Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Shia Pilgrims Martyred in Iraq Car Bombs

Shia Pilgrims Martyred in Iraq Car Bombs
 Iraqi officials reported six separate attacks between 7:00 a.m. (0400 GMT) and around 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. One car bomb struck a bus carrying Iranian pilgrims in north Baghdad, killing one person and wounding eight others, Iraq's interior ministry said. Shia pilgrims have flocked by the thousand to Iraq's cities of Karbala, Najaf and Baghdad to commemorate the Arbaeen mourning ceremonies. Arbaeen marks 40th day to pass following the ...

Islam and the Needs of Every Age

Islam and the Needs of Every Age
In last 1400 years, the face of the world has changed completely. The way we travel, the way we communicate, the way we fulfill the other needs of life has been transformed. With all this transformation, should we still stick to the system which came into existence and was completed 1400 years back? Is Islam capable of addressing the needs of this age, or for that matter, the needs of every age? The answer to these questions lies in ...

Secretary General of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly writes open letter to Hollande and other European authorities

Secretary General of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly writes open letter to Hollande and other European authorities
Hojatoleslam Akhtari, in this letter, also referred to the teachings of Quran, Prophet (PBUH) and Imam Ali (AS) as teachings that are based on human rights and protection of the souls of non-Muslims and said: "Having Arabic names and Islamic appearances does not mean that the perpetrators of these crimes are committing these crimes by the order of Islam. The most obvious sign of this fact is the long history of peaceful coexistence of religions ...

Companies Find Opportunity in Marketing to U.S. Muslims

Companies Find Opportunity in Marketing to U.S. Muslims
In the ballroom of an upscale hotel a short train ride from New York, advertisers, food industry executives and market researchers mingled — the men in dark suits, the women in headscarves and Western dress. Chocolates made according to Islamic dietary laws were placed at each table. The setting was the American Muslim Consumer Conference, which aimed to promote Muslims as a new market segment for U.S. companies. While corporations have long ...

Imam Khamenei: 'Resistant Economy, Islamic Culture' New Parliament’s Main Priorities

Imam Khamenei: 'Resistant Economy, Islamic Culture' New Parliament’s Main Priorities
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei called on the new Iranian parliament, which opened this morning, to make “materialization of resistance economy and Islamic culture” the main priorities in its 4-year term.“Materialization of resistant economy with all its absolute necessities as well as serious efforts to promote and deepen the Islamic culture are the two immediate priorities at present,” Imam ...

Faith Leaders Urge Better Understanding

Faith Leaders Urge Better Understanding
-- Participants in the Parliament of the World's Religions are calling for more interfaith understanding and a world move to save humanity from a climate disaster, the Australian daily the Age reported on Wednesday, December 9. "A new global conversation has to begin," Chandra Mufazzar, founder of the International Movement for a Just World, told the several-days meeting, which concluded its activities in the Melbourne Wednesday. The Muslim ...

Imam Khomeini was a great blessing for world during Imam of the time's occultation period

 Imam Khomeini was a great blessing for world during Imam of the time's occultation period
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Delivering Friday sermons at holy shrine of Imam Reza (Peace be upon him) Ayatollah Alam al Huda expressed: Imam Khomeini (RA) was a great and matchless blessing of God for the Iranian Muslim nation and Shias of the world as well which cannot be matched with any other blessing in this dark period. Islamic Republic system's existence is a miracle of God as the enemies had coordinated particular conspiracies and ...

Leader of Islamic Ummah: Faithful Youth Must Demand Realization of Revolution Ideals

Leader of Islamic Ummah: Faithful Youth Must Demand Realization of Revolution Ideals
On the 12th day of the auspicious month of Ramadan 1439 (28th of May 2018), a group of University students and representatives from student associations met with Ayatollah Khamenei this afternoon at the Hussayniyeh of Imam Khomeini (ra).(AhlulBayt News Agency) - In a three-hour intimate, lively and fervid meeting between hundreds of students from various universities and Leader of the Islamic Ummah Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the ...

The Support of Kermanshah's Women for Bahraini Women

The Support of Kermanshah's Women for Bahraini Women
The scroll written by the Women from Kermanshah province was displayed in the Islamic Parliament hall to show their supports for Bahraini women.   The scroll written by the women from Kermanshah province was displayed in the Islamic Parliament hall as a symbol to support the oppressed women of Bahrain.  Mohammad Karami Rad, the member of the Islamic Parliament for Kermanshah people illustrated this scroll in the open session sidelines of ...

Bahrain Moments in History

Bahrain Moments in History
Real change takes time, nothing happens over night. From the cradle of civilisation until now, the common theme that unites human history is that we constantly adapt and never stop changing. In the previous century the world witnessed huge upheavals, the eradication of many forms of barbaric political systems such as the heinous apartheid regime in South Africa. But such systematic change is always a process, and the beginning of 2011 marked a ...

