Wednesday 17th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Sweden charges three with smuggling of 170 migrants

Sweden charges three with smuggling of 170 migrants
Police in Italy, Denmark, Germany and Austria stopped 15 of the mini-buses and camper vans in August and November 2014. Of the three suspects, two have both Swedish and Iraqi citizenship while the third is a Syrian citizen, and they are between 35 and 37 years old, prosecutors said. If found guilty, they could get between six months and six years in prison. They were arrested in Sweden last year then freed pending ...

Mubarak supporters attack protesters, killed 7 and injured 50

Mubarak supporters attack protesters, killed 7 and injured 50
 Carrying pictures of Mubarak and chanting, "The people want the president," tens of thousands burst past a thin line of Egyptian soldiers and into Tahrir Square, the symbolic heart of the pro-democracy movement. The square that had been peacefully occupied by hundreds of thousands a day earlier devolved into chaos, with even some horses and camels running through the crowd, believed to have been brought by touts who sell rides to tourists at ...

right says Breivik correct to fear Muslims

right says Breivik correct to fear Muslims
 Norwegian far-right leaders told the court trying Anders Behring Breivik on Tuesday the mass killer was right to fear his nation's "planned annihilation" by Muslims, even if his method of combating it was wrong.Breivik killed 77 people on July 22, first detonating a car bomb outside government headquarters and killing eight, then gunning down 69 people, mostly teenagers, at the ruling Labour Party's summer camp on Utoeya Island.He argued his ...

slamic Proximity Conference Held in Makkah

slamic Proximity Conference Held in Makkah
Hojat-ol-Islam Seyyed Ali Ghaziaskar who heads the Iranian Hajj mission addressed the conference. He stressed that Islamic proximity is an issue about which various conferences and forums have been held in different countries. “It shows that there is a consensus among Islamic schools of thought about the significance of proximity and that obeying God’s command ‘And hold fast to the rope of Allah and be not divided’(Quran 3:103) is the ...

Iraqi forces advance further into Old City of Mosul

Iraqi forces advance further into Old City of Mosul
Staff Major General Maan al-Saadi, a top commander in the elite Counter Terrorism Service, said Iraqi forces advanced into the Old City at 6:00 a.m. local time (0300 GMT) on Monday, and took control of new areas in the Faruq neighborhood. He added that ISIS Takfiris are putting up fierce resistance in the wake of the Iraqi army’s territorial gains. “ISIS resistance has been fierce. They have blocked every entrance, planted IEDs ...

Intelligence official warns of wave of planned ISIS attacks in France

Intelligence official warns of wave of planned ISIS attacks in France
ISIS militants are gearing up for a campaign of bomb attacks on large crowds in France, host to next month's Euro 2016 soccer championships, its spy chief has ...

ISIL terrorists kidnap dozens of people in Iraq’s Salahuddin

ISIL terrorists kidnap dozens of people in Iraq’s Salahuddin
Takfiri terrorists have abducted three dozen people in Iraq’s northern province of Salahuddin.  According to Press TV, an Iraqi security source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the terrorists raided Sadira Village on the outskirts of the city of Shirqat, located some 300 km north of the capital, Baghdad, on Wednesday, and kidnapped 36 people, the Arabic-language al-Forat news agency reported. The source added that ...

Bahraini Shi'ite clerics warn against targeting Muslim sect

Bahraini Shi'ite clerics warn against targeting Muslim sect

Professor Ansairna Nahjul Balagha (peak of eloquence), a book full of wonders

Professor Ansairna Nahjul Balagha (peak of eloquence), a book full of wonders
At that time how greatly Allah Almighty Favored Imam Ali (peace be upon him) beside the prophet of Islam, the messenger of mercy and humanity, prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) that around 1500 years ago his maxims and wise sayings are about eleven thousand. Moreover, it is about one thousand years that these words and wise sayings have been interpreted and they are not yet finished. the commentary of Aga Jamal Khansari which ...

Thousands of Shia Muslims protest against 'Arbaeen ban' in Gilgit

Thousands of Shia Muslims protest against 'Arbaeen ban' in Gilgit
Thousands of Shia Muslims of Gilgit have staged a peaceful rally in Danyore to protest the biased decision of Gilgit-Baltistan government not to allow students to host Youm-e-Hussain (AS) to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions in educational institutions. The protestors also demanded release of arrested protestors and innocent Shia Muslims and withdraw cases against 148 students forthwith.The protest began on Sunday ...

