Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Islamic Awakening Originates from Lofty Quranic Concepts

Islamic Awakening Originates from Lofty Quranic Concepts
Commander of the Basij Resistance Center in the Municipality of Tehran said Islamic awakening has roots in the lofty concepts of the Noble Quran.  Colonel Jafari told that through Islamic awakening, the spirit of Jihad and battling Kufr (disbelief) can be enhanced among Muslims.  He also stressed the Islamic Republic of Iran’s influence on other Islamic countries and said the resistance movement in Iran which was led by Imam Khomeini (RA) ...

Imam Hussain (a.s) Mourning in Lady Masouma (s.a) Shrine on Ashura

Imam Hussain (a.s) Mourning in Lady Masouma (s.a) Shrine on Ashura

Bahrain Police Released Human Rights Activist Zainab al-Khawaja

Bahrain Police Released Human Rights Activist Zainab al-Khawaja
 Bahrain police have released Zainab al-Khawaja, human rights activist, after five days in custody.Ms Khawaja, the daughter of a jailed opposition leader, was arrested on Thursday during an anti-government demonstration.Images of her arrest, in which she was dragged to a police vehicle after refusing to leave a sit-in, had received widespread coverage.She was released on Tuesday night pending trial.After her release she tweeted that the last ...

Bahrain Shias Mourn Teen Protester's Martyrdom

Bahrain Shias Mourn Teen Protester's Martyrdom
The shooting death of a 16-year-old Shia Muslim protester has prompted thousands of angry mourners to join a huge funeral procession outside the capital Manama, raising fears of a possible clash with security forces. Ahmed Jaber al-Qattan was hit by bird shot fired by security forces in the chest at close range during a demonstration on Thursday night in the village of Abu Saiba, west of Manama, according to opposition activists. The Interior ...

International Quran Competition Promotes Global Muslim Solidarity

International Quran Competition Promotes Global Muslim Solidarity
Malaysia will host the 53rd edition of the International Quranic Reciters Assembly from July 16 to 23 at the Dewan Merdeka in the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here. Islamic Advancement Department of Malaysia's (Jakim) Director-General Othman Mustapha said 81 Qari (male Quranic reciters) and Qariah (female Quranic reciters) from 50 countries would be taking part in the assembly. This year's winner in each category will take home RM32,200 as ...

Bahrain anger over violence report rages

Bahrain anger over violence report rages
Bahraini government's Information Affairs Authority has reacted to a report issued by the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) about month-long crackdown on the country's protests. Bahrain's state TV had been accused by the BICI of preventing the country's opposition from issuing public statements through official media. Sheikh Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, president of the Bahraini Information Affairs Authority, claimed that the ...

Thousands of Egyptian protesters urge Muslim-Christian unity

Thousands of Egyptian protesters urge Muslim-Christian unity
Thousands of protesters marched Friday from Egypt's pre-eminent mosque to a central Cairo cathedral in a show of Muslim-Christian unity after a bloody clash earlier this week involving Coptic Christian protesters and the military. Demonstrators chanted slogans against the country's military ruler, Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, who has increasingly become the focus of activists' anger during the bumpy transition following Hosni Mubarak's ouster ...

Thinkers to Attend Int’l Islamic Unity Conference

Thinkers to Attend Int’l Islamic Unity Conference
The 26th International Conference of Islamic Unity will be held in Tehran on January 27-8 with the participation of 300 eminent Muslim thinkers and scholars from 102 countries. This was announced by secretary general of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought (FPIST) on Sunday. Ayatollah Mohsen Araki said the theme of the international conference will be “Holy Prophet (PBUH), Symbol of United Islamic Ummah’s ...

Allah made him so powerful

Allah made him so powerful
Composed by: Saleha FatimaToronto, CanadaBillions of salutes to Askari The great Imam AskariHe was made from light of Allah He reflected might of Allah Allah made him so powerful That all life he was powerfulBillions of salutes to Askari The great Imam AskariAllah gave him such vast knowledge Of heaven and earth he had knowledge Had past, present, future knowledge Of all holy books had knowledgeBillions of salutes to Askari The great Imam ...

New Muslim organization set up in Russia

New Muslim organization set up in Russia
A founding conference of a new centralized religious organization of Russia's Muslims took place in Moscow on Wednesday. "Taking part in its work were the heads of religious boards of the Muslims of the Stavropol and Perm Territories, Mordovia, Urals, and the Ryazan Region, which are located in four federal districts and comprise hundreds of Islamic religious associations and religious educational institutions and social and ...

