Friday 19th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Message Of Hejab From A Muslim Woman 2

Message Of Hejab From A Muslim Woman 2
Of course, your hejab shall then become an Islamic hejab, and you shall adopt it only when you have recognized the true Islam and have linked your very being with it and its ideals. As you proceed with all these heights, your hejab shall comprehend all these dimensions and shall incorporate them in itself. In other words, it shall assume the position of Islam personified. Now, you, a Muslim woman, with your hejab, which has risen to the position ...

Who are Wahabis?

Who are Wahabis?
Wahhabism is a movement of Islam named after Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab (1703–1792). It has become an object of increased interest because it is the major sect of the government and society of Saudi Arabia. Some will claim that Wahabis are the most extreme of Muslims (also known as Salafism). Wahhabis differentiate themselves from orthodox Sunnis by labeling themselves Salafis, which refers to the word salaf – the time period in ...

The importance of visiting relatives in various sources

The importance of visiting relatives in various sources
Observing the Relations of the Womb   Those who join together those things which God hath commanded to be joined.[Holy Quran: Ra'd: 13:21] The Quran and Visiting Relatives Visiting relatives is one of the very good deeds that the Prophet, and the Imams have much insisted on. Mulla Husayn Fayz, who was a great philosopher, mystic and scholar spent his life with the Glorious Quran and Prophetic traditions. He considered visiting the relatives ...

Enemies seek to spread corruption to defeat Muslims

Enemies seek to spread corruption to defeat Muslims
n a meeting with martyrs’ organizations, Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi emphasized on the need to strengthen the culture of jihad and martyrdom in society and warned against the enemies’ plots to promote moral corruption and social ills in society. In a meeting with children of martyrs from the Iran-Iraq War and the administrators of organizations which assist them, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi said that the children of the ...

Yemeni Nationals Stage Anti-Saudi Protest in Geneva

Yemeni Nationals Stage Anti-Saudi Protest in Geneva
Dozens of Yemeni expatriates living in European countries held a rally in front of the United Nations headquarters in the Swiss city of Geneva to voice their outrage over the continued Saudi airstrikes on Yemen. During the large gathering held on Sunday, the demonstrators chanted anti-Riyadh slogans and condemned the Saudi siege on Yemen, which has prevented the delivery of humanitarian aid to the war-hit people of the Arab country. The ...

The Household and Home

The Household and Home
In addition to positive worldly gains, marriage and maintaining a spouse and attending to the children have serious spiritual benefits. Working and striving to provide sustenance for the wife and children are considered to be a wonderful form of worship being equal to engaging in war in the way of God. The following has been narrated from the Immaculate Imams: One who works really hard to provide for his family's sustenance from what is lawful ...

The Coming of the Universe into Existence

The Coming of the Universe into Existence
Until the mid-20th century, the prevalent view across the world was that the universe was infinite, had existed forever and that it will continue to do so for all time. According to this view, known as the "static universe model," the universe had no end or beginning.In maintaining that the universe is a collection of fixed, static and unchanging substances, this view has constituted the basis of materialist philosophy and has consequently ...


THE FATHER'S PERMISSION   The question, which needs examination from the point of view of the authority exercised by fathers over their daughters, is whether the father's consent is essential in the case of a maiden's first marriage.  From the Islamic point of view certain things are indisputable.  The boy and the girl both are economically independent. Every sane adult is entitled to have full control of his or her property, provided ...

Training-Through Deeds, Not Just Talk (Part 1)

Training-Through Deeds, Not Just Talk (Part 1)
Most parents think that oral instructions and occasional talk about dos and don'ts is sufficient for good upbringing of children. They presume that the upbringing of the child is thus taken care of and they do not have to do anything about the upbringing of the child concerning other walks of life. This is why such parents do not feel any need to think of the upbringing till the child is a tiny tot. They say that the child is still a babe and is ...

ISIS gives Yazidi women to its elements for free

ISIS gives Yazidi women to its elements for free
On Wednesday, Yazidi activist in the field of human rights, Risala Shirkan, announced that ISIS sells Yazidi women in the slave markets in exchange for one dollar, noting that the organization gave Yazidi girls to its elements for free on the occasion of the feast. Shirkan said in a press statement: “The organization ISIS has three slave markets for the sale of Yazidi women in the cities of Fallujah, Mosul and the Syrian city of ...

