Thursday 4th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Zaria blood Birth: Why members of Islamic Movement in Nigeria are still in concealment under custody of State Security Service?

Zaria blood Birth: Why members of Islamic Movement in Nigeria are still in concealment under custody of State Security Service?
The fundamental rights of every citizen in Nigeria as stipulated in section 4 of the 1999 amended constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, has given every citizen the liberty to live and to belong to any religious doctrine of his choice, base on his conceptual understanding.The injunction of this liberty could not be violated or seized by any individual, entity, or authority, as also stipulated in section 33 of the 1999 constitution, ...

Top Kashmiri Shia leader condemns detention of Gilani, Shabbir

Top Kashmiri Shia leader condemns detention of Gilani, Shabbir
In occupied Kashmir, senior Shiite cleric and leader of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi, has strongly denounced the continued house arrest of the APHC Chairman, Syed Ali Gilani, and illegal detention of the APHC General Secretary, Shabbir Ahmed Shah.Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi in a statement issued in Srinagar termed imposition of ban on the political activities of the Hurriyet leaders as frustration ...

Islamic Conception of Knowledge

Islamic Conception of Knowledge
One of the distinctive features of Islam is its emphasis on knowledge. The Quran and the Islamic tradition (sunnah) invite Muslims to seek and acquire knowledge and wisdom and to hold men of knowledge in high esteem.In the Holy Quran the word al-Ilm, knowledge, and its derivatives are used more than 780 times. The first few verses that were revealed to our Holy Prophet (S.A.W) mention the importance of reading, pen, and teaching for human ...

Saudi Forces Martyred a Bahraini Shiite in Awamiyah

Saudi Forces Martyred a Bahraini Shiite in Awamiyah
- Security forces in Saudi Arabia raided the town of Awamiyah in the country's eastern Qatif region on Tuesday and shot martyred a Bahraini Shia man and injured 26 others.The interior ministry identified the man as Ali Mahmoud Ali Abdullah and said an operation to arrest him took place in Awamiya town at 4:00 pm (1300 GMT).The interior ministry spokesman claimed that when officers raided a farm in Awamiyah the suspect "opened fire and the ...

What needed to do in choosing a spouse in Islamic viewpoint

What needed to do in choosing a spouse in Islamic viewpoint
How to Choose a Spouse   Marriage is my tradition, and whoever does not long for my tradition is not of my nation. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.220] The Evil-Doer is Deprived of God's Mercy In a very important tradition by the noble Prophet of Islam it is stated in Arabic "Al-Naqess Melown" which means "The evil-doer is denied God's Mercy." Undoubtedly, the Arabic term "Naqess" in this tradition does not carry its usual meaning. It does not ...

Essential Needs of a Family

Essential Needs of a Family
Essential Needs of a Family Condemning Stinginess In Material NeedsThe first need which both the husband and wife have to take care of is the material needs of each other. The husband must make all possible efforts to provide material comforts to his family, but if he is miserly not only does he fail to fulfil that which is obligatory on him but also becomes the target of those verses of the Holy Quran which condemn miserliness. The Holy Book ...

Imam Khomeini: The founding father of Hezbollah

Imam Khomeini: The founding father of Hezbollah
With its struggle against oppression and arrogant powers, the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran provided support for the underprivileged groups and defended their rights against the oppressors and the aggressors which led to Iran’s unwavering support of Hezbollah in Lebanon and the sacred cause of Palestine in their fight against the ravenousness of the Zionist entity. The Islamic Revolution in Iran achieved its victory at a time ...

The Philosophy of Maintenance in Islam

The Philosophy of Maintenance in Islam
ISLAM, more than 1400 years back introduced laws which showed to be far advanced when compared with the societies 14 centuries ago, and some of these laws concern the Rights of the Family.Annual statistics reveal the difficulties arising from thousands of births of children born every year without anybody to look after them, thousands of unmarried women becoming pregnant, and thousands of teenagers and adolescents committing suicide.In Islam, ...

Bahrain’s scholars: Manama’s crimes will never be forgotten

Bahrain’s scholars: Manama’s crimes will never be forgotten
Bahrain’s religious scholars or the Ulama called for those behind last year’s bloody raid on Diraz to be ...

Exanimates have couples

Exanimates have couples
Considering The Principle of Marriage in the Cosmos, we come to intersting conclusions that are informed in the Holy Quran in advance. As an example  the honorable verse in Zaryat Surah makes the case clear “ And of everything We have created pairs: That ye may receive instruction.[Holy Quran: Zariyat”. The text to be followed is a part of the book “  The Islamic Family Structure” by Hossein Ansaryan that elaborates on the importance ...

