Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Afghanistan Forces Kill Over 70 Militants in Past 24 Hours

Afghanistan Forces Kill Over 70 Militants in Past 24 Hours
- The Afghan National Security Forces killed more than 70 militants in a series of counterterrorism operations during the past 24 hours, the Afghan Defense Ministry said in a statement ...

Bahrain Shia activists must receive a fair trial

Bahrain Shia activists must receive a fair trial
All but two of the 23 were arrested as part of an increased clampdown by the authorities on Shia opposition and human rights activists in the run-up to next month’s parliamentary elections. Many of those detained have been held incommunicado amid reports of torture and other abuse. Most are members of opposition political organizations such as al-Haq and other Shia groups, but a few are human rights activists Hassain Meshaima’, the Haq ...

Taking Charge of a Muslim's work

Taking Charge of a Muslim's work
أیُّمَا امْرِئٍ وَلِیَ مِنْ أمْرِ المُسْلِمِینَ وَلَمْ یَحُطْهُم بِما یَحُوطُ بِهِ نَفْسَهُ لَمْ یَرَحْ رائِحَةَ الجَنَّةِ Prophet (PBUH): Whoever takes charge of a Muslim's work and does not try as hard as he does for his own work will not smell the scent of Paradise. Knzalmal: vol. 6, p. ...

Only 63 Algerians have joined ISIS, says Algerian Minister of Religious Affairs

Only 63 Algerians have joined ISIS, says Algerian Minister of Religious Affairs
The Algerian Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments Mohamed Issa revealed on Wednesday, that 63 Algerian citizens have joined the ISIS group in Iraq and Syria. Issa said that “Based on information received from the International Police (INTERPOL), the Algerian presence in the ranks of the ISIS is the weakest,” pointing out that, “Only one percent of the elements of the group are Algerians, while the percentage reaches up ...

in sedition you will be like a light stuff before heavy storms

in sedition you will be like a light stuff before heavy storms

Imam Baqir (AS) instructed his disciple Jabir Ja'fi: in sedition you will be like a light stuff before heavy storms. Therefore, stand by the holy Quran and the infallible Imams (as) and follow them and live at ease.

Thousands of people attend "Quran and Ahl ul Bayt (AS) Conference" in Pakistan

 Thousands of people attend
Allama Nasir Abbas Jafri, secretary general of Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen has announced that his party would contest general elections 2013 from entire Pakistan. “We shall defeat takfiri terrorists and fanatics by the power of ballot,” he vowed speaking at the largely-attended Quran-O-Ahl-e-Bait (AS) Conference in Hyderabad on Sunday. Thousands of people attended the conference, sort of a public meeting on Hyderabad Bypass. Shia Muslims, ...

Muslim student expelled over hijab in Russia

Muslim student expelled over hijab in Russia
Russian prosecutors are looking into a case of alleged expulsion of a female student from a Siberian university over her hijab. A local TV station in Krasnoyarsk city reported that an unnamed third-year student from Muslim-populated Dagestan had been expelled from the city's medical school for wearing a headscarf. "After the TV report was broadcast, the Krasnoyarsk district prosecutors launched a probe to check the legitimacy of the ...

German police arrest five suspected ISIS recruiters

German police arrest five suspected ISIS recruiters
 German authorities arrested five men Tuesday on allegations they aided ISIS in Germany by recruiting members and providing financial and logistical help. The federal prosecutor’s office said in a statement that the men were arrested on suspicion of supporting a terrorist organization. The arrests were made in a series of raids in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the northern state of Lower Saxony. The country’s ...

1.4 Million Pilgrims Benefit from Astan-e Quds Razavi’s Quranic Activities Annually

1.4 Million Pilgrims Benefit from Astan-e Quds Razavi’s Quranic Activities Annually
Head of Quran and Hadith Education Department of Astan-e Quds Razavi, Mehdi Lessani, said every year some 1.4 million pilgrims of Imam Reza (AS) holy shrine benefit from the department’s Quranic programs.Mehdi Lessani noted that the department’s Quranic activities in Mashhad are implemented throughout the year.He said 700 Quran teachers cooperate with the department in holding Quranic and Islamic programs and courses.Lessani went on to say ...

Bahrain Prince accused of torture meets Sandhurst academy commandant

Bahrain Prince accused of torture meets Sandhurst academy commandant
- Commander of the Bahrain Royal Guard, the King's son, Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa (accused of torturing political opposition figures), received on Sunday the Commandant of the Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst (RMAS), Maj.-General Paul Nanson.Bahrain News Agency (BNA) said that Nasser discussed with his guest various topics of shared interest.Bahrain King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa had donated in 2013 an amount of 3 million GPB to the renowned ...

