Thursday 4th of July 2024
In Presence of Ustad
ارسال پرسش جدید

A beautiful and influential anecdote from Professor Ansariyan

A beautiful and influential anecdote from Professor Ansariyan
Prophet Moses went to the entrance of the city the next morning and saw a man with his son are the first ones who left the city. The prophet Moses was asked to go to the entrance of the city late in the evening and the last person who enters the town is my best servant. The Prophet Moses heard: O Moses! This servant of mine was the worst one when he left the town in the morning, but when his son saw the huge and massive mountains around the city ...

Whoever loves for the sake of Allah...

Whoever loves for the sake of Allah...
عنْ اَبِی عَبْدِ اللَّهِ(ع) قَالَ مَنْ اَحبّ لِلَّهِ وَ اَبْغَضَ لِلَّهِ وَ اَعْطَی لِلَّهِ فَهُوَ مِمَّنْ کَمَلَ اِیمَانُهُ. Imam Sadiq (as) states: “Whoever loves for the sake of Allah, hates for the sake of Allah, gives for the sake of Allah, and withholds for the sake of Allah is among those who have perfected their faith.” Usul ...

Professor Ansarian: Do not stay idle that is very dangerous

Professor Ansarian: Do not stay idle that is very dangerous

Professor Ansarian: School of Ashura

Professor Ansarian: School of Ashura

The more we get familiar with Imam Hussein and the school of Ashura, the better we understand how little we have done and worked for Imam Hussein and how far away with the Master of the martyrs peace be upon him and his work.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Allah Almighty and his Messenger are both in the state of war with the loan shark

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Allah Almighty and his Messenger are both in the state of war with the loan shark
According to the verses of the Holy Qur'an, we have about twenty-six great sins, many of these sins have been assessed by the Holy Qur'an. God says: whoever pays or takes Riba (Unjustified increment in borrowing or lending money, paid in kind or in money above the amount of loan, as a condition imposed by the lender or voluntarily by the borrower)- whether it a person or a bank. " If you will not give up the unlawful interest which you demand, ...

Professor Ansarian: the divine punishment

Professor Ansarian: the divine punishment
It has been mentioned in a prophetic narration that: there is angel of Allah Almighty who says during nights and days: O servant of Allah! Stop committing sin, if there were no animals to pasture, and no babies to feed and no elderly people to worship, as a result of the widespread of sins, an excruciating painful punishment would befall you ...

Professor Ansarian: Allah Almighty is responsible for taking the souls of some perfect human beings.

Professor Ansarian: Allah Almighty is responsible for taking the souls of some perfect human beings.

Professor Ansarian: the purpose of prophecy of prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP;)

Professor Ansarian: the purpose of prophecy of prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP;)

The moral virtues, which is the purpose Prophet of Islam's Prophecy is much higher and more valuable than humanity, because spiritual excellence, divine dignity and the most decent individual and social interaction lie in it.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The loyal companions of Imam Hussein (A.S)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The loyal companions of Imam Hussein (A.S)

The loyal companions of Imam Hussein (A.S) are the shining example of those who are steadfast in the path of Allah; they were offered money and positions on the night of Ashura to abandon Imam Hussein but they stayed while they knew they are going to be killed and their bodies will be sliced.

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Those who go after their carnal desires do not hear the voice of God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Those who go after their carnal desires do not hear the voice of God

Those who go after their carnal desires do not hear the voice of God, the Prophets, and the infallible Imams (peace be upon them). God says to the Holy Prophet: My beloved! Your voice can not reach the one who is dead buried in the grave of lust, the carnal desires, haram and corruption.


We referred before to this instruction and said that sin is a psychological disease that has a cure. The doctors who cure this disease are Allah, the Prophets (s), the Imams (s) and the ulama. Therefore, the diseased must submit to these doctors and follow their instructions so that they can recover and become sound psychologically. Then they can spiritually join the caravan of the good slaves of Allah. Those diseased with sin have to see ...

Do not Marry Such Women

Do not Marry Such Women
Do not Marry Such Women As you read, Islam does not allow us to marry off our daughters to several groups of people including the corrupt, the stupid, the ill-tempered, and the alcoholics. Thus by prohibiting such marriages, a woman's respect and honor are safeguarded. In the same manner, Islam prohibits the marriage of young noble, believing men with those women who do not meet divine and Islamic conditions. There exist many important ...

Professor Ansarian: Untimely harshness and rage

Professor Ansarian: Untimely harshness and rage

One of the most important steps to understand the facts and the inner world is abandoning the untimely harshness and rage. Imam Hasan Asgari (peace be upon him) says: Anger is the key to any evil.

Professor Ansarian: saying “NO” to numerous sins has no cost for you

Professor Ansarian: saying “NO” to numerous sins has no cost for you
He also added: going to Paradise is like walking on a slippery slope and it is very easy, one can go to paradise by saying about a hundred “NOs”, and some physical efforts and some monetary expenses, but you have to spend a lot if you want to go to Hell. Those people who travel to some European countries during some special occasions like Nouroz Eid or other holidays and stay there for a couple of days and do many sins and ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The best buyer of human property and soul is God

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The best buyer of human property and soul is God

The best buyer of human property and soul is God, whose price is guaranteed by paradise, so let's always try to walk in the path of God.

The Rights of Wives and Husbands in Islam

The Rights of Wives and Husbands in Islam
The Rights of Wives and Husbands in Islam   Those are limits set by God: those who obey God and His Apostle will be admitted to Gardens with rivers flowing beneath, to abide therein (forever) and that will be the Supreme achievement. [Holy Quran: Nisaa 4:13] An Outlook on Family Rights The rights of wives and husbands are completely described in the Glorious Quran. When studying them one can recognize these mutual rights as being one of the ...

Peace be upon you, O virtuous and pure

Peace be upon you, O virtuous and pure
It has been narrated in most authentic books and in most authentic narrations that: A man come home from work, he seemed distraught and his wife asked the reason, the man said: today I thought about the hereafter and the resurrection days in my store, and thought to myself, where am I going to be at that day? In the heaven or hell? I had no answer for it, I was so depressed, now I have come home with panic, anxiety and confusion and beg you to ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: who is the real servant?

Professor Hussein Ansarian: who is the real servant?

The real servant is the one who wholeheartedly surrenders to the wishes of his creator and provider and understands that neither one loves him more than his merciful and kind Lord nor one ever pays special attention to him as much as his merciful and kind Lord in the whole universe.

Professor Ansarian:

Professor Ansarian:

The servitude of Allah Almighty is the most valuable blessing and source of all divine goodness and benevolence. Imam Hasan (AS) says: the one who worships and serves Allah Almighty, Allah the Exalted will make all the creatures obey him and become his servants.   

Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 68, p. 184

Professor Hussein Ansarian: If we trade our lives with sin, we have, indeed, paid the price of Hell

Professor Hussein Ansarian: If we trade our lives with sin, we have, indeed, paid the price of Hell

If we trade our lives with sin, we have, indeed, paid the price of Hell. Our lives must be traded with God Almighty and the infallible Imams, specifically the Imam of the time (as) in these days, since all our actions are constantly under his supervision, and this business will be the one with no loss.