Thursday 4th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: the highest divine blessing

Professor Ansarian: the highest divine blessing
What is life? The commander of the faithful says: asset. What is the interest of this business? Salvation from the punishment of hell and gaining paradise. These two are the profits of this business, there is no other ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The inner sins and the obvious ones stop mankind

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The inner sins and the obvious ones stop mankind

What stops mankind and does not allow him to proceed towards values and perfections are inner sins and obvious sins.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Two conditions for moving toward Allah Almighty

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Two conditions for moving toward Allah Almighty

In spiritual progress and moving toward God, two conditions are essential: "the moral virtues" and "sincerity".

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Ziarat of Arbaeen means going to Karabal

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Ziarat of Arbaeen means going to Karabal

Ziarat of Arbaeen means going to Karabal, not sitting at home and reciting the Ziarat (supplication) in the Mafatih al-Jinan (Keys to Heavens)

A little love, a little bit Allah ...

A little love, a little bit Allah ...

Our looks should be filled with affection and love, our speeches should be of good and nice words, we should write the truth, we should eat the lawful foods, we should step in the right path and abide by what pleases Allah for we are greatly responsible for our body organs.

Professor Ansarian


Professor Ansarian:The month of Rajab

Professor Ansarian:The month of Rajab

In this month of Rajab, you are expected to be careful about yourself, this is a month to refine your inward self, the days and nights of Rajab must not pass by like ordinary days and nights, you need to value every single minute and second of this month, you have to compensate in this graceful month.

Professor Ansarian: Fair judgment

Professor Ansarian: Fair judgment

  one of the places in which Satan (the devil) has spread his pitfall is when a man or a woman is eager to judge between two or more people. In such situations, Satan is so close and his pitfall has already been spread. Satan said to Hazrat Noah: when someone intends to judge between two people, I have laid there in ambush and will take away the fair judgement and will replace it with unfair judgement.

Professor Ansarian: Moderation in worshiping

Professor Ansarian: Moderation in worshiping

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The martyrdom of Imam Ali (A.S)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The martyrdom of Imam Ali (A.S)

Professor Ansarian: helping and sympathizing with them

Professor Ansarian: helping and sympathizing with them

Helping the people and sympathizing with them in hard times and difficulties are among the greatest human virtues.

Imam Reza (peace be upon him) says:

After performing the obligatory acts, there is no task better and greater than making a believer happy before Allah Almighty.

Bihar Al-Anwar: Volume 78, Page, 347.

there are three outcomes for a believer’s prayer

there are three outcomes for a believer’s prayer

Imam Sajjad (as) states: there are three outcomes for a believer’s prayer:

  • It is either saved for them
  • Or fulfilled in this world
  • Or prevents the disaster which was destined to befall them

Professor Ansarian: Garrulity and unnecessary speech and words

Professor Ansarian: Garrulity and unnecessary speech and words

Talkativeness and uncalled for speaking are one of the ways by which the heart dies and good spiritual mood is taken away from us. The Holy Prophet (PBUPH & HP) says: " if you were not addicted to excessive speaking, whatever I can see from the heavens, you could see as well and whatever I can hear, you could hear too".


Muhajj al-Bieza: 2/125

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Halal food (lawful food) is a cure for all diseases

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Halal food (lawful food) is a cure for all diseases

Halal food (lawful food) is a cure for all diseases. Imam Askari (AS) says: Keep a piece of halal bread; When you have incurable pain, eat a part of it, you will be fine.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: After the end of servitude

Professor Hussein Ansarian: After the end of servitude

After the end of servitude in Ramadan month, Eid al-Fitr is returning to one's pure nature and staying away from sensual blemishes

Professor Ansarian: the one who puts us under the pressure is deliberately causing bitterness, sufferings and annoyance.

Professor Ansarian: the one who puts us under the pressure is deliberately causing bitterness, sufferings and annoyance.
Professor Ansarian said in one part of his lecture that those who put us under the pressure is bringing about bitterness, sufferings and annoyances on purpose and we must live a calm and happy life by trusting and referring to the verses of the Holy Quran and the narrations and traditions of the infallible Imams and the Holy Prophet of Islam. We must also be satisfied and content with Allah Almighty and surrender to him wholeheartedly. As a ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr)

Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her) used to ask Imam Hasan (A.S) and Imam Hussein (A.S) to sit beside her on the night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr) and whenever they were about to fall asleep, she used to throw water on faces of those two ornaments of Paradise so that they stay awake and don’t miss the mercy of Allah Almighty.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The infallible Imams have advised us to be among those who pray a lot

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The infallible Imams have advised us to be among those who pray a lot

The infallible Imams have advised us to be among those who pray a lot, try not to open your mouth for nothing, but tie your intention, sincerity and faith to your prayers so that your prayers are accepted.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Master of the people of the world are the Martyrs

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The Master of the people of the world are the Martyrs

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said:

The Master of the people of the world are the Martyrs, the Master of the Martyrs are the Martyrs of Karbala, The Master of the Martyrs of Karbala is Imam Hussein (as).

professor Ansarian:Seeing the divine faces

professor Ansarian:Seeing the divine faces
When the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) was asked: with whom should we be friend? He mentions three characteristics for a friend. Choosing a friend and companion is of great importance. The Holy Quran the narrations of Ahlulbayt have opened up a very bright horizon in front of us which is extremely important and spectacular. I have been searching for such narrations and verses for about two years. And I wrote a book by the ...

How did the holy prophet (PBUH &P) treat Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her)

How did the holy prophet (PBUH &P) treat Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her)
Sunan Abu ...