Saturday 20th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Five Shia Muslims martyred in ISIS suicide bombing in Baghdad

Five Shia Muslims martyred in ISIS suicide bombing in Baghdad
A suicide bombing claimed by the so-called Islamic State militants group targeted Shiite Muslims in the Iraqi capital on Saturday, killing at least four people, security and medical officials said. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - A suicide bombing claimed by the so-called Islamic State militants group targeted Shiite Muslims in the Iraqi capital on Saturday, killing at least four people, security and medical officials said.The bomber targeted a tent ...

World Islamic Banking Conference Eyes New Growth Strategies

World Islamic Banking Conference Eyes New Growth Strategies
The 17th Annual World Islamic Banking Conference (WIBC 2010) in Bahrain will call for new growth strategies that leading institutions will have to adopt to succeed in the new global financial landscape. A Bahraini Central Bank official noted that Islamic finance continued to be one of the fastest growing segments in the global financial system and had become increasingly important in international markets. "(But) work has still to be done in ...

Sayyed Nasrallah: Turkey supported Daesh more than any country / Aleppo battle a major victory

Sayyed Nasrallah: Turkey supported Daesh more than any country / Aleppo battle a major victory
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Friday a speech in which he tackled various regional and internal titles.Addressing thousands of Hezbollah university students, Sayyed Nasrallah congratulated the Muslims, Christians and all Lebanese over the blessed birth of the Noble Prophet and his grandson Imam Sadiq [PBUH] and the birth of Jesus the Christ.In parallel, His Eminence extended gratitude to the ...

Pope regrets remarks on islam

Pope regrets remarks on islam
Four years after making remarks about Islam in a speech, Pope Benedict XVI says he regrets the controversy that it caused, although he still would not retract them, an Italian newspaper reported Friday. The daily Il Foglio cited German journalist and writer Peter Seewald in describing how the pope now looks back on his Sept. 12, 2006, speech in Regensburg, Germany, which caused an uproar in the Muslim world. Seewald is to unveil a book about ...

leader of the Astara Islamic Party of Azerbaijan arrested

leader of the Astara Islamic Party of Azerbaijan arrested
 The leader of the Astara district branch of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan (AIP), Ruhullah Akhunzadah, has been arrested, the Azeri Office of the Prosecutor General said in a statement. Azeri Police illegally claimed in searching Akhunzadah's apartment on Friday, National Security Ministry personnel found four Kalashnikov assault rifles, one Nagant revolver, three magazine cases, five hand grenades, two TNT blocks, 491 cartridges and seven ...

Bahraini protesters march against Friday Prayers ban

Bahraini protesters march against Friday Prayers ban
The Bahraini citizens, once again, poured into streets in the restive village of Diraz to voice their outrage over Manama regime’s ban on holding Friday prayers in the district, local reports said. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - The protesters held the demonstration on Friday in Diraz, which is the hometown of the spiritual leader of Bahrain’s Shiite majority, Sheikh Isa Qassim, condemning  the Bahraini regime’s move to ...

Nigeria: Nation's Hajj Shame

Nigeria: Nation's Hajj Shame
The 2009 Hajj or holy pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia has come and gone for pilgrims from other parts of the world except pilgrims from Nigeria.    This year, about 90,000 Nigerians participated in the annual act of spiritual cleansing and rejuvenation for muslims in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Again this year, as with our participations in the past decades, Nigerian pilgrims have been left with the short end of the ...

Brother of Saudi king dies

Brother of Saudi king dies
Prince Turki bin Abdel Aziz, a brother of Saudi Arabia's king, has died, a statement from the palace published on the official news agency SPA said early ...

French Senate to vote on ban of full Muslim veils

French Senate to vote on ban of full Muslim veils
The ban, to be voted on Tuesday in the Senate, making it far less controversial than France's 2004 ban on Muslim headscarves in classrooms, which proliferated in heavily immigrant neighborhoods. However, many Muslims believe the latest legislation is but one more blow to France's second religion, and risks raising the level of Islamophobia in a country where mosques are sporadic targets of hate. The proposed law was passed overwhelmingly by the ...

Dubai: 14th edition International Holy Quran Award begins with a bang

Dubai: 14th edition International Holy Quran Award begins with a bang
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, The contest for the 14th edition of Dubai International Holy Quran Award began Wednesday with the first batch of contestants making their appearance. Five permanent juries sat in a row to evaluate the contestants who walked calm and confident onto the stage to unleash their skill in the momorisation of the entire verses of Holy Quran as it was revealed to the last prophet (PBUH). Khalil Ibrahim from Libya, Abdul Hazim ...

Professor Ansarian: intellect is a mediator for receiving divine truths

Professor Ansarian: intellect is a mediator for receiving divine truths
Since Allah Almighty has granted the mankind this high quality intellect by which he can understand and receive the divine truths. As a matter fact, Allah has put the intellect and reasoning a mediator between him and the issues he might encounter, he has also been given the power of choice and freedom so that he can do whatever good deeds he wants so as the bad deeds, but when he decides to do something wrong and evil, it is all about him and ...

