Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

World peace lovers demonstrated in the support of Iran

World peace lovers demonstrated in the support of Iran
Shabestan news agency reported that in addition to the 40 states of America, the people from Canada, India, Ireland, Bangladesh and Norway have demonstrated in the favor of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The participants of these protests have strictly condemned the actions of America and its allies against Iran and killings of Iranian intellectuals.The protestors have also condemned the false propaganda of western media against ...

Israeli forces kill another Palestinian

Israeli forces kill another Palestinian
Eyewitnesses said the Palestinian driving a car that approached the military roadblock, a VIP crossing used by Palestinian officials entering Israel, before a soldier approached the vehicle. When the soldier placed his hand on the side window, the Palestinian shot him in the head with a handgun, before shooting two other soldiers. Eyewitnesses said the Palestinian driving a car that approached the military roadblock, a VIP crossing used by ...

Top Shia, Sunni Clerics in Beirut Summit: “Resistance Liberates, Terrorism Collapses”

Top Shia, Sunni Clerics in Beirut Summit: “Resistance Liberates, Terrorism Collapses”
The final statement of the international summit attended by Shia and Sunni clerics from across the globe rebuked the decision made by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to enter Islamic resistance movement in its terrorist list calling that an intrigue against the group and values of the Muslim nation. The clerics in their final statement noted that civil war in Arab countries, particularly in Syria which is a supporter of the ...

Mohammd Moon Station to Be Set Up

Mohammd Moon Station to Be Set Up
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Dr Rezvan Alfaqir, Canadian-Moroccan descent cosmologist and space scientist, announced the deployment of an unmanned research spacecraft by Mohammad Institute for Space Science. With its headquater in Vancouer, Canada this research institute is active in development of astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space exploration in the World of Islam. This institute cooperates with several research centers around the ...

An effort to cease the differences between Islam and Christianity, in Sydney

An effort to cease the differences between Islam and Christianity, in Sydney
According to the report of Iran’s news agency Shabestan, the Islamic community residing in Australia is planning to put efforts on reducing the differences between Islam and Christianity. For this purpose, there will be educational debates organized in an oldest mosque of Sydney. A member of the Islamic community said that, a program similar to this was also held during last year and it was greatly complemented by the non Muslims. He said ...

Muslims Celebrate Eid

Muslims Celebrate Eid
--Muslims around the world celebrate Eid ul Adhia today. This Eid commemorates the willingness of the great Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) to sacrifice his son Ismael on God's command. Of course, rather than doing so, God replaced Ismael with a ram, informing Abraham that he had passed the test of faith in God.   The Holy Quran prescribes sacrifice in the way of God as a means of attaining righteousness. However, in modern times ...

Yemen cholera cases pass the 100,000 mark: WHO

Yemen cholera cases pass the 100,000 mark: WHO
The rapid spread of the disease through 19 of Yemen's 23 governorates highlighted a humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen after two years of aggression that has disabled most health care facilities, according to the U.N. humanitarian office. "To date, 101,820 suspected cholera cases and 789 deaths have been reported in 19 governorates," WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said. The WHO has warned that the number of cases could hit 300,000, but the daily ...

Two China diplomats fatally shot in Philippines

Two China diplomats fatally shot in Philippines
Two Chinese diplomats have been killed and another injured in a shooting attack at a restaurant in Cebu, the second largest city of the Philippines.  According to police, the deadly attack was carried out at about 1:30 p.m. local time (0530 GMT) Wednesday at a popular restaurant in the trading capital of central Philippines. The restaurant workers said nine people were in a private room to celebrate the birthday of China's consul ...

Morocco arrests suspect implicated in ISIS atrocity on Paris attacks

Morocco arrests suspect implicated in ISIS atrocity on Paris attacks
Authorities in Morocco have arrested a suspect implicated in the ISIS attack in Paris on 13 November that left 130 dead. Officials have confirmed the arrest of the suspect in a statement. The Moroccan Ministry of Interior said the individual was arrested in Mohammedia on 15 January and he was believed to have travelled to Syria with one of the Paris attackers. The ministry did not give the suspect's full name but said his initials were J.A. ...

Photo / Lecture by Professor Ansarian at mosque of Muhammadi.