About 5,700 Rohingya Muslims residing in Jammu and Kashmir

About 5,700 Rohingya Muslims residing in Jammu and Kashmir
As many as 5,700 Rohingya Muslims and 322 other foreigners are presently living in Jammu and Samba districts of the state, Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti on Friday said. They have entered the state on their own and are staying at various places in the two districts, she said in a written reply to the question of BJP MLA Sat Pal Sharma in ...

Imam Reza's Social Behaviour

Imam Reza's Social Behaviour
Ibrahim bin Abbas, who was one of the high-ranking officials of the Abbasid caliphate, has left the following eyewitness account of Imam Reza's(A.S.) impeccable character.- His Holiness never irritated others by verbal or practical teasing.- His Holiness did not interrupt others' speeches.- The Holy Imam (A.S.) never refused the demands of others.- I never witnessed him to have his legs stretched out before the others.- And I could never find ...

Types of Responsibilities

Types of Responsibilities
In the speech that I had given in this same venue under the topic of “Amr bil Maruf wa Nahi Anil Munkar” (commanding to that which is right and forbidding from that which is evil), I alluded to a point which I will repeat here and that is: our religious responsibilities are of two types - some responsibilities are related to our performance of a task which takes shape in one particular form and shape. All of the particular aspects of the ...

The Concept of Seven Heavens

The Concept of Seven Heavens
What is the purpose of the Qur’an in pointing towards 'seven heavens'?Answer: Islamic scholars and commentators have narrated some clarifications regarding 'seven heavens' (towards which indication are made in the Holy Qur’an also).1. Here, seven is meant to be multiplication (to be more). It means that He has created many heavens, i.e. He has created a number of times. And mostly it so happens that in Arabic, Persian, Urdu or other ...

Marriage in life as vital as life itself

Marriage in life as vital as life itself
The importance of a good marriage in the course of life for a muslim is as vital as the life in such a manner that both Quran verses and instructions of traditions undeline its necessity and quality. In the present Article adopted from “ The structure of Islamic Family” by Hossein Ansaryan the quality and needfulness of marriage is analysed and exemplified.   Coupling, copulation and reproduction in the world of inanimate objects, plants ...

The Interior Life in Islam

The Interior Life in Islam
 "O thou soul which are at peace, return unto thy Lord, with gladness that is thine in Him and His in thee. Enter thou among My slaves. Enter thou My Paradise." (Quran - LXXXIX; 27-30 (trans. by M. Lings.)  The function of religion is to bestow order upon human life and to establish an "outward" harmony upon whose basis man can return inwardly to his Origin by means of the journey toward the "interior" direction. This ...

The inner nature of all couples

The inner nature of all couples
Allah (God) wisely and fairly willed to create pairs of everything in the firmly-founded and extensive order of Creation. In the expansive scene of Creation the pairing of everything is an absolute truth with no exception. Even before man came to know this fact through his knowledge and perform scientific research on it, the Glorious Quran had made this truth known in numerous verses, including verse 49 of the Blessed Surah (Chapter) entitled ...

Nigeria suffering worst humanitarian crisis in world amid war with Boko Haram: UNICEF

Nigeria suffering worst humanitarian crisis in world amid war with Boko Haram: UNICEF
 - In its short, seven-year insurgency, Boko Haram has emerged as one of the most ruthless and deadly radical militant groups on the planet. But the 20,000 people killed in the recent clashes in northeastern Nigeria could be dwarfed by the number of children facing death through malnutrition in areas affected by the fighting, the UN has warned. Nowhere else in the world is suffering a humanitarian crisis on the same scale, according ...

Duties of a True Muslim

Duties of a True Muslim
Verily, the Almighty Allah has sent a Book for your guidance. It is a Book which clearly defines, describes and distinguishes between right and wrong, vice and virtue, and truth and falsehood. You should adopt the path of truth and virtue so that you may be guided, and should shun vice and wickedness so that you may achieve salvation. Find out your social, moral and religious obligations and perform your duties sincerely; sincere performance of ...

Importance of Early Marriage in Islam

Importance of Early Marriage in Islam
A Social, Cultural, Educational & Religious E-Forum Under the Facilitation of the World Federation of KSI Muslim Communities Issue No. 07-06, May 26, 2006 / Rabi' al Thaani 27, 1427 AHThe institution of marriage has been given tremendous importance in Islam. Generally, in the terms of jurisprudence it is highly recommended, but in many cases due to extraordinary circumstances, it becomes obligatory and a religious duty. For instance, ...