ISIS declares state of emergency in self-declared capital 'Raqqa' - U.S. official

ISIS declares state of emergency in self-declared capital 'Raqqa' - U.S. official
U.S. military officials are closely watching social media and news reports that say ISIS believes it may soon come under siege in Raqqa, Syria, its self-declared capital."We have seen this declaration of emergency in Raqqa, whatever that means," Col. Steve Warren, the spokesman for the U.S.-led anti-ISIS coalition, told reporters Friday. "We know this enemy feels threatened, as they should."Media reports have indicated that ISIS is moving ...

“Teenagers and Quran” Seminar to Be Held in Kuwait

“Teenagers and Quran” Seminar to Be Held in Kuwait
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), According to Al-Ray Newspaper, Al-Shoayb in a news conference announced that the seminar will be held in Zaban Yusof Al-Zaban Mosque in Al-Farwaniyah Province, and the Kuwaiti popular reciter, Fahad Al-Kandari will deliver a speech at the event. “The seminar which is in line with the activities and forums planned for Kuwaiti teenagers starts on July 25, and will be underway for two weeks,” he added. “It ...

African and Islamic Development Banks Sign US$1 Bln Partnership MoU

African and Islamic Development Banks Sign US$1 Bln Partnership MoU
 The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), on Tuesday in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, signed a USD 1 billion dollar partnership Memorandum of Understanding for joint project funding in their Common Member Countries. The MOU was signed by the AfDB Sector Operations Vice-President, Kamal ElKheshen and the IsDB Vice-President, Birama Boubacar Sidibe. Under the MOU, the AfDB and IsDB will each earmark USD 500 ...

Saudi forces open fire on people in Shia region, injure 3: TV

Saudi forces open fire on people in Shia region, injure 3: TV
Saudi forces have reportedly stormed shops in a Shia region in the kingdom, opening fire on people and injuring a number of them.  According to a tweet by El-Ekhbariya TV, the security forces on Monday raided shops in Awamiyah, and shot at people.   Witnesses said three people sustained injuries in the attack. Local people said the Saudi forces reportedly arrested one of those critically injured in the incident. The man ...

A lone Shia Woman in Iraq\'s New Cabinet

A lone Shia Woman in Iraq\'s New Cabinet
The new Iraqi government, which received a vote of confidence from parliament on Tuesday, is almost exclusively male, with the exception of a lone woman who is a minister without portfolio. Bushra Hussein Saleh is a deputy from Fadhila, a small Shiite fundamentalist party that is a member of the National Alliance grouping of Shiite parties. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki pointed to the lack of women candidates as a reason for his delay in ...

Ayatollah Sistani expressed his “deep sorrow and concern” over the “current escalation of the political conflict” in Iraq

Ayatollah Sistani expressed his “deep sorrow and concern” over the “current escalation of the political conflict” in Iraq
Media over the past weeks and days have linked new government officials’ appointments to the Grand Ayatollah, alleging he had leaned on Baghdad to position certain selected individuals, where he felt they would be most suited. The Grand Ayatollah’s emphasized how disappointed and pained the prominent cleric felt before officials’s lack of foresight, and restraint, at such a time when Iraq faces several aggravated internal ...

India Sounds Alert as Isis Spreads its Territory to Afghanistan, Pakistan

India Sounds Alert as Isis Spreads its Territory to Afghanistan, Pakistan
The Indian intelligence agencies have sounded an alert following reports suggesting that the Islamic State (Isis) has been spreading its territory to the Afghanistan-Pakistan (AfPak) region as it poses great security threat to India. The presence of Islamic State caliphate in Afghanistan's Farah and Nangarhar provinces is reported to be growing recently. And, as the Nangarhar province lies next to Pakistan, Indian ...

Sunni clerics to address Shia ‘majlis’ during Moharram in Lucknow, India

Sunni clerics to address Shia ‘majlis’ during Moharram in Lucknow, India
In a first ever such move, the Shia community has invited Sunni clerics to address their “majlis” (congregation) during Moharram in Lucknow. Majlis is an integral part of Moharram mourning where the congregation is addressed from a scared podium by eminent Shia clerics known as “zakirs”. For a change, the “majlis” this year may witness a mix crowd with Shia community inviting Sunni clerics as ...

First religious judge in Damascus: Eid al-Fitr starts Friday

First religious judge in Damascus: Eid al-Fitr starts Friday

Ahlul Bayt News Agency, Damascus, (SANA) – First religious judge in Damascus Adel Bunduk said on Wednesday that the first day Eid al-Fitr will be on Friday Sep. 10, 2010.

In a statement to Syria News Agency, Bunduk said the crescent of Shawal month could not be seen on Wednesday Ramadan, 29, 1431 Hijri which coincides with Sep. 8, 2010. Therefore, Thursday will be Ramadan 30th and Friday is the first of Shawal.