Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Holy Qur’an and Messianism (Mahdawiyyat)

The Holy Qur’an and Messianism (Mahdawiyyat)
QUESTION:Which verse of the Noble Qur’an can be cited regarding the authority (wilayat) of the twelve Imams (peace be upon them) and the just government of Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his return) and the supremacy of Islam over the world?ANSWER:The verses from whose purport it is understood that the twelve Imams—may Allah elevate their word—have authority and Imamah are many in number.Among them is the verse: إِنَّمَا ...

How Does Ashura Affect Me?

How Does Ashura Affect Me?
Shaikh al-Mufid quotes in his Kitab al-Irshad a letter which Imam Hussain would write to the people of Kufa prior to him accepting their invitation and embarking toward Kufa, he identifies and distinguishes his duties as an Imam. In the closing of that letter, Imam Hussain states, "If he (Muslim the son of Aqeel) writes to me that the opinion of your leaders and of the men of wisdom and merit among you is united in the same way as the messengers ...

Grand Ayatollah Makarem Answers a Request for Fatwa regarding a Movie

Grand Ayatollah Makarem Answers a Request for Fatwa regarding a Movie
One of the Arabic TV channels based in England has been fundraising, for a few months now, for the production of a feature film called ''Yawm al-Adhāb'' [i.e. The Day of Torment] and it has received millions of pounds from the Shias all over the world.   Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi,Greetings,As you are aware, one of the Arabic TV channels based in England has been fundraising, for a few months now, for the production of a feature film ...

Do the Shī‘ah regard witr prayer as obligatory?

Do the Shī‘ah regard witr prayer as obligatory?
Do the Shī‘ah regard witr prayer as obligatory?                                                               Reply: Witr prayer is part of the supererogatory night prayers and it is one of the recommended [mustaḥabb] works which the Muslims who follow the Messenger of Allah (ṣ) perform, but the Shī‘ah jurists [fuqahā] who rely on the Book of Allah and the Prophet’s ...

What is the importance and philosophy of mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s.)?

What is the importance and philosophy of mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s.)?
In order for us to understand the significance and philosophy of mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s.), it is necessary to take notice of the following points:        Detailed Answer    Paying attention to lofty virtues and traits of elect and dignified men and religious leaders:God, the Sublime, says in Chapter Maryam: "And mention Ibrahim in the Book; surely he was a truthful man, a prophet."[1] ...

Did the Ansar believe in the caliphate of Abu Bakr and is that why they did bey’ah with him?

Did the Ansar believe in the caliphate of Abu Bakr and is that why they did bey’ah with him?
The Ansar opposed Abu Bakr and did bey'ah with Sa'd bin Ubadah, and Ali sat in his home and wasn't with either group. Afterwards, all of the Ansar did bey'ah with Abu Bakr; the reason for their bey'ah can be one of the following:1- They were forced to do bey'ah2- It became clear to them that Abu Bakr was more deserving of the caliphate3- There was no particular reason for their bey'ah with himOther than these three reasons there can be no other ...

What will the world be like during Imam Mahdi’s rule?

What will the world be like during Imam Mahdi’s rule?
What will the world be like during Imam Mahdi’s rule? Quranic verses and traditions all show that during Imam Mahdi’s (rule) there will be great progress in every aspect of our lives. Our life, way of living and thinking will be revolutionized. Some of the events that will occur can be listed as: 1        Injustice and tyranny will be exterminated for good and there will be global peace. Regarding the verse: “And say: The truth ...

Is it true that the Sunni traditions which are in favor of Shia have been entered in their books by Shiites themselves?

Is it true that the Sunni traditions which are in favor of Shia have been entered in their books by Shiites themselves?
I heard some Wahhabis say that the Sunni traditions which are in favor of Shia have been entered in their books by Shiites themselves? If it is so, then all the references given from the Sunni books to confirm Shia's viewpoint become null and void. Please send me a detailed answer in this regard.Concise answer In order to get a clear answer to your question, you need to go through the following points: Firstly, it is good that you ask the ...

Why do we repeat “Subhan’allah” in prayers and emphasize on doing “hamd” along with it?

Why do we repeat “Subhan’allah” in prayers and emphasize on doing “hamd” along with it?
Firstly, I wish to know why we repeat "Subhan'allah" in prayers. We recite it more than 72 times a day and more interestingly we do hamd (praise) of Allah immediately thereafter. For instance, we say "subhanallah wal-hamdu lillah wa..." or "subhana rabbiyal azim wa behamdihi"? Secondly, what is meant by "Subhan'allah"? Why does God give so much importance to it?Concise answer Tasbhih or saying "Subhan'allah" in the time of prayer testifies ...

In Islam can we confess our sins to another person?

