Wednesday 24th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hijab or School

Hijab or School
young republic of Kosovo, the vast majority of the population is Muslim, because of its tradition of “moderate Islam” and following the letter of the secular constitution, following in the footsteps of Tunisia and France, forbidding the wearing of women’s headscarf – the hijab – female students in public schools . As in Turkey, where a ban on head scarves, introduced in 1920, has led to bitter disputes, the decisions of local ...

Daesh to hit during Ramadan warns the US

Daesh to hit during Ramadan warns the US
The State Department alert cited an audio message by the Isis spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, which called on jihadists to “get prepared, be ready … to make it a month of calamity everywhere for nonbelievers…especially for the fighters and supporters of the caliphate in Europe and America.” Isis calls for ‘lone wolf’ attacks in US and Europe during Ramadan. It urged American organisations overseas to ...

21 al-Shabab extremists killed in ambush: Kenya

21 al-Shabab extremists killed in ambush: Kenya
 Kenya’s military troops have managed to kill nearly a dozen suspected militants from Takfiri al-Shabab group in neighboring ...

The information center of DarolErfan has been upgraded

The information center of DarolErfan has been upgraded
According to public relations and international affairs of the scientific and cultural institution of DarolErfan, Detailed speeches, audio, images of Professor Hussein Ansarian were upgraded in the information center of DarolErfan at the same time with the mourning days of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein peace be upon him in the following address: http://www.erfan.ir. It is worth mentioning that the information center of Professor Hussein ...

Christian leaders express solidarity over anti-Shia harassment in Pakistan; Nawaz Sharif still silent

Christian leaders express solidarity over anti-Shia harassment in Pakistan; Nawaz Sharif still silent
Pakistani Christian leaders say they are in solidarity with minority Shia Muslims in Pakistan protesting harassment and persecution."The government must take notice of Shia killings. Nobody has the right to force their beliefs upon others," said Father Emmanuel Yousaf Mani national director of the Pakistani Catholic bishops’ National Commission for Justice and Peace."The state must protect all religious minorities," he said.Father Mani ...

The King Never Breaks Our Souls

 The King Never Breaks Our Souls
"The violence of the authorities has created a deep, wide and dangerous wound between the government and people," he said. "The government wants to break our will so we give up our calls for substantial and meaningful reforms, but they will never break our will. They can use tanks and planes to smash our bodies but will never break our souls and our will for reforms." No troops or police could be seen as thousands of worshippers stood outside ...

will not order his officers to arrest women wearing veil

will not order his officers to arrest women wearing veil
 Police officers should always be sensible, Welten said. \"I do not always consider myself an instrument of the government who should immediately do what I am told\", he is quoted as saying. It is \"a very complicated dilemma\", he said, adding that the role of the police is to protect freedom, equality and justice. Hero Brinkman, a former policeman and MP for the anti-Islam PVV told the Telegraaf Welten\'s comments are unacceptable. The ...

Hamas urges renewing martyr ops on Israel

Hamas urges renewing martyr ops on Israel
Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas called on Monday to renew martyr attacks on 'Israel' in response to Israeli police attacks on Muslims prayers at al-aqsa Mosque in the old city of al-Quds. Ahmed Abu Halabeya, a Gaza-based Hamas leader and a lawmaker in the parliament (PLC) told a news conference that Palestinian fighters are urged "to carry out holly attacks into the Zionist enemy's depth." "Armed resistance should hurry up to do ...

50000 Quran Schools in Iran within 5 Years

50000 Quran Schools in Iran within 5 Years
Quranic affairs adviser to the Minister of Education Mohammad Bonyadi said the number of Quran schools is expected to reach 20000 by next year due to an increasing demand from all over the country. Attending a live TV program broadcast yesterday, January 21, he said as many as 10000 schools devoted to the Holy Quran have been established since the current school year began. Iranian schools overseas have also joined the program dedicating a ...

Measuring the Backlash Against the Muslim Backlash

Measuring the Backlash Against the Muslim Backlash
Something remarkable has happened in the middle of an American presidential campaign noted for its inflammatory rhetoric about Islam and Muslims, and marred by horrific mass violence perpetrated on American soil in the name of Islam: American public attitudes toward the Muslim people and the Muslim religion have not worsened—in fact they have become progressively more favorable, even after the Orlando shooting. That’s what two new ...

