Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Quran-burning pastor Jones briefly jailed

Quran-burning pastor Jones briefly jailed
The US pastor whose burning of a Quran sparked condemnation in Muslim world and deadly protests in Afghanistan has been briefly jailed in a heavily Islamic suburb after a court banned his protest outside a mosque. A local judge jailed pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida, and his associate Wayne Sapp on Friday after a court ruled that their planned protest outside the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan, could lead to ...

Quranic Sciences University to Be Launched in Tabriz

Quranic Sciences University to Be Launched in Tabriz
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), TABRIZ, Iran -- According to the public relations and international affairs office of Awqaf and Charity Affairs Organization, Hojat-ol-Islam Ali Mohammadi head of the organization in a speech elaborated on the lofty status of the holy Quran in Islamic societies especially Iran, and referred to the construction of the university in Tabriz as an important step in promoting Quranic culture in the region. Ayatollah ...

Labor's Day in Bahrain: More Than 7400 Unemployed

Labor's Day in Bahrain: More Than 7400 Unemployed
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Government of Bahrain chose to mark May 1st of this year (2015) by preventing the labors from walking their annual protests. During these protests, Bahraini workers used to raise banners demanding their legitimate works.In the same context, the General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions private sector assistant secretary Kareem Radhi announced, "The Minister of Labor Jameel Humaidan said that he can't hire graduates in ...

French Muslims celebrate a milestone

French Muslims celebrate a milestone
Marseille, May 21: French Muslims celebrate a milestone on Thursday when building work begins on a mega-mosque in Marseille, the nation's biggest and a potent symbol of Islam's place in modern France. A day after the French government approved a bill banning the full Islamic veil, Muslim leaders will join politicians for a ceremony to lay the cornerstone at a dusty construction site in northern Marseille. France's second city is home to ...

47 Europeans embraced Islam

 47 Europeans embraced Islam
As many as 47 European nationals embraced Islam at a ceremony held at the office of the Makkah-based Muslim World League (MWL) inLondonSaturday evening. In a statement to the Saudi Press Agency, Director of the MWL Office in London Dr. Ahmed Makhdoom said that the new converts included four men and the rest of them were women aged between 19 and 77. “Most of them are Britons in addition to some other European nationals. They have different ...

France keen on closer ties with Islamic groups

France keen on closer ties with Islamic groups
France's Foreign Minister Alain Juppé has announced that in the past France has been manipulated by Arab regimes which made Islamist movements seem like “the devil”. In a 180 degree shift, France's foreign policy will now include discussions with religious political groups like the Muslim Brotherhood. Many analysts say France is pragmatically, or cynically, trying to curry favor with groups that could take power when the Arab Spring ...

Professor Ansarian:The meaning of legislative and formative movement

Professor Ansarian:The meaning of legislative and formative movement
The sun must be in its orbit and cannot go out of this orbit; but me as a faithful person can change into an infidel one and an infidel person can also change into a faithful one. A robber can Fazeel Ayaz, and Shemr who had memorized the whole Quran can dare to sit on the chest of Imam Hussein and behead him. The name of this movement is legislative movement and it is a movement toward freedom, but the issue of but the issue of guidance of the ...

Targeting Bahraini Cyber Activist to prevent the broadcasting of news and information

 Targeting Bahraini Cyber Activist to prevent the broadcasting of news and information
Cyber Activist, better known as “Hussain Bahrain” on Facebook.He was arrested on Thursday, June 9th 2011. Security forces stormed his house and confiscated a computer. Mr.Makki, Administrator of the Pages ( RASAD NEWS) on Facebook and Twitter. “RASAD NEWS” is broadcast news and information about human rights violations in Bahrain, publish images and video of events and is considered an important source of information. After the ...

Seminar on Quds in Makkah

Seminar on Quds in Makkah
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - A seminar on Quds is to be held at the Supreme Leader’s representative office in the holy city of Makkah. The seminar is slated for the 5th day of Dhul-Hajja (November 12). Titled “Ghazza, Ramz-ul-Izza” (Gaza, secret of dignity), it will feature discussions on the success of Islamic resistance in Palestine, ways for putting an end to Gaza siege and the Zionists’ expansionist policies in the Occupied ...

Professor Ansarian:There was no spiritual veil between Imam Hussein peace be upon him and the Almighty Allah

Professor Ansarian:There was no spiritual veil between Imam Hussein peace be upon him and the Almighty Allah
If the heart of Imam Hussein peace be upon him was filled with love of any of except for Allah, he was certainly incapable of doing such a massive sacrifice on the day of Ashura, he was the one who created such a passion and love on that day which has had no match throughout the history. There was no spiritual veil between Imam Hussein peace be upon him and the Almighty Allah, and he saw nothing but the lord of the ...

