Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

ISIS Booby-Traps Copies of Holy Quran in Diyala, Iraq

ISIS Booby-Traps Copies of Holy Quran in Diyala, Iraq
After capturing the main ISIL base in the Eastern Diyala province, Iraqi security forces found a series of Qurans (Muslims holy book) which were booby-trapped with explosives by the rebels, Head of the security committee in Diyala Sadeq Hosseini said. Hosseini said that the Iraqi forces backed by the Shiite Hashed al-Shaabi volunteer forces found the explosive Qurans inside houses, buildings and military bases. Similar booby-trapped Qurans ...

Jesus in the Holy Quran / Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Jesus in the Holy Quran / Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Jesus in the Holy Qur'an: In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the merciful Chapter 19, Maryam (Mary):Verses 15-34; The Holy Qur'an: • Peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he dies and the day he raised from the dead.• And remember [the account] of Mary in the book when she withdrew from her people to an Eastern place.• She screened herself away from them, and We sent to her Our Spirit and it appeared to her in the form of ...

Sheikh Daqqaq, Bahraini Shi’a scholar: Events in Bahrain, Yemen due to Saudi defeat in Iraq, Syria

Sheikh Daqqaq, Bahraini Shi’a scholar: Events in Bahrain, Yemen due to Saudi defeat in Iraq, Syria
The representative of Ayatollah Isa Qassim in Iran referred to the recent events occurring in the Iraqi city of Fallujah and the victories of the Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq as well as the victories of the Syrian army in Aleppo, saying these victories have led to the defeat of Saudi Arabia on these fronts and they have now increased their efforts in Bahrain and Yemen. He explained that in order to keep religious scholars and clerics out ...

Fast for the fasting: Muslims at MUN hosting dinner to educate, help others during Ramadan

Fast for the fasting: Muslims at MUN hosting dinner to educate, help others during Ramadan
Muslim students at Memorial University participating in the holy month of Ramadan this month are inviting people in St. John's to step away from the plate for the day. The Muslim Students' Association is holding their second annual fast-a-thon on Monday, and it's set to culminate in a delicious meal of Pakistani Indian food. But there's a catch: according to MSA President Ahmed Khawer, all participants must fast from sunrise to sunset on the day ...

Whoever I am his master and possessor, Ali is also his master and possessor

Whoever I am his master and possessor, Ali is also his master and possessor

Prophet of Islam (PBUH): Whoever I am his master and possessor, Ali is also his master and possessor. O, Allah! Whoever accepts Ali's guardianship, be his guardian, and whoever is hostile to him, be his enemy.

Kanzul Ummal Vol 11, page 609.

Report: Taliban Intensifies Moves in Northern Afghanistan

Report: Taliban Intensifies Moves in Northern Afghanistan
- The local officials in northern Afghanistan have claimed that Taliban intended making new advances and capturing some of the country’s districts. Just unlike before which it carried out harassing attacks and led an erosive war, the militant group now is focusing on gaining territory and consolidating its place in Afghanistan.Meanwhile, Reza Rezaei, the commander of Afghan National Army's 209th Brigade, stationed in the north of the ...

Egypt's most famous spy on Israel dies

Egypt's most famous spy on Israel dies
One of Egypt's most famous spies, who convinced the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad that he worked with them during the War of Attrition between 1967 and 1973, died in Cairo at the age of 74. Ahmed al-Hawan died after a long fight against illness, and his funeral is slated to be held on Wednesday, Egyptian state media reported. He had provided the Israelis with false military information with the help of Egyptian Intelligence from 1967 ...

Press Conference on Bahrain’s Revolution in House of Lords

Press Conference on Bahrain’s Revolution in House of Lords
 In his opening remarks Lord Avebury said: We are concerned by events in Bahrain where the situation is worse than what we had in the nineties. At that time there were no soldiers shooting people, no show trials as there are now. Although the King is trying to show a different reality, the situation has gone beyond the point of no return. He added: “If you want conversation you don’t start by beating the people up. I don’t believe current ...

Israel’s youngest prisoner reunited with her family: Pictures

Israel’s youngest prisoner reunited with her family: Pictures
The number of Palestinian minors being held in Israeli prisons has seen a sharp rise since the beginning of what observers call the third Palestinian Intifada (uprising) in last October. Israelis regularly interrogate Palestinian children in the absence of a parent, hence infringing upon international laws that demand special protection for detained kids, some rights group ...

Fasting and prayer brings Las Vegas Muslims together for Ramadan / Pics

Fasting and prayer brings Las Vegas Muslims together for Ramadan / Pics
For 29 or 30 days every year, Muslims around the world pray and read from the Quran during Ramadan. From dawn until dusk, they consume no food or drink, not even water.  Muslims frequently gather nightly during Ramadan, which started this year on June 6, to share prayers and break the fast together. On the first Friday of Ramadan, congregants at Masjid Ibrahim, 3788 N. Jones Blvd., filled the mosque’s social hall in anticipation of ...

