Friday 5th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: good books and good lectures revive one's intellect, heart and soul

Professor Hussein Ansarian: good books and good lectures revive one's intellect, heart and soul
In one part of his speeches, professor Hussein Ansarian said: at times, the divine prophets used to say  to  nations: " You are ignorant people" (AL-NAML (THE ANT), verse 55), your intellect is dead; sometimes, they used to say: " you are like animals" and your soul is dead; and sometimes the lord of the universe would say to the nations: " your hearts turned as hard as rocks" AL-BAQARA (THE COW), verse, 74), you have developed a stone-like ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: We are promised that after saying prayers (daily Salah), prayer is answered

Professor Hussein Ansarian: We are promised that after saying prayers (daily Salah), prayer is answered

We are promised that after saying prayers (daily Salah), prayer is answered. So, Bear in mind to pray after your daily prayers that you, your family and your offspring won't be deprived of God's mercy.


Professor Hussein Ansarian: The dwellers of hell

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The dwellers of hell
The dwellers of hell are more upset about their not becoming the dwellers of Paradise than their becoming the dwellers of hell. Their sorrow is because of losing Paradise. Regret and spiritual agony, which the dwellers of hell suffer from, are more painful than the fires of hell. When they are in hell, they are shown Paradise and are told: "This is the place that was meant for you, not the hell that you threw yourself in. You were created for ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the verses of Paradise in the Holy Quran

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the verses of Paradise in the Holy Quran

When the Infallible Imams (AS) would recite the verses of Paradise in the Holy Quran, they got happy that the believers rewards are certain, likewise when they would recite the verses related to Hell, they wept so much that people could hear them in the neighborhood.

Take three of my children to Karbala

Take three of my children to Karbala

At the time of his martyrdom, Imam Mujtaba (AS) said to Imam Hussein (AS): Take three of my children to Karbala, I also want to be your partner in Karbala. This means connecting to Imam Hussein(AS).

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What Professor Hussein Ansarian think of Imam Khomeini

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What Professor Hussein Ansarian think of Imam Khomeini

In those days while I was studying in Qom and I was so determined to visit the Holy Shrine of Hazrat Masoumeh every day, I used to see Imam Khomeini in a state of prayer and visitation that after many years I still yearn for that state to happen for me.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Everybody can talk, but the believers' duty is to talk with honesty.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Everybody can talk, but the believers' duty is to talk with honesty.

Everybody can talk, but the believers' duty is to talk with honesty.
Imam Bagher (peace be upon him) says: Before you speak, try to learn honesty.

Al-Kafi: 4/104/2

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Those who don't believe in God and the Holy Prophet

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Those who don't believe in God and the Holy Prophet

Those who don't believe in God and the Holy Prophet have no right to ask for reward from the Lord of the universe in hereafter even if they do thousands of good deeds.

Professor Ansarian: a vital advice of Professor Ansarian to the youths.

Professor Ansarian: a vital advice of Professor Ansarian to the youths.
Dear young people! I have an advice of great importance for you- do your best in order to become the perfect father before you want to get married; the time of getting married is late; from the very moment try to get rid of the moral vices in you and purify yourself of them; be careful where you go and who you interact and what food you eat- there is a substance in sperm by the name of gene that transmits all your characteristics to your ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Reza (as) was extremely concerned about the beliefs of Shiites

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Imam Reza (as) was extremely concerned about the beliefs of Shiites

Until the very last minutes of his life, Imam Reza (as) was extremely concerned about the beliefs of Shiites lest their beliefs would be exposed to deviant cultures until the global government of Imam Mahdi(as)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What is a pilgrim required to know?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: What is a pilgrim required to know?

There is one issue which is incumbent upon the pilgrim and that is to know and understand that he is going on to pilgrimage of the entire values; the one who is all-encompassing all perfections and is devoid of all defects and flaws

Professor Ansarian: returning to one's nature

Professor Ansarian: returning to one's nature

The holy month of Ramadhan is the best opportunity for returning to one's nature and make- up, if this month is a month of Allah's banquet, we too invite him to the abode of heart, and let go of Satan's (devil) hand and seek refuge in Allah Almighty.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: All the truths of the Holy Qur'an

Professor Hussein Ansarian: All the truths of the Holy Qur'an

All the truths of the Holy Qur'an were revealed in the Holy Prophet's words and heart, and this heart is the horizon of the rising of all the secrets, delicacies and wisdom of the Holy Qur'an.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Arbaeen is near, it is advisable for the believers to spend money for Imam Hussein (A.S)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Arbaeen is near, it is advisable for the believers to spend money for Imam Hussein (A.S)

Arbaeen is near, it is advisable for the believers to spend money for Imam Hussein (A.S), many Shias can't make it to Karbala for Pilgrimage, Imam Sadeq (A.S) says: whoever gives money for the pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (A.S), it is as if he himself has gone on to pilgrimage.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Four qualities that remove all sins

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Four qualities that remove all sins

The Messenger of God (pbuh) said: if four qualities are found in a sinful person, God Almighty will turn all his sins into good deeds; these four qualities are honesty, modesty, morality, and gratitude

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The love to worship requires knowing the purpose

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The love to worship requires knowing the purpose

The love to worship requires knowing the purpose, result, and the philosophy of it. If we know all these things in our lives, then we will love worshiping and mankind never realizes how sweet worshiping is until he loves it.

Professor Ansarian: The holy month of Ramadhan

Professor Ansarian: The holy month of Ramadhan

The holy Month of Ramadhan is one of those occasions which is subjected to God's special attention. The dear Lord has invited his servants to this divine banquet and has made fasting a means of their growth and development.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Shiite women should observe hijab and chastity

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Shiite women should observe hijab and chastity

Shiite women should observe hijab and chastity along with crying for the Master of the Martyrs, and men should be also after gaining lawful sustenance to be among those for whom the divine throne prays.

َProfessor Hussein Ansarian: The Devil (Satan) has no domination over mankind in this world

َProfessor Hussein Ansarian: The Devil (Satan) has no domination over mankind in this world

The Devil (Satan) has no domination over mankind in this world, and on the day of resurrection, he claims: I invited you to evils only by means of my tongue and you accepted. So, you are to blame for listening to me. I cannot save even one person.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: No human is more precious than the one who is obedient

Professor Hussein Ansarian: No human is more precious than the one who is obedient

No human is more precious than the one who is obedient and docile toward the Lord of the universe, and obeys willingly whatever his lord desires. The one who is in love with Almighty God, won't feel the pressure or heaviness of the commands of the Lord due to his love.