Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Value of the Qur'an in the Eyes of the Muslims

The Value of the Qur'an in the Eyes of the Muslims
The Qur'an Contains a Pattern of a Complete Way of Life for Man. The religion of Islam is superior to any other in that it guarantees happiness in man's life. For Muslims, Islam is a belief system with moral and practical laws that have their source in the Qur'an. God, may He be exalted, says:   "Indeed this Qur'an guides to the path which is clearer and straighter than any other". (XVII:9) He also says:   "We have revealed to you the ...

The Believers are all brothers

The Believers are all brothers
After migrating to al-Madinah the Muhajirūn (the Migrants) and the Ansar (The Local Helpers) became so friendly with one another as if there was no difference of the tribe or the place of origin between them. It appeared that all of them belonged to one large family. They treated their properties as common, their honor and respect as common, and shared their happiness and sorrows together. This was a true example of unity and integrity. To make ...

The Islamic Movement and suppress the voice of the Prophet (a.s)

The Islamic Movement and suppress the voice of the Prophet (a.s)
When the Quraysh failed in crushing the Islamic Movement and suppress the voice of the Prophet (a.s), and lost all hope of bringing him to their thinking, they came to a conclusion that unless Muhammad (a.s) was not handed over them, they would terminate all relations with Banū-Hashim and declare an economic boycott against them. They decided to neither sell anything to them nor establish any matrimonial relationship with the family. To give ...

Preach your nearest relations!

Preach your nearest relations!
The Prophet (a.s), as soon as he was Ordained as the Messenger, he silently commenced his mission. When he entered the fourth year of this activity, he received a Commandment from Allah to openly propagate the Faith: وَأَنذِرْ عَشِيرَتَكَ الأَقْرَبِينَ. “Preach your nearest relations!” On the Revelation of this Verse, the Prophet (a.s) made Abū-Talib’s residence the head quarters of his Mission. He ...

Islam is a discipline of life

Islam is a discipline of life
Islam is a discipline of life, which is in consonance with the human nature, and the temperament of the Universe. It does not neglect the requirements of nature at any stage. The aims of Islam and the Nature are identical and their destination is the same! Therefore, in the Holy Qur’an “Din-Religion” is also called Islam: إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الإِسْلامُ. The Religion for Allah is only Islam. ...

Sustenance and Quranic verses, sustenance and God’s benevolence

Sustenance and Quranic verses, sustenance and God’s benevolence
The amount of sustenance is assigned to each servant through God’s benevolence and he has to earn it in the right ways. An individual should not get involved in the multiplication of wealth, as it is forbidden by the Holy Quran. Little amount of sustenance does not imply one’s deprivation; such a person does not have to ask people for help. This kind of sustenance is in fact an examination for the individual to pass. Any body who is given ...

The Images of the Splitting of Kaaba Because of Ali PBUH; Eternal Miracle

The Images of the Splitting of Kaaba Because of Ali PBUH; Eternal Miracle
But when the time of Ali's birth approached, his mother, Fatima Bint Asad, was asked to enter the Kaba. And this was not an accidental affair as if a woman was in the mosque and suddenly she was delivered of a child. She was expressly called to enter the Kaba, the door of which was locked. Some uninformed people think that Fatima Bint Asad was in the Holy Mosque when she felt labor pains, could not go out, and gave birth to the child. The fact ...

The Nature of Foodstuffs

The Nature of Foodstuffs
Animals: There are three kinds of animals - animals of the land, animals of the sea and animals of the air. It has just been pointed out that, in general, the only animals of the sea which are lawful are those which have scales. The eggs of such fish are also lawful. Of land animals, only a few species can be lawful the camel, the cow, the sheep or goat, the wild cow or buffalo, the mountain sheep or goat, the gazelle, the deer. The meat of ...

Salwat on Imam Ali (a.s)

Salwat on Imam Ali (a.s)
O Allah send blessings on the Ameer ul Moomineen, All ibna abi Talib, the brother of Thy prophet, his successor, his supporter, his vicegerent,  custodian of his knowledge, repository of his confidential and privileged matters, gate of his wisdom, who gave tongue to his arguments, invited to his system, and took charge of the affairs of his followers after him,  he removed his anxiety and anguish, he pulled the syndrome of infidelity to ...

It is necessary to migrate towards the jurist

It is necessary to migrate towards the jurist
The twenty-eighth sin, which is labelled as a Greater Sin, is to become A'araab (Bedouin, gypsy etc) after Hijrat (migration). It is recorded in Usool-e-Kafi under the chapter of Greater Sins that according to the Sahih of Ibne Mahboob when he wrote a letter to Imam Musa Ibne Ja'far (a.s.) he (a.s.) replied and this sin was included among the Greater Sins. Moreover, Muhammad bin Muslim has quoted Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) and stated that he ...