In Islam can we confess our sins to another person?
Why isn't there a specified person or people in Islam to confess to, as seen in Catholicism where Catholics confess to a father but no one actually knows who he is?Concise answer In the religion of Islam nobody has the permission to disclose their sins (small or big) and unveil their secrets to anybody. The reason why is, to begin with, man's honor and respect is so valued and significant he should only confess to his lord as a gesture of ...

Why do some people oppose mysticism and the mystics making reference to ahadith (traditions)?

Why do some people oppose mysticism and the mystics making reference to ahadith (traditions)?
Recently we see an overt propagation going on in some religious websites and weblogs against mysticism and the mystics. In these websites, prominent figures like Allamah Tabatabai, Hasan Zadeh Amuli, Mulla Sadra, Hafiz Shirazi and Rumi Balkhi are openly insulted and derogatory words are used against them. As they claim, they are using traditions and narrations in their websites to denounce the mystics. Kindly, guide me in this regard.Concise ...

The Miraculous Eloquence of The Qur'an

The Miraculous Eloquence of The Qur'an
The Miraculous Eloquence of The Qur'anQ: If the literary fluency and eloquence of the Qur'an is beyond explanation in terms of ordinary reality, that is so only for Arab speaking people (non-Arabs are far removed from the language). Why do Muslims claim that the Qur'an is a miracle for all o f mankind? A: The miraculous semblance of the Qur'an is not limited to its literary fluency and eloquence, rather the Qur'an is miraculous from every ...

Is it permissible to contract temporary marriage with a female who is not having her husband with her as he has been living abroad for about 5 years?

Is it permissible to contract temporary marriage with a female who is not having her husband with her as he has been living abroad for about 5 years?
 Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (may Allah grant him long life):Insofar as a woman is married to her husband – as in the given example – it is not permissible to marry her. In fact, if a woman has some differences with her husband who is not willing to divorce his wife and it is unbearable or extremely difficult for the woman to continue living with him in such a case she can turn to one of the representatives of a qualified ...

Can the Muslim man and woman be guardians for a disbelieving child? The Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s answer

Can the Muslim man and woman be guardians for a disbelieving child? The Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s answer

The Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi answered a question about the guardianship of disbelieving (Kafir) child by Muslims.

Question: Can the Muslim man and woman be guardians for a disbelieving child who is Najes (impure)?

The Grand Ayatollah Makarem: If the guardianship and education of the child are given to them, in Taharat (cleanliness) that child follows them.


What is the criterion for distinguishing monotheism or the Unity of God [tawḥīd] from polytheism [shirk]?

What is the criterion for distinguishing monotheism or the Unity of God [tawḥīd] from polytheism [shirk]?
What is the criterion for distinguishing monotheism or the Unity of God [tawḥīd] from polytheism [shirk]?                                                                 Reply: The most important issue in the study of monotheism [tawḥīd] and polytheism [shirk] is discerning what their criterion is, and if this issue is not decisively settled, part of the secondary issues ...

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (1)

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (1)
Question:Why did Imam Husain (a.s.) take his family with him to Karbala? He knew that their fate was death. Why did he not leave them and allow them to remain behind or stay in a safe place?Answer:The holy uprising of Imam Husain (a.s.) has two dimensions: 1. Martyrdom. 2. Accomplishing a Mission.The primary role of the women can be seen in the second dimension. Of course the women did have a role in upbringing and encouraging the warriors that ...

Are there any guidelines from the Ahlulbayt (as) suggesting any specific foods and diet for a child’s development apart from the mother’s milk?

Are there any guidelines from the Ahlulbayt (as) suggesting any specific foods and diet for a child’s development apart from the mother’s milk?
We have at our disposal in the English language many ahadith (traditions) on the best practices and foods including duas, for the conception of a child and the duration it spends in its mother's womb. But are there any ahadith that you can shed light on in regards to the best practices for the first 2-4 years of a child's development? Have the Ahlulbayt (as) suggested any specific foods and diet apart from the mother's milk? Have they provided ...

What is shafā‘ah [intercession], which you believe in?

What is shafā‘ah [intercession], which you believe in?
                                                              Reply: Shafā‘ah [intercession] is one of the principles confirmed by Islam which has been acknowledged by all Muslim sects and schools of thought which abide by the Qur’an and Sunnah regardless of their different views about the outcome of shafā‘ah. Shafā‘ah means that an honorable person who enjoys special ...

The Harmful effects of Pork on the Health of a person

The Harmful effects of Pork on the Health of a person
Question: What is the harm in eating pork, that Islam has prohibited it, whereas Christians consume it with delight?Answer: The present age has realized that pork has many unimaginable dangerous effects. One who eats pork is affected in a dangerous way. It is also bad from the ethical point of view, which comes into existence with the Hormones, and also many more health matters. Here we will point to one harm, a disease called Trichinosis; whose ...

What is meant by this saying of Imam Ali, "Do you suppose that you are only a small body, while the macrocosm is placed within you?"

What is meant by this saying of Imam Ali, "Do you suppose that you are only a small body, while the macrocosm is placed within you?"