Extremist Israeli settlers continue to storm Al-Aqsa courtyards

Extremist Israeli settlers continue to storm Al-Aqsa courtyards
Extremist Israeli settlers, on Sunday morning, again stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Al Quds Jerusalem, amid heavy security procedures. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Extremist Israeli settlers, on Sunday morning, again stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Al Quds Jerusalem, amid heavy security procedures.Jerusalemite sources said, according to Al Ray, that 19 settlers stormed the mosque via the Mughrabi gate and carried ...

Supporting Palestine symbolizes defending Islam: Ayatollah Khamenei

Supporting Palestine symbolizes defending Islam: Ayatollah Khamenei
“Since from the very beginning, the Islamic Republic of Iran considered supporting Palestine as a duty, it will continue to fulfill its obligation in the future as well,” Ayatollah Khamenei said. The Leader added that “defending the Palestinian cause” is enshrined in the very nature of the Islamic Republic. “The [ongoing] developments in the region must be studied and analyzed from such a viewpoint, and within this ...

First martyrdom anniversary of martyrs of Imamia mosque blast in Hayatabad, Peshawar

First martyrdom anniversary of martyrs of Imamia mosque blast in Hayatabad, Peshawar
Peshawar - First death anniversary of martyrs of Imamia mosque Hayatabad’s incident was organized at the same mosque in which families of martyrs, Ulema and thousands of believers participated and prayed for the deceased souls.More than 25 people were martyred and hundreds injured in a suicide attack and firing, on Imamia mosque located in Hayatabad area of Peshawar, by terrorists of Sipah e Sahaba (Ahl e Sunnat wal Jamat) and LeJ, last ...

Muslim visits to Jerusalem are expression

Muslim visits to Jerusalem are expression
The recent controversy over the permissibility or impermissibility (from the standpoint of the Islamic Sharia) of visits to occupied Jerusalem by non-Palestinian Muslims seemed to have given many ignoramuses and people of dubious credentials a certain pulpit or tribune to emit their ignorance, thoughtlessness and treachery.Some Palestinian Authority (PA) officials, whose lack of knowledge of Islam is quite conspicuous, have been behaving and ...

Kuwait Upholds Death Sentence for Mosque Blast Ringleader

Kuwait Upholds Death Sentence for Mosque Blast Ringleader
Kuwait's supreme court on Monday upheld the death sentence handed down to the main convict in the ISIL bombing of a Muslim mosque that killed 26 people.  The court confirmed the sentence of capital punishment passed on Abdulrahman Sabah Saud, a stateless man who drove the Saudi suicide bomber to the mosque in June last year. The court also upheld jail terms of between two and 15 years for eight people, including four women, and acquitted 15 ...

Bahrain defies UN word on violence

Bahrain defies UN word on violence
Bahrain has defied a recent call by the UN to end its brutal crackdown on the popular protests in the Persian Gulf island. The regime forces fired teargas canisters to disperse a protest in the central Bahrain island of Sitra. The demonstrators were calling for the ouster of the Al Khalifa regime. Any possible casualties from the clashes are yet to be reported. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay had on Wednesday urged the ...

Iranians' Great Jihad has angered imperialist powers: Supreme Leader

Iranians' Great Jihad has angered imperialist powers: Supreme Leader
Leader of the Islamic Revolution has said a meeting of graduation ceremony of military university ‘defying the enemies in economy, politics, culture and other fields’ would effectively labelled as ‘Great Jihad.’  Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei addressed on Monday morning the graduation ceremony of Imam Hossein University students on the occasion of the anniversary of the Liberation of Khorramshahr, nationally ...

28 countries participating in Islamic nations section of Qur’an Exhibit in Tehran

28 countries participating in Islamic nations section of Qur’an Exhibit in Tehran
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), The section, which has attracted many visitors, reviews the cultural differences and similarities as well as Qur’anic production of the Muslim nations. Participating countries include Indonesia, Nigeria, Comoro, Ivory Coast, China, Thailand, Madagascar, Sudan, Mauritania, Guinea, Kenya, Gambia, Tanzania, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia, India, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan Republic, ...

Judicial Panel Accuse Nigerian Army General, Others for Zaria Massacre; Sheikh Zakzaky Will Be Freed Soon

Judicial Panel Accuse Nigerian Army General, Others for Zaria Massacre; Sheikh Zakzaky Will Be Freed Soon
- The General Officer Commanding the Nigerian Army’s 1st Division, Adeniyi Oyebade, a major general, authorized last December’s military operation that massacred at least 347 members of the Islamic Movement in Zaria, and should be prosecuted, a judicial commission of inquiry into the killings, has said in its final report.The commission of inquiry, set up by the Kaduna State government, indicted Mr. Oyebade and other senior army ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: closely connect with the Saints of God (Awliya' of Allah)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: closely connect with the Saints of God (Awliya' of Allah)

Undoubtedly, if our soul and heart are affectionately intertwined with the Saints of God (Awliya' of Allah) and the friends and beloved of Allah, consequently, their light, moral and values appear in us based on our capacity.