Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Ayatollah Khamenei: No one should forget that Palestine is the major issue

 Ayatollah Khamenei: No one should forget that Palestine is the major issue
On the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, thousands of believers gathered at Imam Khomeini’s (ra) Mosalla to perform their Eid prayers led by Ayatollah Khamenei. The Leader of the Revolution delivered the Eid al-Fitr sermons; wherein, he spoke on blessings of the sacred month of Ramadan, Al Quds day, recent terrorist attacks and a few other important issues.  “Our believing people passed through a very good month of Ramadan full of ...

US new scenario: 'Quran burning cover-up for US crimes'

US new scenario: 'Quran burning cover-up for US crimes'
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, “By creating secondary issues and drawing public attention to marginal issues, the US government is trying to cover up its crimes and burning the Quran on September 11 by a Christian pastor is part of this movement,” said deputy head of Iran's Armed Forces Joint Chiefs of Staff Brigadier General Seyyed Masoud Jazayeri on Wednesday. He went on to add there is strong evidence that the September 11 incident was staged ...

Fast Growth of Islam in Russia

Fast Growth of Islam in Russia
The minority of Muslims in Russia lives in Sakhalin Island, according to the report. One of the persons who has established the minority of Muslims in Sakhalin and now leads the group is a Russian citizen. He was a Christian and converted to Islam 10 years ago. Muslims in Sakhalin participate in fast breaking Iftar ceremonies in the holy month of Ramadan. They teach Koran, pray and stage other Islamic ...

Shia Studies Classes to Open in Esfahan University

 Shia Studies Classes to Open in Esfahan University
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Teaching of “Shia studies” at MA level began in cooperation with the three departments of Religious Sciences, Social Sciences and History at Esfahan University. A ceremony held yesterday, October 24, on the opening of the classes at the Hall of the Religious Sciences Department of the university with the presence of the dean and deputies of the Faculty of Literature as well as the heads of the departments of ...

Iran-Indonesia Muslim Women Festival to be Held

Iran-Indonesia Muslim Women Festival to be Held
Iran Cultural Center in Jakarta plans to hold a cultural-art festival of Iran and Indonesia Muslim Women concurrent with the anniversary of Islamic revolution’s victory from February 9 for one week. In a meeting with Tuti Alawiyah, president of Al-Shafi’iyah Islamic University and head of the International Union of Muslim Women, Mohammad Ali Rabbani, Iran cultural attaché in Indonesia discussed the organization of various cultural programs ...

Professor Ansarian: Imam is superior and ahead of everyone at every time

Professor Ansarian: Imam is superior and ahead of everyone at every time

Bahrainis NOT trust the human rights abuses report by the king

Bahrainis NOT trust the human rights abuses report by the king
The official commission studying alleged human rights abuses in Bahrain will release its findings this week, a move which anti-government activists say will likely spark more unrest in the already-tense island kingdom.Bahrain's king, Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa, established a five-member commission in June to investigate "whether the events of February and March 2011 (and thereafter) involved violations of international human rights law and ...

The desire to have more of the worldly gains have pre-occupied you

The desire to have more of the worldly gains have pre-occupied you

ألْهَاكُمُ التَّكَاثُرُ

The desire to have more of the worldly gains have pre-occupied you so much (that you have neglected remembering God)


Fight between Libyan human smuggling gangs kills 22 migrants, injures 100

Fight between Libyan human smuggling gangs kills 22 migrants, injures 100
Twenty two migrants have been killed and some 100 injured in fighting between rival smuggler gangs in Libya so far this year. This comes at a time when seaborne migration from Africa to Italy has risen by 50 percent so far in ...

1800 Seminarians from 60 Countries to Attend Int’l Quran and Hadith Olympiad

1800 Seminarians from 60 Countries to Attend Int’l Quran and Hadith Olympiad
HOLY QOM, Iran (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Over 130 professors and academic members of Al-Mustafa University have registered for attending the Olympiad as well. 800 members of the seminarians’ families are also going to participate in another olympiad which will be held for non-Iranian families for the elementary, guidance and high school students as well as adults and women. It is planned to be held this year for the first time. The ...