Prominent British executioner deserts ISIS

Prominent British executioner deserts ISIS
A prominent British terrorist who was once suspected of being Jihadi John has reportedly deserted the ranks of the ISIS and fled to Turkey. Apparently, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, 24, has become disillusioned with life in Syria. Bary, who has earlier appeared in clips beheading hostages and declaring war on the West, has reportedly escaped Syria when Kurdish forces seized the city of Tel Abyad near the Turkish border. According to reports, Bary ...

Leader of Islamic revolution hails heroic participation in martyrs’ funeral

Leader of Islamic revolution hails heroic participation in martyrs’ funeral
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a message hailed the people of Iran for their glorious and heroic presence in the funeral ceremony of 270 martyrs of Iraqi Imposed War. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a message hailed the people of Iran for their glorious and heroic presence in the funeral ceremony of 270 martyrs of Iraqi Imposed War.Leader's appreciating message came after the Iranian nation took part in the ceremony of 270 martyrs of the ...

Assassination attempt on Shaikh Zakzaky: Shaikh Turi sends message from Karbala

Assassination attempt on Shaikh Zakzaky: Shaikh Turi sends message from Karbala
Shaikh Turi assured that, just as enemy plots during the time of Shaikh bin Fodiye and Imam Khomeini were not successful, the evil plots against Shaikh Zakzakay will also fail woefully. In reaction to the recent desperate plot by the out-going government under Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to assassinate Leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, His Eminence Shaikh Ibraheem Zakzaky, a disciple of the Leader who is currently in Karbala, Iraq, ...

Nabeel Rajab: Twitter: The Arab Spring’s Horizon

Nabeel Rajab: Twitter: The Arab Spring’s Horizon
The human rights defender and President of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights Nabeel Rajab, has been active on Twitter since March 2009. Last July, Forbes Magazine classified Rajab as the second most active Twitter user in Bahrain and the 43rd at the Arab World level. At that time, Bahrain's Foreign Minister, Sheikh Khaled Al Khalifa surpassed Rajab with a few thousands followers. However, Rajab is considered today the most active Twitter user ...

Bahrain Opposition Leader 'Sheikh Ali Salman' Appears before Court Today

Bahrain Opposition Leader 'Sheikh Ali Salman' Appears before Court Today
Sheikh Ali Salman, Bahraini opposition leader, will appear before an appeals court in Bahrain, today. Sheikh Salman is facing malicious charges related to public speeches he delivered and in which he called for political reform through democratic transition and an end to human rights violations.Today’s hearing session is the fourth in the appeals court. International human rights NGOs have said the trial lacked the standards of a fair one. ...

Afghan Government Says It Won't Deal Separately with Taliban

Afghan Government Says It Won't Deal Separately with Taliban
Afghanistan's government has addressed the growing leadership crisis in the Taliban for the first time, saying it won't deal with the militant group separately from other "armed opposition" in the country. The statement Monday from President Ashraf Ghani's office also says it will not accept any "parallel political structure" opposed to the Afghan government. That refers to the Taliban, who still call themselves the "Islamic Emirate of ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Give me the success to be grateful for all the outward and inward blessings

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Give me the success to be grateful for all the outward and inward blessings

Imam Hussein (as) said to Almighty God:O God! Give me the success to be grateful for all the outward and inward blessings my parents have been granted so that I will not be indebted to you in thanking in the Hereafter.

World Leaders Gather in Tehran for NAM

World Leaders Gather in Tehran for NAM
The summit’s successful turnout marks a victory for Iran, a nation that is actually prospering on the international scene despite Western efforts to isolate the Islamic state. Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said the conference demonstrates the “thriving power” of the Islamic Iran. “Surely, holding the summit in Iran can give more power to the Islamic Republic ruling system and create abundant opportunities in the international ...

Four day long International Islamic Women Police Conference begins in Pakistan

 Four day long International Islamic Women Police Conference begins in Pakistan
The International Islamic Women Police Conference began in Islamabad on Monday. It is also known as Gender Responsive Policing in the Islamic World.   Inaugurating the four day conference Speaker National Assembly Dr. Fehmida Mirza said that it will serve as a milestone towards drawing more women in the law enforcement agencies at all levels and their increased number in the peacemaking.The Speaker said since the return of Peoples Party ...

Photos /Lecture by Professor Ansarian in the mosque of Hadhrat Amir (AS) /Ramadan 1395

Photos /Lecture by Professor Ansarian in the mosque of Hadhrat Amir (AS) /Ramadan 1395
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