Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Considering that it is allowed to perform full Salaat in Karbala, is it possible to fast in Karbala without intending to stay there for 10 days? The Grand Ayatollah Fayyaz’s answer

Considering that it is allowed to perform full Salaat in Karbala, is it possible to fast in Karbala without intending to stay there for 10 days? The Grand Ayatollah Fayyaz’s answer
Question: Considering that it is allowed to perform full Salaat in Karbala, is it possible to fast in Karbala without having the intention of staying there for 10 ...

S: Basically, the proof that mankind cannot or until now has not been able to bring the likes of the Qur'an, is

S: Basically, the proof that mankind cannot or until now has not been able to bring the likes of the Qur'an, is
S: Basically, the proof that mankind cannot or until now has not been able to bring the likes of the Qur'an, is that Allah - whose eternal will governs the will of human beings - does not allow the notion of such a thought (to bring the likes of the Qur' an) to come to mankind; and if someone thinks of such a thing then Allah prevents him from fulfilling this thought. Thereupon, the reason for the Qur'an being a miracle is not because of its ...

Shaykh aṣ-Ṣadūq narrates on the authority of Faḍl ibn Shādhān something attributed to Imām ‘Alī ibn Mūsā ar-Ridā (‘a). This sublime narration includes the Imām’s words regarding the necessity of establishing a government. Below is an excerpt from his spe

Shaykh aṣ-Ṣadūq narrates on the authority of Faḍl ibn Shādhān something attributed to Imām ‘Alī ibn Mūsā ar-Ridā (‘a). This sublime narration includes the Imām’s words regarding the necessity of establishing a government. Below is an excerpt from his spe
Shaykh aṣ-Ṣadūq narrates on the authority of Faḍl ibn Shādhān something attributed to Imām ‘Alī ibn Mūsā ar-Ridā (‘a). This sublime narration includes the Imām’s words regarding the necessity of establishing a government. Below is an excerpt from his speech: إلا عاشوا و بقوا الملل من ملّة لا و الفرق من فرقةً لانجد انّا” يجز فلم الدّنيا و الدّين أمر ...

Question: The phenomenon of spinsterhood in Muslim countries is painful and full of grief.

Question: The phenomenon of spinsterhood in Muslim countries is painful and full of grief.
Question: The phenomenon of spinsterhood in Muslim countries is painful and full of grief. In Egypt for example, statistics confirm that there are three million and eight hundred thousand unmarried girls who are past thirty years in age.Studies attribute this matter to the excessive dowries and high costs of marriage besides that there are a great number of girls who are afraid of marriage itself.Ahmad Rif’at, a member of the Royal Society of ...

Who are the Imāms?

Who are the Imāms?
Who are the Imāms?                                                                 Reply: During his lifetime, the Holy Prophet (ṣ) declared that after him there shall be twelve caliphs all of whom will be from Quraysh, and through whom Islam shall be exalted. Jābir ibn Samurah narrates: اثنىٰ إلىٰ عزيزاً الإسلام لايزال يقول –وسلّم ...

Question Answer

Question Answer
Question:  This chador, is it right that these women hide themselves under a chador?  These women took part in the revolution, they gave lives, they were imprisoned, [and] they fought.  This chador is an old custom, the world has changed, is it right that they should have to hide themselves in this way?   Reply:  First of all, this is something that is their choice, and they have chosen it for themselves.  What right do you have to ...

Is it appropriate to perform Istikharah? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answers

Is it appropriate to perform Istikharah? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answers
The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered questions about performing Istikharah. Question: Is performing Istikharah as is customary among us nowadays, religiously approved and appropriate? And is there any harm in repeating it if it is accompanied with paying Sadaqah (offerings in the way of charity) equal to the number of times the person requests Istikharah? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: Istikharah is performed after thinking and consultation, at ...

A Critique on Empiricism

A Critique on Empiricism
A Critique on EmpiricismS: Many Empiricists, especially partisans of the perception theory, argue that because the results of intellectual acumen and deduction are faulty and misgiving (it does not distingush right from wrong), the only sure method of finding truth is through s ense perception; for the sensses have a direct relationship with the external world based on experience. A: 1. This argument makes use of a thoughtful premise and ...

Media and the Islamic Identity of the Muslim Child (1)

Media and the Islamic Identity of the Muslim Child (1)
1- The meaning of the child’s culture: Culture refers to a combination of beliefs, morals, traditions, laws, knowledge and behavioral patterns that one acquires within society. Children have their special and distinguished vocabularies, as well as special values and methods that they use in playing, expressing themselves and satisfying their needs. They also have special reactions, stances, trends, emotions and lifestyle. We call all this the ...


1 Question: A man lived with a woman whom he intended to marry and also had sex with her without entering into a marriage contract (‘aqd); thereafter he married her in the proper religious way. Is their co-habitation before the ‘aqd considered marriage in the eyes of religious law? Does the subsequent ‘aqd have retroactive effect? What will be the status of the children born before the ‘aqd? Answer: In [an Islamic] marriage, the ...

