help, and lead human  being to a positive consequences, and takes him out of the wandering state, and also helps him how to trade with his money, family members, with his friends and his life in this ...

Professor Ansarian:Imam Ali's point of view about money and spending it

Professor Ansarian:Imam Ali's point of view about money and spending it

Our Lord is merciful, come back

Our Lord is merciful, come back
It is never late for repentance, if it were, Hurr bin Yazeed ar Riyahi was not able to repent. He was in his fifties or sixties and was constantly serving Umayyad offices, then he became the major general of thousands of horsemen and soldiers and they were all under his commands, but on but on the day of Ashura he repented and turned his back to all ill-gotten and unlawful things like the government, his position and everything and Imam Hussein ...

We are fully aware of your situation

We are fully aware of your situation

فاِنّا یحیطُ عِلمُنا بِأَنبائِكُم و لایعزُبُ عَنّا شَیءٌ مِن اَخباركُم.

We are fully aware of your situation and nothing is hidden from us about your situation
Bihar al-Anwar: vol 53, p 175.

The effect praying for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)

The effect praying for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)
اكثِروا الدُّعاءَ بِتَعجِیل الفَرَجِ فَاِنَّ ذلِكَ فَرَجُكُم. Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) in one of his Tawqee (letter) has exhorted his followers: “Pray more for my reappearance because in it ,is your salvation" (Kamaaluddin, p.485, ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) offered whatever he had for the sake of God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Hussein (as) offered whatever he had for the sake of God

It has been mentioned in the Ziarat of Arbaeen that Imam Hussein (as) offered whatever he had for the sake of God; he didn't spend it out of charity or as an almsgiving, but he sacrificed all he had without expecting anything.