Top Holy Quran publications awarded

Top Holy Quran publications awarded
The competition was organized to take the primary steps in developing the process of Quran publication, said the minister, adding, “When Quranic concepts are connected with art, they are more influential and lasting and will attract a greater number of readers.” “To reach a higher quality in Quran publication, we need to make better use of other countries’ experiences, while we can also transfer our knowledge in return,” Hosseini ...

Militant mortar attacks kill 10 in Damascus, Syria

Militant mortar attacks kill 10 in Damascus, Syria
Militant mortar attacks around the Syrian capital, Damascus, have left ten people dead and 53 others wounded. Syrian official news agency, SANA, reported on Sunday that the mortar shells targeted the Central Prison and the al-Wafedeen Camp. The Syrian Interior Ministry and a police source said five mortar shells hit the Central Prison in Adra district, killing ten, including several prison guards, and injuring 50 people. Three more mortar ...

Al-Azhar Slams Quran-burning Plan

Al-Azhar Slams Quran-burning Plan
The world's pre-eminent Sunni Muslim institution of learning has condemned a Florida church's plans to host a Quran-burning ceremony on Sept. 11.In a statement carried by local media on Thursday, Al-Azhar's Supreme Council in Egypt accused the church of "stirring up hate and discrimination" and called on other American churches to condemn the event. The Dove World Outreach Center is planning to burn the Islamic holy text on church grounds in ...

17th week of al-Quds intifada: 76 Palestinians injured in clashes in Gaza and occupied territories

17th week of al-Quds intifada: 76 Palestinians injured in clashes in Gaza and occupied territories
76 Palestinians suffered different injuries on Friday during clashes with Israeli soldiers and policemen in different flashpoint areas in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem, according to different media sources. In Gaza, the clashes, which took place in different border areas to the east and north, led to the injury of seven young men, one of them seriously. In the West Bank and Jerusalem, Palestinian young men clashed with Israeli ...

Burial is very expensive and difficult for Muslims living in western countries

Burial is very expensive and difficult for Muslims living in western countries
“This is a problem that urgently needs to be solved.” Berlin is home to a 300,000-strong Muslim community, basically the ancestors of Turkish workers who came to Germany in the middle of the twentieth century and stayed. Berlin has only two operational cemeteries dedicated to Muslims, which are attached to public Christian cemeteries and their 2,000 gravesites will be full by early next year. The Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious ...

Exhibition of a superb leathered Quran in Shiraz

Exhibition of a superb leathered Quran in Shiraz
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), SHIRAZ, Iran -- Habib Shahbazi, handicrafts vicar of Shiraz province said this fine Quran is exhibited in festival of handicrafts, traditional foods and introducing historical monuments of Pasargadae. He added, “This large Quran is made in 1.20 meter length and 70 cm width. It is made of fine leather and so far three volumes of it have been prepared.” Handicrafts vicar of Shiraz province reminded, ...

Bahraini Forces Brutally Beating Citizens

Bahraini Forces Brutally Beating Citizens
Bahrain is expanding the crackdown on the opposition as security forces open fire on anti-government protesters in the capital Manama and several other towns nearby. On Wednesday, Bahraini troops, backed by Saudi forces, attacked protesters in Diraz, Sanabis, Nuwaidrat and Belad al-Qadeem, UPI quoted witnesses as saying. Security forces have also managed to disperse the protesters in Manama. Witnesses say a 15-year-old boy was martyred in the ...

Christian family embraces Islam in Pakistan

 Christian family embraces Islam in Pakistan
As many as seven persons of a Christian family embraced Islam at the hands of a prominent religious cleric Pir Ahmad Raza Al-Mustafa during a special ceremony held at a local mosque in village Jhaaraanwala here. The said family was laboring at a local bricks kiln. Their Islamic names would be as: Mushtaq Maseeh-Muhammad Mushtaq, Inderyas Maseeh-Muhammad Ali, Sahil Maseeh-Bilal Ahmad, Dawood Maseeh-Dawood Ahmad, Shahid Maseeh-Muhammad Shahid, ...

ISIS Suicide Bomber Blows Peshmerga Check Point in Iraqi Kurdistan

ISIS Suicide Bomber Blows Peshmerga Check Point in Iraqi Kurdistan
 ISIS suicide bomber blew up a check point of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces in the Iraqi ...

Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan congratulates Muslims on Eid al-Adha

Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan congratulates Muslims on Eid al-Adha
Absattar Hajji Derbisali, Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan, has congratulated the Muslims of Kazakhstan on Eid al-Adha and the historic milestone - the 20th anniversary of independence, Meshet.kz says quoting the press service of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan.Eid al-Adha ( "feast of sacrifice") or "Festival of Sacrifice" or "Greater Eid" is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide. Eid al-Adha ...