Wednesday 17th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Women’s role in Islam discussed in Azerbaijan

Women’s role in Islam discussed in Azerbaijan
Seyyed Ebrahim Ebrahimi, Iranian’s cultural attaché in Baku, addressed the forum which was attended by a group of female scholars and intellectuals. Ebrahimi also referred to Surah An-Nisa of the Holy Quran which includes numerous references to women and noted that Hazrat Khadijeh (SA), Hazrat Zahra (SA) and Hazrat Zeynab (SA) are the best role models for women. Also speaking at the program was Azadeh Taleh Ava, head of the ...

The purity of Imam Hussein was manifested in Karbala.

The purity of Imam Hussein was manifested in Karbala.
  Professor Ansarian said: the one who has a sustainable and continuing worship and obedience of Allah Almighty only for Allah’s sake will take the highest position of purity as Prophet Ibrahim (AS) did and the actions of Imam Hussein(AS) were only for the sake of Allah throughout his life which its purity was shined and manifested in Karbala. According to Rasa News Agency correspondent , Professor Hussein Ansarian,Scholar and ...

Professor Ansarian: the weepers of Imam Hussein (AS) are rewarded by Paradise.

Professor Ansarian: the weepers of Imam Hussein (AS) are rewarded by Paradise.
Professor Ansarian noted that Imam Sadiq (AS) said: a person is certain to enter paradise if he cries for Imam Hussein (AS) or makes someone weep for Imam Hussein (AS) or imitates the weepers of Imam Hussein (AS). Professor Hussein Ansarian, a commentator of the Qur'an, on the occasion of the first day of mourning today guidance on husseiniya Sid and Master of Martyrs Imam Hussein (AS) and his loyal companions pointed black the merits of and ...

Islamic Movement in Nigeria: Ultimatum and threats of violence not in our character

Islamic Movement in Nigeria: Ultimatum and threats of violence not in our character
Islamic Movement in Nigeria rejects any issuing of ultimatum to government or other groups. The statement of IMN is as follows: It has become expedient to make this clarification that the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) has never employed the use of ultimatum or the issuance of threats of violence in its entire four decades of existence to anyone, group or authority. This is not about to change. A recent media campaign allegedly claims that ...

Position Of Islam And Muslims In France: Three French Contradictions – Analysis

Position Of Islam And Muslims In France: Three French Contradictions – Analysis
The recent decision of more than 30 French coastal towns to ban women from wearing the Islamic swimsuit known as burkini appears to be the latest iteration of a decades-old debate. A similar bone of contention emerged in 1989 when three teenage girls wearing Islamic headscarves were expelled from their middle school as their dress code was seen to be in contradiction with French secularist rules. Three French Contradictions The first ...

French PM warns of threat from 15,000 terrorists

French PM warns of threat from 15,000 terrorists
 Some 15,000 people are under surveillance in France for showing signs of radicalization, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls warned in a televised interview on Sunday. France is facing the "maximum threat" from terrorists both inside and outside the country, he said. An estimated 700 French nationals are fighting in Syria and Iraq, including 275 women and dozens of children. "You can say there are 15,000 people under scrutiny because they ...

Another protester killed in fresh Indian Kashmir clashes

Another protester killed in fresh Indian Kashmir clashes
 A protester died from pellet gun injuries during fresh clashes with security forces Tuesday in Indian Kashmir, a hospital official said, a day after the government said it would replace the weapons. The 21-year-old man was killed during clashes in Anantnag district southeast of the main city of Srinagar, in which police said scores were injured. There have been weeks of deadly unrest in the region. "Naseer had a zero degree pellet ...

Muslim World Must Think of Fundamental Solution for Management of Two Holy Mosques and Hajj Issue

Muslim World Must Think of Fundamental Solution for Management of Two Holy Mosques and Hajj Issue
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - The Leader’s Message to Hajj PilgrimsSeptember 2, 2016 In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most MercifulAnd all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and Allah’s greetings be upon our Master, Muhammad (PBUH), and upon his Immaculate Household and chosen companions and upon those who follow them rightfully until the Day of Judgment. Muslim brethren and sisters all over the ...

Imam Khamenei: Clergy should use cyberspace to exhibit real Islam

Imam Khamenei: Clergy should use cyberspace to exhibit real Islam
“The seminary schools (hawzas), as well as the clergymen should be familiar with cyberspace, in order to grasp this opportunity to elaborate on Islamic knowledge and concepts.” At the start of his Dars-e Kharij of Fiqh speech, as the new school year for the Hawzas commenced, Ayatollah Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution, reflected upon multiple expansive plots to deviate the minds and hearts of the young, and the people from ...

Bahraini courts sentence 18 citizens to years in prison

Bahraini courts sentence 18 citizens to years in prison
Bahraini courts have handed down jail terms to 18 people over a range of allegations, among them attacks against police, as the Al Khalifah regime presses ahead with its crackdown on critics. An appeals court upheld a five-year imprisonment verdict against a Bahraini national on charges of causing an accident with a police vehicle.The court also ordered the defendant to pay 250 Bahraini dinars (some 665 dollars) in fines. In another case, the ...

