Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

More than 80 Israeli Violations against Holy Sites in January 2017

More than 80 Israeli Violations against Holy Sites in January 2017
In a special report issued by the Palestinian Ministry of Waqf, Idies said these violations mainly included provocative visits by Israeli right-wing fanatics to Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque compound. He said by supporting such visits, Israel aspires to enforce a temporal and spatial division of the Islamic holy site. He added, "Israel is working hard to Judaize al-Aqsa Mosque and pressure people of Jerusalem”. "Such policies include ...

20 Yemenis killed in fresh Saudi raids

20 Yemenis killed in fresh Saudi raids
At least 20 people have lost their lives and scores of others have sustained injuries in the latest wave of Saudi airstrikes against Yemen. On Saturday, Saudi fighter jets bombarded a mosque and a gas station in the Hajr area of the Qabbaytah district in Yemen’s southwestern province of Lahij, killing seven civilians and wounding seven others. Meanwhile, five Yemenis were killed and three more injured after Saudi bombers pounded the ...

Iran foreign ministry denounces Bahrain’s move to strip Sheikh Qassim's citizenship

Iran foreign ministry denounces Bahrain’s move to strip Sheikh Qassim's citizenship
In a statement on Monday, the ministry also condemned the Bahraini regime’s intensification of its security approach toward religious and national leaders, opposition to religious beliefs and principles, and misappropriation of religious assets and funds of the Bahraini people. The ministry urged the Al Khalifah regime to end the ongoing crisis in the country by stopping its illegal behavior, avoiding “the destruction of all the ...

Sayyed al-Houthi: Saudi commits crimes on global scale with US green light

Sayyed al-Houthi: Saudi commits crimes on global scale with US green light
- The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement says Saudi Arabia commits crimes across the globe with the US green light.Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said on Wednesday that the Al Saud family has adopted a hypocritical approach in the Muslim world, the proof of which is Takfiri violence gripping the region."When Washington gives the Riyadh regime the green light, sedition sparks in all countries, with the Saudi offensive being in line with ...

Hundreds of terrorists prepare to attack Aleppo

Hundreds of terrorists prepare to attack Aleppo
The Russian General Staff said that terrorists used the humanitarian pause in Syria's Aleppo to receive reinforcements to prepare new attacks outskirts of Aleppo. "A group of over 1,200 militants, including 30 suicide-bombers, is preparing an attack on Aleppo from South-West. They have tanks, armored vehicles and over 20 pickups with heavy machine guns," Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy, the chief of the Russian General Staff's Main Operational ...

Bahraini authorities revoke nationality of Sheikh Al-Daqaq’s wife, expel her from country

Bahraini authorities revoke nationality of Sheikh Al-Daqaq’s wife, expel her from country
Sheikh Al-Daqaqs wife was interrogated twice since arriving in the country Wednesday night and refused the authorities' request to spy on her husband. The sources indicated that she had arrived in Bahrain on Wednesday night (July 19, 2017) from Tehran at around 6 pm. She stayed at the airport and was interrogated until 10:20 pm by the intelligence services, who asked her to cooperate and spy on her husband Al-Daqaq, and then released her, so ...

Bahraini people march in Manama at first anniversary of Sheikh Nimr's execution

Bahraini people march in Manama at first anniversary of Sheikh Nimr's execution
- People have staged separate demonstrations in Bahrain to voice their continued support for the cause championed by Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, a Saudi Shia cleric who was executed by Saudi Arabian authorities one year ago.On Monday, demonstrators took to the streets in the northern village of al-Musalla on the western outskirts of the capital, Manama, carrying pictures of the religious figure, who was an outspoken critic of the Riyadh ...

Kashmir Shia leader condemns brutality of Indian soldiers, appeals Red Cross to take care of wounded civilians

Kashmir Shia leader condemns brutality of Indian soldiers, appeals Red Cross to take care of wounded civilians
He said that the continuous curfew and restrictions on the movement has been taking heavy toll on the common people. He condemned the harassment of people, vandalising of public properties by forces, and arrest of pro-freedom leaders saying the innocent civilians were deliberately targeted by the occupational forces. He appealed Red Cross to take care of the wounded civilians. Aga Hasan also condemned the use of lethal weapons on ...

Professor Ansarian: The Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HP;) alone is the entire divine Prophets and the whole verses of the holy Qur'an

Professor Ansarian: The Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HP;) alone is the entire divine Prophets and the whole verses of the holy Qur'an
Professor Ansarian said: sometimes, we see strange issues in our narrations; for example, Imam Musa b. Ja'far al-Kazim (as) recited three verses about the repenters which is also quoted in the second volume of "Usul-Al Kafi" and then said: If Allah grants the benefit of one of these three verses to all beings, the verse will not diminish. Professor Ansairian emphasizing on the issue that the Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HP) alone is the entire ...

