Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Without any doubt prayer among all other worships has got high and special values

Without any doubt prayer among all other worships has got high and special values
Without any doubt prayer among all other worships has got high and special values. Emphasizing and focusing on prayer is more than all others worship acts in Islam. Prayer has come into one of the important point in Islam and in the will of Prophets, Imams, mystics, Philosopher and great scholars. The holy book Quran has got many verses regarding prayer. One of the important issues in our valuable books including books of mysticism, books of ...

The Development of Beliefs Through the Ages

The Development of Beliefs Through the Ages
Among the fundamental intellectual topics that concern human life religious questions enjoy a particular importance. They have always been regarded in fact as the most basic concern for the well- being and destiny of man and have produced profound insights and extensive knowledge. Scholars and researchers have undertaken wide-ranging and comprehensive studies on the origins and motives of man's religious concerns pursuing their researches with ...

The Importance of Salat

The Importance of Salat
The Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him and his family) has said: "The Salat is the most important act of worship in the religion. If Allah (SWT) accepts one's Salat, then all other acts of worship will be accepted, and if the Salat is not accepted, then all other acts of worship will not be accepted either." He (Peace be upon him and his family) has also said: "One who does not pay importance to the Salat and considers it as something ...

The Friday Prayer

The Friday Prayer
The Salat in Islam is the greatest stimulus to faith and the high point in the life of a human being. A person who gives up reciting Salat has no faith in Islam and is far from humanity. While reciting Salat, we stand facing the Qiblah, ie. ka'bah which is the House of Allah in Makkah, and enter into discourse with our loving Creator. The Prophet (SA) has recommended that we should recite Salat in a mosque in Jarnah (congregation) with our ...

Fear Allah As If You Can See Him

Fear Allah As If You Can See Him
  Amirul Momineen Ali (a.s.) says in Nahjul Balagha:  "One who claims (verbally) and says that I am hopeful of the Mercy of Allah, is a liar. By Allah if his claim is genuine then why is his sincerity not reflected in his actions." It is true that hope and fear are inner feelings, but they are manifested in one's actions. Hence, Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says, "The Proof of fear is flight and the proof of hope is the effort to come ...

The Incapable Debtor Must be given Respite

The Incapable Debtor Must be given Respite
  The above hadith makes it amply clear that not fulfilling someone's right or delaying the repayment of debt is equal to Khayanat. Consequently, all the traditions that are recorded in the chapter on Khayanat are equally applicable here and the Prophetic traditions have described Khayanat as a kind of oppression.   The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has announced:"A Muslim who inspite of being capable delays the repayment of debt has committed ...

Martyr Tondgouyan Commemoration Titled "Crimson Return"

Martyr Tondgouyan Commemoration Titled
The commemoration titled ‘Crimson Return’ will be held to honor the remembrance of Iranian martyr Tondgouyan, one of the commanders of the Sacred Defense Era. The commemoration will be held at the same time of Imam Sajad (AS) martyrdom anniversary. The event will be held on Wednesday December 21, 2011 at Sureh Mehr hall from 14:30 to 17:00.         Fariborz Khoob Nezhad, the deputy of cultural institute of Payam Azadegan in an ...

Karbala or the movement of Imam Al-Hussein (a.s.)

Karbala or the movement of Imam Al-Hussein (a.s.)
There are several questions related to Karbala or the movement of Imam Al-Hussein (a.s.), as well as other questions concerning the method adopted by the "weepers" and the "bereaved" for studying Ashura tragedy, which was far from the scientific methodology in reading history, mainly when it comes to the contradicting historic texts and traditions that some might take a certain approach and others take a wholly different one.Did Imam Al-Hussein ...

Mourning of Imam Husain (a.s) Hadith: 17

Mourning of Imam Husain (a.s) Hadith: 17
  Tradition 17 Through successive chain of transmitters, Shaikh Sadooq relates from the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.s) that he said, that Prophet Moosa bin Imran (a.s) supplicated to Allah and said, "O my Lord! My brother has died, thus forgive him." It was revealed to him, "O Moosa! If you desire, I shall forgive all the people from the beginning until the end, except the murderers of Husain (a.s), for I shall surely take revenge from ...

Letters of the Kufians to the Imam

Letters of the Kufians to the Imam
After two days the people of Kufa sent about 150 letters, each of which was from one, two or four men. Most of these letters were brought from Kufa to Makkah by Qays bin Mashar Saidawi, Abdur Rahman bin Abdullah bin Shaddad Arhabi and Ammāra bin Abdullah Saluli. Two more days passed and then the supporters of Kufa sent a letter to the Imam through Hāni bin Hāni Sabi'i and Sa'id bin Abdullah Hanafi. The following are the contents of the ...

