Wednesday 17th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The followers of Ali (as)- his Shias- will have salvation

Professor Hussein Ansarian: The followers of Ali (as)- his Shias- will have salvation

The followers of Ali (as)- his Shias- will have salvation while the others won't. the messenger of Allah (saw) was certain that after his burial, a Welayat (guardianship) other than divine Welayat will emerge. So we have to follow Ali (as) in order not to go astray

A temple and a mosque: Worship in America

A temple and a mosque: Worship in America
There was an outbreak of condemnation - rightly so. President [Barack] Obama ordered flags at public buildings to be flown at half-staff and Mrs. Clinton called her Indian counterpart [Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna]. Mitt Romney offered his prayers to the families of the victims. Left ignored, was the burning down of a mosque in Missouri - predictably so. Worship in America is a political prerogative in sync with U.S. policies. But India and ...

Jealousy destroys good deeds

Jealousy destroys good deeds

الحَسَدُ ما حِقُ الحَسَناتِ وَ الزَّهوُ جالِبُ المَقتِ

Imam Hadi (as) states: jealousy destroys good deeds and lying brings about animosity.

Bihar- Al-Anwar: Volume 69, page 200.

َWhoever approves of an evil thing or a bad deed bears its sin and burden

َWhoever approves of an evil thing or a bad deed bears its sin and burden

منِ اسْتَحْسَنَ قَبيحاً كانَ شَريكاً فيهِ

Imam Jawad (as):

Whoever approves of an evil thing or a bad deed bears its sin and burden and is considered as a partner with the doer.

Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 75, p. 82.

3 killed, 18 injured in car bomb in Russia’s Dagestan; ISIS claims responsibility

3 killed, 18 injured in car bomb in Russia’s Dagestan; ISIS claims responsibility
Three people have killed and a further 18 were injured after a car bombing in southern Russia's Dagestan at a police checkpoint near the city of Derbent. ISIS terrorists have claimed responsibility in a tweet. FSB says a local terrorist group was used for the job. Reports say a Lada Priora approached the police checkpoint and the bomb was detonated. It was later determined that a police officer pulled the driver over to check their papers. ...

Professor Ansarian’s office answers a question about the clip which has recently been published in the Cyberspace.

Professor Ansarian’s office answers a question about the clip which has recently been published in the Cyberspace.
The consequences of sin in the Quran and sayings of the Ahlul-Bayt (AS) The obedience and servitude of Allah Almighty brings about the abundance of blessings as well as downpour of blessings as Allah Almighty has said in AL-ARAF: «وَ لَوْ أَنَّ أَهْلَ اَلْقُرىٰ آمَنُوا وَ اِتَّقَوْا لَفَتَحْنٰا عَلَيْهِمْ بَرَكٰاتٍ مِنَ اَلسَّمٰاءِ وَ ...

15 killed in blasts in Iraq

15 killed in blasts in Iraq
15 people have been killed and another 80 wounded in explosions in the Iraqi city of Baakuba, northeast of Baghdad. A suicide bomber blew up his car-bomb outside the gate of a national security force base. 90 minutes later another suicide bomber set off his car bomb amid a crowd of Shia pilgrims, 20 kilometres away from Baakuba. 65 people died and another almost 200 were injured in terrorists attacks in the Iraqi city Tikrit on ...

New Facebook for Muslim Brotherhood

New Facebook for Muslim Brotherhood
In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood is a controversial group that is officially declared an illegal political organisation, whose members get often arrested and detained. The Brotherhood has members allover the Arab world and is closely linked to the Palestinian Hamas movement that is widely seen as a terrorist group. The decision to create the new “IkhwanFacebook” is part of  the Brotherhood’s zealous endeavor to have a presence and wide ...

IRGC detects explosives in southeast Iran

IRGC detects explosives in southeast Iran
The IRGC has detected explosives and related equipment in provinces of Kerman and Sistan-Balouchestan, it was reported on Monday.  According to a report by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in Kerman, the explosives were seized in a joint operation carried out by IRGC forces in the two provinces. The report qouted head of the Public Relations Department at the IRGC Kerman office Colonel Amanollah Badsar as saying that the ...

70 Iranian Pilgrims Among 100 Civilians Martyred in Car Bombing Near Baghdad

70 Iranian Pilgrims Among 100 Civilians Martyred in Car Bombing Near Baghdad
'Relief operation is underway,' Hamid Goudarzi Spokesman for the Arbaeen Central Headquarters told IRNA in an interview Thursday evening. 'The exact number of the Iranian pilgrims martyred in the terrorist attack not yet clear,' Goudarzi said. 'The vigilance of the Iraqi and Iranian security forces repeatedly foiled attempts by the Daesh terrorist group to mount an attack on pilgrims during the Arbaeen rituals,' he said. 'Now they have ...

