Thursday 4th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hezbollah Leader 'Sayyed Nasrallah': Saudi Wants Sedition in Lebanon, Yemenis Most Oppressed People

Hezbollah Leader 'Sayyed Nasrallah': Saudi Wants Sedition in Lebanon, Yemenis Most Oppressed People
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a televised speech on Tuesday in which he tackled the latest developments specifically after the Saudi escalation and threats against Lebanon.His eminence pointed out that "since Saudi announced about halting the supposed donation to the Army, a wide political and media campaign in Lebanon and the region took off, and there was clear escalation in stances by Saudi, some Gulf states, ...

Protests & Clashes in Bahrain Renewed as Uprising's Fifth Anniv. Nears

Protests & Clashes in Bahrain Renewed as Uprising's Fifth Anniv. Nears
As the Bahraini uprising's fifth anniversary approaches, thousands of Bahrainis took to the streets on Friday (February 5, 2016) in different villages across Bahrain expressing their adherence to the demands made on February 14, 2011.Protestors held photos of detained Sheikh Ali Salman, Secretary-General of Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, and marched through the streets following Friday's prayers in Al-Diraz, chanting "holding back is ...

Countering terrorist groups duty upon all humans

Countering terrorist groups duty upon all humans
"Human all have a telling role to play in countering extremism," stressed hia Source of Emulation Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi-Golpaygani urging Muslims and non-Muslims to stand united against extremist groups. Making his remarks in religious course held in holy Qom Seminary, the religious cleric demanded Muslims not to bow out of their responsibilities of sorting out the current setbacks encouraging them to collaborate for solving the ...

Member of Assembly of Experts: 'human rights' main concern of Islam

Member of Assembly of Experts: 'human rights' main concern of Islam
Member of the Assembly of Experts of Iran, Sheikh Hashem Hashemzadeh Herisi said on Thursday that Islam attaches great importance to the issue of human rights.Herisi made the remarks in a ceremony held in in this northwestern Iranian provincial capital city to commemorate the Islamic Human Rights and Human Dignity Day in Tehran (August 3).He also underscored that the issue of human rights is more powerful and beyond what is called human rights ...

Intl. Peace Day: New York 'Who is Hussain?' team spread message of Peace, Love, Humanity by handing roses to public

Intl. Peace Day: New York 'Who is Hussain?' team spread message of Peace, Love, Humanity by handing roses to public

In honor of International Peace Day on September 21, 2016 , "Who is Hussain?" New York City team passed out roses to the general public on the busy streets of Midtown Manhattan. The WiH volunteers inspired by Hussain ibn Ali to spread the message of Peace Love and Humanity.

More than one-third of Danish Muslims want Qur'an-based laws

More than one-third of Danish Muslims want Qur'an-based laws
Nearly 4 out of 10 Danish Muslims think that Denmark’s laws should be at least partly based on the Qur’an, according to a recent survey. In a poll conducted by Wilke for Jyllands-Posten, 11.3 percent of Danish Muslims said that the Qur’an should serve as the sole basis for Denmark’s laws, while another 26.5 percent said that the nation’s laws should be built upon a mixture of the Qur’an teachings and the ...

Two Views Concerning the Pleasures of This World

Two Views Concerning the Pleasures of This World
Man can construct a solid barrier against the danger of the dissolution of his inward personality only when he attains religious belief and certainty, the conviction that our sorrows and joys do not go to waste, that we are not advancing to annihilation, but are rather moving towards Him. In other words, our residence in this abode of clay is temporary, lasting only until the appointed day when the summons of resurrection arouses us from our ...

Bahrain authorities summon Shia scholar 'Sayyed Yassine al-Mosawi'

Bahrain authorities summon Shia scholar 'Sayyed Yassine al-Mosawi'
- Bahraini activists said that the security authorities summoned cleric Sayyed Yassine al-Mosawi, who received a notice to appear before Budai police station on Sunday (July 24, 2016).It is to mention that Al-Mosawi resides in Diraz. A number of citizens residing in Diraz were summoned and arrested. Activists said that the Bahraini authorities arrested 6 citizens residing in Diraz a day after it arrested another 9 for attempting to perform ...

Ibn Sina: The Renowned Philosopher And Physician Of The East

Ibn Sina: The Renowned Philosopher And Physician Of The East
Among the greatest intellectuals of Islam is the name of Abu Ali Husain ibn Abdullah ibn Sina, the well-known philosopher. Abu Sina is called “Bu Ali Sina” and “the chief Shaykh”. This great personality was a national of Bukhara, which at that time was a part of the Iranian kingdom. His father had come from Balkh but they had settled down in Bukhara.Not only this intellectual is the matter of pride for the Islamic world and the people of ...

