Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian: the weepers of Imam Hussein (AS) are rewarded by Paradise.

Professor Ansarian: the weepers of Imam Hussein (AS) are rewarded by Paradise.
Professor Ansarian noted that Imam Sadiq (AS) said: a person is certain to enter paradise if he cries for Imam Hussein (AS) or makes someone weep for Imam Hussein (AS) or imitates the weepers of Imam Hussein (AS). Professor Hussein Ansarian, a commentator of the Qur'an, on the occasion of the first day of mourning today guidance on husseiniya Sid and Master of Martyrs Imam Hussein (AS) and his loyal companions pointed black the merits of and ...

ISIL crossed red lines, Explosion in Medina alarm to Muslim world

ISIL crossed red lines, Explosion in Medina alarm to Muslim world

Grand Imam of al-Azhar calls for Shia-Sunni gathering; urges Sunni scholars to issue Fatwa prohibiting Shia killing

Grand Imam of al-Azhar calls for Shia-Sunni gathering; urges Sunni scholars to issue Fatwa prohibiting Shia killing
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The Grand Imam of the al-Azhar mosque, Egypt's top Muslim authority, has called for a meeting of leading Sunni and Shia scholars in the capital, Cairo.The call by Sheikh Ahmed Al Tayeb aired on Egypt's state TV on Wednesday evening came at the close of a series of programs about Ramadan. Al Tayeb called on Sunni scholars to issue a Fatwa (Religious edict) prohibiting the killing of Shia Muslims. He also called on Shia ...

5th Shaban: The Birthday Anniversary of Imam Zainul Abedin (A.S.) (Biography)

5th Shaban: The Birthday Anniversary of Imam Zainul Abedin (A.S.) (Biography)
Name:         'Ali ibnul HusainTitles:           Az-Zainul Abideen, As-SajjaadKuniya:        Abu MuhammadBirthdate:    15th Jamadi-ul-Awwal 37 A.H. in MadinaFather:         Imam Husain As-Shaheed (peace be upon him), 3rd Holy ImamMother:        Shahr Bano, daughter of King Yazdigard IIDied:            (Martyred) Date: 21st Muharram, 95 A.H.Place:           Madina, ...

Carter's book depicts the painful reality of female trafficking in America: Ayatollah Khamenei

Carter's book depicts the painful reality of female trafficking in America: Ayatollah Khamenei
Here is some excerpts from Ayatollah Khamenei’s, the Iran’s Supreme Leader, remarks on Jimmy Carter’s book:   "He also refers to the rapes which occur in colleges where only one case out of 25 cases is reported. He goes on to say that only one percent of rapists are put to trial in the army. One cries when one reads such things. We can see many such writings in newspapers. I see such writings as well, but I never base my ...

ISIS judge killed by gunmen in Raqqa

ISIS judge killed by gunmen in Raqqa
- Unidentified gunmen assaulted the ISIS Sharia Court in Raqqa city, killing a handful of terrorists and Abu Amina al-Halabi, the presiding judge. While the gunmen’s allegiance is still unknown, sources can confirm that their primary target was the court’s Qadi, a religious judge. “At least seven ISIS members were killed in the attack, including al-Halabi, who served as the chief of Sharia court in Raqqa city,” ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the importance of protecting the environment

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the importance of protecting the environment
The environment is a divine blessing for all human beings. Whatever harm and damage we do to environment and our surroundings, in fact, we have ruined the rights of a human or all humans. In religious teachings, special attention has been paid to preserving the environment. A life without pure environment is not a sweet and pleasant life from the viewpoint of Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him). There are many Hadiths which either have forbidden ...

New UN resolution demands Israel rescind Golan annexation decision

New UN resolution demands Israel rescind Golan annexation decision
- The UNGA adopted the resolution titled “Occupied Syrian Golan” after it was endorsed by the Special Political and Decolonization Committee. The resolution was adopted with 163 in favor out of 193 countries, one against, and a number of abstentions, including the US and Canada. The sole vote against the resolution was cast by Israel. The resolution called upon Israel to rescind its decision of annexing the occupied Golan, and to ...

Several Shia Martyred and wounded in Iraq\'s violence

Several Shia Martyred and wounded in Iraq\'s violence
An employee in the Iraqi Housing Ministry was killed when gunmen using silenced weapons opened fire on him while driving his car in al-Waziriyah district in northern central Baghdad. In a separate incident, a roadside bomb went off near a bus carrying Iranian pilgrims travelling in Taji area north of Baghdad, wounding four pilgrims, the source said. Insurgents frequently attacked Iranian pilgrims who flock in large numbers to Iraq to visit ...

Bahraini forces detain Shiite cleric for 15 days; accuse him of inciting hatred against regime

Bahraini forces detain Shiite cleric for 15 days; accuse him of inciting hatred against regime
Bahrain's Public Prosecution decided on Monday, October 31, 2016, to detain the prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Hani Al-Banaa for 15 days after allegedly accusing him of inciting hatred against the regime and disobedience of law.Al-Budai police station summoned on Thursday Sheikh Al-Banaa to appear before it for interrogation on Sunday, October 30, 2016 and decided to detain him to present him to the prosecution.The Bahraini authorities have ...