Conversation of Angels with Imam Husain (a.s)

Conversation of Angels with Imam Husain (a.s)
Shaikh Mufeed has narrated through his chain of transmitters, that Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (a.s) said, that when Imam Husain (a.s) left Madina, a group of Angels, having distinct marks, met him on the way. They carried swords in their hands and had mounted the horses of Paradise. They came to Imam, saluted him and said, "O Allah's Proof (Hujjah) upon the creatures after your Grandfather, Father and Brother! Allah the Glorious had rendered help to ...

The governor of Madina and Imam Husain(a.s)

The governor of Madina and Imam Husain(a.s)
(Kamil) When Yazeed had taken the oath of allegiance for the Caliphate from the people, he wrote a letter to Waleed bin Utba informing him of the death of Mu'awiyah. In a short letter he wrote, "Now then![1] Ask for the oath of allegiance from Husain, Abdullah bin Umar and Abdullah bin Zubayr, and do not give them respite until they do so." When Waleed read about the death of Mu'awiyah, he was alarmed and the news disturbed him, thus reluctantly ...

Outward Piety and the Legal Point of View

Outward Piety and the Legal Point of View
    True Deeds are Surely Manifested Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says, "If one intends to do a slender act with the sole intention of pleasing Allah, Allah causes this small deed of his to be manifested on a greater scale upon the people. (On the contrary) if someone performs the greatest of deeds which causes him physical tiredness and exhaustion due to wakeful nights, while his intention had been to acquire the ...

Swearing for the sake of emphasis

Swearing for the sake of emphasis
    There are situations where it is Mustahab to take an oath or to refrain from doing so. In case of very insignificant property belonging to oneself or to another Muslim it is not wajib to swear. In this case it will be Mustahab to do so. Property that is usually considered insignificant is worth thirty Dirhams or less. Zurara asked Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.): "The oppressive rulers forcefully collect taxes from us. Can we swear ...

The Poisonous Arrow of Satan

The Poisonous Arrow of Satan
The women are also ordered not to look at namehram men, and the men are similarly warned. It is ordered in Surah Nur, "Say to the believing men that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts; that is purer for them; surely Allah isaware of what they do." (Surah Nur 24:30) The Poisonous Arrow of Satan It is narrated from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.): "An evil glance is one of the poisonous arrows of Satan. Many of such glances ...

The Worst Deed in the Eyes of Allah

The Worst Deed in the Eyes of Allah
A man approached the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and enquired, "What is the worst deed in the eyes of Allah?" The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied, "To attribute partners to Allah." The man then asked, "After this which is the worst sin?" The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: "To sever relations". After this the same person asked, "After this which is the worst sin?" The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied: "To enjoin the evil and to forbid the good ...

Testify only if you are certain

Testify only if you are certain
The witness is required to pay attention to all the aspects of the matter that he has witnessed and when he is testifying, he must only say that, about which he is certain. He must not mention those things, which he himself has not heard, or seen. It should be clear as the Sun, as mentioned in tradition. When a true testimony will oppress someone It should be known that a testimony should not endanger the life, property or honour of a Muslim. ...

Hidden Wisdom in Poverty and Destitution

Hidden Wisdom in Poverty and Destitution
If one is afflicted with poverty for a long time and is unable to see a way out, then this situation can be viewed in two ways: First, it is possible that there may be a hidden wisdom in his poverty, and if he had access to this knowledge he may himselfopt this state for himself and be happy in the bargain. Secondly, those who spend the earlier part of life in poverty usually become enriched at a later stage and therefore have a comfortable ...

Hope Fulfilled

Hope Fulfilled
You turn back your head. Your mother goes out of the room carrying a basket full of apples. You hear the sounds of her steps against the stone-covered yard and the sound of the falling down of apples into the pond. You hear the sound of the wooden door knocker and your mother's steps walking away and the noise of the creaky door and the familiar call of "Ya Allah!" of your uncle.Your heart trembles. Your breaths get faster. You don't want anyone ...

The Lightening of Light

The Lightening of Light
Life has many ups and downs upon which man is always exposed to evil events and tribulations which happen unexpectedly and suddenly. Everybody might be put at the crucible of Divine trials sooner of later. This is the Divine Message in which there is no alternative for the Divine Will and Determination. So every human being is predestined to certain fate which is unchangeable as God has said. We created man inflicted with pains, sufferings, and ...