Pakistan arrest dozens over Shia massacre

Pakistan arrest dozens over Shia massacre
 Pakistani police have detained scores of suspects after being criticized for inaction over increased number of Shia Muslim killings in the violence-hit country. "We have rounded up about 100 people. They are being interrogated," senior police officer Hamid Shakeel told AFP in Quetta, which is located 700 kilometers (435 miles) southwest of the Pakistani capital Islamabad, on Wednesday. Residents said police launched a crackdown in the city ...

Afghanistan: Suicide bombing shocks eastern Kabul

Afghanistan: Suicide bombing shocks eastern Kabul
KABUL, (Xinhua): A suicide bombing rocked eastern Kabul on Saturday, an official said. "A man tied explosive device in his body blew himself up in 9th precinct of Kabul city at 12:30 p.m. local time," a police officer told Xinhua. The bomber was killed but fortunately caused no loss of life or property damage to others, the officer further said but declined to be identified, saying Interior Ministry would release statement later. The blast, ...

Islamic Awakening Has Reached Americans

Islamic Awakening Has Reached Americans
Hamid Reza Taraqqi, international affairs deputy of the Islamic Coalition Party added that the Islamic Awakening movement changed the mind of American and European people, making them aware of the real roots of economic and political crises in the west.  He referred to the “Occupy Wall Street” movement and said in the wake of the recent developments in the Middle East, people in the US realized that the world’s economic problems ...

Hindus help rebuild and finance village mosque

Hindus help rebuild and finance village mosque
It’s a century old mosque that’s been crying for attention since last October. It’s roofs started leaking and a portion of it was badly damaged in the heavy rains that lashed many parts of north Karnataka last year.But the rains set off a lesson — a rare show of communal harmony. Hindus taking the lead to pitch in with donations and construction material to re-build the damaged mosque in remote village  Purtageri.There are about 150 ...

Tunisian Muslims hold congregational prayers

Tunisian Muslims hold congregational prayers
Reports say the religious gatherings and prayers were held peacefully at mosques and open spaces in various parts of the country. Meanwhile, some Tunisian TV channels have resumed broadcasting Adhan five times a day by cutting their continually-run programs. Ben Ali had pursued strict anti-Islamic agenda during his rule over the North African country. "He (Ben Ali) was against broadcasting Adhan, holding Friday prayers in mosques during his ...

Muslims face negative perception in Canada, study suggests

Muslims face negative perception in Canada, study suggests
 A new national survey that tapped the level of "positiveness" that Canadians feel toward selected groups suggests that Muslims – significantly more than 10 other subsets of society – remain a magnet for negativity a decade after the 9/11 attacks on the U.S.Just 43 per cent of the 2,345 people polled by the Montreal-based Association for Canadian Studies expressed "very positive" or "somewhat positive" perceptions of Muslims, while atheists ...

Israeli Soldiers Shamelessly Burn Holy Quran

Israeli Soldiers Shamelessly Burn Holy Quran
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - During an overnight attack on a Palestinian family in the occupied West Bank, Israeli soldiers have reportedly burnt the Muslim holy book. Sahar Beida said on Monday that she and her daughter had been confined in different rooms by Israeli soldiers who were there to arrest her husband Ismail. "When I came out I was shocked to find our Qur'ans were on the front step and had been burned," she said. "They took the ...

Israeli forces kill Palestinian near Nablus

Israeli forces kill Palestinian near Nablus
sraeli soldiers shot dead, on Sunday afternoon, a young Palestinian man, allegedly after attempting to stab a soldier, at the Huwwara military roadblock, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus. Palestinian medical sources said the young man has been identified as Wisam Marwan Qasrawi, 21, from Msalya village, southeast of the northern West Bank city of Jenin. The Israeli military reported no injuries among the soldiers, pushed dozens ...

Imam Khamenei: Saudi-Israel Relations, a Stab in the Islamic Ummah’s Back, Americans Implicated in This Big Mistake

Imam Khamenei: Saudi-Israel Relations, a Stab in the Islamic Ummah’s Back, Americans Implicated in This Big Mistake
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in a meeting on Monday with thousands of people from different walks of life from different provinces, said he was deeply and constantly concerned with people’s livelihood problems. Reiterating the need for relying on domestic potentialities as the only solution to people’s problems Ayatollah Khamenei said: “As an experience, the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of ...

UK: Muslim woman racially abused and assaulted by motorist

UK: Muslim woman racially abused and assaulted by motorist
United Kingdom - A young Muslim woman was racially abused and assaulted as she was walking along a Portadown road, police have said.The victim was alone when the incident happened on Saturday afternoon. The perpetrator was said to be travelling in a white car.Police said a woman got out of the vehicle before launching an attack on the victim whose family have lived in the area for the past two decades.A PSNI officer said: "Earlier this ...