Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Bahraini authorities have launched a security crackdown in the first anniversary

Bahraini authorities have launched a security crackdown in the first anniversary
Bahraini authorities have launched a security crackdown in the first anniversary of the protests on February 14, Security forces and the forces in civilian clothes raided the houses and arrested demonstrators brutally.Witnesses told that Security forces raided the houses in Bani Jamra, Sanabis, Daih, Nuwaidrat and other areas in recent days.The arrests are proactive security crackdown before 14 February, after called for opposition groups to ...

Bahraini Ulemas call for mass participation in Imam Ali martyrdom commemoration in iesponse to Takfiri threats

Bahraini Ulemas call for mass participation in Imam Ali martyrdom commemoration in iesponse to Takfiri threats
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Bahrain's clerics stressed that "the mourning processions for Ahlulbayt (Prophet Muhammad's Family) was and shall remain as great with strong and mass participation, reflecting deep devotion and popular interaction with the calamities of Ahlulbayt and their authentic Islamic path.""The desperate threats of terrorist Takfiris aims at degrading the mourning rituals and decreasing the level of participation yet it shall not ...

Congress for Commemorating Ayatollah Mar’ashi Najafi

Congress for Commemorating Ayatollah Mar’ashi Najafi
-- On the occasion of the 20th demise anniversary of Grand Ayatollah Mar’ashi Najafi, a congress is to be held in January to commemorate the late source of emulation. Slated for January 21, the congress is organized in the holy city of Qom by the Islamic Sciences and Culture Research Center. The congress will feature lectures and speeches on the life and character of the grand religious scholar and jurisprudent. Two books featuring his ...

Jewish and Muslim communities work together in aid of Pakistan flood victims

Jewish and Muslim communities work together in aid of Pakistan flood victims
At a press conference held at the Lyric, Eva said: "Many people were saved from the tragedy of the holocaust through the action of others. A major tragedy is now unfolding in Pakistan with over 14 million people affected by the floods, who are at risk from diseases spread from contaminated drinking water and flooding after further rainfall. There is much we can do to help them." Eva was accompanied by Nic Careem, the play's producer/director, ...

UK premier joins US-led Iranophobia tirade

UK premier joins US-led Iranophobia tirade
 Cameron told the lower house of the British parliament that Iran is developing nuclear missiles capable of hitting London, British media reported. The accusations had echoes of the run-up to the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, when then prime minister Tony Blair wrongly claimed that Iraq had the ability to launch a chemical weapons attack on British bases in Cyprus within 45 minutes of an order from Saddam Hussein, the executed Iraqi ...

ISIS training thousands of children from about 100 countries; 40 suicide bombers enter Iraq per month - Iraqi PM Abadi

ISIS training thousands of children from about 100 countries; 40 suicide bombers enter Iraq per month - Iraqi PM Abadi
AhlulBayt News Agency - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi says that the so-called Islamic State (IS, ISIS) has been training thousands of children from about 100 countries to fight Iraqi security forces.In a press conference on Monday, Abadi said around 40 foreign suicide bombers enter Iraq each month and he called on countries in the region to curb the flow of foreign fighters.Suicide bombers are one of the deadliest weapons of the ...

Number of Palestinian Prisoners Hunger Striking to Reach 3000

Number of Palestinian Prisoners Hunger Striking to Reach 3000
 In their battle of empty stomachs declared a week ago, Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike are escalating their move till achieving their goals. Head of the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS), Qaddoura Fares, told Maan News Agency that the first group of detainees, held under administrative detention without charges, have reached the "no return point" as they have been on hunger-strike since 56 days, and insist on not breaking their ...

Sayyed Nasrallah: Resistance forces will sacrifice their lives in fight against Zionist regime and terrorism

Sayyed Nasrallah: Resistance forces will sacrifice their lives in fight against Zionist regime and terrorism
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah commended Iran’s policy in fighting terrorism and its efforts in reaching a political solution to regional crises during a meeting with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, in Beirut on Sunday.Sayyed Nasrallah conferred with Abdollahian over the latest regional developments, particularly in Syria, Palestine and Lebanon. “The sides which ...

Eid-e-Qurban celebrations organized in Russia’s territory Sarataf

Eid-e-Qurban celebrations organized in Russia’s territory Sarataf
 spiritual department of Muslims is organizing different events in accordance with the arrival of Eid-e-Qurban in Russia’s Sarataf territory. Besides conducting the recreational and academic programs, the meat of Eid-e-Qurban will be distributed among the poor Muslims. This spiritual department of Muslims has conducted appropriate measures to carry out this celebration and it is decided that a sitting of religious poetry will be organized in ...

Pro-govt Bahrain marchers graffiti Waad headquarters

Pro-govt Bahrain marchers graffiti Waad headquarters
A small group of Bahrain pro-government demonstrators, supported by al-Khalifa's Family, marched to the offices of a Bahraini opposition party on Saturday and daubed the building with graffiti against Shiites and Iran, residents said.They said "Down with Iran" and "Shiites get out" were among the slogans written on the offices of Waad."Police stopped them from entering. They dispersed after leaving pictures of King Hamad and the prime minister ...

