Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Cases which the woman can ask the religious authority for divorce/the Grand Ayatollah Sisatni’s answers

Cases which the woman can ask the religious authority for divorce/the Grand Ayatollah Sisatni’s answers
Question: When can the woman ask the religious authority for divorce? Can the woman whose permanent husband behaves badly or cannot satisfy her sexual needs in a way that it is feared she might be looked at, suggest for divorce, and in such condition, to be divorced? If the husband harass his wife, and does not behave towards her according to God’s commands. And if the husband cannot satisfy his wife’s sexual needs, and it is feared ...

The baby who is born from a Muslim couple, primarily is he a Muslim or a human?

The baby who is born from a Muslim couple, primarily is he a Muslim or a human?
Of course, based on documented narration every child that come into existence, in his nature he is seeking Allah and if he is placed in a proper situation he would certainly accept Islam, but at times the parents and also the society with their incorrect teachings deviate him from the correct ...

Not fasting due to taking contraceptive pills/the Grand Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani’s answer

Not fasting due to taking contraceptive pills/the Grand Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani’s answer
Question: If a person is fasting during the day of the holy month of Ramadhan and to prevent pregnancy must take pills and because the pills are taken every 12 hours and whatever the plan one of those pills must be taken during the fasting time, what is the ruling about this? If someone breaks fast in this condition, what must the person do? The Grand Ayatollah Vahid: If getting pregnant is dangerous for the mother and prevention from pregnancy ...

Who are the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet (ṣ)?

Who are the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet (ṣ)?
Who are the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet (ṣ)? The quoted traditions affirm that the Holy Prophet (ṣ) called upon all Muslims to follow his progeny, considering them, alongside the Book of Allah, as the authorities for people to refer to after his departure. He said very clearly: “The Qur’an and my progeny will never be separated from each other.” Now, because the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet (ṣ) who are introduced by the Messenger of ...

Death Related Issues

Death Related Issues
1 Question: If transferring a deceased Muslim to Muslim countries entails great difficulty, is it permissible to bury the body in cemeteries of non-Muslims from among the followers of the revealed religions [that is, Ahlul Kitãb]? Answer: It is not permissible to bury a Muslim in cemeteries of non-Muslims, except if that is only out of necessity. 2 Question: What is preferable: burying a dead Muslim in an Islamic cemetery in a ...


1 Question: What is your opinion about the beer (Maa al-Sha'eir) which is sold on the market normally with a label that reads "alcohol free". Answer: The drink that is made from barley and called "Fuqa' in Arabic is definitely forbidden and ritually impure as an obligatory precaution. This drink is not intoxicant normally but it makes one feel tipsy; that is a state of slight drunkenness caused apparently by low percentage of alcohol in ...


1 Question: What is the ruling on the blood trapped under the nail, which is difficult to remove. Is it najis or tahir? If it was najis how should one go about it? Answer: If it is not transformed, it is najis and should be removed, provided this does not entail any danger (haraj). If it remains, tayamum instead of wudhu and ghusl must be applied. 2 Question: Sometimes I see blood mixed with the saliva of my mouth. It often happens ...

Do the discrepancies among religions have something to do with people’s personal and environmental capacity?

Do the discrepancies among religions have something to do with people’s personal and environmental capacity?
As far as I know, there are two approaches regarding religion; one is the perennialist approach and the other is the evolutionist approach. In the first approach, people are invited to common sense or proper judgment in the sense every Semitic or non-Semitic religion has been sent down by God. That is to say, God is the origin of every religion. For example, Sayyid Hussein Nasr says: "The difference between faith and religion depends thoroughly ...

What is the Quranic perspective about the People of the Book?

What is the Quranic perspective about the People of the Book?
The Quran says in verse 110 of Surah Aal-e Imran: "Among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors (fasiq)." Are most of the People of the Book transgressors? What is the viewpoint of the Holy Quran about the People of the Book?Concise answerThe Quran, like many other eloquent speeches, have organized its words on the basis of their audience's needs. In this connection, the personality, conducts, belief etc. of ...

What is meant by “temporary marriage” [mut‘ah] and why do the Shī‘ah regard it as lawful?

What is meant by “temporary marriage” [mut‘ah] and why do the Shī‘ah regard it as lawful?
Reply: Marriage [nikāḥ] is an agreement between a man and a woman. Sometimes this bond has a permanent effect and the contract [‘aqd] does not have time limit, and sometimes its effect is temporary and its time limit is fixed. Both kinds are recognized as legal and the only difference between them is that one is “permanent” and the other is “temporary”. In other aspects they are the same. The conditions below render valid both ...


