Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Khomeini awareness day held in Bauchi State, Nigeria / Photos

Imam Khomeini awareness day held in Bauchi State, Nigeria / Photos

Quranic Plan for over 3 Million Students

Quranic Plan for over 3 Million Students
The "Hamgam" Quranic Plan is being implemented for 3.2 million secondary school students, IRNA quoted an Education Ministry official as saying.  Mohammad Taqi Rahimi said the plan, which started two years ago, was first implemented in a few schools but now over 3 million students benefit from it.  Based on the plan, all teachers start their classes by reciting a verse of the Quran and giving the translation and some explanations, he said, ...

Imam Hussein holy shrine commemorates auspicious birthday of Lady Fatima

Imam Hussein holy shrine commemorates auspicious birthday of Lady Fatima
 Tuesday evening Apr 30, 2013, Imam Hussein holy shrine witnessed a great commemoration of the auspicious birthday of  (Peace of Allah be upon her). The celebration inaugurated with reciting verses of Quran.Shaikh Haider El-Khafafji, the representative of the Secretariat-General of the Imam Hussein holy shrine, mentioned the life of the Lady Fatima and how Allah chose her to be a great light for the whole world.Some poets delivered their ...

473 French ISIS in Iraq, Syria; the figure may rise to 1800

473 French ISIS in Iraq, Syria; the figure may rise to 1800
French anti-terrorism organs identified 473 French pro-ISIS in Iraq and Syria at the present time, according to its information.The sources reported that 119 French Jihadists were killed in the war zones, while 217 Jihadist returned home."If we add the number of ISIS Jihadists who will join Da'ish (ISIS) organization, we expect the figure will rise to 1800", the sources added.The French authorities has apprehensions that the return of the ...

The mission of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was to reconstruct the unmaintained and neglected foundation of humanity

The mission of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was to reconstruct the unmaintained and neglected foundation of humanity

The Saudi authorities arrested the Shiite citizen Ali Naser Matran

The Saudi authorities arrested the Shiite citizen Ali Naser Matran
On 3 February 2012, the security forces at checkpoint in Hadla St. in Qatif city arrested the Shiite citizen, Ali Naser Matran, 32 years, from Al Madani Dist. in Qatif.The citizen was arrested by the soldiers at the checkpoint, as he was making his way to his home.Witnesses said that, the soldiers forced the citizen Ali Matran to stop when he reached the checkpoint, handcuffed him, and he was taken to an unknown location. At Qatif police ...

Church attack victims to leave Iraq

Church attack victims to leave Iraq
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - "There are 37 people who were wounded in the October 31 attack and 20 others accompanying them," an unnamed French diplomat said on Saturday. Last Sunday, a group of armed men took hostage more than 100 worshippers in Baghdad's Sayidat al-Nejat Catholic Church. The Iraqi interior ministry announced that more than 50 people were killed and over 60 others injured in the incident. "The wounded will be sent to ...

Egyptian Parliament Demands Expulsion of Israeli Ambassador

Egyptian Parliament Demands Expulsion of Israeli Ambassador
The parliamentary Arab affairs committee had recommended the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador, recalling the Egyptian ambassador from Tel Aviv, cancelation of the Camp David treaty, and halting gas exports to Israel in retaliation to the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip and Judaization of occupied Jerusalem. Mohammed Idris, the head of the committee, said that an agreement was reached with the assembly’s presidium on sending a ...

Ukrainian capital officially opened Mosque after 17-Year Construction

Ukrainian capital officially opened Mosque after 17-Year Construction
 The largest and only official mosque in the Ukrainian capital has officially opened 17 years after construction began, RFE/RL's Ukrainian and Tatar-Bashkir services report.  Construction of the Ar-Rakhma Mosque started in 1994. Part of the structure was completed by 2001, when local Muslims began using that part of the mosque. The finished building can accommodate up to 1,000 worshippers.  Ukrainian Mufti Sheikh Akhmed Tamim told ...

Special Course on Muharram for Muslim Elites in Zimbabwe

Special Course on Muharram for Muslim Elites in Zimbabwe
-- On the advent of Muharram, a special religious course for Muslim elites will be held for ten days by Iran Cultural Center in Zimbabwe from December 28. The history of Islam and the events of the day of Ashura will be discussed during the course. The course is organized along with some other programs on the occasion including an essay writing contest, call for which has been published in Herald newspaper, a painting competition on Ashura ...