Australia mosque hit by firebombing, graffiti attack

Australia mosque hit by firebombing, graffiti attack
A firebombing and anti-Islam graffiti attack has happened outside a mosque in the Australian city of Perth while hundreds of worshipers were attending a prayer service inside. The blast destroyed a car parked outside the Thornlie mosque and Australian Islamic College on Tuesday night in Perth’s suburb of Thornlie. No one was injured in the incident. The mosque's Yahya Adel Ibrahim said on his Facebook page that the ...

Saudi News disproved; “Sham al-din Mohammad Sharaf al-din” is Alive

Saudi News disproved; “Sham al-din Mohammad Sharaf al-din” is Alive
oday, Tuesday morning August 30th, Saudi media reported the death of “Sham al-din Mohammad Sharaf al-din”, Chairman of the Union of Yemeni scholars. However this news was disproved as “Sham al-din Mohammad Sharaf al-din” is not even in Yemen and is currently on a trip to Moscow. He has travelled to Moscow, Russia to negotiate the possibility of stopping the political and military intervention of Saudi Arabia in Yemen with ...

professor Ansarian:Let’s improve a divine moral in ourselves

professor Ansarian:Let’s improve a divine moral in ourselves
By referring to a saying from the holy prophet professor Ansarian stated: «تخلقوا باخلاق الله»،; let’s try and improve the morals and ethics of Allah Almighty in ourselves; let’s be polite according to his etiquette and rites, for example, he is (Ar-Rahim) compassionate, so you become compassionate and merciful too, he is gracious, you become gracious too, he is (Ar-Razzaq) the provider and sustainer, you ...

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan activist

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan activist
 Kyrgyz security authorities have detained a Dagestani native, Nizami Abiyev, who is a member of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), the Kyrgyz State National Security Committee (GKNB) told Interfax on Wednesday. "During a search operation in Bishkek on July 12, security officers held IMU member Abiyev, a Russian citizen and native of Dagestan, who is wanted by Tajik authorities," the GKNB said. The man participated in the massive ...

Million Shias celebrate Arafat Day in Holy Karbala

Million Shias celebrate Arafat Day in Holy Karbala
Around one million Iraqi Shias celebrated the Arafat day on Friday evening in Karbala....   Around one million Iraqi Shias celebrated the Arafat day on Friday evening in Holy city of Karbala, the province’s governor said on Saturday, referring to “successful” security measures in this regard. “There were no security violations,” Engineer Amalal-Din al-Hur told Aswat al-Iraq news agency. He said that ...

Nigeria to Host Arba'een Symbolic Trek

Nigeria to Host Arba'een Symbolic Trek
Nigeria to Host Arba'een Symbolic Trek Members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria under the spiritual guardianship of His Eminence, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky will Today (Sunday) embark on a nationwide Arba'een mass trek to commemorate the fortieth day after the brutal murder of Imam Hussain in Karbala, 61 years AH. Members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria under the spiritual guardianship of His Eminence, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky will Today ...

Chomsky discusses ISIS, Israel, climate change, and the kind of world future generations may inherit

Chomsky discusses ISIS, Israel, climate change, and the kind of world future generations may inherit
In an interview with Jacobin magazine Chomsky explains the roots of ISIS and why the United States and its allies are responsible for the group's emergence. In particular, he argues that the 2003 invasion of Iraq provoked the sectarian divisions that have resulted in the destabilization of Iraqi society. The result was a climate where Saudi-funded radicals could thrive. The interview also touches on Israel's most recent massacre in the Gaza ...

Ashura Procession in Kano, Africa Extends the Message of Imam Husain(AS)

Ashura Procession in Kano, Africa Extends the Message of Imam Husain(AS)
Came out en mass and marched through the major streets in the metropolitan. They set out, under the leadership of Malam Muhammad Mahmud Turi, early morning Tuesday 11th Muharram 1433 H/6th December, 2011, from the Waje Mosque, Fagge. The procession went through the renowned Kofar Wambai to the ancient Kurmi Market that was known for its pivotal role in the Trans- Sahara trade across Africa. It passed through ‘yan mota. It may be recalled that ...

More than 7,500 Arab prisoners languishing in Zionist jails – a Palestinian human rights activist

More than 7,500 Arab prisoners languishing in Zionist jails – a Palestinian human rights activist
  More than 7500 Arab prisoners, including 37 women, are languishing in Zionist jails. This was stated at the last April 27 in Moscow press conference, Chairman of the Committee’s assistance to Palestinian prisoners in Israel Faris Faris Riyadh. Palestinian human rights lawyer Riad Faris Faris travels on a number of countries around the world to draw global attention to the horrendous plight of Palestinian and Arab prisoners in Israeli ...

70 sailors from Gujarat stranded in war-torn Yemen

70 sailors from Gujarat stranded in war-torn Yemen
India said Sunday that it is taking steps to ensure safe evacuation of its nationals from Yemen after a sailors’ group claimed that 70 seamen from Gujarat are stranded in the war-torn country. Officials spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs’ Vikas Swarup said on Sunday, “Our mission in Yemen (camp office in Djibouti) is aware of the situation and taking steps to ensure safe evacuation of Indians.” Nearly 70 ...