Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Quranic Book of the Year Award Long Overdue

Quranic Book of the Year Award Long Overdue
-- Establishing a Quranic book of the year award is long overdue, says a Quran researcher and head of the committee for collective translation of the Quran. Hojat-ol-Islam Mohammad Ali Rezaee Esfehani told IQNA that best works published every year in the fields of translation of the holy Quran and Quran interpretation should be selected and awarded. This will be an opportunity for assessing Quran translations, he said, “Something that has ...

UN calls on Bahrain's government to carry out fundamental reforms

UN calls on Bahrain's government to carry out fundamental reforms
The United Nations high commissioner for human rights has censured the government in Bahrain for its harsh crackdown on dissent, calling on Manama to carry out fundamental reforms. Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein on Thursday expressed concern about frequent cases of arrest of dissidents in Bahrain, saying such measures show that the government is determined to muzzle rights campaigners in the country. The senior UN official, who was delivering his ...

Bahrain expels protest-backing pupils

Bahrain expels protest-backing pupils
At least 33 students were expelled from Shahrakan primary school for voicing support for anti-regime protests across the country on a school bus. The move came shortly after a fourth Bahraini anti-government protester died under severe torture while in police custody. Witnesses say Bahraini authorities did not allow Abdul Kareem al-Fakhrawi's family to see his body and only his face was shown. Bahraini authorities had earlier suspended over ...

150 days after Zaria Massacre by Buhari Army: Justice still denied

150 days after Zaria Massacre by Buhari Army: Justice still denied

The Muslims in Scotland refuse redefining marriage

The Muslims in Scotland refuse redefining marriage
n a breaking news, the leaders of the Muslim community in Scotland warned the government from proceeding with the project it has recently proposed to redefine the term marriage to include homosexuals in the new definition of marriage, and they threatened that the government will lose the votes of the Muslims in any coming election.The government, led by the Scottish National Party, had held a consultation last Friday to discuss this issue; ...

Grand Ayatollah Sobhani opposes Wahhabi ban on Prophet’s birthday celebration

Grand Ayatollah Sobhani opposes Wahhabi ban on Prophet’s birthday celebration
Ayatollah Ja'far Sobhani said: "The [Wahhabi] clergy of Saudi Arabia shout and yell about how the birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad is an innovation and a heresy, but al-Azhar University has rejected this view, saying that the Prophet Muhammad fasted for two days because of his birthday." The remarks came days after some of the Wahhabi clerics banned the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad's birth anniversary (PBUH) calling it ...

Int’l Conference of Quran and Hadith Scientific Miracle Opens in Cairo

Int’l Conference of Quran and Hadith Scientific Miracle Opens in Cairo
The first international conference on Scientific Miracle of the Quran and Hadith kicked off in the Egyptian capital of Cairo on Sunday, May 6.The two-day event is held at Beni Suef University, Egynews website reported.Abdullah Al-Muslih secretary general of the World Association of Scientific Miracles in the Quran and Sunnah and Amin Al-Seyyed chancellor of Beni Suef University were present at the inauguration ceremony.Muslih in a speech ...

‘Get to Know Your Muslim Neighbors’ event at Islamic Society of Columbus

‘Get to Know Your Muslim Neighbors’ event at Islamic Society of Columbus
Sharing a message of tolerance and understanding, the Islamic Society of Columbus, western Georgia, US invited nonbelievers of their faith to ask questions and get to a better understanding of the Muslim culture. “It was very important for us to hold this event to give an opportunity to hear it straight from us, rather than to hear from us as a reaction to certain events in the media or certain events that have happened,” says Basil ...

A glance at Iran’s support for Sunni Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A glance at Iran’s support for Sunni Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina
As July 11th marks the 21st anniversary of the barbaric massacre of over 8000 Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Muslims are still being massacred in Palestine, Kashmir, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and elsewhere in the world.'In Occupied Palestine, the United States is the most pivotal factor for the obtuseness and effrontery of the Zionist; and it’s the most important factor in driving most Arab states into compromising with ...

Why Bahrain Regime Afraid of a Tweet?

Why Bahrain Regime Afraid of a Tweet?
I am on trial for saying what everyone knows: Bahraini authorities are turning a blind eye to the [so-called] Islamic State Imagine, for just a moment, if a U.S. soldier left his post to travel to Iraq and join the so-called Islamic State. Imagine that he filmed himself in Iraq as proof of his defection. Imagine if it then emerged that the Department of Defense was distributing books and materials, which spread hateful ideologies that encouraged ...

Bahrain authorities continue to silence opposition leaders through arrests and trials

Bahrain authorities continue to silence opposition leaders through arrests and trials
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Al Wefaq National Islamic Society said the re-arrest of opposition figure Ebrahim Shareef just 22 days after his release reflects the size of the rampant political crisis in Bahrain.Shareef was released after spending nearly five years in prison for expressing his political opinion. His arrest on Sunday highlighted the suffocating security environment in Bahrain as the regime continues to lock up opposition leaders for ...