Iraq denies Turkish participation in Mosul operation

Iraq denies Turkish participation in Mosul operation
 Ongoing tensions between Turkey and Iraq have intensified after Turkey said its troops fired artillery rounds at ISIS targets near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, following a request by Kurdish Peshmerga forces. Binali Yildirim, Turkish prime minister, said on Sunday that Turkish troops stationed outside Mosul had provided support "with artillery, tanks and howitzers" following a request by Peshmerga forces. However, Iraq's ...

Three Palestinian girls won an international award

Three Palestinian girls won an international award
Dubai, May 21: Three Palestinian girls won an international award at a youth science competition in the United States for inventing an electronic stick cane for the blind people. Aseel Abul Lail, Noor al-Arada, and Aseel al-Shaar are 14-year old students at the UNRWA school in Askar refugee in Nablus in the northern West Bank. They took part in the Intel Science and Engineering Fair in San Jose, California, with a censor cane for the visually ...

Pakistan: Missing Shia Driver Embraced Martyrdom Due to Torture of SSP Militants

 Pakistan: Missing Shia Driver Embraced Martyrdom Due to Torture of SSP Militants
    A Shia Muslim driver of Gilgit was kidnapped and tortured to death by terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba (SSP) yesterday.     Pakistan: Missing Shia Driver Embraced Martyrdom Due to Torture of SSP Militants (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - A Shia Muslim driver of Gilgit was kidnapped and tortured to death by terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba (SSP) yesterday.   Mohammad Ali was driver by profession and he was hired by some people for travelling ...

Imam Khamenei pardons hundreds of prisoners

Imam Khamenei pardons hundreds of prisoners
- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Saturday pardoned and commuted jail terms of a large number of eligible ...

New Translation of Quran into Albanian to Be Published

New Translation of Quran into Albanian to Be Published
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - According to the AMAI, the translation has been completed and will be published soon in cooperation with Albania’s Islamic Thought and Civilization Center. The two centers also plan to translate and publish a number of other books on Islamic principles and teachings. Publishing an Arabic-to-Albanian dictionary is among other project to be jointly implemented by the AMAI and the Islamic Thought and Civilization ...

Religion's Point of View on Philosophy and Mysticism to Be Discussed

Religion's Point of View on Philosophy and Mysticism to Be Discussed
-- The second meeting of the series of meetings on Criticism and Thought will be held on "philosophy and mysticism in view of religion" by Faculty of Hadith Sciences today, December 16, at Sheikh Mofid Hall of the faculty. According to information office of the faculty, the meeting has been planned on the occasion of Research Week by research deputy of teh faculty in cooperation with Department of Theology. It is to be held at 3 pm local time. ...

Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.), the Master of Interpreters of the Holy Qur'an

Imam Hasan al-Askari (A.S.), the Master of Interpreters of the Holy Qur'an
The infallible imams of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s) paid excessive attention to the interpretation (tafsir) of the Holy Qur'an. Each one of them had a school of tafsir, and they were definitely the most aware of the contents of the Qur'an and all its sciences. The master of the pure progeny, Imam Ali (a.s.) was, among all the Prophet's companions, the most aware of the facts and minute details of the Qur'an, its muhkam (clear) verses and mutashabih ...

Nine Shia Miners Martyred by Gunmen in Northern Afghanistan

Nine Shia Miners Martyred by Gunmen in Northern Afghanistan
No group immediately claimed responsibility for the killings in the remote district of Tala Wa Barfak, but the government blamed ISIS terrorists who are making steady inroads into Afghanistan. "Nine coalminers were martyred by unknown gunmen in Tala wa Barfak. They were heading home when their vehicle were stopped by gunmen," district governor Faiz Mohammad Amiri told AFP. The governor of central Bamiyan province, apparently where the ...

Important Speech of Ayatollah Khamenei about Relation with America

Important Speech of Ayatollah Khamenei about Relation with America
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei met with thousands of Iranian pupils and students on Wednesday morning on the eve of the 13th day of the Iranian calendar month of Aban, which has been designated as the Student Day and the National Day of Fight against Global Arrogance. During the meeting, the Leader warned against “some dangerous moves and efforts” to distort the truth and logic of the resistance of the ...

Iraqi Hashd al-Shaabi forces seize ISIS central telecom network in Sharqat

Iraqi Hashd al-Shaabi forces seize ISIS central telecom network in Sharqat
- Iraqi pro-government Hashd al-Shaabi, also known as the Popular Mobilization Units, has managed to discover and neutralize the central telecommunication network of the ISIS Takfiri terrorist group in the central-northern province of Salahuddin.According to a report published on Iraq’s al-Masalah news website, the intelligence unit of the forces found the network, including a collection of devices designed for long-distance communication, ...