How should Latin Speaking people perform Prayers?

How should Latin Speaking people perform Prayers?
Question: In the countries where Latin languages are spoken if the people of those countries become Muslim and want to pray Prayers or recite supplications, is it possible for them to learn the proper Arabic language with the correct pronunciations? Answer: As we already know most of them are literate for whom it is not difficult to learn the Quran and Prayers in Arabic. They are even interested to learn Eastern sciences and even learn Arabic ...

Quran knows all that can be known and knows the rest

Quran knows all that can be known and knows the rest
It is not an strange- indeed - to find evry solutions to all insolubles  in the verses of holy Quran. Matching new discoveries in all apects of human knowldge with the Quranic verses reveals the power of an Omniscient, almighty creator, the one who already knows every thing. As a fine example of these wonderful issues is the quality of human creation, the one that God let us to know centuries ago by descending the holy Quran. Adopted from the ...

How many grave sins are there?

How many grave sins are there?
Question: How many grave sins are there? Answer: There are different methods to recognize the graver sin and we indicate towards two of these methods. 1. Every action the doer of which has been promised by Allah punishment and chastisement in the Holy Quran. (Whether, it is clearly stated or indicated or it may be emphatic prohibited again and again). It is a graver sin. 2. Through the correct and authentic traditions that have reached us ...

The Qur'an reveals the Truth about some companions

The Qur'an reveals the Truth about some companions
In order that an obdurate person may not think that the verses on the hypocrites do not pertain to the companions, as the ahl al-sunna claim, we have decided to present some of the verses that refer specifically to the believers. In the wise book, Allah's says: "O You who believe! What is it with you that when it is said to you to go forth in the cause of Allah you cling heavily to where you are? Do you prefer the life of this world to that ...

Ignorance of Islamic acts is a kind of nomadism

Ignorance of Islamic acts is a kind of nomadism
  The above two verses which flay the infidel Bedouins are clear regarding the fact that the nomads were deserving of criticism not because of their being occupants of desert. It was because of their ignorance of articles of Islamic acts and belief. For those Bedouins who followed the Islamic religion, the Holy book has praised them in the third verse. They have been promised Divine Mercy. On the basis of this, people ...

Demand for fulfillment of rights on the Day of Qiyamat

Demand for fulfillment of rights on the Day of Qiyamat
Non-fulfillment of another's right, without a valid excuse is the twenty-sixth greater sin. If a person who has some right upon someone and demands his right but the one on whom the obligation rests does not fulfill the right, even though he is capable of it, then this person has committed a greater sin. Non-fulfillment of rights as a greater sin is according to Nass (Holy Quran and hadith). The frequently quoted tradition of Amash from Imam ...

I Swear Upon Each Crushed Rib

I Swear Upon Each Crushed Rib
I swear upon each crushed rib of this sacred flower Humiliated, torn from her root, broken so sour I swear upon each tear that fell from her holy cheek And curse upon the cursed and their evil clique I swear upon her unborn, as I give birth to this rhyme An unborn, sinless, his presence his only crime I swear upon her scent, as roses give allegiance That no fragrance touched the prophet but her presence I swear upon the echoes of her ...

The Psalms of Islam

The Psalms of Islam
 They are not often seen or read, let alone implemented in the daily lives of Muslims. While this is a tragedy beyond all comprehension, a nearly bigger tragedy is that most households do not even have a third essential book, Sahifa Sajjadiya. Known famously as the Psalms of Islam, this book is a compilation of heart-rending supplications to God from his humble servant, Imam Ali ibn Hussain Zainul Abideen (peace be upon him). If we truly ...

Inhibitions of prayer

Inhibitions of prayer
The holy book of Quran and traditions has warned us about the inhibitions of prayer. All Muslims should try to pass those inhibitions and stand firmly for offering prayer. On this regard we’ll mention some verses and some traditions which warns and talks about inhibitions.  O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of ...

Muslim nation and prayer

Muslim nation and prayer
The value of the prayer is so high and important, that’s why God has not made any exception in performing this act. God doesn’t want anyone to miss prayer’s deed and reward. God gives good deeds and benefits of prayer in this world and next world. Because of that like all nations before the prophetic mission were ordered to perform their prayer, Muslim nation (follower of the prophet (peace be upon him)) were ordered to offer their prayers ...