Pakistan army chief lauds guard who averted suicide blast attempt in Quetta's Eid al-Fitr shopping market

Pakistan army chief lauds guard who averted suicide blast attempt in Quetta's Eid al-Fitr shopping market
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Pakistan - Army chief General Raheel Sharif paid rich tributes to the valour and sacrifice of a private security guard, Talib Hussain, who averted a suicide blast attempt late on Friday night in Quetta.“Talib Hussain daringly challenged the suicide bomber and averted a big disaster when the bomb exploded prematurely,” an Inter Services Public Relations statement said.“He was on duty as security guard at ...

Zaria massacre: How I lost my husband, 6 children

Zaria massacre: How I lost my husband, 6 children
In this interview with IMN reporters in Zaria, Malama Maimuna Abdullahi Abbas gives an insight on her ordeal, losing her soul mate and six children during the clamp down on the Islamic movement in Nigeria. Below is the interview.Q. Introduce yourself to our readersA. I am Maimuna Abdullahi HusainiQ. Can you tell us the number of your family members who were confirm martyred in the aftermath of the recent attack by the Nigerian military at ...

8 ISIS elements killed including Afghan senior commander east Salah al-Din, Iraq

8 ISIS elements killed including Afghan senior commander east Salah al-Din, Iraq
A senior security source in Diyala province announced on Tuesday the killing of eight ISIS militants, including an Afghan senior commander in the liberation operation of Matibja area east Salah al-Din area. The source said that “The formations of the Tigris Operations backed by al-Hashed al-sha’bi began a wide-scale military operation to liberate the western part of the area of Matibja east of Salah al-Din of ISIS. ” The ...

Al-Wefaq Urges Al-Khalifa Regime’s Positive Response to Int’l Calls for Dialogue

Al-Wefaq Urges Al-Khalifa Regime’s Positive Response to Int’l Calls for Dialogue
Bahrain’s main opposition bloc, al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, urged the al-Khalifa regime to respond positively to the international calls for an inclusive national dialogue in the Persian Gulf country, regretting that the Royal family still favors a “costly security option”. In a statement on Tuesday, al-Wefaq condemned the Manama regime for continuing to exercise violence against peaceful protests and emphasized the ...

Iran progresses every day: Gheydan Jafari

Iran progresses every day: Gheydan Jafari
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - German contestant at the International Quran Competition considered exposure to Islamic thoughts a way to unify Muslims. Jafar Gheydan Jafari, in an interview with the news staff at the 32nd International Quran Contest said, “Islam’s philosophy is to establish unity among all world religions.” “Unfortunately, for the past few years, we have witnessed the growth of Takfiri groups, who commit ...

Bahrain police shot 9-year-old boy in eye

Bahrain police shot 9-year-old boy in eye
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Mohammed Mahmood Ali Habib was shot in his left eye while he was walking from his grandfather’s house to his house in the Bani Jamra area. An armored vehicle came from behind, startling him, and suddenly shots from the vehicle were fired in his direction. He was wounded with one pellet in the left eye and a number of cars parked in the same area were also damaged. There were no reports of any protests in the ...

All my family, mother and brother who’s a member of Bahraini Military are all ISIS

All my family, mother and brother who’s a member of Bahraini Military are all ISIS
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The Bahraini Royal Court Newspaper was trying its best over the past two days to write something that would acquit the government of its involvement in affairs of extremist groups, so it stated that "the ISIS thought has no place in Bahrain," adding that the accusations about thegovernment's involvement is nothing but a "systematic approach" used by the opposition parties to put Bahrain on the international agenda, ...

Over 500 Tajik Nationals Fighting among ISIL Ranks in Syria

Over 500 Tajik Nationals Fighting among ISIL Ranks in Syria
A sum of 519 Tajik nationals are fighting for the Takfiri terrorists in Syria, Tajikistan’s Interior Minister Ramazan Rakhimzoda announced on Saturday. Rakhimzoda said that 35 Tajik nationals have been arrested by the republic's law enforcement forces on charges of joining the ISIL, while at least 135 others have been killed in the Syrian war. "In addition, another 10 local residents were detained in Tajikistan’s Sughd Region. They ...

Pentagon and Saudi Arabia discuss repressing the Shia of Yemen

 Pentagon and Saudi Arabia discuss repressing the Shia of Yemen
Pentagon and Saudi Arabia discuss repressing the Shia of Yemen As the international community remains silent in regards to the attacks of Saana and Riyadh against the Al-Houthi Shia Movement, the pentagon confessed to the fact that there were talks held between the White House and Saudi Arabian military figures.   The Minister of Defense of the United States his Saudi Arabian counterpart will soon be reported. Robert Gates, ...