Wednesday 17th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Seven gunmen killed in clashes with security forces in Burundi

Seven gunmen killed in clashes with security forces in Burundi
Seven gunmen have been killed in clashes with security forces in eastern Burundi amid unbridled violence in the Central African country, which has prompted a UN warning about resurgent war.  According to AFP, Venant Manirambona, the governor for Gitega Province on Wednesday said: “There were clashes in the town of Nyarusange between security forces and an armed group [on Tuesday]... Seven of these criminals were ...

One Syrian civilian killed, 17 injured in terrorist attack in Aleppo

One Syrian civilian killed, 17 injured in terrorist attack in Aleppo
One civilian was killed and 17 others were injured in a new breach of the cessation of hostilities as terrorists targeted al-Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood in Aleppo city with rocket and mortar shells on Monday. Local sources said that a number of rocket and mortar shells were fired by terrorist organizations on al-Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood, killing a civilian and injuring 17 others, adding that the death toll is expected to rise since the ...

Israeli forces detain former Palestinian hunger striker Muhammad al-Qiq

Israeli forces detain former Palestinian hunger striker Muhammad al-Qiq
Former hunger-striking prisoner and journalist Muhammad al-Qiq was detained by Israeli authorities on Sunday, after he participated in a protest in the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem held to demand the release of bodies of slain Palestinians held in Israeli custody. Palestinian news outlet al-Quds Network quotes al-Qiq's wife Fayhaa Shalash as saying that he immediately declared a hunger strike in protest of his detention. Reports from ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Do not exchange the commander of the faithful (A.S) with satellite

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Do not exchange the commander of the faithful (A.S) with satellite

O Youth! Do not exchange the commander of the faithful (A.S) with satellite. O Youth! Do not exchange the commander of the faithful with a beautiful girl that you see in university, in the park, on the bus, in the train or metro. O Youth! The thieves abound in our community! Don’t let them steal Ali from you. Letting go of Imam Ali has the severest punishment which abandoning prayers and fast do not have such punishment.

Amnesty slams Bahrain use of tear gas

Amnesty slams Bahrain use of tear gas
In a statement released on Thursday, Amnesty said that Bahrain's misuse of tear gas against protesters had become "increasingly deadly," adding that it has evidence suggesting security forces use tear gas inappropriately and indiscriminately."The rise in fatalities and eyewitness accounts suggest that tear gas is being used inappropriately by Bahraini security forces, including in people's homes and other confined spaces," said Amnesty.The ...

ISIS bans sportswear in Mosul, Iraq

ISIS bans sportswear in Mosul, Iraq
The terrorist group of ISIS in Iraq’s northern city of Mosul has banned sports shops from selling sportswear, local sources reported on Saturday. Local activists confirmed that ISIS-led security forces [also known as Hisba police] have been wandering in Iraq’s Mosul markets since three days, arresting a number of people, including women for violating the ISIS dress as well as the men who shaved their beards. This coincided with a ...

EDL to stage Newcastle demo against Islamic school

EDL to stage Newcastle demo against Islamic school
 The English Defence League (EDL) is to stage a demo in Newcastle after the city council approved plans to turn the Byker Grove building into an Islamic school.The protest has been criticised by interfaith and anti-fascist groups, with plans already under way for a counter-demonstration.The rally, the first to be organised in Newcastle by the organisation since 2010, has been approved on a national level and will take place in May next year, ...

Forum on “Quran and Muslims” in Turkey

Forum on “Quran and Muslims” in Turkey
-- A forum was held yesterday in Çukurova, Turkey, on “the Quran and Muslims”, risalehaber reported. It was organized by the city’s Sihan cultural center and attended by university professors, Muslim scholars and others interested in Islamic and religious discussions. Speaking at the forum, Zeki Duman, theology professor at Erciyes University, said that as the everlasting miracle of the holy prophet of Islam (PBUH), the holy Quran is ...

Three civilians killed, others injured in terrorist attacks on Damascus and its countryside

Three civilians killed, others injured in terrorist attacks on Damascus and its countryside
Terrorists positioned in the Eastern Ghouta area of Damascus Countryside fired mortar shells at Damascus city on Saturday, causing civilian casualties. A source at the Damascus Police Command said that 9 shells fell in a number of residential neighborhoods in Damascus city, killing one civilian and injuring 9 others. The source added that the terrorist attacks also set fire to 3 cars and caused material damage to a number of houses and shops. ...