Proper Use of Books Can Make Islamic Awakening More Efficient

Proper Use of Books Can Make Islamic Awakening More Efficient
"The proper and accurate use of books can make the Islamic Awakening movement more efficient movement in thee region" said Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini, Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance.On the sidelines of the 25th Tehran International Book Fair, the first International Resistance Book Fair was inaugurated with the slogan of "Islamic Awakening and Anti-Arrogance" by Mr. Hosseini and Brigadier General Naqdi, Basij commander. "The First ...

Fifth floor of Jamrat Bridge opens for Hajj

Fifth floor of Jamrat Bridge opens for Hajj
The opening of the fifth floor will facilitate the stoning ritual at Jamrat,” said Habeeb Zainul Abideen, deputy minister for municipal and rural affairs. Abideen was addressing a conference on medicine attended by 500 delegates. He described Hajj as the largest congregation of people in the world and highlighted the Saudi government’s efforts to avoid stampedes and other accidents during the annual event. Abideen said the irresponsible ...

Shaykh Isa Qasim’s spokesman warns Bahrain regime over harming cleric

Shaykh Isa Qasim’s spokesman warns Bahrain regime over harming cleric
The spokesman of Bahrain’s Shaykh Isa Qasim warns that there will be consequences if the prominent Shia cleric is harmed or taken away from the people. Sayyed Majid al-Mashal issued the warning on Wednesday, after stressing that the people of Bahrain seek a peaceful solution to the predicament.      “If Shaykh Isa Qasim is harmed in any manner or taken away from the people, there will be ...

Muslim states press UN to condemn anti-Islam actions

Muslim states press UN to condemn anti-Islam actions
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; UNITED NATIONS — Kings, Amirs and Presidents from Muslim nations have made pressing appeals at the United Nations for the West to clampdown on attacks on Islam which they warned is a growing threat to international security. In speeches to the UN General Assembly, leaders said that “Islamophobia” was causing a growing Muslim-West divide and one top Arab minister put the international community on guard against a ...


A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said, "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."  "Is the man of the house home?", they asked.  "No", she replied. "He's out."  "Then we cannot come in", they replied.In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened."Go tell ...

Car bomb near Damascus kills at least 15

Car bomb near Damascus kills at least 15
The bomb struck al-Diyabiyah, a town that serves as one of the gateways for the many pilgrims from around the world who visit the holy site, the official SANA news agency said. Multiple explosions in February killed scores of people in the Sayeda Zeinab area, in one of the bloodiest attacks ...

Italian Muslims unveil mosque with church model

Italian Muslims unveil mosque with church model
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; Muslim leaders in Italy have unveiled the model of a mosque to be constructed in Florence with minarets having resemblance of the cathedral's bell tower designed by medieval period architect Giotto. 'Florence needs to have a mosque that rivals the city's historic beauty and cultural wealth,' said the central Italian art city's imam, Elzir Izzedine. 'The project is almost complete and will soon be presented to the mayor ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Disagreeing with the Lord of the universe

Professor Hussein Ansarian: Disagreeing with the Lord of the universe
At times, mankind may disagree with his brother or his wife, in this case, he might be subjected to their censure. But sometimes, he may disagree with the head of a neighborhood who is respected by people; the result of this disagreement may even lead to people's objection, and he often dissents with a scholar who is well-liked by the majority of people; in this case, he might even be tortured by people. now if the very person disagrees and ...

World marks International Quds Day with rallies in over 800 cities

World marks International Quds Day with rallies in over 800 cities
Millions of people across Iran and other world countries are gathering for the International Quds Day rallies to show their solidarity with the Palestinians and condemn Israel’s decades-long occupation and ...

Dutch national TV airs blasphemous cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Dutch national TV airs blasphemous cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders on Wednesday aired blasphemous cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the Dutch national ...