Restaurant Refuses to Serve Muslim Women in France

Restaurant Refuses to Serve Muslim Women in France
One of the victims videotaped the shocking incident and shared it on social media. The video went viral and stirred the outrage of thousands of users. The video does not record the incident from the beginning; it starts in the middle of a violent verbal attack from the manager. Then the woman enquired about the reason behind such horrible treatment saying “Is it because we have bombs, sir?” The manager seems extremely annoyed with ...

Norwegian Muslims gather to pray for Utøya attack victims on 5th anniversary

Norwegian Muslims gather to pray for Utøya attack victims on 5th anniversary
Muslims from across Norway gathered on the island of Utøya to pray for victims of the Norway attacks. Six years ago in 2011 34-year-old Anders Breivik shot and killed 69 people on the very same island. The Island is owned by Norway’s Labour party and most of Breivik’s victims were members of the Labour party’s youth wing. On August 19, 2016, the country’s oldest Muslim Youth association hosted their annual youth ...

Nigerian Christians and Muslims open International Centre for Inter-Faith Peace and Harmony

Nigerian Christians and Muslims open International Centre for Inter-Faith Peace and Harmony
Christians and Muslims in Nigeria have opened a historic interfaith peace center in Kaduna state, where more than 20,000 have been killed in religious conflicts in the last 30 years. On Aug. 19, Nigerian Christians and Muslims gathered together for the opening of the International Center for Interfaith Peace and Harmony (ICIPH) in Kaduna. The center, which is only one of the interfaith initiatives being launched in the country, aims to document ...

Boko Haram releases new video of kidnapped Chibok schoolgirls

Boko Haram releases new video of kidnapped Chibok schoolgirls
- Boko Haram has released a video of the Nigerian schoolgirls allegedly kidnapped two years ago, showing some who are still alive and claiming others were killed in air ...

Analysis: Sectarianism; Al Khalifa’s tool for repressing revolutionaries

Analysis: Sectarianism; Al Khalifa’s tool for repressing revolutionaries
The significant point about the Bahraini uprising is the involvement of over 30 active parties and political movements in the country where a majority of them are Shiites. From this number, 6 groups including; Al-Wafa, February 14 Revolution, February 14 Revolutionary Coalition, Ahrar al-Bahrain, February 14 Youth Coalition, and Islamic Scholars Council are demanding overthrow of Al Khalifa government of Bahrain.Some other parties, led by ...

Ayatollah Sobhani: Maintaining ancient monuments justified by Quran

Ayatollah Sobhani: Maintaining ancient monuments justified by Quran
Ayatollah Sobhani made some remarks on the Quranic reasons supporting the idea of maintaining ancient Islamic monuments and said, "The West have doubts regarding the existence of Jesus Christ since there is no ancient monument proving he had lived, this fact must serve as a lesson for us,"Highlighting that all scholars and intellectuals protect their historic places and monuments as a mean of maintaining their civilization as well as their ...

Amir al-Mu'minin Center for Translation: Promising Specialized Efforts for Spreading the Thought of Imam Ali (PBUH)

Amir al-Mu'minin Center for Translation: Promising Specialized Efforts for Spreading the Thought of Imam Ali (PBUH)
Amir al-Mu'minin Center for Translation is considered one of the promising specialized centers that have been established to spread the thought of Amir al-Mu'minin (PBUH) to the world in different languages. Mr. Hasaneen Shab’, the official of the administrative unit, said “Our division belongs to the Intellectual and Cultural Affairs Department. It was established in 2014 because of the development of the holy shrine ...

Bahrain regime force arrest senior Shia cleric

Bahrain regime force arrest senior Shia cleric
Bahraini regime forces have arrested yet another senior Shia cleric as the ruling Al Khalifah regime continues a heavy-handed crackdown on the Shia community in the country. Bahraini forces arrested Seyyed Majid al-Mashaal, the secretary of Muslim Scholars Council, after raiding his home on Saturday morning. On January 29, 2014, a Bahraini court decided to dissolve the council, which includes a number of prominent Bahraini Shia ...

Ali Mohammed al-Nimr and other youths face immediate execution

Ali Mohammed al-Nimr and other youths face immediate execution
The Shafaqna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies received worrying information pointing to the pending execution by beheading of Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, nephew to late Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. A young Shia Muslim from the eastern Saudi Arabian province of Qatif, Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, was, like many others, arrested on account his faith has long upset al-Saud royals. Accused of conspiracy against the king, Ali Mohammed al-Nimr never stood a chance ...

An Interfaith Group Kicked Off to Fights Islamophobia In Ohio

An Interfaith Group Kicked Off to Fights Islamophobia In Ohio