Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Muslim Burqa Ban in Italy Passed

Muslim Burqa Ban in Italy Passed
An Italian parliamentary commission approved a draft law on Tuesday that would ban women from wearing veils that cover their face in public. The law will be forwarded to the Italian parliament following summer recess, and if the law passes, Italy would be the third European country to ban face veils following France and Belgium. The law was sponsored by Souad Sbai, a member of the conservative Freedom People Party born in Morocco. He has ...

Hosni Mubarak Trial Started

Hosni Mubarak Trial Started
 The state television said that Hosni Mubarak's air ambulance landed in Cairo on Wednesday as tension between protesters and riot police is intensified outside his courthouse in the capital.  Shortly after he landed in Cairo, Mubarak was en route to court where is to face murder charges on Wednesday, a security official says. "Mubarak has landed at Almaza military airport," the official said.  "He is now on his way to the Police Academy" ...

Makkah becoming one of world’s most modern cities

Makkah becoming one of world’s most modern cities
Makkah is being transformed into one of the world’s most modern cities as a result of the many multi-billion riyal projects underway, said Dr. Osama Al-Bar, Mayor of Makkah.Al-Bar said that a number of projects are close to completion, including the additions to the Grand Mosque and two tunnels for pedestrians from Al-Hujun to the Grand Mosque.The Jabal Omar Project is expected to be completed in the near future and would provide accommodation ...

Registration for Quranic Course Begins in Niger

Registration for Quranic Course Begins in Niger
Registration for an educational course on recitation of the Quran in 2011 will begin today, December 22 in Niamey, Niger. According to actualite-islamique, the course will be held by Niamey Islamic Center for male and female participants at elementary and intermediate levels. Classes for female participants will begin from January 2 and male participants can attend the classes from January 3 to be held after the evening prayers at the ...

Mourning ceremonies and lectures by Professor Ansarian in the Hoseinieh of Hedayat, Tehran (first ten days of Muharram)

Mourning ceremonies and lectures by Professor Ansarian in the Hoseinieh of Hedayat, Tehran (first ten days of Muharram)
DarolErfan/ during the first ten days of Muharram, the mourning ceremony of the master of the  martyrs, Hussein ibn Ali (as) and lectures by Professor Hossein Ansarian will be held in the Hosseiniyeh of Hedayat in Tehran According to Public relations and international affairs of the scientific and cultural institution of DarolErfan, the mourning ceremony of Imam Hussein peace be upon him along with the lectures of Professor Hussein Ansarian ...

Photos/Lecture by Professor Ansarian on the night of the martyrdom of Imam Sajjad (AS) in the Shrine of Abul Hasan (AS)

Photos/Lecture by Professor Ansarian on the night of the martyrdom of Imam Sajjad (AS) in the  Shrine of Abul Hasan (AS)

Azerbaijan Mufti Congratulates Muslims on Eid Al-Adha

Azerbaijan Mufti Congratulates Muslims on Eid Al-Adha
-- On the occasion of Eid Al-Adha one of the greatest Islamic feasts, Sheikh-ol-Islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh chairman of the Office of Caucasian Muftis issued a congratulatory message to the Muslims of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Muslims around the world. “I warmly congratulate all Azerbaijani people as well as the world Muslims on this auspicious occasion and ask God for His blessings to all,” he said in his message, according to Trend ...

Workshop in Khartoum on Quranic Values Education

Workshop in Khartoum on Quranic Values Education
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - ABNA - The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), jointly with Munazzamat El-Da’wa El-Islamiya, is organizing a regional workshop on Quranic Education Values, in Khartoum, Sudan, over the period from 20 to 22 September 2010. Forty experts from Sudan, Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Chad, Somalia and Tanzania are expected to take part in this regional workshop, which aims to mainstream the values ...

A symbolic funeral for the two bahraini female martyrs

A symbolic funeral for the two bahraini female martyrs
Hundreds of Bahrainis held a symbolic funeral for the two female martyrs 'Zahra Saleh' and Sajida in the town of Karbabad yesterday 11/12/201.A Bahraini infant has martyred in a poison gas attack carried out by regime forces in a residential area.Bahraini activists said, Sajida Faisal Javad,six-day-old baby martyred of asphyxia from inhaling tear gas fired on protesters in a residential area near the capital Manama on Thursday. Saudi-backed ...

Pakistani Shia Cleric Demands Strict Security on Arbaeen

Pakistani Shia Cleric Demands Strict Security on Arbaeen
 The Chief of Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqah Jaffaria (TNFJ) of his own faction, Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has demanded of the government to make strict security arrangements during Matmi processions and Majalis-e-Aza on the occasion of universal Arbaeen-e-Hussain (Chehlum of Shuhada-e-Karbala) and hand over the sensitive areas to the army. This was stated by him while delivering his  presidential address at the high level meeting of Tehreek ...