Sheikh Zakzaky’s Daughter Tells about Army’s Massacre in Zaria

Sheikh Zakzaky’s Daughter Tells about Army’s Massacre in Zaria
The following day, Nigerian forces also raided Zakzaky’s home and injured and arrested him after killing those attempting to protect him. Zakiya Zakzaky told IQNA that his father and mother are in hospital under confinement. She noted that one of the Shia cleric’s eyes was injured in the attack on his house and he cannot move his legs since he was shot during the raid. They ordered the female members of the family to remove the ...

Imam Khamenei: US continues deception after JCPOA

Imam Khamenei: US continues deception after JCPOA
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the US has resorted to “deception” to obstruct international trade with Iran despite a nuclear agreement. “On paper, the Americans say banks can trade with Iran but in practice they act in such an Iranophobic way that no trade can take place with Iran,” the Leader told a group of Iranian workers in Tehran Wednesday.US and European businesses are reluctant ...

Shia worker of a political party kidnapped and martyred in Karachi

Shia worker of a political party kidnapped and martyred in Karachi
Shia member of Karachi-based political party and an employee of federal government embraced martyrdom when kidnappers tortured him to death in Karachi. Body was found lying in Mawach Goth on Tuesday. Syed Sikandar Rizvi alias Kashif was kidnapped last night near airport. His body was found near Hub River Road in the limits of Baldia Town Mawach Goth. Body was shifted to Civil Hospital for medico-legal purposes. Martyr Shia Muslim belonged to a ...

Muslims feel betrayed over US policies

Muslims feel betrayed over US policies
A social scientist is urging the U.S. government to review its standing with the Middle East, noting the deep-seated anger and sense of betrayal Muslims feel toward U.S. foreign policy. Steven Kull, director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes and author of “Feeling Betrayed: The Roots of Muslim Anger at America,” says from Morocco to Indonesia, Muslims feel oppressed by America and are frustrated with the U.S. for prioritizing ...

Bahrain Uprising Shakes the foundation of Al Khalifah Regime

Bahrain Uprising Shakes the foundation of Al Khalifah Regime
Developing the popular uprising in Bahrain will shake the very foundation of Al Khalifah regime," Ayatollah Faqihi said. Addressing the recent events in Bahrain, Ayatollah Mohsen Faqihi said, "The current situation in Bahrain has led the Al Khalifah regime to crackdown its Shia majority and to suppress them in an inhumane way," he said in an interview with Hawzah News Agency. "Bahraini Regime must stop confronting eminent religious scholars ...

What is Eid al-Fitr?

What is Eid al-Fitr?
Family and friends gather to eat and pray together during the festival that lasts up to three days in many Muslim countries. The Eid Festival, organised by the Mayor London, will take place in Trafalgar Square in London on Saturday July ...

the sky wept for forty days over the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (as)

the sky wept for forty days over the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (as)
إنَّ السَّماءَ بَکَتْ عَلی الْحُسَینِ عَلَیهِ السَّلام اَرْبَعِینَ صَباحاً بِالدَّمِ وَ إِنَّ الْأَرْضَ بَکَتْ أرْبَعینَ صَباحاً بِالسَّواءِ Imam Sadiq (as): the sky wept for forty days over the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (as) and the earth cried and mourned for forty days for him and turned ...

Facebook responds to calls to shut Muslim-offensive page

Facebook responds to calls to shut Muslim-offensive page
After attracting the ire of thousands of Islamic protesters and narrowly avoiding a fatwa, Facebook has today shut down a page titled 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day'.  The removal of the page sparked cries of censorship but Facebook responded saying that the page had suffered from "a small technical issue" and that they believed Facebook was a a place "where people can openly discuss issues and express their views, while respecting the rights ...

Bahrain Ulama: Regime Declared War on Shia

Bahrain Ulama: Regime Declared War on Shia
In a statement issued on Tuesday, Bahrain Ulama considered that the recent developments as a war declaration on the peaceful political opposition, the people's will and aspirations, and the cultural and religious existence of the Shia sect in the country. The regime is mistaken if it thinks that such repressive acts can eradicate the popular mobility, and al-Wefaq association is not mere headquarters that can be closed or a number of people that ...

Sayyed Nasrallah: Sheikh Al-Nimr’s Blood Will Lead Al-Saud to Abyss

Sayyed Nasrallah: Sheikh Al-Nimr’s Blood Will Lead Al-Saud to Abyss
Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah confirmed that the Saudi crime of assassinating His Eminence, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, will not be taken lightly. In a televised speech, commemorating the death of Sheikh Mohammad Khatoun, His Eminence said: "This execution was very shocking. Through the execution of Sheikh al-Nimr, the kingdom sought to send the Islamic world as the entire region a message in blood with the ...