Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Why do the Shī‘ah believe that caliphate [khilāfah] is a matter of appointment [tanṣīṣī]?-2

Why do the Shī‘ah believe that caliphate [khilāfah] is a matter of appointment [tanṣīṣī]?-2
Further explanation The Byzantine Empire represented one side of the dangerous triangle. This great power, which was at the north of the Arabian Peninsula concerned the Prophet (ṣ) till the last moment of his life. The first military encounter of the Muslims with the Christian army of Byzantine was in 8 AH in Palestine. This encounter ended in a sorrowful defeat of the Muslim army and the killing of three commanders: Ja‘far ibn Abī ...

Why going to the Mosque and pray in it is so important? The Grand Ayatollah Safi’s

Why going to the Mosque and pray in it is so important? The Grand Ayatollah Safi’s
The Grand Ayatollah Safi: The following explanations will reveal why it is important to go to the Mosque and pray in there. It is recommended to go to a Mosque which no one goes there for prayers. It is not recommended to eat with the person who does not go to the Mosque, or consult him, or become his neighbour, or to facilitate his marriage with a member of your family or marry a member of his ...

If I start Ramadhan in one city and then I travel and finish the month of Ramadhan in another city, what is my duty especially in regards to Laylat al-Qadr or Eidul Fitr?

If I start Ramadhan in one city and then I travel and finish the month of Ramadhan in another city, what is my duty especially in regards to Laylat al-Qadr or Eidul Fitr?
If I start Ramadhan in one city and then I travel and finish the month of Ramadhan in another city, what is my duty especially in regards to Laylat al-Qadr or Eidul Fitr? That is because in one city they started fasting on Monday and in another city they started Ramadhan on Tuesday. What should I do? Do I continue what I started or do I follow what the local city is doing?Concise answerYou must act according to the horizon of the place where you ...

Payment of Zakat al-Fitr into the account of the poor person without his knowledge/the Grand Ayatollah Sharoodi’s answer

Payment of Zakat al-Fitr into the account of the poor person without his knowledge/the Grand Ayatollah Sharoodi’s answer
Question: On the Day of Eid, I decided to pay Zakat al-Fitr to a poor person in my family. If I know his account number, can I pay (Zakat al-Fitr) into his account without his knowledge or not? Source: PERSIAN ...


  A FEW QUESTIONS TO VALI-E-ASR (A.T.F.S.) On the commands of Allah, Hazrat Vali-e-Asr is in occultation right from the commencement of his Imamat. Hence as opposed to his forefathers (a.s.), Imam's meetings with his Shias have been few and far between. By and large, the problems of the people have been presented before his esteemed self in the form of letters and "Areeza" ("Areeza" is a letter of requests written by the Shias to the Imam of ...

Which is correct, “wa ‘iṭratī” [and my progeny], or “wa sunnatī” [and my tradition]?

Which is correct, “wa ‘iṭratī” [and my progeny], or “wa sunnatī” [and my tradition]?
The hadīth scholars [muḥaddithūn] have narrated hadīth ath-thaqalayn [Tradition on the Two Weighty Things] in two ways and it has been recorded in the books of hadīth.  An examination must be made to see which way is correct: 1. “Kitāb Allāh wa ‘iṭratī ahli baytī” [“The Book of Allah and my progeny, the members of my Household”], or 2. “Kitāb Allāh wa sunnatī” [“The Book of Allah and my tradition”]. ...

How to find concentration when performing Salaat?

How to find concentration when performing Salaat?
The Salaat which takes the human being to Meraj (ascension), which causes the human being to progress is the Salaat with heartfelt presence. If you want to have heartfelt presence when performing Salaat, listen to this advice: Whenever you want to perform Salaat, imagine that it is your last Salaat. It has been narrated that whenever Imam Sajjad (AS) wanted to perform Salaat, that Salaat was farewell Salaat, he used to perform Salaat in a way ...

Is the Imam of the time married and have children?

Is the Imam of the time married and have children?
 Although it appears from some of the narrations and claims of the infallibles that the Imam of the time has spouse and children, there are also some narrations with a degree of validity that specify he has no children. In any case, it is likely that he has a wife and children, but we also have not found any valid tradition to be sure of his marriage and children. And it is not necessary to pursue this issue because what is certain is that ...

What is the ruling about going to fortune teller and writer of amulets? The Grand Ayatollah Safi’s answer

What is the ruling about going to fortune teller and writer of amulets? The Grand Ayatollah Safi’s answer
The Grand Ayatollah Safi answered a question about going to fortune tellers and writers of amulets (those who write Duas). Question: What is the ruling about going to fortune tellers and writers of amulets? The Grand Ayatollah Safi: There is no problem in writing Duas with authentic proofs from infallibles (AS) and earning money for it. But going to writers of Duas who narrate or write from unreliable religious sources is not allowed and these ...

What is the meaning of mutawatir and ma'roof traditions?