Photo / Lecture by Professor Ansarian at mosque of Muhammadi.
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Ahmadinejad slams Israel convoy attack

 Ahmadinejad slams Israel convoy attack
Iran has condemned Israel's deadly attack on a flotilla carrying thousands of tons of supplies for Gaza, calling the regime in Tel Aviv a threat to global peace and security. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected the notion on Monday that the Israeli raid on the Freedom Flotilla was indicative of Tel Aviv's military muscle, explaining further that it was a mere symbol of its weakness. President Ahmadinejad said Israel was "fabricated ...

Syria's Aleppo hit by deadly suicide bombing, 25 troops killed

Syria's Aleppo hit by deadly suicide bombing, 25 troops killed
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - A suicide bomber from Syria's al-Qaeda offshoot - the Nusra Front - has blown himself up at an army outpost in a contested neighbourhood of northern city of Aleppo, killing at least 25 soldiers and allied militia, a monitoring group says.Monday's blast in Aleppo, also injured scores, the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Monday. The Observatory said that the explosion from the blast was heard across ...

ISIS Beheaded Prominent Syrian Terrorist

ISIS Beheaded Prominent Syrian Terrorist
Another terrorist was killed by a rival terrorist group. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The executed person was "Anis Abdullah Bashir" from terrorist group of "Jaish al-Islam" and was responsible for the weapons caches. This prominent Syrian terrorist was captured by ISIS during regional conflicts in eastern Qalamoun. By doing this ISIS militants want to deflect the attention from their defeat in Tal Abyad (Syria). Tal Abyad was being used by ISIS as ...

Iran’s Zarif Slams ’Lies’ of Netanyahu

  Iran’s Zarif Slams ’Lies’ of Netanyahu
  Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of lying in his rejection of Tehran's overtures to the West as a cosmetic "charm offensive".     Iran’s Zarif Slams ’Lies’ of Netanyahu (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of lying in his rejection of Tehran's overtures to the West as a cosmetic ...

UN Happy With Football Hijab Ban Lift

UN Happy With Football Hijab Ban Lift
An initial approval by the world football’s lawmakers to lift a ban on the wearing of the Muslim headscarf (hijab) on pitch is drawing praise from the United Nations, the World Football Insider reported."I don't feel well when we forbid women who wear this headscarf because of their culture, when they play football," UN special adviser on sport Wilfried Lemke told the World Olympics Sport Convention on Tuesday, April 17."This is stupid.”The ...

More protests erupt around Manama

More protests erupt around Manama
  Protesters poured into the streets in several towns and villages around Manama on Thursday, urging the Al Khalifa regime to step down. The demonstrators called for the immediate release of prisoners and demanded a full withdrawal of all Saudi forces who invaded the Persian Gulf island on March 14 to assist the Bahraini government crush anti-regime protests. Activists also called for a massive turnout of protesters across the country on ...

Imam Khamenei Severely Condemns Execution of Sheikh Nimr; God Takes Revenge For 'Innocent Blood'

Imam Khamenei Severely Condemns Execution of Sheikh Nimr; God Takes Revenge For 'Innocent Blood'
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has strongly condemned Saudi Arabia’s execution of prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks at the start of his course to clerics at the post-jurisprudence level in Tehran on Sunday, stressing the need for the entire world to act responsibly in the face of this and other crimes committed by the Saudi regime in Yemen and ...

Syrian forces launch anti-terror offensive south of Aleppo

Syrian forces launch anti-terror offensive south of Aleppo
Syrian armed forces, backed by Russian air support, have reportedly launched a large-scale military offensive against Takfiri terrorists in the southern countryside of Aleppo, the country’s second-largest city.  On Friday, Syria’s official news agency SANA quoted a military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, as saying that government troops and popular defense groups opened a new front against the militants in ...

Zionist entity unable to stop Palestinian uprising: Nasrallah

Zionist entity unable to stop Palestinian uprising: Nasrallah
Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Lebanon's resistance movement Hezbollah, has reiterated that the illegal Zionist entity will never be able to stop the Palestinian uprising.  According to Press TV, he gave an address to the Lebanese people on November 11, which the nation marks as the Day of Martyr. The Hezbollah secretary general commented on the issue of the recent wave of Israeli aggression against ...

National week of the Holy Quran

National week of the Holy Quran
According to letempsdz website, “Quran, Invitation for Revival of Sciences and Jurisprudence” is the theme of this edition of the national event held by the country’s Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the event, Abdul Ghader bin Salah, head of Algeria’s National Council, said that by adhering to the Holy Quran, “we should revise our sciences and knowledge to reach our development ...