Friday 5th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Blessed is the one who donate his surplus money for God's sake

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Blessed is the one who donate his surplus money for God's sake

Imam Sajjad (as) said: Blessed is the one who donate his surplus money for God's sake and keeps much of his speech and treats people fairly.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Lucky are those who attend the gatherings for Ahlulbayt (as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Lucky are those who attend the gatherings for Ahlulbayt (as)

Lucky are those who attend the gatherings for Ahlulbayt (as) in order to find the correct way of living. Attending such gatherings are so magnificent that if someone dies on their way to such sessions, they are considered martyrs.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: "O God! I am thoroughly satisfied with everything!"

Professor Hussein Ansarian:  "O God! I am thoroughly satisfied with everything!"

On his last moments of his noble life, while prostrating with his face on the soil of the Pit of Sacrifice, Imam Hussein (A.S) said: "O God! I am thoroughly satisfied with everything!" God Almighty says in the holy Quran regarding his lovers: I am satisfied with them and they too are wholeheartedly satisfied with me.

The reward of solving the problems a believer

The reward of solving the problems a believer
قال الصادق (ع): اَيُّما مُؤمِنٍ نَفَّسَ عَن مُؤمِنٍ كُربَةً، نَفَّسَ اللَّهُ عَنهُ سَبعينَ كُربَةً مِن كُرَبِ الدُّنيا و كُرَبِ يَومِ القيامَةِ. Imam Sadiq (as) stated: any believer who solves the troubles of another believer, God Almighty will solve seventy troubles of him both in this world and ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The epithet of trustworthy was not given to the Holy Prophet of Islam by God Almighty

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The epithet of trustworthy was not given to the Holy Prophet of Islam by God Almighty

The epithet of trustworthy was not given to the Holy Prophet of Islam by God Almighty but the idolatrous; since the polytheist and pagans used to plunder and due to the fear of other polytheists and pagans would entrust the Holy Prophet with whatever they plundered and they would take them back intact and undamaged from the Holy Prophet.   

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Taking the necessary provisions for hereafter

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Taking the necessary provisions for hereafter

According to Imam Mujtaba (AS), the world is a place where the believer must take the necessary provisions for his hereafter as long as he is alive so that he can be present before Allah Almighty in an honorable way

Professor Hussien Ansarian: O God! turn to us in this Ramadan month

Professor Hussien Ansarian: O God! turn to us in this Ramadan month

O God, it is Ramadhan month, this mosque is your house, and we are your servants, at least, with your help, we have listened to you and have fasted, we have taken these few steps, we have come for saying prayers, we have come because of mosque, we have come to fast, now you turn to us too.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The basis of piety and the roots of goodness

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The basis of piety and the roots of goodness

The basis of piety and the roots of goodness both in this world and hereafter is the abandonment of sin and highly favored servants of God consider nothing better than the abandonment of sin. 

Professor Hussein Ansarian: to take advantage of the Holy Quran, we require teachers

Professor Hussein Ansarian: to take advantage of the Holy Quran, we require teachers
During his lecture in Rasoul Akram Mosque in Tehran, Professor Hussein Ansarian talked about the importance of the Holy Quran and said: according to interpretation that the Holy Prophet of Islam has talked about, the holy Quran is the table cloth of God Almighty. The lord of the universe's spiritual blessings is all thoroughly and comprehensively exist in this table cloth. The very important issue which is mentioned in the holy Quran regarding ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: People should not be deprived of visiting you

Professor Hussein Ansarian: People should not be deprived of visiting you

The eighth Imam of the Shias wrote in a letter to Imam Jawad (as) that people should not bedeprived of visiting you and being in contact with you. Love people and be gracious toward them. Being out of touch with people and not hearing their problems is not the morality of Alhulbayt (as)


Professor Hussein Ansarian: Eat and drink"

Professor Hussein Ansarian:   Eat and drink"

Eat the daily sustenance, and drink all the beverages; it is worship if I remember that the food I eat is because he asked me to do so, but if my eating and drinking is in a way that damages my body, then I have committed as sin.

Professor Ansarian: “forgiving” is a divine ethic/ let,s embellish ourselves with this divine trait.

 Professor Ansarian: “forgiving” is a divine ethic/ let,s embellish ourselves with this divine trait.
Qom- DarolErfan/ the researcher, exegete and the scholar of Holy Quran said: Allah Almighty is not the one who initiates all the time, the forgiveness of the servants by Allah is closely tied with the forgiveness human beings from one another. in order to be forgiven you should forgive in the first place. Forgive those with whom you have fought, argued, and forgive those who have fought with you, have been bad toward you or have caused trouble ...

weeping over the calamities of Hadhrat Zeinab

weeping over the calamities of Hadhrat Zeinab

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever weeps over the calamities of this girl (Zaynab) is like one who has swept over the calamities of her brothers, Hassan and Hussein.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: try to divide your day and night into four parts

Professor Hussein Ansarian: try to divide your day and night into four parts

Imam Musa ibn Jaffar (as) says: try to divide your day and night into four parts that one of which must be dedicated to earning a living and making money; but be careful that money does not separate you from God!

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the paradise is willing to welcome four women of this world

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the paradise is willing to welcome four women of this world
The Messenger of Allah says: the paradise is willing to welcome four women of this world; "Asiyah" the wife of Pharaoh, "Mary" the mother Christ, "Khadijah" the mother of the believers that the Holy Prophet says in this regard: She is my wife in this world and hereafter- that is, the relationship between him and Khadijah will never be cut, and the fourth woman is ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: chivalry is about not dealing one's religion with anything

Professor Hussein Ansarian: chivalry is about not dealing one's religion with anything

According to Imam Mujtaba (AS), chivalry is about not dealing one's religion with anything, because in the divine scale there is no gem more valuable than religion and if it brings about nothing but harm in case it is traded with something.

Professor Ansarian: not forsaking the properties brings about the punishment of Allah.

Professor Ansarian: not forsaking the properties brings about the punishment of Allah.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The lovers and weepers of Imam Hussein (A.S)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The lovers and weepers of Imam Hussein (A.S)

The lovers and weepers of Imam Hussein (A.S) are granted special blessings of Almighty Allah. Besides, the Angels are also asking for mercy and forgiveness from Almighty Allah for them.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Get help from prayer in your troubles

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Get help from prayer in your troubles

Get help from prayer in your troubles and inner griefs; " وَاسْتَعِينُوا بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلَاةِ" (and Help yourselves (in your affairs) with patience and prayer). Prayer is a great power and energy.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the effects of walking in Arbaeen

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the effects of walking in Arbaeen

Considering the effects of walking in Arbaeen, the government, the believers, the rich and the scholars must uphold this walking to the best of their ability.