Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Islamic Development Bank, World Bank jointly produce global report on Islamic finance

Islamic Development Bank, World Bank jointly produce global report on Islamic finance
Director General of the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI), Prof. Mohamed Azmi Omar, announced today in Jakarta, Indonesia while launching a synthesis of the report, during the 11th IDB Global Forum on Islamic Finance. The Forum was organized jointly by IRTI and Bank Indonesia, in conjunction with the 41st IDB Group Annual Meeting, to deliberate on the role of Islamic Finance in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The ...

$200m Budget Allocated to American Documentary on Arbaeen

$200m Budget Allocated to American Documentary on Arbaeen
American filmmaker Kathryn Ann Bigelow is going to produce a film on the event with a $200 million budget, as reported by Al-Alam News Network, and translated by IFP. Kathryn Ann Bigelow She will travel to Basra, southern Iraq, to follow the pilgrims who march toward Karbala on Arbaeen. Bigelow is the first woman who has received an Academy Award for Best Director for her film The Hurt Locker. Arbaeen marks 40 days after the martyrdom of Imam ...

Rebel attack kills 3 people in Central Africa

Rebel attack kills 3 people in Central Africa
 At least three people were killed in an attack by militia in the troubled Bambari region of the Central African Republic, informed sources said ...

Boko Haram suicide bomber kills 11 at mosque in Cameroon

Boko Haram suicide bomber kills 11 at mosque in Cameroon
The attack, which took place late on Wednesday, occurred after the breaking of the fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. A Cameroonian army officer said the bomber was a young boy. More than 15,000 people have been killed and 2 million displaced in Nigeria and neighboring Chad, Niger and Cameroon during Boko Haram’s seven-year campaign to create an caliphate in northeast ...

Imam Khamenei: Dignity, power, excellence achievable via Quran

Imam Khamenei: Dignity, power, excellence achievable via Quran

Sheikh Daqqaq, Bahraini Shi’a scholar: Events in Bahrain, Yemen due to Saudi defeat in Iraq, Syria

Sheikh Daqqaq, Bahraini Shi’a scholar: Events in Bahrain, Yemen due to Saudi defeat in Iraq, Syria
The representative of Ayatollah Isa Qassim in Iran referred to the recent events occurring in the Iraqi city of Fallujah and the victories of the Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq as well as the victories of the Syrian army in Aleppo, saying these victories have led to the defeat of Saudi Arabia on these fronts and they have now increased their efforts in Bahrain and Yemen. He explained that in order to keep religious scholars and clerics out ...

Bahrain: 66 Torture Cases & 39 Arrests during April's Third Week

Bahrain: 66 Torture Cases & 39 Arrests during April's Third Week

President Rouhani: Government to thwart enemies’ exploitation, infiltration/ Agreement established Iran’s regional, int’l author

President Rouhani: Government to thwart enemies’ exploitation, infiltration/ Agreement established Iran’s regional, int’l author
Now with the lift of unjust sanctions the way is clear for Iran’s economic growth through serious and effective execution of Resistive Economy policies. The government is fully determined that although lift of sanctions was necessary regarding elimination of oppression and fulfilling the rights of the Iranian nation that happened, therefore, the requirement for economic prosperity and improving livings and jobs, is paying attention to the ...

German protesters condemn Sheikh Nimr’s execution

German protesters condemn Sheikh Nimr’s execution
Protesters have taken to the streets of the German city of Essen in condemnation of Saudi Arabia’s execution of a top Shia cleric. According to Press TV, the demonstrators held placards with anti-Saudi slogans. They also criticized the German government for remaining silent over the issue. A similar rally was held in the city of Frankfurt. Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr was executed by the Saudi regime last week over terrorism charges. His ...

British Muslims raise money to help most vulnerable

British Muslims raise money to help most vulnerable
Religious leaders handed the cash over at the charity’s office in Tanners Lane last week. Lynn Gradwell, the charity’s London director, assured the fundraisers that Barnardo’s would do all it could to help children affected by the refugee crisis. “Without the right support, child refugees are in danger of slipping off the radar, falling into the hands of traffickers and being sexually exploited.” The money raised ...

Bahrain jails five Shias, strips them of citizenship

Bahrain jails five Shias, strips them of citizenship
Judicial authorities in Bahrain have sentenced five Shia Muslims to prison and revoked their citizenship on alleged charges of terrorism. A prosecution statement said on Monday that the criminal court sentenced two of the unnamed defendants to three and ten years in prison respectively over alleged involvement in activities linked to the country’s biggest opposition bloc, al-Wefaq National Islamic Society. The same court found ...

