Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer about commemorating 7th of Safar as the martyrdom anniversary for Imam Hassan (AS)

The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer about commemorating 7th of Safar as the martyrdom anniversary for Imam Hassan (AS)
The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi Zanjani emphasized the protection of the Shia tradition of 7th of Safar as the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan Mojtaba (AS). The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi: 7th of Safar as the day of mourning for the eldest son (of Imam Ali (AS) and Lady Fatima Zahra (AS)), and the closure of the Bazaar (markets) which has been a tradition of Shias, is of religious traditions which must be protected; and there is no conflict with ...

The Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s Fatwa about marriages for under 13 years of age

The Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s Fatwa about marriages for under 13 years of age
The Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi answered a question about marriages for under 13 years of age. Question: Is marriage for under 13 years of age Haram? The Grand Ayatollah Makarem: In the past parents were allowed to choose spouse even for minors, and usually there was no problem, but in our time it has been proved practically that these types of marriages are not beneficial to boys and girls, and are prone to misconduct; and considering that ...

Do the Shī‘ah regard witr prayer as obligatory?

Do the Shī‘ah regard witr prayer as obligatory?
Do the Shī‘ah regard witr prayer as obligatory?                                                               Reply: Witr prayer is part of the supererogatory night prayers and it is one of the recommended [mustaḥabb] works which the Muslims who follow the Messenger of Allah (ṣ) perform, but the Shī‘ah jurists [fuqahā] who rely on the Book of Allah and the Prophet’s ...

Types of tawassul

Types of tawassul
Types of tawassul Tawassul can be divided into three types: 1. Tawassul by performing righteous deeds, as stated by Jalāl ad-Dīn as-Suyūṭī who expounds on the noble verse, ﴾ ٱلْوَسِيلَةَ إِلَيْهِ وَٱبْتَغُوا ﴿ “And seek the means of recourse to Him”: تعالى: قوله في قتادة عن .يرضيه بما العمل و بطاعته الله إلى تقربوا :قال ﴾ ...

Are al-Bayan, al-Iftikhariya and Al-Tatanjiya sermons which are found in Mashariq al-Anwar of Shaykh Rajab Borsi, authentic?

Are al-Bayan, al-Iftikhariya and Al-Tatanjiya sermons which are found in Mashariq al-Anwar of Shaykh Rajab Borsi, authentic?
Are al-Bayan, al-Iftikhariya and Al-Tatanjiya sermons which are found in Mashariq al-Anwar by Shaykh Rajab Borsi, authentic?Concise answerAl-Iftikhariya SermonIn his Mashariq al-Anwar,[1] Hafez Rajab Borsi has narrated from Asbagh bin Nabatah a relatively long sermon named Al-Iftikhar Sermon which the narrator has attributed to Imam Ali (A.S). In that sermon, Imam Ali (A.S) introduces himself with these words: "I am the brother of the Messenger ...

Ṣāliḥīn: ‘Umm Thābit cut off the mouth of the waterskin so as to keep for herself the place of the Prophet’s mouth whereby she sought blessing [tabarruk]. Similarly, the Companions would drink water from where the Prophet used to drink’.”

Ṣāliḥīn: ‘Umm Thābit cut off the mouth of the waterskin so as to keep for herself the place of the Prophet’s mouth whereby she sought blessing [tabarruk]. Similarly, the Companions would drink water from where the Prophet used to drink’.”
: ‘Umm Thābit cut off the mouth of the waterskin so as to keep for herself the place of the Prophet’s mouth whereby she sought blessing [tabarruk]. Similarly, the Companions would drink water from where the Prophet used to drink’.”[1] الغداة صلّى إذا – وسلّم [وآله] عليه الله صلى – الله رسول كان” غمس إلاّ بإناء يؤتى فما الماء فيها بآنيتهم ...

What would Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) bring with himself at the time of his Reappearance? In other words, what would be the consequences of his Reappearance?

What would Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) bring with himself at the time of his Reappearance? In other words, what would be the consequences of his Reappearance?
What would Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) bring with himself at the time of his Reappearance? In other words, what would be the consequences of his Reappearance?Reply:Whatever has come down in the Qur'an and the Islamic traditions about Hazrat's souvenirs is divided into two sections. Considering that the infrastructure of beliefs and deeds are effective in rectification of a society, Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) too would rely on the infrastructures and ...

Who is the greatest creature in the sight of Allah?

Who is the greatest creature in the sight of Allah?
Based on Quranic verses and narration it is certain that the true believer is the highest and best living creature in the sight of Allah or in the other word a true believer is the pride of the universe and Allah Almighty brags about him before all his creatures. Of course the true believer is someone whose actions and life, his beliefs and practices and ethics are all based on the teachings of the holy Qur’an and the Prophet's pure ...

What was the main aim of Ghadeer?

What was the main aim of Ghadeer?
The fact that in our narrations from its time of happening until now, Ghadeer has been honoured and commemorated, it is not because ruling (governing) others is an issue. The governance according to Imam Ali (AS) is what he said to Ibn Abbas: “To me, it is not even worth the same as these shoes which are worth nothing, what is important is to establish justice.” What Imam Ali (AS) and his children could do if they were given the ...

