Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Deep that if a stone is dropped into one

Deep that if a stone is dropped into one
The tenth Greater sin is adultery (zina) according to the traditions of Masoomen (a.s.). Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.), Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.), Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) and Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s.) have all described it as a Greater Sin. In the following ayat the Almighty says: "And they who do not call upon another god with Allah and do not slay the soul which Allah has forbidden except in the requirements of justice, and (who) do not commit ...

The Quran Wasn't What I Expected! A British Sister's Journey to Islam

The Quran Wasn't What I Expected! A British Sister's Journey to Islam
 I will shortly give you an introduction of why I became Muslim and how it just came about really.About a year ago, my fiancée came back to his religion. When we first met he was Muslim, but he was not a practicing Muslim. And this time last year he actually came back to his religion and found his faith again. He started to read the Quran and pray, and everything like that.He started to read to me stories about the prophets, peace be upon ...

The day of resurrection

The day of resurrection
The Day of Resurrection, which is the day when all the creatures will be rewarded for their good and bad deeds, is a definite fact in all the Divine books and in the teachings of the prophets and the infallible imams (s). Believing in the Day of Resurrection is a part of faith and denying this great event is equal to disbelief. The Holy Qur'an has mentioned the Day of Resurrection in more than one thousand verses and the hereafter has been ...

The abundant profits of piety and godliness

The abundant profits of piety and godliness
“And as for him who fears to stand in the presence of his Lord and forbids the soul from low desires, then surely the garden is the abode.” Qur'an, 79:40-41 Man and his tendencies and desires Man, since the beginning of his life until its end, sees, hears, touches, tastes and smells. He is affected by what he sees, hears, touches, tastes and smells and by what comes out of the senses of pleasant attractives where they suit the tendencies ...

Turning to Allah

Turning to Allah
 “And most surely I am most Forgiving to him who repents and believes and does good, then continues to follow the right direction.” Qur'an, 20:82. Sins and the ability to repent Mothers do not give birth to sinful children, and children do not come to this world defiled with sins. When a baby comes to this life for the first time, his mind is empty of any knowledge, intellect and information. He is completely ignorant of what is around ...

Glorified and urged telling truth

Glorified and urged telling truth
Truth stands for the conformity between word and deed. It plays a great role in the lives of both the individuals and communities. Truth is the beauty of speech and ground of success. From this cause, the Islamic Sharia, ( 1 ) in both the Quran and Sunna, ( 2 ) glorified and urged telling truth: “Those who have brought the truth and those who have acknowledged it are those who have fear of Allah. They will receive whatever they want from ...

Mourning of Imam Hussein (a) and the reward of “full measure’’

Mourning of Imam Hussein (a) and the reward of “full measure’’
In the early days of Muharam, we also ask our exalted prince - dear Imam Hussein (a) - “so give us the full measure and be generous to us; undoubtedly Allah rewards the generous”. The “full measure” is nothing but the words of Imam Sadeq (a) in the presence of Bakr Ebn vaels’ chieftain, Masma Kordin. Masma kordin received to visit Imam Sadeq to ask about the Khoms (a religious law) of a pearl jewelry he found in Oman through pear ...

People change the fine Divine blessings into ugly

People change the fine Divine blessings into ugly
Some people think that the Divine talents and blessings in their hands are their own, and they do not think of the real Benefactor or ponder the source of these talents and blessings. They think that they are the actual owners; therefore, they behave with these blessings as they like and as their tendencies, lusts, and wishes lead them. These people live in adversity and ignorance when they use these Divine blessings in the satanic way, and in ...

Rules and regulations of Reciting the book of Holy Qoran

Rules and regulations of Reciting the book of Holy Qoran
Article Sources Book: Islamic Mysticism Volume V By: The great Ustād Husayn Ansāriān     Reading easy and not easy for the reader to read through the terms and is not synchronized with the recitation of the Qur'an in the circuit and move Muhaddith indeed Observer, Faiz Kashani Ghazali quotes the Koran reciters read the book in order to have God's ten facts: 1.       Understanding the Holy Quran the word of the faces and what ...

