Monday 22nd of July 2024
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Persian Gulf states want Saleh to step down

Persian Gulf states want Saleh to step down
The states "hope to reach a deal with the Yemeni president to step down," Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem Al Thani was quoted as saying by QNA state news agency on Thursday. Hundreds of thousands of people have turned out for regular demonstrations in cities, including Sana'a, Aden, Taiz, calling for corruption and unemployment to be tackled and demanding President Saleh step down. Some 40 percent of the population live on $2 a day or less in the ...

Norway university to mull academic boycott of Israel

Norway university to mull academic boycott of Israel
A group of professors in Norway have called for a boycott of Israeli academics because of "systematic" discrimination against Palestinian students and for altering history to develop the Zionist ideology, the professors said.   A group of professors in Norway have called for a boycott of Israeli academics because of "systematic" discrimination against Palestinian students and for altering history to develop the Zionist ...

School Board defends hosting Muslim prayer sessions

School Board defends hosting Muslim prayer sessions
The Toronto District School Board says it is meeting its obligation to accommodate students’ religious beliefs by allowing an imam to lead students in prayer on school property.The board came under fire this week when a Hindu group that regularly criticizes Islam raised objections to Friday Muslim prayer sessions, which have been held inside a cafeteria at Valley Park Middle School in Flemingdon Park for about three years.The Muslim Canadian ...

Ali Mohammed al-Nimr and other youths face immediate execution

Ali Mohammed al-Nimr and other youths face immediate execution
Accused of conspiracy against the king, Ali Mohammed al-Nimr never stood a chance … The victim of a viciously sectarian regime which sole existence has been to oppress religious minorities to better asset its own absolutism: Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia has been a grand scale concentration camp for Shia Muslims. Activists close to the family of Ali Mohammed al-Nimr have warned that the regime is currently following the same pattern of ...

Beginning of Shia Unity: Azmat-e-Shohada Conference

Beginning of Shia Unity: Azmat-e-Shohada Conference
The program was jointly organized by the Majlis-e-Wehdat Muslameen (MWM), Hazara Qaumi Jirga, Jaffaria Alliance Pakistan, Shia Ulema Council Pakistan and other organization to express the solidarity of the Shia Muslims Community of the Country and to boost-up moral of the Shia Community. The program of Azmat-e-Shohada Conference directly broadcasted at Shiite news is being held at Quetta, where the Central leaders of Shia Community Allama Raja ...

Philadelphia schools add Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha holidays to its calendar

Philadelphia schools add Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha holidays to its calendar
The Philadelphia School District will add two Muslim holidays to its calendar, placing it among the first in the nation to do so. In what would be an even rarer step, Mayor Kenney said Tuesday he also hopes to adopt the holidays for city workers. He has created a task force to determine how the change can be accomplished. A spokesman from the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington said his group is not aware of any cities that have ...

Miltant leader killed, 2 others arrested in central Afghanistan

Miltant leader killed, 2 others arrested in central Afghanistan
Kabul : A targeted militant leader was killed and two others were detained Monday during a U.S.-led Coalition forces operation to disrupt Taliban operations in central Afghan province of Wardak, said a Coalition statement released here on Tuesday. Coalition forces searched several compounds in Sayad Abad district of Wardak targeting a militant leader who has smuggle munitions and conduct IED (Improvised Explosive Device) attacks against Afghan ...

Romania’s New Muslims...Educated Elite

Romania’s New Muslims...Educated Elite
-- Doctors, engineers and other professionals make the bulk of people embracing Islam in Romania, where the Muslim minority is already enjoying full rights. "The majority of Romanian Muslims are of the educated elite," Bari Nardeen, the head of the Muslim Youth Association of Romania, told IslamOnline.net over the phone from Bucharest.   "They are doctors, engineers, teachers, professionals and merchants."   Nardeen, of Tatar origin, ...

Facilitator of Shia-Genocide in D.I.Khan arrested from Zohb, DPO DI Khan

Facilitator of Shia-Genocide in D.I.Khan arrested from Zohb, DPO DI Khan
He added that one group was involved in these killings of four Shia professional's and the Shia-killings witnessed in last month at D I Khan. He said the issue of security would be taken up with the K-P government and 300 CCTV cameras would be installed in D.I.Khan to avoid these kind of tragic ...

Karachi Shiites, civil society remember 61 martyrs of Shikarpur blast on its first anniversary

Karachi Shiites, civil society remember 61 martyrs of Shikarpur blast on its first anniversary
Thousands of Shia Muslims including civil society in Shikarpur marked the first anniversary of Shikarpur blast yesterday on Saturday that killed at least 61 worshipers including children last year during Friday prayer on January 30, 2015.Shiites including activists and leaders of Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslmeen (MWM), Shia Ulema Council (SUC), Imamia Students Organization (ISO), Asgharia Students Organization (ASO), Jafria Students Organizatio (JSO) ...