Holy Quran Only Solution to Muslims' Problems

Holy Quran Only Solution to Muslims' Problems
Imam Khamenei was addressing a gathering of readers of holy Quran on the first day of fasting month of Ramadan in Iran on Tuesday afternoon. In the meeting, Imam Khamenei said holy Quran can fulfil all human needs and is a guideline for mankind and stressed that all weaknesses and problems of Muslim nations can be rectified through practicing the holy Quran. Imam Khamenei added that the rule of hegemonic powers in Islamic world has caused ...

Accusing Basij of radicalism completes enemy’s infiltration project: Leader

Accusing Basij of radicalism completes enemy’s infiltration project: Leader
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says those people who accuse Basij force of being radical are in fact completing the enemy’s infiltration project.  Ayatollah Khamenei made remarks in a meeting with thousands of Basij commanders from across the country in Tehran on Wednesday. During the meeting, the Leader once again explained about enemy’s efforts to infiltrate the country under various ...

9 Shia Pilgrims Martyred in Baghdad Blast

9 Shia Pilgrims Martyred in Baghdad Blast
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Police in Iraq say explosives and mortar attacks have claimed the lives of nine Shia pilgrims, inflicting injuries over 50 others across the country's capital. The attacks took place in at least six locations around the capital as devout Shiites converged on a mosque in the Kazimiyah neighbourhood to commemorate the July 7 anniversary of the death of the seventh imam. Hundreds of thousands of Shiites from ...

Union of Islamic World Students Announced bank Accounts to aid Somali people

Union of Islamic World Students Announced bank Accounts to aid Somali people
 The Union of Islamic World Students announced two bank accounts to receive donations all over the world to make its relief operation in Somalia.   As the drought-ravaged North African country is sinking deeper into an all-out humanitarian crisis, the Union of Islamic World Students is due to send humanitarian aids to Somalia.   To support the aid relief projects for people of Somalia, conducted by the Muslim students unity network, ...

4,000 Special Forces Officers to Ensure Hajj Security

4,000 Special Forces Officers to Ensure Hajj Security
Special Security Forces chief Muhammad Al-Omani said the Anti-Terrorism officers and their operations during the pilgrimage would be overseen by Prince Muhammad Bin Naif, Assistant Minister of Interior for Security Affairs, and that they are at the ready position to perform their tasks. “The Special Forces are in full readiness to implement the Hajj security plan certified by Prince Naif Bin Abdul Aziz, Second Deputy Prime Minister and ...

Insulting Islam in Facebook Sends Egyptian Man to 3 years in Jail

Insulting Islam in Facebook Sends Egyptian Man to 3 years in Jail
 An Egyptian court sentenced a man to three years in jail with hard labour on Saturday for insulting Islam in postings on Facebook, the official MENA news agency reported.The Cairo court found that Ayman Yusef Mansur "intentionally insulted the dignity of the Islamic religion and attacked it with insults and ridicule on Facebook," the agency reported.The court said his insults were "aimed at the Noble Koran, the true Islamic religion, the ...

Society Problems not from Islam

Society Problems not from Islam
The International Scientific workshop on chastity and morality with the aim of retrieving and refreshing the Hijab, spirituality, ethics and moral education of people with the presence of educated women of various countries was held in the capital of Athens. At the beginning of this conference Mr. Honardoost, Islamic Republic of Iran’s Ambassador in Athens pointed at today’s social transgression despite all the materialistic progress of ...

Iranian woman ranks 1st at Jordan Int’l Quran Contest

Iranian woman ranks 1st at Jordan Int’l Quran Contest
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Abdoli was accompanied by her father at the contest. Nasrin Ja’fari from the Islamic Republic of Iran had ranked 4th at the same contest, according to the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization website, Last year. Ms. Abdoli’s award was a plaque of honor plus a 2.000 Jordanian dinar cash prize. Contestants from Kuwait and Jordan respectively ranked 2nd and 3rd at Memorizing 20 Chapters of the Glorious Qur’an ...

Hamas, Fatah leaders to meet in Cairo

Hamas, Fatah leaders to meet in Cairo
Acting Palestinian Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas Political Bureau Chief Khaled Meshaal will meet in Egypt next month, a Hamas official says. Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah had agreed to hold a meeting in the Egyptian capital Cairo, Izzat al-Rishiq said in Gaza City on Saturday. "Hamas is concerned to make this meeting a success," he was quoted as saying by Ma'an news agency, adding that a final date for the meeting has not yet ...

Doctors and teachers, and more updates from Bahrain

Doctors and teachers, and more updates from Bahrain
The trial of the doctors took place this morning and was postponed until September 7th when defense witnesses are supposed to be called in. The trial took place in a military court or a "national safety court" as per the government. List of medical staff undergoing military trial (Via BYSHR) Leaders of the Bahrain Teachers Society, Mr. Mahdi Abu Dheeb (Chairman, detained since last April), and Ms. Jalila Al Salman (Deputy Chair , released last ...