Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Insult on Islam Won’t be Unanswered by Malaysian Government

Insult on Islam Won’t be Unanswered by Malaysian Government
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - ABNA - The Malaysian government will not keep quiet to any form of insult against Islam in the country to avoid any untoward incidence. Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Dr Mashitah Ibrahim said any form of insult against the religion should not be condoned and stern action should be taken against those who insulted Islam. "I fear that something might happen if no stern action is taken," she told ...

UAE: Friday sermons in English soon in mosques

UAE: Friday sermons in English soon in mosques
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - In an unprecedented move Islamic scholars has suggested English Friday sermons for certain mosques, along with the reduction in the time gap between prayer call and the actual prayer in certain mosques. The committee has also decided to install LCD screens at the pulpit for Imams to read out the sermons from, rather than using paper. The suggestion came during a workshop organised by the General Authority for ...

Qatif protesters want KSA out of Bahrain

Qatif protesters want KSA out of Bahrain
Condemning the brutal crackdown in Bahrain, Saudi demonstrators on Friday called for the immediate withdrawal of the kingdom's troops from the country and an end to Riyadh assistance to Manama in suppressing anti-regime protests.The rally came one day after a protester was shot dead and two others were wounded after Saudi troops opened fire on a protest rally in the Awamiyah. It also came despite a strict ban imposed by Riyadh on any type of ...

Israeli forces shoot dead Palestinian youth, injure another near al-Quds

Israeli forces shoot dead Palestinian youth, injure another near al-Quds
-Israeli military forces have fatally shot a young Palestinian man and injured another, saying they attempted to carry out a car-ramming attack north of the occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem). Israeli soldiers opened fire as a car with three occupants on board was traveling allegedly at high speed toward them near the Palestinian town of al-Ramm, which lies northeast of al-Quds, early on Wednesday. An unnamed Israeli spokeswoman said one of the ...

Thousands of Americans declare opposition

Thousands of Americans declare opposition
Thousands of people in 50 US cities accompanied by union members and anti war bodies, by holding demonstrations on Saturday afternoon, declared hatred to war mongering policies of US leaders and asked them to stop sanctions and enmity against Iran.Hundreds of people in New York shouted their opposition to any kind of threat for military operation and urged their statesmen to end illegal imposed sanctions against Iran.In New York, the ...

At least 16 Indian pilgrims killed as bus falls into gorge in Kashmir

At least 16 Indian pilgrims killed as bus falls into gorge in Kashmir
Police officer S.P. Vaid said the bus swerved off a mountain road, but the cause of the accident was not immediately clear. A police statement said 27 injured, 19 in critical condition, were taken to hospitals in Banihal, a town 120 kilometers (75 miles) south of Srinagar, the main city in Indian-held Kashmir. Police said it had rained in the area, making the road slippery. Some landslides caused a heavy traffic jam on the main highway linking ...

Thousands of Palestinians attend Aqsa child fest

Thousands of Palestinians attend Aqsa child fest
More than 15,000 Palestinians from occupied al-Quds ('Jerusalem') and the 1948 occupied lands attended on Saturday the ninth festival of the Aqsa child and the third drawing contest for kids in the Aqsa Mosque's courtyards. Deputy head of the Islamic Movement in the 1948 occupied lands Sheikh Kamal Al-Khatib expressed his extreme delight to see such crowds attending this event to show their attachment to the holy sites. For his part, head of ...

woman with sword arrested at Muslim school and mosque

woman with sword arrested at Muslim school and mosque
    - Just before 10 a.m. Wednesday, Orange County deputies responded to the Leaders Preparatory School on North Goldenrod Road, which includes a mosque, school and day care.They found 47-year-old Dominique Eloi walking out of the mosque carrying the weapon.A school employee said Eloi exited her vehicle with the 2-foot sword and did not respond to the employee when asked what business she had on the property.Leaders Preparatory was ...

Al-Nusra imposes alms on Syrian civilians in Idlib

Al-Nusra imposes alms on Syrian civilians in Idlib
On Sunday, militants of al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda branch in Syria) imposed Zakat (alms) on residents in the countryside of Idlib province, northern Syria. Nusra issued Sunday a statement saying that residents of the town of Dana and its surroundings in the countryside of Idlib are demanded to pay Zakat to the group. Local sources said that al-Nusra Front has notified residents through a statement to pay Zakat in order to fund the ...

Egypt poised for another revolution?

Egypt poised for another revolution?
 While we are only a week away from parliamentarian elections in Egypt after the fall of its former dictator Hosni Mubarak, the recent bloody developments in Cairo have changed many equations. Perhaps, a response to this public demand would be another revolution to free Egypt from the grasp of its military rule. The demonstrations held since Friday are in protest to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) measures to pass laws which are ...