Islamist Orange Employee Provided French Terror Group With Potential Hit List

Islamist Orange Employee Provided French Terror Group With Potential Hit List
An Islamist Orange employee provided a terrorist group in France with a list of names, addresses and cellular and landline telephone numbers of personalities, including prominent French politicians such as Nicolas Sarkozy and Roselyne Bachelot, French Newspaper Le Figaro reported on Monday.The revelation that the Orange employee dubbed “Dawoud” provided the leader of Forsane Alizza with the list of potential targets came as members ...

Anti-fascism groups in Italy hold vigil after Rome arson attack

Anti-fascism groups in Italy hold vigil after Rome arson attack
The vigil was held by laying flowers in the Centocelle district of Rome on Wednesday after three sisters from the Roma community, including two children and a young woman, lost their lives in a fire in their camper van. The victims, aged four, eight, and 20, were sleeping with their parents and eight other siblings when their van went up in flames. Other family members reportedly managed to escape the blaze. Investigators launched a homicide ...

Muslim College Life; Dating, Drinking and Deen

Muslim College Life; Dating, Drinking and Deen
by Huma Ahmad      Freedom. Young people live for the day when they can move out of the house and go to college and finally be free.       Freedom from their parents, from restrictions on their lifestyle, from everyone telling them what to do. This is why in       college you find a whole generation that does what they want. Life's short they say, let's enjoy ourselves while we can.      So it goes for Muslims. In ...

Islamic Counselling & Psychotherapy Trends in Theory Development

Islamic Counselling & Psychotherapy Trends in Theory Development
Islamic counselling and psychotherapy is a discipline that is vaguely defined. Information that is available on this topic is often limited in quantity and perspective to form the theoretical basis necessary to constitute a model of intervention for Islamic Counselling. Indeed in discussions with social service practitioners this lack of a coherent Islamic counselling methodology is frequently expressed.It is not unusual to find that counselling ...

The Modest Covering and Woman 

The Modest Covering and Woman 
Veiling, or covering woman\'s beauty and protecting her from the evil eyes of the rude, lustfully corrupt and satanic men is a Quranic decree, a holy law, human duty and a moral affair. Islamic veiling, whose best form, is the long veil or chador being a reminder of that spring of chasteness Fatimah Zahra (Pbuh). The veil is not a block to acquiring knowledge and perfection for a woman. Rather, the veil protects her from many dangers and traps ...

Fresh fears over UK links to Bahrain’s ‘torture prisons’

Fresh fears over UK links to Bahrain’s ‘torture prisons’
The visit is fresh evidence of the growing and often secret relationship between security officials in the two countries that has developed despite repeated allegations of torture in Bahraini detention centers. On Friday, it emerged that a controversial multimillion-pound program of support for Bahrain’s security and justice system was being bolstered by a further £2m of British funding, despite the Persian Gulf state reversing ...

Hezbollah backs Syria ceasefire agreement

Hezbollah backs Syria ceasefire agreement
- Hezbollah resistance movement voiced support for a ceasefire plan announced by Russia and the United States, which will put a week-long end to fighting in Syria’s embattled city of Aleppo. Hezbollah’s media arm, known as the Military Media, said on Saturday that the “allies of Syria” abide by whatever decision that the Damascus government makes. The resistance movement, which has been engaged in anti-terror ...

British Women Embracing

British Women Embracing
By: Richard Peppiatt Record numbers of young, white British women are converting to Islam, yet many are reporting a lack of help as they get used to their new religion, according to several surveys. As Muslims celebrate the start of the religious holiday of Eid today and hundreds of thousands from around the world converge on Mecca for the haj, it emerged that of the 5,200 Britons who converted to Islam last year, more than half are white and ...

US, Australian hostages appear in Afghan Taliban video

US, Australian hostages appear in Afghan Taliban video
An American and an Australian have appeared in a Taliban hostage video, five months after they were kidnapped from ...

Marital Relationships in the Major Religions

Marital Relationships in the Major Religions
Marital Relationships in the Major Religions Allah says in the Qur'an in prohibition of adultery: Verily it is a vulgarity and a vileness and an evil path to follow'. 20The use of the expression vulgarity, together with the particular past tense verb in Arabic (Kaana) gives the command an eternal and static quality with reference to God's abstraction from time and the singularity of his law in creation, a notion which is not confined solely to ...

Hajj (Pilgrimage To Mecca)

Hajj (Pilgrimage To Mecca)
Every Muslim who has attained puberty and has sufficient means not only to undertake a journey to Mecca but also for the subsistence of his dependants during his absence, must once in his life time perform pilgrimage. Kaaba is the edifice which was presented to God as a gift by His Prophets Abraham and Ishmael. The rites for the pilgrimage begin on the 8th of the eleventh month and culminate into the Idd of Sacrifice on the 10th. (II:158, ...