Is wearing black in two months of Moharram and Safar Mostahab or Makroh? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

Is wearing black in two months of Moharram and Safar Mostahab or Makroh? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered a question about wearing black in two months of Moharram and Safar.

Question: What is the ruling about wearing black in two months of Moharram and Safar, is it Mostahab (recommended) or Makroh (inappropriate)?

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: It is an appropriate and acceptable act and its Keraha (inappropriateness) has not been proved.

We know that the Prophet (pbuh) is infallible but why are there verses in the Quran indicating that the Prophet committed a sin.

We know that the Prophet (pbuh) is infallible but why are there verses in the Quran indicating that the Prophet committed a sin.
Assalamo Allaikum, I understand the Shia believe that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not commit sins or mistakes. Can you please give me the interpretation for the following Quran verses: 47:19; 40:55; 80:5-10; 110:3; 33:37? I know the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not commit sins, but to me these verses clearly show he made mistakes. And if he made mistakes, does this not contradict verse 2 of chapter 53 (Your Companion is ...

The personality of Umm ul-Banin

The personality of Umm ul-Banin
.In the Sight of the Ahlul BaytUmm-ul-Banin had full knowledge of the actual standings and heavenly ranks of the Ahlul Bayt, therefore, she performed her duty towards them so perfectly. Historian have recorded that when she was carried to her husband,s house, al-Hasan and al- Husayn were sick. As soon as she noticed this, she willingly went on caressing them, using the nicest language. From that time onwards, she went on treating them very ...

I would like to know the methods of religious thought.

I would like to know the methods of religious thought.
I would like to know the methods of religious thought. Concise answer There are three methods of religious thought in Islam. The Holy Quran in its teachings points to three paths for Muslims to follow in order to comprehend the purposes of religion and the Islamic sciences: (1) the path of the external and formal aspect of religion (the Shari‛ah); (2) the path of intellectual understanding; and (3) the path of spiritual ...

Is Muhammad bin Uthman Umari\'s claim that he has seen the Imam of Time (\'atf) during Hajj season true?

Is Muhammad bin Uthman Umari\'s claim that he has seen the Imam of Time (\'atf) during Hajj season true?
 The  fact that the Imam of Time, Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance, is seen during the period of occultation is indisputable and beyond doubt even though such a claim made by anyone (that he has seen him) is not acceptable. The second deputy of the Imam of Time ('atf) was an intermediary between the Imam and people and he, undoubtedly, had the opportunity to meet the Imam during the period of minor occultation. As well, he ...


SOCIAL ETIQUETTEWhen Prophet Muhammad (a) declared himself to be the Messenger of Allah, the people of Arabia were leading a very miserable life. They were rough and ignorant people who were not conversant with the decorum of a civilized society. So much so that they did not care even to seek permission before entering another's house and did not wish each other when they met. They considered themselves to be enemies of each other and spoke in a ...

Why is the Ja‘farī school of thought [madhhab] stipulated in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the official madhhab of the country?

Why is the Ja‘farī school of thought [madhhab] stipulated in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the official madhhab of the country?
Why is the Ja‘farī school of thought [madhhab] stipulated in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the official madhhab of the country?                                                               Reply: No doubt, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran shows respect to all Muslim schools of thought, but the Muslim schools of jurisprudence [madhāhib or ...

How do the Shī‘ah view the Ṣaḥābah [Companions]?

How do the Shī‘ah view the Ṣaḥābah [Companions]?
Reply: According to the Shī‘ah, those who happened to meet and accompany the Prophet (ṣ) can be divided into some groups. Before explaining this statement in detail, we had better define the word, “ṣaḥābī” [companion]. There are various definitions of the word “Companion” of the Prophet (ṣ). Below are some of them: 1. Sa‘īd ibn Musayb says: “Ṣaḥābī is referred to the person who kept company with the Prophet for ...

The excuse is worse than the sin!

The excuse is worse than the sin!
The excuse is worse than the sin! Unable to reply, the mentioned group says that since this kind of humility is a response to the order of God, it is not considered an act of polytheism. But, it is very obvious that this reply is untenable; for, God never orders others to perform any act that has polytheistic nature. The Glorious Qur’an says: ﴾ قُلْ إِنَّ اللّهَ لا يَأْمُرُ بِالْفَحْشاءِ أَ ...

When and where the sermon of fadakieh was recited by Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (SA)?

When and where the sermon of fadakieh was recited by Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (SA)?

1. The philosophy of raj‘ah

1. The philosophy of raj‘ah
In analyzing the motives of raj‘ah, we encounter two sublime aims the first of which is to show the real beauty and splendor of Islam and the ignominy of kufr [disbelief], and the second is to reward the faithful and beneficent human beings and chastise the unbelievers and oppressors. 2. The main difference between raj‘ah and tanāsukh [transmigration] It is necessary to point out that in the view of the Shī‘ah the issue of raj‘ah ...