Open Cultural and Media Space for Iran in Lebanon

Open Cultural and Media Space for Iran in Lebanon
-- “Thanks to Lebanese willingness for the cultural, political and media cooperation with Iran, the country has become one of the major priorities for the cultural activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, said Head of the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization. Accompanied by a cultural mission to Lebanon, Head of the Islamic Culture and Communication Organizations further added, “Lebanon is an influential state in the region ...

Strict security on Hazrat Ali’s martyrdom day planned

Strict security on Hazrat Ali’s martyrdom day planned

IRGC smashes 2 more terrorist teams northwest of Iran

IRGC smashes 2 more terrorist teams northwest of Iran
Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Ground Force said Sunday that his forces have smashed two terrorist teams in northwest Iran over the past 24 hours, only a day after disbanding a 7-storng team of ...

Sweden Rightists Fuel Muslim Fears

Sweden Rightists Fuel Muslim Fears
-- Copying the anti-Muslim rhetoric from European far-right parties, Sweden’s far-rightists are launching a fierce campaign against the Muslim minority in the Scandinavian country to make political gains. “It is a part of a trend where it has become a gain to use the criticism of Muslims as a way to gain political power,” Anna Waara, president of Swedish Muslims for Peace and Justice, told IslamOnline.net in an e-mail interview. ...

Ashuraee Women’s Gathering Tomorrow

Ashuraee Women’s Gathering Tomorrow
--More than 12000 women are expected to attend the great gathering of “Ashuraee Women” in Tehran’s Mahdiyeh Center tomorrow. The gathering, which is organized by Tehran Municipality’s cultural-social department, will feature a speech by Hozeh (seminary school) and university scholar Farahnaz Farahmandpur, as well as eulogy performances in mourning of Imam Hussein’s (AS) martyrdom. Ms Farahmandpur’s speech will be about how women ...

Muslim states press UN to condemn anti-Islam actions

Muslim states press UN to condemn anti-Islam actions
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; The Congress will be held under the patronage of President Ben Ali, at the initiative of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), jointly with the Secretariat General of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), in association with the Environment and Sustainable Development Ministry. The 4th Islamic environment ministers’ congress coincides with the UN’s observance in 2010 of the ...

Dean of Al-Mostafa Univ. Meets with Shia Leader in Turkey

Dean of Al-Mostafa Univ. Meets with Shia Leader in Turkey
-- Head of Al-Mostafa International University Hojjat-ol-Islam Ali-Reza A’rafi met with Salah al-Din Ozgunduz, leader of Turkish Shia Muslims yesterday, December 5. According to Zeynabiye Website, the Iranian delegation also visited Zeynabiye Mosque and its Cultural Center meeting with Hamed Turan, Imam of the mosque.   Following the evening prayers, dean of Al-Mostafa International University congratulated the worshipers on the occasion ...

UN: Ten million without shelter in Pakistan floods

 UN: Ten million without shelter in Pakistan floods
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, “According to new estimates following the most recent flooding in Sindh...at least 10 million people are currently without shelter,” said Maurizio Giuliano, spokesman in Pakistan for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. “And this does not include those who already received emergency shelter supplies and those housed in schools,” Giuliano told AFP. He said the floods in Pakistan had become ...

1,000s of Terrorists Arrive in Syria

1,000s of Terrorists Arrive in Syria
Late in April, Syrian Prime Minister Wael Nader al-Halqi also warned that more than 5,000 fresh militants crossed the border into the Northwestern provinces of Aleppo and Idlib from Turkey, stressing that the ceasefire agreement was being violated by certain parties. As terrorist groups continue to target residential areas in Aleppo city, al-Zoubi stressed that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are responsible for the bloody acts of Takfiri militants ...

1000 Quran Memorizers Honored in Jeddah

1000 Quran Memorizers Honored in Jeddah
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - A special ceremony was held in Jeddah on October 17 to pay tribute to Saudi Arabia's Holy Quran memorizers. The ceremony took place at the Hilton Hotel with the presence of some Quranic figures of the country. The manager of Jeddah’s Quran Memorizing Center, Ibrahim Alkhamis, expressed his gratitude to some 1000 participants who managed to learn the Holy Quran by heart. He encouraged them to strengthen their ...

The one who visits Imam Hussein's grave

The one who visits Imam Hussein's grave

منْ زَارَهُ يُرِيدُ بِهِ وَجْهَ اللّه‏ِ أَخْرَجَهُ اللّه‏ُ مِنْ ذُنُوبِهِ كَمَوْلُودٍ وَلَدَتْهُ أُمُّهُ،

Imam Sadiq (as): the one who visits Imam Hussein's grave for the pleasure and satisfaction of God, the lord of the universe purifies him and removes all his sins as if he is just born.