What is the difference between ascetic and romantic mysticism? And is romantic mysticism approved?

What is the difference between ascetic and romantic mysticism? And is romantic mysticism approved?
The ethics of the Ahlul-Bayt is based on virtue, as the main figures in this field were particularly pious. In this mysticism, love is for the truth and for the immortal source, but the mysticism which is based upon imagination of the mind and the dreams of others like the false mysticism such as the circle mysticism which never helps one's sublimity and improvement but makes one obsessed with imaginations and has no result but waste of ...

Eating & Drinking

Eating & Drinking
1 Question: We are unaware of the ingredients of food sold in shops in Western countries: it might be free from those ingredients that are forbidden to us or it might contain them. Are we allowed to eat such items without looking into their ingredients, or inquiring about them? Or is that not allowed to us? Answer: It is permissible [to eat such food] as long as it is not known that it contains meat, fat, and their derivatives that are ...

Fasting in long days in countries like Denmark/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s Fatwa

Fasting in long days in countries like Denmark/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s Fatwa
Question: I live in Denmark, day is 20-21 hours and I am working, and I am not able to fast in these long days, what is the ruling about my fasting? And you can also travel for religious distance (22 kilometres) from the last houses of the town between Dawn’s Azan and before Noon’s Azan and break your fast there and return to your town and in this condition fasting is not Wajeb and must fast for it later on and it has no ...

Could you give some instructions for what remains of the life of a spinster who regrets being unjust to herself by turning down many earlier proposals?

Could you give some instructions for what remains of the life of a spinster who regrets being unjust to herself by turning down many earlier proposals?
Could you give some instructions for what remains of the life of a spinster who regrets being unjust to herself by turning down many earlier proposals?Question: I was an unveiled girl at the university. I fed on the worldly cultures until I became self-conceited and thus killed my chance for happiness. One young man after another would come asking for my hand, but I kept refusing, wishing for the knight of my dreams to come, but he never did, or ...

Does belching out what one has eaten invalidate the fast?

Does belching out what one has eaten invalidate the fast?
[1] Tawdihul-Masa’el (annotated by Imam Khomeini), vol. 1, pg. ...

Do such actions like forging pacts with active groups and tribes, organizing a strong army, dispatching ambassadors to different countries, warning kings and rulers and communicating with them, sending governors and rulers to cities and districts far and

Do such actions like forging pacts with active groups and tribes, organizing a strong army, dispatching ambassadors to different countries, warning kings and rulers and communicating with them, sending governors and rulers to cities and districts far and
Do such actions like forging pacts with active groups and tribes, organizing a strong army, dispatching ambassadors to different countries, warning kings and rulers and communicating with them, sending governors and rulers to cities and districts far and near, and the like have any other name than “politics” in the sense of managing and administering different aspects of society? In addition to the conduct of the Prophet (ṣ), the manner ...

A glance at the traditions-2

A glance at the traditions-2
4. Mālik ibn Anas thus narrates on the authority of Mu‘ādh ibn Jabal: – وسلّم [وآله] عليه الله صلى – الله رسول فكان . العِشاء و المغرب و العصر و الظّهر بين يجمع “The Messenger of Allah (ṣ) (on the Tabuk expedition) performed afternoon prayer immediately after noon prayer and ‘ishā’ prayer immediately after maghrib prayer.”[1] 5. Mālik ibn Anas thus narrates ...

What is shafā‘ah [intercession], which you believe in?

What is shafā‘ah [intercession], which you believe in?
What is shafā‘ah [intercession], which you believe in?                                                               Reply: Shafā‘ah [intercession] is one of the principles confirmed by Islam which has been acknowledged by all Muslim sects and schools of thought which abide by the Qur’an and Sunnah regardless of their different views about the outcome of shafā‘ah. ...

Is the belief that great divine people [awliyā’] have supernatural power tantamount to polytheism [shirk]?

Is the belief that great divine people [awliyā’] have supernatural power tantamount to polytheism [shirk]?
Is the belief that great divine people [awliyā’] have supernatural power tantamount to polytheism [shirk]?                                                               Reply: It is clear that when a person wants someone to do something for him or her, the former thinks that the latter is capable of doing it and this capability takes two forms: 1. This capability may be of ...

What is the importance and philosophy of mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s.)?

What is the importance and philosophy of mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s.)?
[1] - Maryam, 41[2] - Maryam, 56 and 57[3] - Sad (The Letter Sad), 41 - 43[4] - Wasa’elul-Shia, vol. 2, pg. 922.[5] - Wasa’elul-Shia, vol. 2, pg. 398.[6] - Amali (Saduq), pg. 142.[7] - Mafatihul-Jinan, Sheikh Abbas Qummi, the section on the rituals and supplications of Muharram.[8] - Biharul-Anwar, vol. 24, pg. 284.[9] - «من سره ان یکون علی موائد النور یوم القیامة، فلیکن من زوار ...