Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Is man superior to all other creatures in the universe? Is it possible that another creature more superior to man might exist in the universe?

Is man superior to all other creatures in the universe? Is it possible that another creature more superior to man might exist in the universe?

Denying illness at pre-marriage ceremony and the right of dissolving Nikah/the Grand Ayatollah Shahroodi’s answers

Denying illness at pre-marriage ceremony and the right of dissolving Nikah/the Grand Ayatollah Shahroodi’s answers
Question: The woman and her family ask the man and his family if he has an illness or not. They reply that he is healthy and has no illness. After marriage and especially when the woman is pregnant, it becomes clear in tests that the man had hepatitis or jaundice and has transferred it to the woman and the family of the man knew about it. The Grand Ayatollah Shahroodi: It became clear from the previous ...

What day of the lunar month the Garden of Fadak was given to Fatima Zahra (SA) by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

 What day of the lunar month the Garden of Fadak was given to Fatima Zahra (SA) by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
With a thorough search in historical and narrative sources the exact day in which the holy prophet gave the Fadak Garden to Hazrat Zahra was not fund. As we have some other historical events of the same that their exact day or date is not recorded and this doesn’t prove their invalidity and nonexistence. What has been mentioned in the narrative sources are as follow: After the revelation of the holy verse; and pay the right of your ...

Do the Shī‘ah think that Jibra’īl (Archangel Gabriel) has committed treachery when he conveyed the message [risālah] to Muhammad instead of ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib?

Do the Shī‘ah think that Jibra’īl (Archangel Gabriel) has committed treachery when he conveyed the message [risālah] to Muhammad instead of ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib?
Do the Shī‘ah think that Jibra’īl (Archangel Gabriel) has committed treachery when he conveyed the message [risālah] to Muhammad instead of ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib?                                                               Reply: Before proving the groundlessness of this loathsome accusation made against the Shī‘ah by some ignorant or spiteful people, it is ...

Did angels and jinns come to the help of Imam Hussein in Karbala? Why didn’t the Imam accept their offer?

Did angels and jinns come to the help of Imam Hussein in Karbala? Why didn’t the Imam accept their offer?
I have heard from a scholar that a number of angels and jinns came to Karbala to help Imam Hussein (A.S.), but he refused to accept their offer. Is it true that they came and offered their help (before the Imam had entered the battlefield)? Does this story have any confirmation in our sources ? 2. If such a thing is true, please explain why Imam Hussein refused to accept their help? Some of our hadith sources contain hadiths narrated from the ...

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (7)

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (7)

Self-Awareness and Reality of Faith

Self-Awareness and Reality of Faith
After we saw some of the attributes that cause the degradation of human status, now let us proceed to observe the virtues that ensure the perfection of human development and are the cause of human maturity and perfection. But before beginning this discussion we invite your attention to two essential introductions.A – Necessity of Self-awarenessFor a creature that naturally loves itself, it is absolutely instinctive to try to know its abilities ...

I want to make sure that all my deeds are performed according to Islamic laws. The obsession has affected my ordinary life. I need you advice.

I want to make sure that all my deeds are performed according to Islamic laws. The obsession has affected my ordinary life. I need you advice.

Taking photograph without Hijab for applying for visa/the Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s answers

Taking photograph without Hijab for applying for visa/the Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s answers
The Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi answered questions about taking photograph without Hijab for the purpose of applying for visa. Question: If a family intends to apply for visa of USA and according to suggestion by those connected to the US embassy that the process will be faster or visa is assured if the photos of the wife and daughters are taken and presented to the embassy without Hijab; even for once, and for one case, is this religiously ...

Can children disown their own parents? The Grand Ayatollah Rouhani’s answer

Can children disown their own parents? The Grand Ayatollah Rouhani’s answer

The Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Sadeq Rouhani answered a question about children disowning their own parents.

Question: Can children disown their own parents, are there any especial cases?

The Grand Ayatollah Rouhani: No, they cannot disown.

The allowed limit of the profit for selling goods/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenie’s answer

The allowed limit of the profit for selling goods/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenie’s answer
Question: How much profit is allowed for selling goods? Source: PERSIAN ...

What is the correct explanation of ‘burhan al-siddiqin’ (proof of the veracious)?

What is the correct explanation of ‘burhan al-siddiqin’ (proof of the veracious)?

If mother forces the child to break the fast at the time of fasting/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer

If mother forces the child to break the fast at the time of fasting/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer

The Grand Ayatollah Khamenei answered a question about parents forcing their children to break their fast.

Question: If I am fasting and my mother forces me to eat or drink, is my fast void (Baatel)?

The Grand Ayatollah Khamenei: Eating and drinking make fasting void (Baatel) even if it is due to the request and persistence of another person.

Could you provide me with the complete sermon of the Holy Prophet (s) at Ghadir Khum?

Could you provide me with the complete sermon of the Holy Prophet (s) at Ghadir Khum?
Glorification of God Allah is the Creator of everything; He dominates with His power the earth and the heavens. Holy, He is, and Praised, the Lord of the angels and of the spirits. His favours overwhelm whatever He creates, and He is the Mighty over whatever He initiates. He observes all eyes while no eye can observe Him. He is Generous, Clement, Patient. His mercy encompasses everything, and so is His giving. He never rushes His revenge, nor ...

Please explain the main purpose one should seek in marriage, and mention the characteristics and specifications of a spouse who could bring us to this goal.

Please explain the main purpose one should seek in marriage, and mention the characteristics and specifications of a spouse who could bring us to this goal.
The question you asked regarding the purpose of marriage and the characteristics of a spouse who could help one achieve this purpose, is an important issue that requires an elaborate and ample discussion. Certainly in this process having knowledge about the person's characteristics, morale, family situation, and much more can be very effective; however these aspects do not fit the scope of these pages. Upon studying this important and vital ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: how to gain the divine Paradise

Professor Hussein Ansarian: how to gain the divine Paradise
Paradise is the result and product of the deeds and actions of the believing people which they themselves acquired it; but the divine paradise is a position which is granted to chaste and virtuous people like the master of the martyrs, Imam Hussein (peace be upon him). If someone gains such position, he has, in fact, gained the ultimate victory. For ordinary people, gaining the divine paradise is only fulfilled through following the Holy Quran ...

Please define and explain vicious circle (daur) and infinite regression of causes (tasalsul)?

Please define and explain vicious circle (daur) and infinite regression of causes (tasalsul)?
Please tell me what is circle and infinite regression of causes?Concise answerA vicious circle is a situation in which an attempt to resolve one problem creates new problems that lead back to the original situation. It is also a fallacy in reasoning in which the premise is used to prove the conclusion, and the conclusion used to prove the premise For example, “A” depends on “B” and “B” depends on ...

Condition women must consider when consulting a male doctor/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer

Condition women must consider when consulting a male doctor/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answer
Question: Are women allowed to consult a male doctor who is specialist in female illnesses when his expertise is higher than female doctors or it is difficult to consult a female ...

The Need to Cultivate Ethics

The Need to Cultivate Ethics
Husayn ibn Ali ibn Sadiq Al-Bahrani Be informed, may Allah assist you, that the Prophet (‘s) has said: ‘I was sent (to mankind) in order to perfect the virtues of ethics’ (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 68, p. 382). There is no confusion in this statement, for anything relevant to the Hereafter and to our sustenance cannot be in order, nor can its seeker be happy, except through good manners. Much of a good deed does not help without cultivating ...

Eternity of Moral Values

Eternity of Moral Values