Saudi King Hospitalized for Dementia

Saudi King Hospitalized for Dementia
nformed sources told Arabic-language al-Ahd news agency that King Salman is now in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) section of King Faisal Specialist Hospital in the Saudi capital. The sources also said that given the Saudi king's unstable and aggravating health conditions, officials have ceased plans to transfer him to US hospitals. King Salman, 80, is thought to have Alzheimer’s or dementia and the government is practically administered by ...

The Best of People

The Best of People
By: Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi The Prophet Muhammad (S) said, “O' ‘Ali! If a person meets Allah with three traits, he will be considered as being from the greatest of people: the person who comes to Allah with that which He has made obligatory upon him will be of the most worshipping of people; the person who kept away from the prohibited of Allah will be of the most safeguarded of people; the person who is content with that which Allah ...


It is reported from authentic Sources that Imam-e-Asr (A.S.) wrote to his Shias to recite this Dua in this month, as angels listen to this Dua recited in this month and seek forgiveness for the reciter. This Excellent Dua is as under:اَللّـهُمَّ اِنّي اَفْتَتِحُ الثَّناءَ بِحَمْدِكَ، وَاَنْتَ مُسَدِّدٌ لِلصَّوابِ بِمَّنِكَ، وَاَيْقَنْتُ اَنَّكَ ...

Searching for scientific facts in the Qur'an

Searching for scientific facts in the Qur'an
    Islamization of knowledge or a new form of scientism?IntroductionSome of the key events in recent Muslim history have been linked to imperialism. The abolition of Western colonialism resulted in varying degrees of political freedom for the Muslim world. In addition to the political freedom gained by the fall of direct imperialism, however, Muslim scholars have also been striving to gain intellectual freedom. This endeavor has ...


THE FRUIT OF RELIGIOUSNESS   This quality and virtue has many other fruits. That is to say, religiousness is like a root or origin, which has many branches and fruits.   (a) Piety: A religious person is positively pious; and if he is not, then he is not religious one.   (b) Veil: The veil is from the fruits of the 'tree of religiousness'. The Hijab (veil) is not only specified for women and girl, boys and men too must wear a ...

My Hijab Symbolizes Britishness and Beauty"

My Hijab Symbolizes Britishness and Beauty"
    CAIRO – Soha Sheikh, a young Muslim Londoner, says no contraction between being British and wearing hijab, an obligatory dress code in Islam.Sheikh"If you removed these distinctions, it would not be Britain," said Sheikh."I think the headscarf is the epitome of Britishness," the 25-year-old library assistant who holds a degree in media studies told The Independent on Wednesday, January 13.Sheikh, who has been wearing ...

ISIS is seeking to recruit Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar

ISIS is seeking to recruit Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar
Experts warned of the possibility of ISIS to recruit fighters from Rohingya Muslims, who are fleeing from Myanmar in an expansive step for the organization in Asia. Nearly 100,000 of Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing from Myanmar region due to ethnic persecution over the past years, which raise fears that ISIS will go to the recruitment of these elements, especially if they were from asylum seekers in Malaysia and Indonesia. About 700 ...

Amerikaner wollen über Islam lernen

Amerikaner wollen über Islam lernen
Wie die Ahlul Bayt News Agency ABNA berichtet, hat Hamid Reza Toloue in einem Interview beim Internationalen Koranwettbewerb erklärt, dass Amerikaner ihr Interesse an Islam und Muslimen unter Beweis gestellt haben. Er lud Muslime dazu ein am Dialog teilzunehmen und der einzige Weg sei den Weg zu gehen."Amerikaner sind forsch und wollen wissen was für eine Religion ich praktiziere. Wenn ich ihnen erkläre dass ich Muslim bin und der ...

Bahrainis protest against the detention of Sheikh Ali Salman

Bahrainis protest against the detention of Sheikh Ali Salman
People in Bahrain have once again held demonstrations against the imprisonment of the country’s prominent opposition figure Sheikh Ali Salman. Protesters rallied in Bahrain’s villages of Abu Seiba’a and Diraz, located in the country’s northern region, on Wednesday. The demonstrations took place a day after a Bahraini court adjourned Salman’s fifth hearing to June 16. Reports indicate that the court session was ...

Sin: Reality, effect on Soul and Psyche

Sin: Reality, effect on Soul and Psyche
Sin: Reality, effect on Soul and Psyche   Question: What is the reality of sin and how does it affect the soul and psyche of the human being?     Brief Answer   The above question must be answered in four parts.   The Reality of Sin   Sin, which in ‘Arabic is referred to as ithm and ‘isyan, means to disobey the order of the Master and to slip in complying with His wishes. The sinful individual, in lieu of following the ...