1 Question: If a person gives me a gift from which he has not paid Khums, is it necessary for me to pay khums on it? Answer: If a person gives a gift to a Shia Ithna Asheri, from which Khums has not been paid, one fifth of it is the liability of the donor himself, and one who gets the gift is not required to pay anything. 2 Question: A privately owned bank invited its customers to deposit money with the bank, say one thousand ...

Is it permissible to use a minor\'s property without his consent?

Is it permissible to use a minor\'s property without his consent?
My father died about a year ago and I have one young sister and a young brother who are minors. Now one of my maternal uncles has moved to our house and we are providing him with food and everything he needs. He comes to our house at night and stays there. My brother and I are not happy with him coming to our house. We are insisting that he should go to his elder brother`s house and stay with him but my mother disagrees. What should we do ...

Why is the station of Imamate [imāmah] higher than that of prophethood [nubuwwah

Why is the station of Imamate [imāmah] higher than that of prophethood [nubuwwah
Why is the station of Imamate [imāmah] higher than that of prophethood [nubuwwah]?                                                               Reply: First, we will examine the precise meaning of three of the words we find in the Qur’an and the hadīth and these are: prophethood [nubuwwah], messengership [risālah] and Imamate [imāmah] so as to clarify why the station of ...

Taqiyyah from the Shī‘ah viewpoint

Taqiyyah from the Shī‘ah viewpoint
Taqiyyah from the Shī‘ah viewpoint Because the despotic Umayyad and ‘Abbāsid governments throughout history were inimical to the Shī‘ah and resolved to eliminate them,[1] the Shī‘ah used taqiyyah as per Qur’anic injunctions by hiding their true beliefs. In doing so, they saved their lives as well as the lives of their Muslim brethren under those critical circumstances. It is clear that with an atmosphere full of despotism and ...

What are the reliable sources of religious thought in Islam?

What are the reliable sources of religious thought in Islam?
What are the reliable sources of religious thought in Islam? Concise answer Needless to say religious thought, like other forms of thought, must have reliable sources from which the raw material of its thought originates and upon which it depends. Similarly, the process of reasoning necessary for the solution of mathematical problems must have a series of established mathematical facts and principles.The single source upon which ...

The disagreement between the contents of Ḥadīth aḍ-Ḍuḥḍāḥ, and the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (ṣ)

The disagreement between the contents of Ḥadīth aḍ-Ḍuḥḍāḥ, and the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (ṣ)
The disagreement between the contents of Ḥadīth aḍ-Ḍuḥḍāḥ, and the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (ṣ) In the aforementioned ḥadīth, it is assumed that the Messenger of Allah (ṣ) will transfer Abū Ṭālib from the lowest part of the Fire to a shallow place in it, and in doing so, the alleged punishment for him will be mitigated; or, that the Prophet (ṣ) wishes to intercede for him on the Day of Resurrection. ...

How did Adam\'s offspring grow? Whom did Adam\'s (A.S) children marry?

How did Adam\'s offspring grow? Whom did Adam\'s (A.S) children marry?
How did Adam\'s offspring grow? Whom did Adam\'s (A.S) children marry? What are the significations of the traditions in this regard?Concise answerAccording to the traditions and some interpreters' viewpoints, the current generation of mankind is not from Abel or Cain, it's from Adam's (A.S) other son, Seth. However, when it comes to the marriage of Adam's (A.S) children, there are some viewpoints among Muslim scholars, each mentioning reasons ...

What’s the reason behind Imam Mahdi’s occultation?

What’s the reason behind Imam Mahdi’s occultation?
What’s the reason behind Imam Mahdi’s occultation? The real reason behind Imam Mahdi’s occultation has not been revealed to us. According to Islamic narrations, the reason behind this matter will remain a secret until the Imam reappears.  What we do know is that Allah’s actions are all logical and out of wisdom. In a letter to Is-haq ibnYaqub Imam Mahdi has said: “Do not ask about the reason behind (my) occultation for Allah has ...

What is the criterion for an action to be recommended and desirable?

What is the criterion for an action to be recommended and desirable?
What is the criterion for an action to be recommended and desirable? Does seeing it in a hadith book become a license for performing it as a recommended action?..Concise answer Every action that a person performs has a specific ruling in Islam. The various actions that we perform and which are related to our duty (to Allah) are divided into five categories: Wajib, Haram, Mustahab, Makruh, and Mubah. This classification is based on certain ...

What is the meaning of verse 61 and 62 in Surah Al Waqiyah

What is the meaning of verse 61 and 62 in Surah Al Waqiyah
The verses 61 to 62 of Surah al-Waqe'ah make reference to the reason behind death and how it is ordained for man. In these verses, God says: Death is a truth ordained by Him, it is not an essential part of a living creature; rather it is ordained by God Almighty for a living creature to live until an appointed time and move on to another world when the time has elapsed.He also says: We are not to be overcome by destructive forces when death ...