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah receives Deputy International of Qom Islamic Seminary

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah receives Deputy International of Qom Islamic Seminary
Sayyed Hassan expressed his gratitude for Shiite sources of emulation in Qom. On his trip to Lebanon, Deputy International of the Iranian Islamic Seminary had a meeting with Hezbollah Leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in which the Lebanese cleric expressed his gratitude for Shia Sources of emulation's efforts and concerns regarding the international affairs. Hujjat al-Islam Zamani, Deputy International of the Islamic Seminary discussed with Sayyed ...

199 Bahraini nationals stripped of their citizenships for political reasons

 199 Bahraini nationals stripped of their citizenships for political reasons
On Sunday, Bahraini courts ruled life sentences and for the revocation of nationality in the cases of 12 Bahraini nationals with a case of political background. The Bahraini regime continues to revoke citizenships as a punitive measure against dissidents.Last week, two Bahrainis were stripped of their citizenships, following a revocation of 5 citizenships two weeks ago from today. The total number of Bahrainis who have had their citizenships ...

More than 1,500 schools destroyed in al-Anbar province, Iraq

More than 1,500 schools destroyed in al-Anbar province, Iraq
An Iraqi official announced that more than 1,500 schools were destroyed, "partially or totally" in Anbar province, one of the major Iraqi provinces, indicating that the majority of these schools are "directly targeted by" ISIS extremist organization. The spokesman of Anbar Provincial Council , Eid Ammash said in a press statement that "Anbar was hit hard , more than 1,500 schools were partially destroyed or totally" destroyed in this vast ...

200 Quranic Classes Underway in Lorestan

200 Quranic Classes Underway in Lorestan
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Iran -- Roqayyeh Harati, managing director of Quranic centers union in Lorestan said that the courses are held in various cities of the province within the framework of the Quran teaching movement. “The teaching program includes Quran reading, recitation, Quranic concepts at four levels, Quran memorization at two levels as well as four levels for pre-school children and three-year and five year Quran ...

Ammar al-Hakim: Sex jihad an innovation of the Umayyad Caliphate

Ammar al-Hakim: Sex jihad an innovation of the Umayyad Caliphate
he leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq emphasized that “sex jihad” is an innovation which was created by the Umayyad Caliphate. Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, the leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI), said during a public meeting at his office in Baghdad that the Iraq is struggling with many crises and problems, including corruption, security issues and disruption to its social services. He ...

Mosque in Florida offers free medical care for the needy

Mosque in Florida offers free medical care for the needy
Giving back to the community, a Debary Islamic center in southeastern Florida US has opened a free health clinic to offer medical services for uninsured and needy people in the area. The clinic, which was opened on Sunday, will have doctors who will be available to see patients for a month, also will offer lab services and prescription assistance. "We need to give back to the community,” Maryam Mosque President, Riaz Qureshi, said on ...

Bahraini opposition leader, Sheikh Mohammed Ali Mahfouz, released from jail

Bahraini opposition leader, Sheikh Mohammed Ali Mahfouz, released from jail
A Bahraini court had sentenced Mahfouz to 10 years in prison, but the court of appeal ruled in November 2012 to reduce his jail term to five years. Anti-regime protesters have been holding rallies across Bahrain since mid-February 2011, calling on the ruling family to relinquish power. Rights groups have repeatedly blasted Manama for handing down long-term sentences to anti-regime ...

World Muslims demand probe into Hajj stampede.

World Muslims demand probe into Hajj stampede.
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Local Muslim scholars have demanded formation of an international probe team on the cause of last week Hajj stampede that took more than 4,173 pilgrims dead, joining the world camp of those accusing the Saudi authorities of inefficiency in managing the world’s largest gathering of Muslims from across the globe.   They told reporters in Dar es Salaam on Thursday that Tanzanian government ought to join the ...

Bahrain uprising strong, economy dire - Activists

Bahrain uprising strong, economy dire - Activists
Rori DonaghyThe uprising in Bahrain has largely fallen of the map in terms of international news coverage in recent months, sparing the imprisonment of prominent activist Nabeel Rajab and opposition leader Ali Salman.However, a recent commentary on the tiny Gulf state by the BBC’s Security Correspondent Frank Gardner, in which he suggests the island is “largely peaceful”, has prompted debate among Bahraini activists, both ...

Imam Khamenei confers ‘Fath’ medal on IRGC commanders for arresting US Marines

Imam Khamenei confers ‘Fath’ medal on IRGC commanders for arresting US Marines
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has conferred the ‘Fath’ (Victory) medal on commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) naval forces for arresting US Marines who trespassed on Iran’s territorial waters. Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has conferred the ‘Fath’ (Victory) medal on commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) naval ...