All preparations ready for Indian pilgrims

All preparations ready for Indian pilgrims
MAKKAH (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - All preparations are in place for Indian pilgrims coming on Hajj this year in terms of meals, medical facilities and accommodation, according to B.S Mubarak, the Indian Hajj Consul on Friday. He said Indian pilgrims will be served three meals a day in Mina and Arafat, consisting of bread, juice and fruit. Mubarak told Saudi Gazette that this year the Indian Consulate has also started a new 24-hour helpline ...

Ashura - Martyrdom of Imam Husayn

Ashura - Martyrdom of Imam Husayn
"When nobody except a group of three members of his family was left with al-Husayn, he moved against the people (the soldiers), while the three (moved with) him until (all) three were Martyred. Al-Husayn was left alone. Despite being weighed down by wounds in his head and body, he began to strike against them (the enemy) with his sword and they scattered, to right and left, away from him.   Humayd b. Muslim said: "By God, I have ...

 Professor Ansarian: The Holy Quran is a guidance and enlightenment for mankind to have a healthy life.

 Professor Ansarian: The Holy Quran is a guidance and enlightenment for mankind to have a healthy life.
The researcher, exegete and scholar of the holy Quran by pointing out that the Holy Quran is a light and guidance for all people, mentioned: the holy Quran is so strong light that it can show the past and the future of the universe and everything in it, and provides the mankind with a guidance by which he can have a healthy life. These are all the words of the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in "Nahjul Balagheh" which is ...

Imam Khamenei: Some regional governments betraying Muslims

Imam Khamenei: Some regional governments betraying Muslims
 Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says certain Muslim governments have been betraying their people by helping the US implement its policies in the ...

Bomb attack kills two soldiers in southeast Turkey

Bomb attack kills two soldiers in southeast Turkey
- A roadside bomb planted by Kurdish militants ripped apart a military armored vehicle in southeast Turkey on Wednesday, killing two soldiers and wounding three others, security sources ...

70 Shia Pilgrims Martyred/Injured in Karbala Car Bombings

70 Shia Pilgrims Martyred/Injured in Karbala Car Bombings
About 25 Shia pilgrims were martyred and over 50 others wounded in a car bomb attack targeted crowds of Shiite pilgrims in the city of Karbala on Monday, the police said. This is the third attack which took place around midday when a booby-trapped car detonated near processions of Shiite pilgrims at al-Da'oum area, just east of Karbala, some 110 km southwest of Baghdad, a source from the city police told Xinhua on condition of ...

Al shabaab militants kill Somalia's former defence minister with car bomb

Al shabaab militants kill Somalia's former defence minister with car bomb
The militant group al Shabaab killed Somalia's former defence minister with a car bomb in capital Mogadishu on Monday, officials said. Al Shabaab, which is aligned to al Qaeda, said it planted the car bomb that killed Muhayadin Mohamed, who was also an adviser to the speaker of Somalia's parliament. Pictures taken from the scene showed the passenger seat took the brunt of the damage, with passenger-side doors blown out. "We are behind his ...

Planned holy Quran burning protested by Indonesian Muslims

Planned holy Quran burning protested by Indonesian Muslims
Ahlul Bayt News Agency – ABNA - About 100 Indonesian Muslims demonstrated outside the US embassy in Jakarta on Friday and threatened "jihad" or holy war if any US Christian group proceeds with threats to publicly burn the holy Quran. The Dove World Outreach Center's planned Quran burning on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks would unleash uncontrollable rage from Muslims around the world, a spokesman for the protesters ...

Muharram mourning ceremonies at the Grand Mosque of Kufa

Muharram mourning ceremonies at the Grand Mosque of Kufa
Thousands of believers from different Iraq cities and other Islamic and non-Islamic countries attended Ashura mourning processions which were held for 10 days for commemorating the painful occasion of martyring Imam Al Hussain (A.S) at the courtyard of the grand mosque of Kufa, Iraq. (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Thousands of believers from different Iraq cities and other Islamic and non-Islamic countries attended Ashura mourning processions which ...

An American Preacher Teaches Quran in a Church

An American Preacher Teaches Quran in a Church
American preacher, Scott Morgan, embarked, by a personal initiative, on teaching the Quranic verses in a church in Virginia State, and he chose the verses that handle the issues of women, peaceful coexistence and citizenship. He also interpreted its meaning to the church attendants. Moreover, an American TV channel broadcasted Morgan’s interpretation of the verses, and pointed that at a time the United States of America is the homeland of ...