What is the meaning of mutawatir and ma'roof traditions?
What is the meaning of mutawatir and marfu' traditions? Please explain.Concise answerFor information about the meaning of mutawatir traditions and its various types, see index "the criterion for verbal, spiritual and ambiguous mutawatir traditions", question 2412.Ma'ruf HadithDifferent definitions have been presented for Ma'ruf tradition:1. A ma'ruf tradition is one whose text and it is content are well-known among narrators.2. A ma'ruf ...

What are the distinct criteria through which we can distinguish a lafdhi mutawatir report from an ijmali or ma\'anawi one?

What are the distinct criteria through which we can distinguish a lafdhi mutawatir report from an ijmali or ma\'anawi one?
1. How many isnads of a hadith should be authentic and correct in order for a hadith to be "lafdhi mutawatir"? 2. How many isnads of a hadith should be authentic and correct in order for a hadith to be "ma\'anawi mutawatir"? 3. How many isnads of a hadith should be authentic and correct in order for a hadith to be "ijmali mutawatir"?Concise answerMutawatir literally means for things to come one after another, without any interval between them ...

Reciting Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Ikhlas quietly in the congregational prayers due to incorrect recitation by the prayers leader/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer

Reciting Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Ikhlas quietly in the congregational prayers due to incorrect recitation by the prayers leader/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer
Question: The recitation of some prayer leaders is incorrect (Arabic pronunciation). Can a person who is able to recite correctly follow them? Some say you can perform Salaat in congregation but later on perform the same Salaat on your own, I do not have the time to do so, what is my duty? Can I take part in congregational prayers but recite Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Ikhlas ...

In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful

In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful
O In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful     The precious legacy left behind by the Holy Prophet’s Household [ahl al-bayt] (may peace be upon them all) and their followers’ preservation of this legacy from the menace of extinction is a perfect example of an all-encompassing school [maktab], which embraces the different branches of Islamic knowledge. This school has been able to train many talented personalities by ...

Monotheism in worship [‘ibādah]

Monotheism in worship [‘ibādah]
7. Monotheism in worship [‘ibādah] The most important issue of monotheism in worship is discerning the meaning of ‘ibādah [worship] because all Muslims agree that the only object of worship is God, and no one other than Him should be worshipped. The Holy Qur’an says in this regard: ﴾ إِيّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَ إِيّاكَ نَسْتَعينُ ﴿ “You [alone] do we worship, and to You [alone] do we turn for ...

What is the secret of a perfect and healthy married life?

What is the secret of a perfect and healthy married life?
1-they have to lessen their expectation toward each other, it means that the woman should regulate and adjust her expectation according to the emotional and financial limits of the man, and the man should also set and adjusts his expectations based on the emotional, physical and mental limits of the woman. 3- they should have Seleh-ye Rahem which  means maintaining supporting and friendly relationships with one’s physical arham ...

A condition which makes it permissible working for non-Muslims/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer

A condition which makes it permissible working for non-Muslims/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer

The Grand Ayatollah Khamenei answered a question about working for non-Muslims.

Question: What is the ruling regarding working for Jews, Christians and other disbelieving sects and being paid by them?

The Grand Ayatollah Khamenei: On its own, there is no problem working for disbeliever, on condition that the job is not Haram, and is not against interests of Islam and Muslims.

Ability (Hajj)

Ability (Hajj)
1 Question: If I have taken loan from my company where I am working and have still not completed my installments i.e. my loan is still not paid & some balance is to be paid. Is it permissible for me to perform hajj? Answer: There is not objection to making pilgrimage to Mecca, but due to your debt which has not been paid as yet, your hajj would not be considered Hajjat al-Islam. 2 Question: I would appreciate, if you kindly tell me ...

Why do the Shī‘ah perform the five daily prayers in three periods

Why do the Shī‘ah perform the five daily prayers in three periods
      Reply: In order to clarify this point, we had better examine the views of jurists [fuqahā] in this regard first: 1. All Muslim groups agree that in ‘Arafah[1] one may perform both noon [ẓuhr] and afternoon [aṣr] prayers successively without any interval between them, and in Muzdalifah[2] it is also permissible to say sunset [maghrib] and night [‘ishā’] prayers at the time of ‘ishā’ prayer. 2. The Ḥanafīs say: ...

Can repentance cause quashing of punishment? The Grand Ayatollah Safi’s answer

Can repentance cause quashing of punishment? The Grand Ayatollah Safi’s answer
Question: Some of the accused, after their sentences are announced according to either religious law or criminal law, become regretful and repent from their sins; can this repentance cause quashing of the ...

If the Shī‘ah are right, then why are they in the minority and why do most Muslims in the world not recognize them (as Muslims)?

If the Shī‘ah are right, then why are they in the minority and why do most Muslims in the world not recognize them (as Muslims)?
If the Shī‘ah are right, then why are they in the minority and why do most Muslims in the world not recognize them (as Muslims)?                                                                 Reply: Recognition of truth from falsehood is not determined by the fewness or plentitude of followers. Today the Muslims compared to the non-Muslims in the world constitute one-fifth or ...