Bahrain Rally Decries Shia Teenager's Martyrdom

Bahrain Rally Decries Shia Teenager's Martyrdom
Fifteen-year-old Sayed Ahmed martyred from a headshot in Sa'ar on Wednesday, Bahrain's Al Wefaq political party announced on its page on the social networking website Facebook. The party stated that the victim had gone out to play and tried uselessly to run away when he noticed the security forces closing in. The crowd amassed in their tens, carrying overhead Ahmed's coffin, which was plastered with the victim's picture before and after the ...

Magazine office burns as Islam issue hits stands

Magazine office burns as Islam issue hits stands
The offices of a French satirical magazine burned early Wednesday morning, the day it was due to publish an issue with a cover appearing to make fun of Islamic law. The cover of the magazine, Charlie Hebdo, has a bearded and turbaned cartoon figure saying "100 lashes if you're not dying of laughter." The director of publication of the magazine said the fire was caused by a Molotov cocktail. The executive, identified on CNN affiliate BFM-TV as ...

Islamic Awakening to Change History of Muslim Nations

Islamic Awakening to Change History of Muslim Nations
Shabestan news agency reported: Addressing poets from regional countries who participated in a congress of Islamic Awakening poetry in Tehran, Ayatollah Khamenei urged Muslim nations to overcome their differences and predicted that the Islamic Awakening movement would change the history of Muslim nations.The Leader added that the "Arab Spring" is not a good name for this movement because the awakening stems from years of struggle and Arab ...

Hundreds of Saudi Shia sataged Protest in Solidarity with the People of Bahrain

Hundreds of Saudi Shia sataged Protest in Solidarity with the People of Bahrain
Qatif: Hundred of Shia people in Qatif protested in solidarity with the people of Bahrain. Witnesses confirmed that protesters shot by riot police in al-Qatif. Police shot protesters with live bullets amid demonstration.  There was Heavy fire between riot police and thousands of protesters in Qatif  (Eastern province of Saudi Arabia ) which left tens casualties and arrests. Riot police fired stun grenades, tear gas, and heavy fire in ...

Is Libyan beach executioner an American recruit?

Is Libyan beach executioner an American recruit?
ntelligence chiefs are investigating claims the ISIS fake jihadi who led the executions of 21 Egyptians was an American recruit. The militant, who spoke English with a U.S. accent, appeared in a horrific video on Sunday showing the beheadings of a group of Coptic Christians on a beach in Libya. Brandishing a knife, he declares: 'All crusaders... the sea you have hidden Sheikh Osama bin Laden's body in, we swear to Allah we will mix it with ...

Saudi TV to Start Quran Channels

Saudi TV to Start Quran Channels
-- Four new Saudi television channels are to be launched in the beginning of the next Hijrah year, Culture and Information Minister Abdul Aziz Khoja announced on Monday. The first two channels will be dedicated to the Holy Quran and Sunnah and will be broadcast from the two holy cities while the other two will focus on economy and culture.   Khoja said the four channels have been planned on the directives of King Abdullah. “The two ...

Book on Supreme Leader Views Unveiled in New York

Book on Supreme Leader Views Unveiled in New York
The ceremony was also attended by Professor Dr. Parviz Morewedge the editor of the book Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's Vision of Islamic Philosophical Theology and Praxis of Global Peace (Global Scholarly Publications), during which the book was unveiled and signed by Dr. Morewedge, State University of New York at Old Westbury Professor and the author of many books on Islamic and western philosophy. The book is comprehensive and the first of its kind ...

Indian Court Convicts 31 Hindus of Killing Muslims

Indian Court Convicts 31 Hindus of Killing Muslims
 A court Wednesday convicted 31 Hindus for killing dozens of Muslims by setting a building on fire in Gujurat state during one of India's worst rounds of communal violence nine years ago.For several weeks in 2002, Hindu mobs rampaged through Muslim neighborhoods, towns and villages in the state in rioting sparked by an arson attack on a train that killed 60 Hindus. Extremists blamed the train attack on Muslims.Wednesday's verdict dealt with an ...

Egypt executes 6 pro-ISIS militants

Egypt executes 6 pro-ISIS militants

Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Egypt has executed six members of a Sinai-based militant group with links to the so-called Islamic State for carrying out an attack on soldiers in 2014, the state news agency reported on Sunday.

The group, Sinai Peninsula, has killed hundreds of police and soldiers since the army toppled Islamist President Mohamed Morsi in 2013.

Bahrainis back protests during Hajj

Bahrainis back protests during Hajj
People of Bahrain have staged a protest rally to express their solidarity with fellow anti-regime protesters that earlier came to the streets during the recent Hajj pilgrimage.Forces of the US-backed Bahraini regime opened fire on the protesters on Tuesday after people took to the streets in several cities, witnesses said.Also, on Tuesday, hundreds of Bahraini Hajj pilgrims held a demonstration against the Manama regime in the streets of Mecca ...