Ayatollah Khamenei slams UN for ignoring child killings in Yemen

Ayatollah Khamenei slams UN for ignoring child killings in Yemen
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with the Iranian judiciary chief and officials, described the cleanness and continuous efforts for satisfying people as the important task and main objective of the judiciary branch.Referring to the advent of International Quds Day (marked on the last Friday of the holy fasting month of Ramadan in solidarity with Palestinians), Ayatollah Khamenei said: “Thanks to ...

‘I Am a Muslim’ exhibition hosts Iranian families

‘I Am a Muslim’ exhibition hosts Iranian families

Top leaders of Daesh terrorists killed by Iraqi forces

Top leaders of Daesh terrorists killed by Iraqi forces
Iraq’s army forces, backed by volunteer fighters, have killed senior members of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group in the northern and western parts of the country. According to local media reports, a unit of the Iraqi army backed by the air force and fighters of the Popular Mobilization Units, launched an onslaught on a prison run by the terrorist group in the major militant-held city of Mosul, killing Abu al-Bara Checheni, the head of ...

Egypt Grand Mufti: ISIL Misinterpreting Verses of Quran

Egypt Grand Mufti: ISIL Misinterpreting Verses of Quran
- Shawki Ibrahim Allam, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, said so far 50 verses of the Quran that have been misinterpreted by the ISIL (ISIS, Daesh) terrorist group have been identified by the Dar-al-Ifta Center of Egypt.He said the center is working to present the true interpretation of the verses and counter the terrorist group’s deviated approaches, al-Dastour news website reported.Allam added that the move is aimed at preventing the youth from ...

Yemen ceasefire broken; 4 killed in Saudi Violates UN-Declared Truce in Yemen

Yemen ceasefire broken; 4 killed in Saudi Violates UN-Declared Truce in Yemen
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Shortly after a humanitarian truce went into effect in Yemen, Saudi warplanes struck several areas across the Arab impoverished country, violating the UN-sponsored ceasefire.Al-Manar correspondent in Yemen reported that the Saudi-led warplanes hit Saada, Shabwa and Taiz, few minutes after the truce went into effect.The warplanes also struck a house in Jabal Jarra, a truck loaded with food supplies in al-Arish city in ...

Two Shia people martyred in Pakistan's Quetta

Two Shia people martyred in Pakistan's Quetta
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Unidentified armed men opened fire and killed man and woman belonging to Shia community in south western city of Quetta, local police said on ...

About 42 dead as twin bomb attacks hit northeastern Nigerian mosque

About 42 dead as twin bomb attacks hit northeastern Nigerian mosque
At least 42 people have lost their lives when two bomb explosions ripped through a mosque in Nigeria’s restive northeastern state of Borno.  According to AFP, witnesses said the bombs went off in quick succession at around 6.30 p.m. local time (1730 GMT) on Thursday as two bombers, disguised as worshippers, slipped into the place of worship in the western Molai neighborhood of the city of Maiduguri, located approximately 870 ...

Imam Abdul Alim Musa: 'From lynching and slaving to shooting and jailing; US Blacks still suffer'

Imam Abdul Alim Musa: 'From lynching and slaving to shooting and jailing; US Blacks still suffer'
Born as Clarence Reams in 1945, Abdul Alim Musa is an African-American Muslim Imam and the director of Masjid al-Islam of Washington, D.C.. Imam Abdul Alim Musa, an activist and a Sunni Imam, is founder and director of As-Sabiqun movement and the Islamic Institute of Counter-Zionist American Psychological Warfare. A critic of U.S. policies and its support for the Zionist Regime, Imam Abdul Alim Musa has served as a well-known public speaker ...

Saudi fighter jet downed by Yemeni army in Najran

Saudi fighter jet downed by Yemeni army in Najran
The Yemeni army’s air defense unit stationed in the northwestern province of Sa’ada announced that it shot down the Saudi fighter jet in Najran, the Arabic-language al-Masirah television network reported. The attack came after Yemen’s army and popular committees launched a long-range ballistic missile dubbed “Borkan-2 (Volcano-2)” at Riyadh on Friday evening. The Friday launch came just hours before US President ...