Yemeni people protest Saudi war, siege

Yemeni people protest Saudi war, siege
The protesters were carrying banners with messages describing the move as a desperate attempt to subjugate Yemenis. The protesters further urged the UN and other international organizations to pressure Saudi Arabia into letting the ship enter Hudaydah amid urgetnt demand for electricity as the scorching summer approaches. More than 9,400 people have been killed and at least 16,000 others injured since the onset of the Saudi ...

French employers discriminate Muslims

French employers discriminate Muslims
In a study published online on the 22nd of November by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Stanford political scientist David Laitin shows that a Christian citizen with an African heritage is two-and-a-half times more likely to get called for a job interview than an equally qualified Muslim citizen with the same ethnic background. "The French have a very strong belief that their republican institutions are blind to ethnicity ...

'Bahrain revolution will not stop'

 'Bahrain revolution will not stop'
“We are not going to stop this revolution no matter, what they (the government) are going to use against us,” Shayeb said. “We have now reached a point, where there is no way back. We move ahead till we reach our demands,” he added. Shayeb went on to say that peaceful demonstrations are the main strategy for achieving ultimate goal, stressing that Bahraini opposition groups defy violence in all forms. Shayeb cautioned that this is ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: We should all have a divine intention in doing our deeds

Professor Hussein Ansarian: We should all have a divine intention in doing our deeds

We should all have a divine intention in doing our deeds, it is stated in the words of the Infallible Imams: O God, make us all those who, when we have the intention of doing the right thing, we turn this intention into action.

Deputy FM: Visa, Passport Required for Iranian Pilgrims Attending Arabaeen in Iraq

Deputy FM: Visa, Passport Required for Iranian Pilgrims Attending Arabaeen in Iraq
Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular, Parliamentary and Expatriates' Affairs Hassan Qashqavi announced that the nationals seeking to participate in Arbaeen mourning ceremony in Iraq are required to have passports and visas. Qashqavi pointed to a meeting of a task force to organize pilgrimage of Iranian nationals to the holy city of Karbala on Arbaeen, and said that during the session, all preparations and necessary measures to facilitate ...

Pakistani Shia Youth under Illegal Custody for 16 Months

 Pakistani Shia Youth under Illegal Custody for 16 Months

Al-Ghadir Int’l Media Festival Slated for Tomorrow

Al-Ghadir Int’l Media Festival Slated for Tomorrow
-- On the occasion of Eid Al-Ghadir, the annual international media festival of “Al-Ghadir” will be held for two days from December 6 in the holy city of Najaf. According to Brasa news agency, the festival has been planned by Al-Ghadir satellite network in cooperation with media outlets from Iraq and a number of other Islamic and Arab countries. According to Abbas Al-Boka, head of information office of the organizing committee, secretary ...

Muslim Countries to Work towards Unified Braille Quran Code

Muslim Countries to Work towards Unified Braille Quran Code
During the International Braille Quran Conference, the Braille Quran was decided to became internationally standardized. This is according to Seyyed Morteza Nikzad, managing director of Roshandelan (the blind) Cultural-Quranic Foundation, who also told IQNA that the conference was held on February 3-8, 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey. “At the opening ceremony was attended by delegations from 12 countries as well as Turkish officials, I presented a ...

The daughter of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) in the middle of third century hijrah

The daughter of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) in the middle of third century hijrah
When Hadrat Fatima Masoumah (A.S.) was buried in Qum there was a shade made of straw on the holy grave built by Musa bin Khajraj. The first dome which was in the form of a tower, was built by Hadrat Zainab (A.S.), the daughter of Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawad (A.S.) in the middle of third century hijrah. Stone, bricks and stucco were used as construction material for this dome.   With the burial of the ladies from the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) ...

Muslim Filipinos’ pilgrimage to holy Mecca imperilled

Muslim Filipinos’ pilgrimage to holy Mecca imperilled
COTABATO CITY, Philippines (AhlulBayt News Agency) - About 5,000 Muslims going on a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, fear they will not be able to make the trip for the annual Hajj because of a leadership struggle in the office of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF). The leadership row in the government office that looks after the welfare of pilgrims has been raging for about a month now. The controversy came about when ...