3,000 Rohingya Muslims have nowhere to go

3,000 Rohingya Muslims have nowhere to go
With certain death staring at them and hardly any chance of survival, 1,25,000 Rohingya Muslims had to flee from Myanmar during the 2012 Rakhine state riots. Nearly 3,000 of them have been living under plastic tents in Hyderabad The plight of Rohingya Muslims, nearly 3,000 of them, who started making Hyderabad their temporary home since 2009 is no bed of roses. In each camp as they would like to call their colony, there are close to 60 families ...

At least six martyred, six wounded in suicide bombing west of Karbala

At least six martyred, six wounded in suicide bombing west of Karbala
ISIS has claimed a suicide bombing that killed six civilians near Iraq’s holy city of Karbala on Monday at the start of a major Shiite Muslim ...

Grand Ayatollah Mousavi Ardebili passes away

Grand Ayatollah Mousavi Ardebili passes away

Hadi al-Ameri: Fallujah soon will being fully cleared from ISIS terrorists

Hadi al-Ameri: Fallujah soon will being fully cleared from ISIS terrorists
The commander of Iraq’s popular mobilization forces, Hadi al-Ameri, says the city of Fallujah is days away from being fully cleared from ISIS terrorists.Ameri, who is also the head of the Badr Organization, an Iraqi political party, made the announcement on Saturday.He added that two neighborhoods of Muaalimeen and Shuhadaa -- formerly held by Takfiris -- had been purged from terrorists, and that only a handful of ISIS militants remain in ...

Bahraini dissident Martyred ‘after torture’ in Al-Khalifa regime custody

Bahraini dissident Martyred ‘after torture’ in Al-Khalifa regime custody
A political dissident in Bahrain has reportedly martyred as a result of injuries sustained under torture while in regime custody. AhlulBayt News Agency - A political dissident in Bahrain has reportedly martyred as a result of injuries sustained under torture while in regime ...

Professor Ansarian: Reciting the Holy Quran is the least profit we can gain from the ocean of Quran

Professor Ansarian: Reciting the Holy Quran is the least profit we can gain from the ocean of Quran
Therefore, reciting the holy Quran along with pondering and contemplating upon the verses of it is a recommendation which Almighty God has laid too much emphasis upon: "It is a blessed Book which We have revealed for you so that you will reflect upon its verses and so the people of understanding will take heed" (SAD -THE LETTER SAD- verse ...

Photos: the vigil ceremony of the twenty-first night of Ramadan of 1439 by the Lecture of Professor Hussein Ansarian in the Husseinieh of Hamadaniha.

Photos: the vigil ceremony of the twenty-first night of Ramadan of 1439 by the Lecture of Professor Hussein Ansarian in the Husseinieh of Hamadaniha.

Yemeni forces kill dozens of Saudi-backed militias in Taiz

Yemeni forces kill dozens of Saudi-backed militias in Taiz
Dozens of Saudi-backed militants were killed and several others were wounded, including leaders on Tuesday in clashes with Yemeni army forces in Taiz, south of Yemen, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.Seek% buffered00:00Current time01:23Volume(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Dozens of Saudi-backed militants were killed and several others were wounded, including leaders on Tuesday in clashes with Yemeni army forces in Taiz, south of Yemen, a ...

Imam Khamenei: Trump's speech against Iran 'silly and superficial'

Imam Khamenei: Trump's speech against Iran 'silly and superficial'
"Last night you heard that the US president made silly and superficial remarks. There were maybe more than 10 lies in his comments. He threatened both the establishment and the nation, saying he will do this and that," Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with a number of teachers and university professors in Tehran on ...

Saudi warplanes attack Sana'a amid funeral for Houthi official

Saudi warplanes attack Sana'a amid funeral for Houthi official
Tens of thousands of Yemenis have taken to the streets of the capital, Sana’a, to hold a funeral procession for a senior official from the Houthi Ansarullah movement who was killed in a Saudi airstrike.Seek% buffered00:00Current time00:23Volume(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Tens of thousands of Yemenis have taken to the streets of the capital, Sana’a, to hold a funeral procession for a senior official from the Houthi Ansarullah movement ...

Austria proposes Hijab ban for primary school students

Austria proposes Hijab ban for primary school students
Education Minister Heinz Fassmann said that the draft law would be ready by the summer. He added that it would be a "symbolic" act, regardless of how many children were actually ...