The worldly life in its religious meaning

The worldly life in its religious meaning
The worldly life in its religious meaning is the way of man’s relation with all the constituents of nature and all what makes his life and survival continue. If this relation is based on the truth and the Divine system, no doubt this worldly life will be praiseworthy and it will lead man to (build) the afterlife too but if man’s relation with this worldly life is based on one’s tendencies and material pleasures, it will be dispraised and ...

These five fundamental principles

These five fundamental principles
1-The Holy Qur’an considers faith as a composition of five fundamental principles. If a heart through contemplation over the natural and qur’anic facts and divine cognition and knowledge, believes in the five principles, then he is a believer and is accepted by God. Or else it would be a weak and defective faith. If a person believes in less than these five principles, it is considered defective; if he associates partner with God then he is ...

Grand Imam of Al-Azhar calls on Islamic summit in Makkah for cancelling the Arab initiative

Grand Imam of Al-Azhar calls on Islamic summit in Makkah for cancelling the Arab initiative
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar mosque Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb called on the Islamic summit held in Makkah to cancel the Arab initiative in response to the Israeli recent violations in Jerusalem and al-Aqsa mosque.The Sheikh warned in a statement on Tuesday of the seriousness of the Israeli violations that aim to judaize not only the city of Jerusalem but also al-Aqsa mosque and to falsify history.He said that the recent Israeli draft bill to divide ...

Dua of the 26th day of Ramadan

Dua of the 26th day of Ramadan
O Allah, on this day. make my efforts worthy of appreciation, and my sins forgiven, my deeds accepted, my flaws concealed, O the best of those who ...

Dua of the 22th day of Ramadan

Dua of the 22th day of Ramadan
O Allah, on this day, open for me the doors of Your Grace, send down on me its blessings, help me towards the causes of Your mercy, and give me a place in the comforts of Paradise, O the one who answers the call of the ...

The Miracle of his Military Prowess

The Miracle of his Military Prowess
Among the signs of God, the Exalted, concerning the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, which transcend ordinary human behaviour is that He never endowed anyone else, with regard to fighting in single combat against one's rivals and against heroes, with what is known about him, peace be on him, in terms of the vast amount of (fighting) which he had to engage in during the course of time. Among those who have engaged in warfare there can ...

Dua of the 21th day of Ramadan

Dua of the 21th day of Ramadan
O Allah, on this day, show me the way to win Your pleasure, do not let Shaytan have a means over me, make Paradise an abode and a resting place for me, O the One who fulfills the requests of the ...

Capable does not help another believer will be degraded

Capable does not help another believer will be degraded
The thirtieth sin, which is mentioned as a Greater sin, is 'not helping the oppressed people' and 'not warding off oppression from them'. In the tradition of Amash, Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says,  "…and not helping the oppressed (is a greater sin)." To defend the oppressed is to help them ward off evil; not performing such a task is shirking a great duty which Allah has made incumbent upon us. Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) says: "If a person ...

The blessings of intellect and trustworthiness

The blessings of intellect and trustworthiness
  It is a sort of injustice to use the property or a thing belonging to someone else without his permission. It is haraam even to borrow something without the permission of the owner. It is haraam to use the thing even for a moment. In fact, even displacing a thing without permission is haraam when there is no valid excuse. A person using an article without the owner's permission has to give it back immediately or ask permission for its use. ...

Scientific Wonders in the Qur'an

Scientific Wonders in the Qur'an
Although the first and basic aim of the Qur'an, according to what it says itself, is only to guide man to the great road of contentment and prosperity in the life of this world, the world of man, but on the way, in pursuing this aim, it expresses many truths from human knowledge in the natural sciences, in physiology and astronomy. And this is itself another great sign of the wonder of the Qur'an. For the Prophet, according to the definite ...

Allah from a Science Book

 Allah from a Science Book
When I arrived home from school one day, my mother asked me what lesson I had that afternoon. I told her that it was a science lesson, pertaining to the digestion of food. The teacher asked us if we knew about the gullet, the stomach and the intestines, and also if we knew how the digestion of food takes place. Since none of us really knew about these things, the teacher told us to find out all about them for tomorrow's lesson. Hearing this my ...