Bahrain fired 3,000 employees in 2011

Bahrain fired 3,000 employees in 2011
The regime has fired Shia and even Sunni employees over months of peaceful protests in the country.The government has, instead, hired its own military forces and foreign nationals in state offices, with the purpose of reducing the number of Shia employees to less than 50 percent of the total work force.Al Khalifa regime has recently granted Bahraini nationality to a number of Iraqi Ba'athists and of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein loyalists ...

First police cadet with headscarf in Sweden

First police cadet with headscarf in Sweden
Donna Eljammal (26) is Sweden's first police cadet with a headscarf, Metro Se reported.She had wanted to join the police long before she started wearing a hijab."Ever since I was little. I want to help others and move instead of just sitting in front of a computer."A few years ago it became possible to wear a headscarf as part of the police uniform, after some debate.According to her, Sweden is a multicultural country and it's important that, ...

Most Russian Translations of Quran Are Concept-based

Most Russian Translations of Quran Are Concept-based
Speaking in a forum held at Iranian International Quran News Agency to review Quran translations into Russian and German, Dr Mohammad Reza Mohammadi added that Russian translators acknowledge that their rendering is not exactly the same as the original Arabic.He referred to Uthmanov, Krachkovsky, and Valeria Porokhova as some of those who have rendered the Holy Book into Russian in recent years. “They have presented a concept-based, ...

Knifeman ordered Bristol women to take off hijabs

Knifeman ordered Bristol women to take off hijabs
 A MAN racially abused a Muslim woman and demanded she took off her hijab before putting a kitchen knife to her throat.David Norris, 39, approached Farduja Jama who was with her eight-year-old son in Morton Street, Barton Hill at 9am.Drunken Norris, who was brandishing a six-inch knife told her: "Take the hijab off. This is England, you are not allowed. Take the hijab off before I stab you."He then pointed the blade at Miss Jama and put the ...

Muslim Brotherhood Leads Egypt Poll

Muslim Brotherhood Leads Egypt Poll
 Leaked results from Egypt’s first poll since the fall of former President Hosni Mubarak’s regime, show that Muslim Brotherhood in the lead.The Muslim Brotherhood's political party, the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), appeared poised to take the largest share of votes, as much as 45 percent.The surprise winner in the election appeared to be the Salafi party, Nour. Leaks showed it could win as much as a quarter of the house.The election ...

Muslims gathering in Mecca for Hajj

Muslims gathering in Mecca for Hajj
Hajj is a religious duty of every Muslim that must be carried out at least once in a lifetime by every able-bodied person who could afford to do so. Millions of pilgrims dressed in white robes gathered at Mecca's Grand Mosque and took part in the first Friday prayers before the annual Hajj pilgrimage, which officially begins on Monday. Some 2.5 million pilgrims are expected in Mecca by Sunday. It is being held amid tight security and with new ...

Saudi accuses Myanmar of 'ethnic cleansing' of Muslims

Saudi accuses Myanmar of 'ethnic cleansing' of Muslims
Saudi Arabia accused authorities in Buddhist-majority Myanmar on Monday of "ethnic cleansing" against the Muslim Rohingya minority in the west of the country, state media reported on Tuesday.The Saudi cabinet said it "condemns the ethnic cleansing campaign and brutal attacks against Myanmar's Muslim Rohingya citizens, as well as violation of human rights by forcing them to leave their homeland," in a statement carried by the official SPA news ...

Many Visitors Want On Behalf Visitation

Many Visitors Want On Behalf Visitation
 Many visitors of the holy shrine booth in Istanbul registered to get the blessing of visitation the holy shrine of Imam al Hussain. Ashura tent (the name of the holy shrine sharing) affect a great role in Muslim and others about their view about al imam al Hussein and his companions who murdered in al Taf Battle.  Lists in Turkish language have been prepared for visitors to be done by the cadres of the holy ...

Visit the pure and original clips of Professor Ansarain in Aparat.

Visit the pure and original clips of Professor Ansarain in Aparat.

Visit the following link (www.aparat. com / ansarian) in Aparat  in order to see the short clips, anecdotes, and perfect tips from Professor Ansarian on religious occasions (Muharram, Safar, Fatemiyeh, Ramadan), Ethical and the mystical, Imam Mahdi (AS) , social issues and so on….

Unity conf in Pakistan: Muslims need to stand united against conspiracies

Unity conf in Pakistan: Muslims need to stand united against conspiracies
The meeting of Ulema and religious scholars was organized by the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the occasion of birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Unity Week in Islamabad. Ambassador of Iran Mehdi Honardoost expressing his views, regretted that Muslim world is passing through a difficult phase and there is bloodshed in many of the Muslim states. “Unfortunately some big members of Muslim Ummah are standing against ...