Scholar of Egypt supported the Shiite revolution of Bahrain

Scholar of Egypt supported the Shiite revolution of Bahrain
Shabestan news agency reported that after the massacre of Shiite in Bahrain, Saleem Al-Ahwa a renowned Muslim scholar of Egypt, ,while not accepting to proclaim Shiite as miscreants has supported the revolution of Bahrain. He while answering to the question that has been asked in a video published on internet about the involvement of Shiite in the incidents of Bahrain said that Shia and Sunni are living together in Bahrain and in Bahrain ...

Islam and the West Released in Germany

Islam and the West Released in Germany
According to the public relations office and information center of the Islamic Culture and Relations Office (ICRO), Dr. Murad Wilfried Hofmann is a former ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in numerous Islamic states. He converted into Islam subsequent to years of stay in the states and turned into a prominent German writer of books on Islam and Muslims. Islam and the West (German: Der Islam und der Westen) assesses the value ...

Jailers poured boiling oil on its son

Jailers poured boiling oil on its son
 A Palestinian family said its son, Raf'at Bani Odeh, was exposed by Israeli jailers to excruciating physical and psychological torture at the time of his six-year detention. The family added that its son spent most of his imprisonment term in solitary confinement and boiling oil was once poured on him by Israeli interrogators, so he suffers from serious physical and psychological scars as a result of that. The family also appealed to all ...

Negotiation with US means infiltration into the country’s economic, cultural, political and security domains - says Imam Khamene

Negotiation with US means infiltration into the country’s economic, cultural, political and security domains - says Imam Khamene
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting on Wednesday with commanders and staff of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy and a group of their families as well as families of IRGC Navy martyrs, highlighted the role of IRGC’s young revolutionary officers as well as the brave youths of southern Iranian provinces in guaranteeing the country’s maritime security and ...

“Quran, Nahjul Balaqa in Mirror of Art” Exhibition in Istanbul

“Quran, Nahjul Balaqa in Mirror of Art” Exhibition in Istanbul
On the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, “Quran and Nahjul Balaqa in the Mirror of Art” has been held at Art Gallery of Istanbul Municipality by Iran Cultural Center in Turkey.  The exhibition was opened with the presence of Heidari, consul of Iran Embassy in Turkey, Sedqizadeh, Iran cultural attaché to Turkey, Mohammad Sa’eed Naqqashian, Iranian calligrapher, a number of Turkish artists and Iranian staff in Istanbul.  Over 50 ...

Bahraini protesters denounce killing of 3 activists trying to flee kingdom

Bahraini protesters denounce killing of 3 activists trying to flee kingdom
The protesters carried banners and photos of the trio, and shouted slogans against Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifah. They held the monarch fully responsible for the killings. Similar rallies were also held in al-Musalla village on the western outskirts of the capital and Bilad al-Qadim suburb of Manama, where the demonstrators voiced their outrage over the killings and demanded justice for the ...

Professor Ansarian’s Lecture in the second ten days of Muharram

Professor Ansarian’s Lecture in the second ten days of Muharram

Professor Ansarian’s lectures in the second ten days of Muharram will be held in Khoy city - Boulevard Sheikh Navoi, Tomb of Sheikh Navoi.
From Thursday, 13th of October to Saturday 22nd of October (for ten nights) every night after evening prayers.

Top Bahraini cleric slams US hypocrisy

Top Bahraini cleric slams US hypocrisy
Bahraini cleric Sheikh Isa Qassim said in his sermon during the Friday congregational prayers in the town of Diraz that “America's duplicitous positions regarding the Arab revolutions reflect the country's materialistic approach,” the Al-Alam news channel reported on its website. The Bahraini cleric made reference to the 'increasing' number of detentions in the tiny Persian Gulf island nation and pointed out that a similar fate to that of ...

Wall Chalking for Insult of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) on the Mosques

Wall Chalking for Insult of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) on the Mosques
Extremist Jews attacked 3 mosques at western bridge of Jordon River and in the latest attack they wrote insulting words for holy prophet (PBUH) on one of the walls of these mosques these words are written in Arabic. Knowing this report law making Palestinian institutes removed these words from the mosque. Al-Islam Al-Youm site reported that extremist Jews also attacked a mosque in Qasra named village last week and broke its glasses they also ...

Syrian army destroys an ISIS bulldozer bomb in Hasaka city, targets terrorists’ positions in various areas

Syrian army destroys an ISIS bulldozer bomb in Hasaka city, targets terrorists’ positions in various areas
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Syrian units of the army and the armed forces on Wednesday continued operations against the Takfiri terrorist organizations across the country, killing scores of them and destroying their dens and vehicles.HasakaAn army unit and the national backup forces in Hasaka city thwarted on Tuesday night ISIS terrorists’ attempt to drive a car bomb into Ghweiran neighborhood in the city.A source in the Hasaka province, ...